Araştırma Makalesi
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A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 208 - 230, 24.03.2025


This research was carried out to determine the relationship between mobbing and organizational trust by revealing the level of perception of the mobbing problem affecting employees in the industrial sector, was carried out with workers of large-scale enterprises operating in the iron and steel field in Karabük province. In this context, the widely accepted "Mobbing Scale" was used to determine the workplace harassment levels of employees, and the other highly regarded "Organizational Trust Scale" was used to determine the level of trust in the business. As a result of this research, it was determined that employees were exposed to moderate levels of mobbing activities, and their organizational trust levels were moderate. Additionally, it has been determined that mobbing affects the trust in the organization to a higher extent, and as the level of exposure to mobbing increases, the employee's trust in the organization decreases adversely.


  • Abbasi, A., & Wan Ismail, W. K. (2022). Linking organizational citizenship behavior and organizational trust towards reducing workplace deviance behavior in higher education. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), 2157538. https://doi/full/10.1080/23311886.2022.2157538
  • Aiello, A., Dientinger, P., Nardella, C. & Bonafede, M. (2008). A tool for assessing the risk of mobbing in organizational environments: The “Val.Mob.” scale. Prevention Today, 3, 9-24.
  • Akanni, A. A., Omisile, I., & Oduaran, C. A. (2018). Workplace deviant behaviour among public sector employees: The roles of perceived religiosity and job status. European Review of Applied Sociology, 11(17), 44–51.
  • Akgül, A. & Çevik, O. (2003). İstatistiksel Analiz Teknikleri, SPSS’te İşletme Yönetimi Uygulamaları. Emek Ofset Ltd. Şti.
  • Ashforth, B. E. & Lee, R. T. (1990). "Defensive Behavior in Organizations: A Preliminary Model. Human Relations, 43, 621-648.
  • Aytac, S., Bozkurt, V., Bayram, N., Yildiz, S., Aytac, M., Sokullu Akinci, F., & Bilgel, N. (2011). Workplace violence: a study of Turkish workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 17(4), 385-402.
  • Balun, B. & Dinçay, I. H. (2023). İş Arayanların İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Algısına Yönelik Bir Alan Araştırması. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 27(3), 565-582.
  • Bergbom, B., Vartia-Vaananen, M., & Kinnunen, U. (2015). Immigrants and natives at work: Exposure to workplace bullying. Employee Relations, 37(2), 158-175.
  • Cook, J. & Wall, T. (1980). New Work Attitude Measures of Trust, Organizational Commitment and Personal Need Non Fulfillment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 39-52.
  • Cowie, H., Naylor, P., Rivers, I., Smith, P. K. & Pereira, B. (2002). Measuring workplace bullying. Aggression and violent behavior, 7(1), 33-51.
  • Çalışkan, A. (2021). Örgütsel güven: Bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması. Antalya Bilim Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(1), 42-59.
  • Çelik, M., Turunç, Ö. & Beğenirbaş, M. (2011). The Role of Organizational Trust, Burnout and Interpersonal Deviance for Achieving Organizational Performance. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(2), 179-189.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2016). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik SPSS ve LISREL uygulamaları. Pegem Akademi.
  • Einarsen S, Matthiesen S, & Skogstad A. (1998). Bullying at work: Bullying, burnout and well-being among assistant nurses. Journal of Occupational Health & Safety, 14, 563-568.
  • Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D. & Cooper, C. L. (2011). The Concept of Bullying and Harassment at Work: the European Tradition, in S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf and C. Cooper (Eds), Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Developments in Theory, Research, and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 3-39.
  • Erdogan, V. & Yildirim, A. (2017). Healthcare professionals’ exposure to mobbing behaviors and relation of mobbing with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Procedia Computer Science, 120, 931-938.
  • Fox, S. & Stallworth, L. E. (2005). Racial/Ethnic Bullying: Exploring Links Between Bullying and Racism in the U.S. Workplace. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 438-456
  • Gavin, M. B. (2005). Trust in Management and Performance: Who Minds the Shop While the Employees Watch the Boss? Academy of Management Journal, 48, 874-888.
