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Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2019, , 225 - 243, 30.06.2019


Tüketim karşıtlığı
alan yazınında tüketicilerin markalarla olan ilişkisi, pozitif ve negatif
duygularla ilişkilendirilmektedir. Marka nefreti, tüketicinin markalara yönelik
olumsuz duygularından birisi olarak belirli bir markadan hoşlanmamaktan ziyade daha
yoğun olumsuz bir duygu durumudur. Çalışmanın amacı, sembolik uyuşmazlık ve
ideolojik uyumsuzluğun marka nefreti üzerindeki etkisi ile marka nefreti
sonuçlarının belirlenmesidir. Tüketicilerin marka nefreti, yüksek teknoloji
ürünü olan akıllı cep telefonlarıyla sınırlandırılmıştır. Araştırmanın
verileri, 215 tüketiciden anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma
hipotezleri, yapısal eşitlik modeli ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına
göre hem sembolik uyuşmazlık hem de ideolojik uyumsuzluk marka nefretini
pozitif yönde ve anlamlı bir şekilde açıklamaktadır. Benzer bir şekilde marka
nefretinin sonucunda tüketiciler, markadan kaçınmaya ve olumsuz ağızdan ağıza
iletişime yönelmektedirler. Araştırma sonuçları, alan yazına dayalı olarak
tartışılmış ve uygulamacılara önerilerde bulunulmuştur. 


  • Aaker, JL. (1999).” The malleable self: the role of self-expression in persuasion.” Journal of Marketing Research. 36(1):45–57.
  • Allport, G.W. (1958). The Nature of Prejudice. New York: Doubleday Anchor Book.
  • Arnold, M.B. (1960). Emotion and Personality. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Banister, EN. ve Hogg, MK. (2004). “Negative symbolic consumption and consumers' drive for self-esteem.” European Journal of Marketing. 38(7):850–68.
  • Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C., ve Vohs, K. D. (2001). “Bad Is Stronger Than Good.” Review of General Psychology. 5:323-370.
  • Belk, R. (1988). “Possessions and the extended self.” Journal of Consumer Research.15: 139–68.
  • Bonifield, C. ve Cole, C. (2007). “Affective responses to service failure: anger, regret, and retaliatory versus conciliatory responses.” Marketing Letters.18: 85-99.
  • Braunsberger, K. ve Buckler, R. B. (2011). “What motivates consumers to participate in boycotts: Lessons from the ongoing Canadian seafood boycott.” Journal of Business Research. 64: 96–102.
  • Bryson, D., Atwal, G. ve Hultén, P. (2013). “Towards the conceptualisation of the antecedents of extreme negative affect towards luxury brands” Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 16: 393-405.
  • Cherrier, H. (2009). “Anti-consumption discourses and consumer-resistant identities.” Journal of Business Research. 62:181-190.
  • Edson Escalas, J. ve Bettman, J. (2005). “Self-construal, reference groups, and brand meaning” Journal of Consumer Research. 32:378-389.
  • Englis, B. ve Solomon, M. (1995). "To be and not to be: Lifestyle imagery reference groups, and the clustering of America" Journal of Advertising. 24(1):13-28.
  • Fetscherin, M. ve Heinrich, D. (2015). “Consumer brand relationships research: A bibliometric citation meta-analysis.” Journal of Business Research.68: 380-390.
  • Foucault, M. (1980). Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings 1972–1977. New York: Pantheon.
  • Fournier, S. (1998). “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research”. Journal of Consumer Research.24: 343-373.
  • Friedman, M. (1985).” Consumer boycotts in the United States, 1970–1980: Contemporary events in historical perspective.” Journal of Consumer Affairs.19(1):96–117.
  • Gregoire, Y., Tripp, T. ve Legoux, R. (2009). “When Customer Love Turns into Lasting Hate:The Effects of Relationship Strength and Time on Customer Revenge and Avoidance. “ Journal of Marketing. 73 (6):18-32.
