Given a weight function τ, we introduce a new class of Banach function algebras with respect to τ,
denoted by C_0b(X, τ ). We provide a complete solution to the isomorphism problem in this class. We further characterize the BSE-extension and the Inoue-Doss ideal associated with it. As an application of our results, we show the
equivalence of the four statements: (i) C_0b(X, τ) is of BSE, (ii) C_0b(X, τ) is of BED, (iii) C_0b(X, τ) is Tauberian and (iv)
τ is bounded.
This work was supported by the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, a Joint Usage/Research Center located in Kyoto University.
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S.-e. Takahası, K. Shirayanagi, ve M. Tsukada, “Isomorphism Problem in a Special Class of Banach Function Algebras and its Application”, CMA, c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 305–317, 2021, doi: 10.33205/cma.952056.
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Takahası S-e, Shirayanagi K, Tsukada M. Isomorphism Problem in a Special Class of Banach Function Algebras and its Application. CMA. 2021;4:305–317.
Takahası, Sın-eı vd. “Isomorphism Problem in a Special Class of Banach Function Algebras and Its Application”. Constructive Mathematical Analysis, c. 4, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 305-17, doi:10.33205/cma.952056.
Takahası S-e, Shirayanagi K, Tsukada M. Isomorphism Problem in a Special Class of Banach Function Algebras and its Application. CMA. 2021;4(3):305-17.