  • Gould-Williams, J. (2007). HR Practices, Organizational Climate, and Employee Outcomes: Evaluating Social Exchange Relationships in Local Government. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(9), 1627-1647.
  • Hartzler, K. D. (2003). Study of School Collaboration and Trust. Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma.
  • Ibrahim, Y. S., Na’ibi, A. A. & Usman, S. (2021). Mobbing, Organizational Trust, Vice and Deviance Behaviour Among Environmental Health and Safety Professionals in Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2(2), 194–205
  • Jayaratne, S., Vinokur-Kaplan, D., Nagda, B. A. & Chess, W. A. (1996). A national study on violence and harassment of social workers by clients. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 20(1), 1–14.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kan, A. & Akbaş, A. (2005). Lise öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutum ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 227-237.
  • Krejcie, R. V. & Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
  • Krishna, A., Soumyaja, D. & Joseph, J. (2024). Workplace Bullying and Employee Silence: the Role of Affect-based Trust and Climate for Conflict Management, International Journal of Conflict Management, Ahead-of-print.
  • Laleoğlu, A. & Özmete, E. (2013). Mobbing ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları, (31), 9-31.
  • Laschinger, H.K., Shamian, P. J. & Thompson, D. (2001). Impact of Magnet Hospital Characteristics on Nurses’ Perceptions of Trust, Burnout, Quality of Care and Work Satisfactions. Nurse Economics, 19(5), 209-219.
  • Lawrence, T. B., & Robinson, S. L. (2007). Ain’t misbehavin: Workplace deviance as organizational resistance. Journal of Management, 33(3), 378–394.
  • Leymann, H. (1990). Mobbing and Psychological Terror at Workplaces. Violence and Victims, 5, 119–126.
  • Ludmila N. P., Ron C. & Caroline S. (2022). How Bullying Manifests at Work-and How to Stop It. Harward Business Review.
  • Lutgen‐Sandvik, P., Tracy, S. J. & Alberts, J. K. (2007). Burned by bullying in the American workplace: Prevalence, perception, degree and impact. Journal of Management Studies, 44(6), 837-862.
  • Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H. & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-734
  • Mishra, J. & Morrisey, M. A. (1990). Trust in Employee/Employer Relationships: A Survey of West Michigan Managers. Public Personnel Management, 19(4), 443-461.
  • Namie, G. (2014). WBI US Workplace Bullying Survey.
  • Namie, G. (2021). 2021 WBI US Workplace Bullying Survey.
  • Özdamar, K. (2001). SPSS ile Biyoistatistik, 4. Basım. Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Praslova, L. N., Carucci, R. & Stokes, C. (2022). How Bullying Manifests at Work-and How to Stop It. Harvard Business Review.
  • Rayner, C. & Hoel, H. (1997). A Summary Review of Literature Relating to Workplace Bullying. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 7, 181-191.
  • Scherer, R. F., Wiebe, F. A., Luther, D. C. & Adams, J. S. (1988). Dimensionality of coping: factor stability using the ways of coping questionnaire. Psychological Reports, 62(3), 763-770.
  • Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidel, L. S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Van der Doef, M. & Maes, S. (1999). The Job Demand-Control (-Support) Model and Psychological Well-Being: A Review of 20 Years of Empirical Research. Work & Stress, 13, 87-114.
  • Vessey, J. A., Demarco, R. F., Gaffney, D. A. & Budin, W. C. (2009). Bullying of staff registered nurses in the workplace: A preliminary study for developing personal and organizational strategies for the transformation of hostile to healthy workplace environments. Journal of Professional Nursing, 25(5), 299-306.
  • Vickers, M. H. (2012). The Emergence of the Study of Mobbing. Mobbing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions, 3(23).
  • World Health Organization. (2002). New Research Shows Workplace Violence Threatens Health Services. P.4.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. M. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46 (Özel Sayı), 74-85
  • Yusof, M. M., Ho, J. A., Imm, S. N. S. & Zawawi, D. (2019). Weeding out Deviant Workplace Behaviour in Downsized Organizations: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Job Embeddedness. Asian Journal of Business Research, 9(3), 115-144.
  • Zak, P. J. (2017). The Neuroscience of Trust. Harward Business Review, January–February, 84–90.