  • Grubb, EL. ve Grathwohl, HL. (1967). “Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behavior: a theoretical approach.” Journal of Marketing. 31: 22–7.
  • Hegner, S., Fetscherin, M. ve Delzen, MV. (2017) "Determinants and outcomes of brand hate."Journal of Product & Brand Management.26(1):13-25.
  • Hogg, MK. ve Banister, EN. (2001). ” Dislikes, distastes and the undesired self: conceptualising and exploring the role of the undesired end state in consumer experience.” Journal of Marketing Management. 17: 73–104.
  • Hogg, M.K., Banister, E.N. ve Stephenson, C.A. (2009). “Mapping Symbolic Anti-) Consumption.” Journal of Business Research.62: 148-159.
  • Holt, DB. (2002). “Why do brands cause trouble? A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding.” Journal of Consumer Research. 29:70–90.
  • Iyer, R. ve Muncy, JA. (2009). “A Purpose and object of anti- consumption.” Journal of Business Research. 62: 160–168.
  • Kaynak, E., Küçükemiroğlu, O., ve Hyder, AS. (2000). “Consumer's country-of-origin perceptions of imported products in a homogenous less-developed country.” European Journal of Marketing. 34(9/10):1221–41.
  • Khan, MA., ve Lee. MS. (2014). “Prepurchase Determinants of Brand Avoidance: The Moderating Role of Country-of-Origin Familiarity.” Journal of Global Marketing.27: 329-343.
  • Kozinets, RV., ve Handelman, JM. (2004). “Adversaries of consumption: consumer movements, activism, and ideology.” Journal Consumer Research.31(3):691–704.
  • Kressmann, F., Sirgy, M.J., Herrmann, A., Huber, F., Huber, S. ve Lee, D.J. (2006). “Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty.” Journal of Business Research. 59 (9):955-964.
  • Krishnamurthy, S. ve Kucuk, S. (2009). “Anti-Branding on the Internet.” Journal of Business Research.62 (11):1119-1126.
  • Kucuk, S.U. (2008), “Negative double jeopardy: the role of anti-brand sites on the internet”, Journal of Brand Management, 15: 209-222.
  • Lee, MS., Motion J., ve Conroy, D. (2009).”Anti-consumption and brand avoidance,” Journal of Business Research. 62 (2): 169 - 180.
  • Lee, MS., Conroy D, ve Motion, J. (2012).” Brand avoidance, genetic modification, and brandlessness” Australasian Marketing Journal. 20: 297 - 302.
  • Lin, S. H. (1976). “Rain-Rate Distribitions and Extreme-Value Statistics.” Bell System Technical Journal. 55: 111-1124.
  • Micheletti, M., Follesdal, A. ve Stolle, D. (2004). Politics, Products, and Markets: Exploring Political Consumerism Past and Present. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
  • Ogilvie, DM. (1987).” The undesired self: a neglected variable in personality research.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.52(2):379–85.
  • Oliva, TA., Oliver,RL. ve MacMillan, IC. (1992). “A catastrophe model for developing service satisfaction strategies.” Journal of Marketing. 56(3):83–95.
  • Opotow, S., ve McClelland, S.I. (2007). “The intensification of hating: a theory.” Social Justice Research. 20(1):68-97.
  • Penaloza, L. ve Price, LL. (1993). ” Consumer resistance: a conceptual overview.” Advences in Consumer Research. 20: 123–8.
  • Rempel, J.K. ve Burris, C.T. (2005). “Let me count the ways: an integrative theory of love and hate.” Personal Relationships. 12 (2):297-313.
  • Romani, S., Grappi, S., ve Dalli, D. (2012). “Emotions that drive consumers away from brands: Measuring negative emotions toward brands and their behavioral effects.” International Journal of Research in Marketing.29(1):55-67.
