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On dokuzuncu yüzyıl Doğu Asya Sistemi’nde dengeleme politikaları: Kore-Rusya ilişkileri örneği

Yıl 2020, , 127 - 142, 31.12.2020


XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı, Doğu Asya’daki imparatorlukların ve krallıkların önemli siyasi, ekonomik ve toplumsal değişimler yaşadığı bir dönem olmuştur. Bu dönem içerisinde Çin’in hâkim güç olduğu bir düzen işleyişte olmakla birlikte, sistemde bazı kırılmalar ve Çin’e başkaldırılar yaşanmıştır. Bu kırılmalara zemin hazırlayan pek çok bölge dışı ve bölge içi etken bulunmaktadır. Bölge dışından olan en önemli etken Batılı güçlerin Çin İmparatorluğu ile yaşadıkları ve Çin’in Batıya karşı galip gelememesi olmuştur. Bölge içi dinamiklere bakıldığında ise en fazla göze çarpan gelişme, Japonya’nın 1868’den itibaren geçirdiği reform süreciyle birlikte artan askeri ve ekonomik gücünün yansımalarıdır. Çin ve Japon İmparatorlukları arasında artan nüfuz mücadelesi yüzyıllardır Çin etkisinde bulunan Kore Krallığı’nı da yakından ilgilendirmekteydi. Bu mücadele arasında sıkışıp kalan Kore Krallığı ise çareyi kimi zaman Çin’in desteğini aramakta bulurken kimi zaman Rus İmparatorluğu’nun desteğini alarak Japonya’ya karşı kendini korumaya çalışmıştır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada 18. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren Doğu Asya uluslararası sisteminde meydana gelen değişimlere odaklanarak, güç dengesi ilişkileri analiz edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu noktada örnek vaka olarak Rus-Kore ilişkileri seçilecek ve Kore’nin Rusya’yı hangi koşullarda bir denge unsuru olarak gördüğü açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır.


  • Auslin, Michael R. 2004. Negotiating with Imperialism: The Unequal Treaties and the Culture of Japanese Diplomacy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Buzan Barry, and Richard Little. 2000. International Systems in World History: Remaking the Study of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Curzon, George N. 1894. Problems of the Far East: Japan-Korea-China. London: Longmans.
  • Department of State. “A Guide to the United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Korea” Erişim Nisan 20, 2020.
  • Finch, Michael. 2008. Min Yonghwan: The Selected Writings of a Late Choson Diplomat. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Group 3, “The Treaty of Aigun,” Russia in Global Perspective.
  • Erişim: Mayıs 31, 2020,
  • Holcombe, Charles. 2016. Doğu Asya Tarihi: Çin, Japonya, Kore; Medeniyetin Köklerinden 21. Yüzyıla Kadar. Çev. Muhammed Murtaza Özeren. İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
  • Kang, David C. 2005. “Hierarchy in Asian International Relations: 1300-1900” Asian Security 1(1), 53-79.
  • Kang, David C. 2010. “Hierarchy and Legitimacy in International Systems: The Tribute System in Early Modern East Asia” Security Studies 19(4), 591-622.
  • Kim, Hyung-eun. 2009. “Royal refuge with Russia” Korea Joonggang Daily. Temmuz 26. Erişim Mayıs 26, 2020.
  • Kyung, Moon H. 2018. Kore Tarihi. Çev. Ayşe Su Doğru. İstanbul: Feylesof Kitap.
  • Koda, Yoji. 2005. “THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR: Primary Causes of Japanese Success” Naval War College Review 58 (2), 10-44.
  • Kim, Seung-young. 2005. “Russo–Japanese Rivalry Over Korean Buffer at the Beginning of the 20th Century and its Implications” Diplomacy and Statecraft 16 (4), 619-650.
  • Lee, Chang-hoon. 2016. “Franco-Korean relations in the 19th century” The Korea Herald. Haziran 6. Erişim Nisan 22, 2020.
  • Lee, Kenneth B. 1997. Korea and East Asia: The Story of a Phoenix. Connecticut: Praeger Publications.
  • Lowensteinova, Miriam ve Blanka Kašparova. 2018. “1896 Russia Through diaries of Min Yonghwan and Yun Ch’iho” Р. К. Танглалычева, С. О. Курбанов, И. С.
  • Ланцова, А. В. Ковш, А. А. Гурьева (ed.), КОРЕЯ И РОССИЯ: ОБЩЕСТВО, ПОЛИТИКА, ИСТОРИЯ, КУЛЬТУРА, 380-390. St. Peterspurg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg University.
  • March, Patrcik G. 1996. Eastern Destiny: Russia in Asia and the North Pacific. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Osiander, Andreas. 2001. “Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth” International Organization 55 (2), 251-287.
  • Ro, Kwang Hai, (1966). “Power Politics in Korea and Its Impact on Korean Foreign and Domestic Affairs, 1882-1907” Ph.D Theses. The University of Oklahoma.
  • Robinson Michael E., 2007. Korea’s Twentieth-Century Odyssey: A Short History. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
  • Sander, Oral. 2017. Siyasi Tarih: İlkçağlardan 1918’e. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Synn, Seung Kwon. 1981. “Korean-Japanese Relations, 1894-1904 (II)” Korea Journal (Mart 1981), 4-20.
  • Shimamoto, Mayako; Ito, Koji; Sugita, Yoneyuki. Historical Dictionary of Japanese Foreign Policy. Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.
  • Zvetina, Edmund J., (1952). "Imperial Russian Interest and Intervention in Korea, 1860-1903" Master's Theses. Paper 1340.