Mobbing ile Örgütsel Güven Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Alan araştırması

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 208 - 230, 24.03.2025


Sanayi sektöründe çalışanları etkileyen mobbing sorununun, yine çalışanlar tarafından algılanma düzeyini ortaya koyarak ve mobbing ile örgütsel güven arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilen bu araştırma, Karabük ili, demir-çelik alanında faaliyet gösteren büyük ölçekli bir işletme çalışanlarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, çalışanların uğradıkları mobbing düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla alanda saygınlığı olan “Mobbing Ölçeği,” işletmeye olan güven düzeyini belirlemek amacıyla da yine akademide yaygın bir şekilde kabul gören “Örgütsel Güven Ölçeğinden” yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, çalışanların orta düzeyde mobbinge maruz kaldıkları ve örgütsel güven düzeylerinin, yine orta düzeyde bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, mobbingin örgüte olan güveni oldukça yüksek oranda etkilediği ve mobbinge uğrama düzeyi arttıkça, iş görenin işletmeye olan güvenin de azaldığı belirlenmiştir.

Etik Beyan

This research has never been submitted for publishing in any other journal before submitting your magazine, and I believe this investigation will contribute to the scientific literature and answer potential inquiries in this regard. I have no conflict-of-interest issue related to this article and submitted all the required documentation along with the manuscript to your journal website. Please feel free to contact me at 537 357 0220 or if you require any more information and documentation related to this publishing. Thank you so much in advance for your help and for considering my manuscript for publication. Dr. Osman Kurter

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  • Abbasi, A., & Wan Ismail, W. K. (2022). Linking organizational citizenship behavior and organizational trust towards reducing workplace deviance behavior in higher education. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), 2157538. https://doi/full/10.1080/23311886.2022.2157538
  • Aiello, A., Dientinger, P., Nardella, C. & Bonafede, M. (2008). A tool for assessing the risk of mobbing in organizational environments: The “Val.Mob.” scale. Prevention Today, 3, 9-24.
  • Akanni, A. A., Omisile, I., & Oduaran, C. A. (2018). Workplace deviant behaviour among public sector employees: The roles of perceived religiosity and job status. European Review of Applied Sociology, 11(17), 44–51.
  • Akgül, A. & Çevik, O. (2003). İstatistiksel Analiz Teknikleri, SPSS’te İşletme Yönetimi Uygulamaları. Emek Ofset Ltd. Şti.
  • Ashforth, B. E. & Lee, R. T. (1990). "Defensive Behavior in Organizations: A Preliminary Model. Human Relations, 43, 621-648.
  • Aytac, S., Bozkurt, V., Bayram, N., Yildiz, S., Aytac, M., Sokullu Akinci, F., & Bilgel, N. (2011). Workplace violence: a study of Turkish workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 17(4), 385-402.
  • Balun, B. & Dinçay, I. H. (2023). İş Arayanların İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Algısına Yönelik Bir Alan Araştırması. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 27(3), 565-582.
  • Bergbom, B., Vartia-Vaananen, M., & Kinnunen, U. (2015). Immigrants and natives at work: Exposure to workplace bullying. Employee Relations, 37(2), 158-175.
  • Cook, J. & Wall, T. (1980). New Work Attitude Measures of Trust, Organizational Commitment and Personal Need Non Fulfillment. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 39-52.
  • Cowie, H., Naylor, P., Rivers, I., Smith, P. K. & Pereira, B. (2002). Measuring workplace bullying. Aggression and violent behavior, 7(1), 33-51.
  • Çalışkan, A. (2021). Örgütsel güven: Bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması. Antalya Bilim Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(1), 42-59.
  • Çelik, M., Turunç, Ö. & Beğenirbaş, M. (2011). The Role of Organizational Trust, Burnout and Interpersonal Deviance for Achieving Organizational Performance. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(2), 179-189.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. & Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2016). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik SPSS ve LISREL uygulamaları. Pegem Akademi.
  • Einarsen S, Matthiesen S, & Skogstad A. (1998). Bullying at work: Bullying, burnout and well-being among assistant nurses. Journal of Occupational Health & Safety, 14, 563-568.
  • Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D. & Cooper, C. L. (2011). The Concept of Bullying and Harassment at Work: the European Tradition, in S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf and C. Cooper (Eds), Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace Developments in Theory, Research, and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 3-39.
  • Erdogan, V. & Yildirim, A. (2017). Healthcare professionals’ exposure to mobbing behaviors and relation of mobbing with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Procedia Computer Science, 120, 931-938.
  • Fox, S. & Stallworth, L. E. (2005). Racial/Ethnic Bullying: Exploring Links Between Bullying and Racism in the U.S. Workplace. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 438-456
  • Gavin, M. B. (2005). Trust in Management and Performance: Who Minds the Shop While the Employees Watch the Boss? Academy of Management Journal, 48, 874-888.
  • Gould-Williams, J. (2007). HR Practices, Organizational Climate, and Employee Outcomes: Evaluating Social Exchange Relationships in Local Government. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(9), 1627-1647.