  • Romani, S., Grappi, S., Zarantonello, L. ve Bagozzi, R. (2015). “The revenge of the consumer! How brand moral violations lead to consumer anti-brand activism.” Journal of Brand Management. 22(8):658-672.
  • Sandıkçı, Ö. ve Ekici, A. (2009). “Politically motivated brand rejection”. Journal of Business Research. 62: 208-217.
  • Shaver, P., Schwartz, J., Kirson, D. ve O’Conner, C. (1987).“Emotion knowledge: further exploration of a prototype approach.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 52(6):1061-1086.
  • Singh, J. (1988). “Consumer complaint intentions and behavior: definitional and taxonomical issues” Journal of Marketing. 52: 93-107.
  • Sirgy, JM. (1982). “Self-concept in consumer behavior: a critical review.” Journal Consumer Research. 9: 287–300.
  • Solomon, MR. (1983). “The role of products as social stimuli: a symbolic interactionism perspective.” Journal Consumer Research.10 (3):319–29.
  • Sternberg, R.J. (2003). “A duplex theory of hate: development and application to terrorism, massacres, and genocide.” Review of General Psychology. (7) 3: 299-328.
  • Underhill, JW. (2012). Ethnolinguistics and cultural concepts: truth, love, hate and war. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zarantonello, L, Romani, S., Grappi, S. ve Bagozzi, R. (2016) "Brand hate." Journal of Product & Brand Management. 25 (1):11-25.
  • Zavestoski, S. (2002).” The social-psychological bases of anti-consumption attitudes.”Psychology and Marketing.19: 149–65.

An Empirical Study on Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Hate in Antioch

Yıl 2019, , 225 - 243, 30.06.2019


In the literature
on anti-consumption, the relationship of consumers with brands is associated
with positive and negative emotions. Brand hate is considered as one of the
negative emotions which is defined as a more intense negative emotion towards a
particular brand. The aim of this study is to determine antecedents and
consequences of brand hate. The data was collected from 215 consumers who have
hate for smartphone brands by face-to-face survey method. Consumers' brand hate
is limited to high-tech smartphones. Research hypotheses were tested with
structural equation model. According to the results, both symbolic incongruity and
ideological incompatibility effect brand hate in a positive way. Similarly, brand
hate results with brand avoidance and negative word of mouth. The results of this
study were discussed on the basis of the literature and suggestions were given
to the future research and practitioners.


  • Aaker, JL. (1999).” The malleable self: the role of self-expression in persuasion.” Journal of Marketing Research. 36(1):45–57.
  • Allport, G.W. (1958). The Nature of Prejudice. New York: Doubleday Anchor Book.
  • Arnold, M.B. (1960). Emotion and Personality. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Banister, EN. ve Hogg, MK. (2004). “Negative symbolic consumption and consumers' drive for self-esteem.” European Journal of Marketing. 38(7):850–68.
  • Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C., ve Vohs, K. D. (2001). “Bad Is Stronger Than Good.” Review of General Psychology. 5:323-370.
  • Belk, R. (1988). “Possessions and the extended self.” Journal of Consumer Research.15: 139–68.
  • Bonifield, C. ve Cole, C. (2007). “Affective responses to service failure: anger, regret, and retaliatory versus conciliatory responses.” Marketing Letters.18: 85-99.
  • Braunsberger, K. ve Buckler, R. B. (2011). “What motivates consumers to participate in boycotts: Lessons from the ongoing Canadian seafood boycott.” Journal of Business Research. 64: 96–102.
  • Bryson, D., Atwal, G. ve Hultén, P. (2013). “Towards the conceptualisation of the antecedents of extreme negative affect towards luxury brands” Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. 16: 393-405.
  • Cherrier, H. (2009). “Anti-consumption discourses and consumer-resistant identities.” Journal of Business Research. 62:181-190.
