Top researchers as editors: All appointed members of our editorial boards are selected among the best researchers in their areas of expertise.
Indexing and Abstracting: CHTA is indexed in a number of major international digital archives and repositories, such as SCOPUS, DOAJ, TR Index, MIAR, CNKI, Gale, EBSCO, J-Gate.
Open access: CHTA' open access policy ensures high visibility and maximum exposure of your work - anyone can read your articles, without paying any access or subscription costs.
Article impact: Published articles are highly cited by quality journals (SCOPUS, Google Scholar).
Fast review: The manuscripts are evaluated by two reviewers and by the anonymous expert member of the Editorial Board, usually within 12-24 weeks.
Rapid publication: All accepted articles are published in approximately 1-2 weeks, and volume, issue, page and DOI numbers are given.
Double-blind review: This journal uses double-blind review, which means that throughout the review process, both the reviewer and author identities are kept a secret from the reviewers, and vice versa.
Plagiarism check: iThenticate software is used to scan submitted publications for plagiarism.
Article promotion: Articles are widely promoted through email alerts and, when appropriate, press releases, further increasing the accessibility and spreading of every research work.
Chaos Theory and Applications in Applied Sciences and Engineering: An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science
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