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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 91 - 115, 30.12.2023


In the centuries following the conquest of al-Andalus by Muslims in 711, this geography was home to the beliefs of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism for eight centuries. In the few centuries following the conquest, Muslims constituted the overwhelming majority of Andalusian society as a result of intense Islamization among Christians. With the adoption of Islam by large masses in Europe for the first time, some Christians in the Iberian Peninsula began to see this religion as a clear threat to Christianity. The anti-Islamic discourse that began with Alvaro of Cordoba (d. 861), who harshly criticized the influence of Islamic culture on Christians in al-Andalus, was continued in a more systematic manner in the Iberian Peninsula in the following centuries by Christians such as Petrus Alfonsi (d. 1140), Peter the Venerable (d. 1156) and Mark of Toledo (d. 1216).
After nearly five centuries of Islamic rule, Andalusian cities such as Cordoba, Seville and Murcia fell to the Christians in the 13th century, which inevitably intensified interreligious contacts in the region. Some Catalan scholars in Christian Spain, where Islam was perceived as a threat in the late Middle Ages, made special efforts to invite Muslims to Christianity. They not only put forward arguments for Muslims to convert to Christianity, but also developed new methods in political, military, religious and cultural matters that were unprecedented in the Christian West.
This study aims to determine the perception of Islam and missionary activities of Ramon Peñafort (d. 1275), Ramon Martí (d. 1292), Ramon Llull (d. 1316) and Francesc Eiximenis (d. 1406) who are the most important Catalan scholars of the period, in the light of the Catalan and Latin sources of the late Middle Ages. Thus, it will be revealed how similar and different the perceptions of Islam of these four Catalan scholars have from their religious colleagues who lived in the region before them and came forward with their anti-Islamic ideas.


  • Alper, Ömer Mahir, “Raymundus Martini”, TDVİA, c. XXVIII, Ankara, 2003, s. 64.
  • Alvaro de Cordóba, Indiculus Luminosus, (ed. Jacques Paul Migne), c. CXXI, Patrologia Latina, Paris, 1852.
  • Aparicio, Monica Colominas, The Religious Polemics of Late Medieval Christian Iberia, Brill, Leiden, 2018.
  • Artau, Tomas Carreras y, “Fray Francisco Eiximenis: Su Significacion Religiosa, Filosofica-Moral, Politica y Social”, Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Gironins, c. I, 1946, s. 270-293.
  • Bellver, Jose, “Mirroring the Islamic Tradition of the Names of God in Christianity: Ramon Llull’s Cent Noms de Deu as a Christian Quran”, Intellectual History of the Islamic World 2, Brill, Leiden, 2014, s. 287-304.
  • Cuadrado, Luiz Teofilo Gil, “La Influencia Musulmana en la Cultura Hispano-Cristiana Medieval” Anaquel de Estudios Arabes, c. XIII, 2002, s. 37-66.
  • Dilek, Selman, “Ramon Llull’un Zihin Dünyası ve Orta Çağ Üniversitelerinde Arapça Öğretimine Etkisi”, İnsan ve Toplum, c. IX, no: 4, 2019, s. 1-33.
  • Drovrik, Francis, Konsiller Tarihi: İznik’ten Vatikan’a, (çev. Mehmet Aydın), Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1990.
  • Farmer, Henry George, “The Influence of Farabi’s Ihsa’al’ulum” (“De Scientiis”) on the Writers on Music in Western Europe”, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, c. III, 1932, s. 561-592.
  • Fernandez, Antoni Bordoy, “Ramon Llull y la Critica al Averroismo Cristiano”, Taula, quaderns de pensament, c. XXXVII, 2002, s. 21-35.
  • Fidora, Alexander, “Ramon Martí in Context: The Influence of the Pugio Fidei on Ramon Llull, Arnau de Vilanova and Francesc Eiximens”, Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales, c. LXXIX-II, 2012, s. 373-397.
  • _____“Ramon Llull’s Doctrina Pueril: Approaching Religion from a Historical Point of View”, Quaderns de la Mediterrania, no: 16, 2011, s. 145-151.