  • Edson Escalas, J. ve Bettman, J. (2005). “Self-construal, reference groups, and brand meaning” Journal of Consumer Research. 32:378-389.
  • Englis, B. ve Solomon, M. (1995). "To be and not to be: Lifestyle imagery reference groups, and the clustering of America" Journal of Advertising. 24(1):13-28.
  • Fetscherin, M. ve Heinrich, D. (2015). “Consumer brand relationships research: A bibliometric citation meta-analysis.” Journal of Business Research.68: 380-390.
  • Foucault, M. (1980). Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings 1972–1977. New York: Pantheon.
  • Fournier, S. (1998). “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research”. Journal of Consumer Research.24: 343-373.
  • Friedman, M. (1985).” Consumer boycotts in the United States, 1970–1980: Contemporary events in historical perspective.” Journal of Consumer Affairs.19(1):96–117.
  • Gregoire, Y., Tripp, T. ve Legoux, R. (2009). “When Customer Love Turns into Lasting Hate:The Effects of Relationship Strength and Time on Customer Revenge and Avoidance. “ Journal of Marketing. 73 (6):18-32.
  • Grubb, EL. ve Grathwohl, HL. (1967). “Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behavior: a theoretical approach.” Journal of Marketing. 31: 22–7.
  • Hegner, S., Fetscherin, M. ve Delzen, MV. (2017) "Determinants and outcomes of brand hate."Journal of Product & Brand Management.26(1):13-25.
  • Hogg, MK. ve Banister, EN. (2001). ” Dislikes, distastes and the undesired self: conceptualising and exploring the role of the undesired end state in consumer experience.” Journal of Marketing Management. 17: 73–104.
  • Hogg, M.K., Banister, E.N. ve Stephenson, C.A. (2009). “Mapping Symbolic Anti-) Consumption.” Journal of Business Research.62: 148-159.
  • Holt, DB. (2002). “Why do brands cause trouble? A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding.” Journal of Consumer Research. 29:70–90.
  • Iyer, R. ve Muncy, JA. (2009). “A Purpose and object of anti- consumption.” Journal of Business Research. 62: 160–168.
  • Kaynak, E., Küçükemiroğlu, O., ve Hyder, AS. (2000). “Consumer's country-of-origin perceptions of imported products in a homogenous less-developed country.” European Journal of Marketing. 34(9/10):1221–41.
  • Khan, MA., ve Lee. MS. (2014). “Prepurchase Determinants of Brand Avoidance: The Moderating Role of Country-of-Origin Familiarity.” Journal of Global Marketing.27: 329-343.
  • Kozinets, RV., ve Handelman, JM. (2004). “Adversaries of consumption: consumer movements, activism, and ideology.” Journal Consumer Research.31(3):691–704.
  • Kressmann, F., Sirgy, M.J., Herrmann, A., Huber, F., Huber, S. ve Lee, D.J. (2006). “Direct and indirect effects of self-image congruence on brand loyalty.” Journal of Business Research. 59 (9):955-964.
  • Krishnamurthy, S. ve Kucuk, S. (2009). “Anti-Branding on the Internet.” Journal of Business Research.62 (11):1119-1126.
  • Kucuk, S.U. (2008), “Negative double jeopardy: the role of anti-brand sites on the internet”, Journal of Brand Management, 15: 209-222.
  • Lee, MS., Motion J., ve Conroy, D. (2009).”Anti-consumption and brand avoidance,” Journal of Business Research. 62 (2): 169 - 180.
  • Lee, MS., Conroy D, ve Motion, J. (2012).” Brand avoidance, genetic modification, and brandlessness” Australasian Marketing Journal. 20: 297 - 302.
  • Lin, S. H. (1976). “Rain-Rate Distribitions and Extreme-Value Statistics.” Bell System Technical Journal. 55: 111-1124.