The balance of power politics in East Asia System in the nineteenth century: a case of Korean- Russian relations

Yıl 2020, , 127 - 142, 31.12.2020


The second half of the nineteenth century was a period when empires and kingdoms in East Asia experienced significant political, economic and social changes. During this period, while an order in which China was the dominant power was functioning, there were some breakings and challenges to China in the system. There are many extra-regional and intra-regional factors that underpin these breakings. The most important factor emerging from the outside of the region was that the Western powers engaged with the Chinese Empire and the fact that China was not victorious against the West. When looking at the dynamics within the region, the most striking development was the reflections of the increasing military and economic power of Japan, which resulted from the reform process since 1868. The increasing struggle for influence between the Chinese and the Japanese Empires was also closely related to the Korean Kingdom, which had been under the influence of China for centuries. The Kingdom of Korea, which is stuck in this struggle, has found the cure sometimes seeking the support of China and sometimes tried to protect itself against Japan by taking the support of the Russian Empire. In this context, the study will attempt to analyse balance of power relationships by focusing on the changes in the East Asian international system since the second half of the 19th century. At this point, Russian-Korean relations will be chosen as an example/case and it will be tried to explain under what conditions Korea saw Russia as a balancing actor in its foreign policy and how the political history of the Korean-Russian relations developed in this perspective.


  • Auslin, Michael R. 2004. Negotiating with Imperialism: The Unequal Treaties and the Culture of Japanese Diplomacy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Buzan Barry, and Richard Little. 2000. International Systems in World History: Remaking the Study of International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Curzon, George N. 1894. Problems of the Far East: Japan-Korea-China. London: Longmans.
  • Department of State. “A Guide to the United States’ History of Recognition, Diplomatic, and Consular Relations, by Country, since 1776: Korea” Erişim Nisan 20, 2020.
  • Finch, Michael. 2008. Min Yonghwan: The Selected Writings of a Late Choson Diplomat. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Group 3, “The Treaty of Aigun,” Russia in Global Perspective.
  • Erişim: Mayıs 31, 2020,
  • Holcombe, Charles. 2016. Doğu Asya Tarihi: Çin, Japonya, Kore; Medeniyetin Köklerinden 21. Yüzyıla Kadar. Çev. Muhammed Murtaza Özeren. İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
  • Kang, David C. 2005. “Hierarchy in Asian International Relations: 1300-1900” Asian Security 1(1), 53-79.
  • Kang, David C. 2010. “Hierarchy and Legitimacy in International Systems: The Tribute System in Early Modern East Asia” Security Studies 19(4), 591-622.
  • Kim, Hyung-eun. 2009. “Royal refuge with Russia” Korea Joonggang Daily. Temmuz 26. Erişim Mayıs 26, 2020.
  • Kyung, Moon H. 2018. Kore Tarihi. Çev. Ayşe Su Doğru. İstanbul: Feylesof Kitap.
  • Koda, Yoji. 2005. “THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR: Primary Causes of Japanese Success” Naval War College Review 58 (2), 10-44.
  • Kim, Seung-young. 2005. “Russo–Japanese Rivalry Over Korean Buffer at the Beginning of the 20th Century and its Implications” Diplomacy and Statecraft 16 (4), 619-650.
  • Lee, Chang-hoon. 2016. “Franco-Korean relations in the 19th century” The Korea Herald. Haziran 6. Erişim Nisan 22, 2020.
  • Lee, Kenneth B. 1997. Korea and East Asia: The Story of a Phoenix. Connecticut: Praeger Publications.
  • Lowensteinova, Miriam ve Blanka Kašparova. 2018. “1896 Russia Through diaries of Min Yonghwan and Yun Ch’iho” Р. К. Танглалычева, С. О. Курбанов, И. С.
  • Ланцова, А. В. Ковш, А. А. Гурьева (ed.), КОРЕЯ И РОССИЯ: ОБЩЕСТВО, ПОЛИТИКА, ИСТОРИЯ, КУЛЬТУРА, 380-390. St. Peterspurg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg University.
  • March, Patrcik G. 1996. Eastern Destiny: Russia in Asia and the North Pacific. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Osiander, Andreas. 2001. “Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth” International Organization 55 (2), 251-287.
  • Ro, Kwang Hai, (1966). “Power Politics in Korea and Its Impact on Korean Foreign and Domestic Affairs, 1882-1907” Ph.D Theses. The University of Oklahoma.
  • Robinson Michael E., 2007. Korea’s Twentieth-Century Odyssey: A Short History. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
  • Sander, Oral. 2017. Siyasi Tarih: İlkçağlardan 1918’e. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Synn, Seung Kwon. 1981. “Korean-Japanese Relations, 1894-1904 (II)” Korea Journal (Mart 1981), 4-20.
  • Shimamoto, Mayako; Ito, Koji; Sugita, Yoneyuki. Historical Dictionary of Japanese Foreign Policy. Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.
  • Zvetina, Edmund J., (1952). "Imperial Russian Interest and Intervention in Korea, 1860-1903" Master's Theses. Paper 1340.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler, Bölgesel Çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hatice Çelik Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1409-8865

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Çelik, Hatice. “On Dokuzuncu yüzyıl Doğu Asya Sistemi’nde Dengeleme politikaları: Kore-Rusya ilişkileri örneği”. Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies 2, sy. 2 (Aralık 2020): 127-42.