  • ______, Akasoy, Anna, “İbn Sab’in and Raimundus Lullus, the Question of the Arabic Sources of Lullus’ Logic Revisited”, Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages, (ed. Anna Akasoy, Wim Ramen), Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2008, s. 433-458.
  • Gázquez, José Martínez, “Studium Arabicum et Hebraicum en Murcia”, Francesco D’assisi e al-Malik al-Kamil, Edizioni Terra Santa-Universita Antonionum, Milano, 2020, s. 13-22.
  • Giletti, Ann, “An Arsenal of Arguments: Arabic Philosophy at the Service of Christian Polemics in Roman Martí’s Pugio Fidei”, Mapping Knowledge: Cross-Pollination in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, (ed. Charles Burnett, Pedro Mantas-España), CNERU, Cordoba, 2014, s. 153-165.
  • Hames, Harvey, “Ramon Llull”, Christian-Muslim Relation: A Bibliographical History, c. IV, (ed. David Tomas, Alex Mallet), Leiden-Boston, 2012, s. 703-717.
  • Hillgarth, Jocelyn Nigel, Ramon Llull y el Lullismo en la Francia del Siglo XIV., Barcelona, 2018 Janssens, Jules, “R. Marti and His References to al-Ghazali”, Islam and Rationality: The Impact of Ghazali Papers Collected on his 900th Anniversary, (ed. Georges Tamer), Brill, Leiden, 2015, s. 326-344.
  • Karlığa, Bekir, “İbn Sînâ”, TDVİA, c. XX, İstanbul, 1999, s. 345-353.
  • König, Daniel G., “Latin-Arabic Entanglement: A Short History”, Latin and Arabic: Entangled Histories, Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg, 2019.
  • Lohr, Charles H., “Christianus Arabicus, cuius Nomen Raimundus Lullus”, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, c. XXXI, 1984, s. 57-88.
  • Makkarî, Ahmed b. Muhammed, Nefhu’t-tib min ğusni’l-Endelüsi’r-ratib, c. II, (çev. Pascual de Gayangos), 2002, Routledge, Londra, 2002.
  • Melis, Antoni Riera I, Francesc Eiximenis (1330-1409): El Context, L’obra i Els Manuscrits, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 2009.
  • Montada, Josep Puig, “The Polemic against Islam in Medieval Catalan Culture”, Wissen über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen und lateinischen Mittelalter, (ed. Andreas Speer, Lydia Wegener), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2003, s. 238-258.
  • Palma, Oscar de la Cruz, “La Informacion Sobre Mahoma en la Doctrina Pueril de Ramon Llull”, Taula: Quaderns de Pensament, no: XXXVII, 2002, s. 37-49.
  • Ramon Martí, De Seta Machometi, (Hernando i Delgado Josep, “Ramon Martí (s. XIII) De Seta Machometi o de Origene, progressu et fine Machometi et quadruplici reprobatione prophetiae eius”, Acta Historica et Archaeologica Medievalia), c. IV, 1983, s. 9-63.
  • Ramon Peñafort, Responines ad Dubitabilia circa communicationem Christianorum cum Sarracenis, (Convivencia and Medival Spain, ed. Mark T. Abate), Macmillan, Cham, 2019.
  • Ramon Llull, Vita Coaetanea, (ed. A. C. Ocana), John Benjamin Publishing, Amsterdam, 2017.
  • _____ Llibre del Gentil e los Tres Savis, (çev. Anthony Bonner), Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1993.
  • _____ Doctrina Pueril, (ed. Joan Santanach i Suñol), Patronat Ramon Llull, Palma de Mallorca, 2005. Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Science, c. II-I, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore, 1931.
  • Smith, Damian J., Crusade, Heresy and Inquisition in the Lands of the Crown Aragon (c. 1167-1276), Brill, Leiden, 2010.
  • Stone, Gregory B., “Ramon Llull”, The Literature of al-Andalus, (ed. Maria Rosa Menocal, Raymond P. Scheindlin, Michael Sells), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000, s. 345-357.
  • _____ “Ramon Llull and Islam”, A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llulism, (ed. Amy M. Austin, Mark D. Johnston), Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2018, s. 119-145.