  • Micheletti, M., Follesdal, A. ve Stolle, D. (2004). Politics, Products, and Markets: Exploring Political Consumerism Past and Present. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
  • Ogilvie, DM. (1987).” The undesired self: a neglected variable in personality research.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.52(2):379–85.
  • Oliva, TA., Oliver,RL. ve MacMillan, IC. (1992). “A catastrophe model for developing service satisfaction strategies.” Journal of Marketing. 56(3):83–95.
  • Opotow, S., ve McClelland, S.I. (2007). “The intensification of hating: a theory.” Social Justice Research. 20(1):68-97.
  • Penaloza, L. ve Price, LL. (1993). ” Consumer resistance: a conceptual overview.” Advences in Consumer Research. 20: 123–8.
  • Rempel, J.K. ve Burris, C.T. (2005). “Let me count the ways: an integrative theory of love and hate.” Personal Relationships. 12 (2):297-313.
  • Romani, S., Grappi, S., ve Dalli, D. (2012). “Emotions that drive consumers away from brands: Measuring negative emotions toward brands and their behavioral effects.” International Journal of Research in Marketing.29(1):55-67.
  • Romani, S., Grappi, S., Zarantonello, L. ve Bagozzi, R. (2015). “The revenge of the consumer! How brand moral violations lead to consumer anti-brand activism.” Journal of Brand Management. 22(8):658-672.
  • Sandıkçı, Ö. ve Ekici, A. (2009). “Politically motivated brand rejection”. Journal of Business Research. 62: 208-217.
  • Shaver, P., Schwartz, J., Kirson, D. ve O’Conner, C. (1987).“Emotion knowledge: further exploration of a prototype approach.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 52(6):1061-1086.
  • Singh, J. (1988). “Consumer complaint intentions and behavior: definitional and taxonomical issues” Journal of Marketing. 52: 93-107.
  • Sirgy, JM. (1982). “Self-concept in consumer behavior: a critical review.” Journal Consumer Research. 9: 287–300.
  • Solomon, MR. (1983). “The role of products as social stimuli: a symbolic interactionism perspective.” Journal Consumer Research.10 (3):319–29.
  • Sternberg, R.J. (2003). “A duplex theory of hate: development and application to terrorism, massacres, and genocide.” Review of General Psychology. (7) 3: 299-328.
  • Underhill, JW. (2012). Ethnolinguistics and cultural concepts: truth, love, hate and war. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Zarantonello, L, Romani, S., Grappi, S. ve Bagozzi, R. (2016) "Brand hate." Journal of Product & Brand Management. 25 (1):11-25.
  • Zavestoski, S. (2002).” The social-psychological bases of anti-consumption attitudes.”Psychology and Marketing.19: 149–65.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi, İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Betül Balıkçıoğlu

Fatih Mehmet Kıyak

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Balıkçıoğlu, B., & Kıyak, F. M. (2019). Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 225-243.
AMA Balıkçıoğlu B, Kıyak FM. Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Haziran 2019;9(1):225-243. doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.461010
Chicago Balıkçıoğlu, Betül, ve Fatih Mehmet Kıyak. “Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri Ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 9, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 225-43.
EndNote Balıkçıoğlu B, Kıyak FM (01 Haziran 2019) Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 9 1 225–243.
IEEE B. Balıkçıoğlu ve F. M. Kıyak, “Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 225–243, 2019, doi: 10.18074/ckuiibfd.461010.
ISNAD Balıkçıoğlu, Betül - Kıyak, Fatih Mehmet. “Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri Ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 9/1 (Haziran 2019), 225-243.
JAMA Balıkçıoğlu B, Kıyak FM. Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;9:225–243.
MLA Balıkçıoğlu, Betül ve Fatih Mehmet Kıyak. “Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri Ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 225-43, doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.461010.
Vancouver Balıkçıoğlu B, Kıyak FM. Marka Nefretinin Nedenleri ve Sonuçları Üzerine Antakya’da Görgül Bir Çalışma. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;9(1):225-43.