  • Hartzler, K. D. (2003). Study of School Collaboration and Trust. Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma.
  • Ibrahim, Y. S., Na’ibi, A. A. & Usman, S. (2021). Mobbing, Organizational Trust, Vice and Deviance Behaviour Among Environmental Health and Safety Professionals in Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2(2), 194–205
  • Jayaratne, S., Vinokur-Kaplan, D., Nagda, B. A. & Chess, W. A. (1996). A national study on violence and harassment of social workers by clients. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 20(1), 1–14.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri. Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kan, A. & Akbaş, A. (2005). Lise öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutum ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 227-237.
  • Krejcie, R. V. & Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
  • Krishna, A., Soumyaja, D. & Joseph, J. (2024). Workplace Bullying and Employee Silence: the Role of Affect-based Trust and Climate for Conflict Management, International Journal of Conflict Management, Ahead-of-print.
  • Laleoğlu, A. & Özmete, E. (2013). Mobbing ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları, (31), 9-31.
  • Laschinger, H.K., Shamian, P. J. & Thompson, D. (2001). Impact of Magnet Hospital Characteristics on Nurses’ Perceptions of Trust, Burnout, Quality of Care and Work Satisfactions. Nurse Economics, 19(5), 209-219.
  • Lawrence, T. B., & Robinson, S. L. (2007). Ain’t misbehavin: Workplace deviance as organizational resistance. Journal of Management, 33(3), 378–394.
  • Leymann, H. (1990). Mobbing and Psychological Terror at Workplaces. Violence and Victims, 5, 119–126.
  • Ludmila N. P., Ron C. & Caroline S. (2022). How Bullying Manifests at Work-and How to Stop It. Harward Business Review.
  • Lutgen‐Sandvik, P., Tracy, S. J. & Alberts, J. K. (2007). Burned by bullying in the American workplace: Prevalence, perception, degree and impact. Journal of Management Studies, 44(6), 837-862.
  • Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H. & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-734
  • Mishra, J. & Morrisey, M. A. (1990). Trust in Employee/Employer Relationships: A Survey of West Michigan Managers. Public Personnel Management, 19(4), 443-461.
  • Namie, G. (2014). WBI US Workplace Bullying Survey.
  • Namie, G. (2021). 2021 WBI US Workplace Bullying Survey.
  • Özdamar, K. (2001). SPSS ile Biyoistatistik, 4. Basım. Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Praslova, L. N., Carucci, R. & Stokes, C. (2022). How Bullying Manifests at Work-and How to Stop It. Harvard Business Review.
  • Rayner, C. & Hoel, H. (1997). A Summary Review of Literature Relating to Workplace Bullying. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 7, 181-191.
  • Scherer, R. F., Wiebe, F. A., Luther, D. C. & Adams, J. S. (1988). Dimensionality of coping: factor stability using the ways of coping questionnaire. Psychological Reports, 62(3), 763-770.
  • Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidel, L. S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Van der Doef, M. & Maes, S. (1999). The Job Demand-Control (-Support) Model and Psychological Well-Being: A Review of 20 Years of Empirical Research. Work & Stress, 13, 87-114.
  • Vessey, J. A., Demarco, R. F., Gaffney, D. A. & Budin, W. C. (2009). Bullying of staff registered nurses in the workplace: A preliminary study for developing personal and organizational strategies for the transformation of hostile to healthy workplace environments. Journal of Professional Nursing, 25(5), 299-306.
  • Vickers, M. H. (2012). The Emergence of the Study of Mobbing. Mobbing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions, 3(23).
  • World Health Organization. (2002). New Research Shows Workplace Violence Threatens Health Services. P.4.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. M. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması. İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46 (Özel Sayı), 74-85
  • Yusof, M. M., Ho, J. A., Imm, S. N. S. & Zawawi, D. (2019). Weeding out Deviant Workplace Behaviour in Downsized Organizations: The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Job Embeddedness. Asian Journal of Business Research, 9(3), 115-144.
  • Zak, P. J. (2017). The Neuroscience of Trust. Harward Business Review, January–February, 84–90.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İnovasyon Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Osman Kurter 0000-0001-7581-1316

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurter, O. (2025). A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 208-230.
AMA Kurter O. A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Mart 2025;15(1):208-230. doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1530672
Chicago Kurter, Osman. “A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 15, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 208-30.
EndNote Kurter O (01 Mart 2025) A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 15 1 208–230.
IEEE O. Kurter, “A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust”, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 208–230, 2025, doi: 10.18074/ckuiibfd.1530672.
ISNAD Kurter, Osman. “A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 15/1 (Mart 2025), 208-230.
JAMA Kurter O. A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2025;15:208–230.
MLA Kurter, Osman. “A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust”. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 208-30, doi:10.18074/ckuiibfd.1530672.
Vancouver Kurter O. A Field Research to Determine the Effect of Mobbing on Organizational Trust. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2025;15(1):208-30.