  • Tolan, John, Sons of Ishmael: Muslims Through European Eyes in the Middle Ages, University Press of Florida, Florida, 2008.
  • _____ Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination, Columbia University Press, New York, 2002.
  • _____ “Ramon of Penyafort”, Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, c. IV, (ed. David Thomas, Alex Mallet), Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2012, s. 253-258.
  • Valls, Jaume Mensa I, “La Vernacularitzció al Català de Textos Profètics Bíblics i Teòlogics en la Confessió de Barcelona d’Arnau de Vilanova”, El Saber i les Llengües Vernacles a l’època de Llull i Eiximenis, (ed. Anna Alberni, Lola Badia, Luis Cifuentes, Alexander Fidora), Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona, 2012, s. 45-56.
  • Vernet, Juan, “el-Mundo Cultural de la Corona de Aragon con Jaime I”, Estudios Sobre Historia de la Ciencia Medieval, 1979, s. 71-79.
  • Viera, David J., “The Treatment of the Jew and the Moor in the Catalan Works of Francesc Eiximenis”, Reviste Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, c. IX-II, 1985, s. 203-213.
  • Ximenez, Jose Miguel Viejo, “Raimundo de Peñafort Decretalista” R.E.D.C., no: 75, 2018, s. 329-364.
  • Zwemer, Samuel M., Ramon Llull: First Missionary to the Moslems, Londra, 1902.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 91 - 115, 30.12.2023


Endülüs’ün 711’de Müslümanlar tarafından fethedilmesini takip eden asırlarda bu coğrafya sekiz asır İslâm, Hristiyanlık ve Yahudilik inançlarına ev sahipliği yaptı. Fetihten sonraki birkaç asırlık süreçte Hristiyanlar arasında görülen yoğun İslâmlaşma sonucunda Müslümanlar, Endülüs toplumunun kahir ekseriyetini teşkil etti. İslâm’ın Avrupa’da ilk kez geniş kitleler tarafından benimsenmesiyle İber Yarımadası’ndaki bazı Hristiyanlar, bu dini Hristiyanlık için açık bir tehdit olarak görmeye başladılar. Endülüs’teki Hristiyanların İslâm kültüründen etkilenmelerini sert bir şekilde tenkit eden Kurtubalı Alvarus (ö. 861) ile başlayan İslâm karşıtı söylem, sonraki asırlarda İber Yarımadası’nda Petrus Alfonsi (ö. 1140), Muhterem Peter (ö. 1156) ve Toledolu Mark (ö. 1216) gibi Hristiyanlar tarafından daha sistematik bir çerçevede devam ettirildi.
Yaklaşık beş asır İslâm idaresi altında kalan Kurtuba, Sevilla ve Murcia gibi Endülüs şehirlerinin XIII. asırda Hristiyanların eline geçmesiyle bölgede dinler arası temaslar kaçınılmaz olarak yoğunlaştı. Geç Ortaçağ’da İslâm’ın bir tehdit olarak algılandığı Hristiyan İspanya’daki bazı Katalan âlimler, Müslümanları Hristiyanlığa davet etmek konusunda özel gayret sarf ettiler. Onlar, Müslümanların Hristiyanlığı benimsemeleri için birtakım argümanlar ortaya koymakla kalmayıp siyasi, askeri, dini ve kültürel konularda Hristiyan Batı’da daha önce görülmemiş yeni yöntemler geliştirdiler.
Bu çalışma Geç Ortaçağ’ın Katalanca ve Latince kaynakları ışığında devrin en önemli Katalan âlimlerinden Ramon Peñafort (ö. 1275), Ramon Martí (1292), Ramon Llull (ö. 1316) ve Francesc Eiximenis’in (ö. 1409) İslâm tasavvurlarını ve misyonerlik faaliyetlerini tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Böylece bahsi geçen Katalan âlimlerin İslâm tasavvurlarının kendilerinden önce yaşayıp İslâm karşıtı fikirleriyle öne çıkan dindaşlarından ne gibi benzer ve farklı özelliklere sahip olduğu da ortaya koyulacaktır.


  • Alper, Ömer Mahir, “Raymundus Martini”, TDVİA, c. XXVIII, Ankara, 2003, s. 64.
  • Alvaro de Cordóba, Indiculus Luminosus, (ed. Jacques Paul Migne), c. CXXI, Patrologia Latina, Paris, 1852.
  • Aparicio, Monica Colominas, The Religious Polemics of Late Medieval Christian Iberia, Brill, Leiden, 2018.
  • Artau, Tomas Carreras y, “Fray Francisco Eiximenis: Su Significacion Religiosa, Filosofica-Moral, Politica y Social”, Annals de l’Institut d’Estudis Gironins, c. I, 1946, s. 270-293.
  • Bellver, Jose, “Mirroring the Islamic Tradition of the Names of God in Christianity: Ramon Llull’s Cent Noms de Deu as a Christian Quran”, Intellectual History of the Islamic World 2, Brill, Leiden, 2014, s. 287-304.
  • Cuadrado, Luiz Teofilo Gil, “La Influencia Musulmana en la Cultura Hispano-Cristiana Medieval” Anaquel de Estudios Arabes, c. XIII, 2002, s. 37-66.
  • Dilek, Selman, “Ramon Llull’un Zihin Dünyası ve Orta Çağ Üniversitelerinde Arapça Öğretimine Etkisi”, İnsan ve Toplum, c. IX, no: 4, 2019, s. 1-33.
  • Drovrik, Francis, Konsiller Tarihi: İznik’ten Vatikan’a, (çev. Mehmet Aydın), Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1990.
  • Farmer, Henry George, “The Influence of Farabi’s Ihsa’al’ulum” (“De Scientiis”) on the Writers on Music in Western Europe”, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, c. III, 1932, s. 561-592.
  • Fernandez, Antoni Bordoy, “Ramon Llull y la Critica al Averroismo Cristiano”, Taula, quaderns de pensament, c. XXXVII, 2002, s. 21-35.
  • Fidora, Alexander, “Ramon Martí in Context: The Influence of the Pugio Fidei on Ramon Llull, Arnau de Vilanova and Francesc Eiximens”, Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales, c. LXXIX-II, 2012, s. 373-397.
  • _____“Ramon Llull’s Doctrina Pueril: Approaching Religion from a Historical Point of View”, Quaderns de la Mediterrania, no: 16, 2011, s. 145-151.
  • ______, Akasoy, Anna, “İbn Sab’in and Raimundus Lullus, the Question of the Arabic Sources of Lullus’ Logic Revisited”, Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages, (ed. Anna Akasoy, Wim Ramen), Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2008, s. 433-458.
  • Gázquez, José Martínez, “Studium Arabicum et Hebraicum en Murcia”, Francesco D’assisi e al-Malik al-Kamil, Edizioni Terra Santa-Universita Antonionum, Milano, 2020, s. 13-22.
  • Giletti, Ann, “An Arsenal of Arguments: Arabic Philosophy at the Service of Christian Polemics in Roman Martí’s Pugio Fidei”, Mapping Knowledge: Cross-Pollination in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, (ed. Charles Burnett, Pedro Mantas-España), CNERU, Cordoba, 2014, s. 153-165.
  • Hames, Harvey, “Ramon Llull”, Christian-Muslim Relation: A Bibliographical History, c. IV, (ed. David Tomas, Alex Mallet), Leiden-Boston, 2012, s. 703-717.
  • Hillgarth, Jocelyn Nigel, Ramon Llull y el Lullismo en la Francia del Siglo XIV., Barcelona, 2018 Janssens, Jules, “R. Marti and His References to al-Ghazali”, Islam and Rationality: The Impact of Ghazali Papers Collected on his 900th Anniversary, (ed. Georges Tamer), Brill, Leiden, 2015, s. 326-344.
  • Karlığa, Bekir, “İbn Sînâ”, TDVİA, c. XX, İstanbul, 1999, s. 345-353.
  • König, Daniel G., “Latin-Arabic Entanglement: A Short History”, Latin and Arabic: Entangled Histories, Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg, 2019.
  • Lohr, Charles H., “Christianus Arabicus, cuius Nomen Raimundus Lullus”, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, c. XXXI, 1984, s. 57-88.
  • Makkarî, Ahmed b. Muhammed, Nefhu’t-tib min ğusni’l-Endelüsi’r-ratib, c. II, (çev. Pascual de Gayangos), 2002, Routledge, Londra, 2002.
  • Melis, Antoni Riera I, Francesc Eiximenis (1330-1409): El Context, L’obra i Els Manuscrits, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 2009.
  • Montada, Josep Puig, “The Polemic against Islam in Medieval Catalan Culture”, Wissen über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen und lateinischen Mittelalter, (ed. Andreas Speer, Lydia Wegener), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2003, s. 238-258.
  • Palma, Oscar de la Cruz, “La Informacion Sobre Mahoma en la Doctrina Pueril de Ramon Llull”, Taula: Quaderns de Pensament, no: XXXVII, 2002, s. 37-49.
  • Ramon Martí, De Seta Machometi, (Hernando i Delgado Josep, “Ramon Martí (s. XIII) De Seta Machometi o de Origene, progressu et fine Machometi et quadruplici reprobatione prophetiae eius”, Acta Historica et Archaeologica Medievalia), c. IV, 1983, s. 9-63.
  • Ramon Peñafort, Responines ad Dubitabilia circa communicationem Christianorum cum Sarracenis, (Convivencia and Medival Spain, ed. Mark T. Abate), Macmillan, Cham, 2019.
  • Ramon Llull, Vita Coaetanea, (ed. A. C. Ocana), John Benjamin Publishing, Amsterdam, 2017.
  • _____ Llibre del Gentil e los Tres Savis, (çev. Anthony Bonner), Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1993.
  • _____ Doctrina Pueril, (ed. Joan Santanach i Suñol), Patronat Ramon Llull, Palma de Mallorca, 2005. Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Science, c. II-I, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore, 1931.
  • Smith, Damian J., Crusade, Heresy and Inquisition in the Lands of the Crown Aragon (c. 1167-1276), Brill, Leiden, 2010.
  • Stone, Gregory B., “Ramon Llull”, The Literature of al-Andalus, (ed. Maria Rosa Menocal, Raymond P. Scheindlin, Michael Sells), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000, s. 345-357.
  • _____ “Ramon Llull and Islam”, A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llulism, (ed. Amy M. Austin, Mark D. Johnston), Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2018, s. 119-145.
  • Tolan, John, Sons of Ishmael: Muslims Through European Eyes in the Middle Ages, University Press of Florida, Florida, 2008.
  • _____ Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination, Columbia University Press, New York, 2002.
  • _____ “Ramon of Penyafort”, Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, c. IV, (ed. David Thomas, Alex Mallet), Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2012, s. 253-258.
  • Valls, Jaume Mensa I, “La Vernacularitzció al Català de Textos Profètics Bíblics i Teòlogics en la Confessió de Barcelona d’Arnau de Vilanova”, El Saber i les Llengües Vernacles a l’època de Llull i Eiximenis, (ed. Anna Alberni, Lola Badia, Luis Cifuentes, Alexander Fidora), Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona, 2012, s. 45-56.
  • Vernet, Juan, “el-Mundo Cultural de la Corona de Aragon con Jaime I”, Estudios Sobre Historia de la Ciencia Medieval, 1979, s. 71-79.
  • Viera, David J., “The Treatment of the Jew and the Moor in the Catalan Works of Francesc Eiximenis”, Reviste Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, c. IX-II, 1985, s. 203-213.
  • Ximenez, Jose Miguel Viejo, “Raimundo de Peñafort Decretalista” R.E.D.C., no: 75, 2018, s. 329-364.
  • Zwemer, Samuel M., Ramon Llull: First Missionary to the Moslems, Londra, 1902.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Enes Şanal Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7603-490X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Şanal, Enes. “GEÇ ORTAÇAĞ’DA KATALAN ÂLİMLERİN İSLÂM TASAVVURU VE MİSYONERLİK FAALİYETLERİ”. Cihannüma Tarih Ve Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 91-115.