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First Report of Caligus minimus Otto, 1821 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) from Plankton Samples Collected from Türkiye

Yıl 2023, , 50 - 57, 30.06.2023


During a plankton sampling conducted off the northeastern Mediterranean coast of Türkiye, a single female copepod, Caligus minimus Otto, 1821 was collected from a marine plankton sample. C. minimus is a well-known species of the genus Caligus O.F. Müller, 1785 which has been previously reported as a parasite from nine marine fish species belonging to eight different families. To date, however, C. minimus has never been reported from plankton samples. In this study, the general morphology based on the key diagnostic characters of the planktonic C. minimus is presented using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) images. This is the first report of C. minimus from plankton samples off Turkish waters and global marine environments.


Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Dr. Gürkan AKBULUT for his technical help during the ichtyoplancton sampling.


  • Abouzaid, A.A., Bazh, K.E., Desouky, A.Y., & Abo-Rawash, A.A. (2018). Metazoan parasite fauna of wild sea bass; Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) in Egypt. Life Science Journal, 15(6), 48-60.
  • Bahri, L., Ben Hamida, J., & Ben Hassine, O.K. (2002). Use of parasitic copepod, Lernanthropus kroyeri (Van Beneden, 1851) (Lernanthropidae) as a bio-indicator of two fish populations, Dicentrarchus labrax Linnaeus (1758) and Diplodus punctatus (Bloch, 1792) (Moronidae) in Tunisian inshore areas. Crustaceana, 75, 253-267.
  • Benmansour, B., & Ben Hassine, O.K. (1998). Preliminary analysis of parasitic copepod species richness among coastal fishes of Tunisia. Italian Journal of Zoology, 65, 341-344.
  • Boxshall, G.A. (1974). Infections with parasitic copepods in North Sea marine fishes. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 54, 355-372.
  • Boxshall, G.A. (1990). The skeletomusculature of siphonostomatoid copepods, with an analysis of adaptive radiation in structure of the oral cone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 328, 167-212.
  • Bragoni, G., Romestand, B., & Trilles, J.P. (1983). Parasitism by cymothoids among sea bass in rearing. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 58(6), 593-609.
  • Brian, A. (1906). Copepodi parassiti dei Pesci d’Italia. Stabilimento Tipo-Litografico Regio Istituto Sordomuti, Genova, 187 pp.
  • Brian, A. (1935). I Caligus parassiti dei pesci del Mediterraneo (Copepodi). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 'Giacomo Doria', Genova, 57, 152-211.
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  • Cabral, P., & Raibaut, A. (1986). Discovery of a new caligid copepod, parasite of the wolf's seed coat, Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) (Pisces, Moronidae) in breeding and in a natural environment. Bulletin of the Zoological Society of France, 111(1-2), 123-130.
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  • Er, A., & Kayış, Ş. (2015). Intensity and prevalence of some crustacean fish parasites in Turkey and their molecular identification. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 1142-1150.
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  • Fioravanti, M.L., Caffara, M., Florio, D., Gustinelli, A., & Marcer, F. (2006). A parasitological survey of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) cultured in Italy. Veterinary Research Communications, 30(1), 249-252.
  • Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (2023). FishBase. Retreived from
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  • Hayward, C.J., Aiken, H.M., & Nowak, B.F. (2008). An epizootic of Caligus chiastos on farmed southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii off South Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 79, 57-63.
  • Hayward, C.J., Svane, I., Lachimpadi, S.K., Itoh, N., Bott, N.J., & Nowak, B.F. (2011). Sea lice infections of wild fishes near ranched southern bluefin tuna (Thunnaus maccoyi) in South Australia. Aquaculture, 320, 178-182.
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Türkiye’den Toplanan Plankton Örneklerinde Deniz Biti, Caligus minimus Otto, 1821 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) İle ilgili İlk Rapor

Yıl 2023, , 50 - 57, 30.06.2023


Türkiye’nin kuzeydoğu Akdeniz kıyılarında yürütülen bir plankton örneklemesi sırasında, deniz plankton örneklerinden tesadüfen tek bir dişi Caligid parazitik kopepod, Caligus minimus Otto, 1821 bireyi örneklendi. C. minimus, daha önce sekiz farklı familyaya ait dokuz deniz balığı türünden bildirilen Caligus O.F. Müller, 1985 cinsinin iyi bilinen bir türüdür. Ancak bugüne kadar plankton örneklerinden C. minimus hiç rapor edilmemiştir. Bu çalışmada, konfokal lazer taramalı mikroskobu (CLSM) görüntüleri kullanılarak planktonik C. minimus’un genel morfolojisi ve tür teşhisinde kullanılan belirgin karakterleri sunulmuştur. Bu çalışma, Türkiye ve dünya denizel ortamlarından C. minimus’un planktonik formunun ilk raporudur.


  • Abouzaid, A.A., Bazh, K.E., Desouky, A.Y., & Abo-Rawash, A.A. (2018). Metazoan parasite fauna of wild sea bass; Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) in Egypt. Life Science Journal, 15(6), 48-60.
  • Bahri, L., Ben Hamida, J., & Ben Hassine, O.K. (2002). Use of parasitic copepod, Lernanthropus kroyeri (Van Beneden, 1851) (Lernanthropidae) as a bio-indicator of two fish populations, Dicentrarchus labrax Linnaeus (1758) and Diplodus punctatus (Bloch, 1792) (Moronidae) in Tunisian inshore areas. Crustaceana, 75, 253-267.
  • Benmansour, B., & Ben Hassine, O.K. (1998). Preliminary analysis of parasitic copepod species richness among coastal fishes of Tunisia. Italian Journal of Zoology, 65, 341-344.
  • Boxshall, G.A. (1974). Infections with parasitic copepods in North Sea marine fishes. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 54, 355-372.
  • Boxshall, G.A. (1990). The skeletomusculature of siphonostomatoid copepods, with an analysis of adaptive radiation in structure of the oral cone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 328, 167-212.
  • Bragoni, G., Romestand, B., & Trilles, J.P. (1983). Parasitism by cymothoids among sea bass in rearing. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée, 58(6), 593-609.
  • Brian, A. (1906). Copepodi parassiti dei Pesci d’Italia. Stabilimento Tipo-Litografico Regio Istituto Sordomuti, Genova, 187 pp.
  • Brian, A. (1935). I Caligus parassiti dei pesci del Mediterraneo (Copepodi). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 'Giacomo Doria', Genova, 57, 152-211.
  • Cabral, P. (1983). Morphologie, biologie et écologie des Copépodes parasites du Loup Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné, 1758) et du Sar rayé Diplodus sargus (Linné, 1758) de la région languedocienne. Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université Montpellier, Montpellier, 221 pp.
  • Cabral, P., & Raibaut, A. (1986). Discovery of a new caligid copepod, parasite of the wolf's seed coat, Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) (Pisces, Moronidae) in breeding and in a natural environment. Bulletin of the Zoological Society of France, 111(1-2), 123-130.
  • Canlı, M. (2010). Ectoparasite research on economic fish species which is caught from Hurmabogazı Lagoon (Adana). Dissertation. Cukurova University (in Turkish with English abstract).
  • Cengizler, İ., Erdem, Ü., Özak, A.A., Genç, E., & Şahan, A. (2001). Caligiosis in Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) cultured in coast of Yumurtalık (Adana). In: XI National Symposium on Aquatic Products, 4-6 September 2001, Hatay, Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Czerniavski, V. (1868). Materialia ad zoographiam Ponticam comparatam. Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes de St. Petersbourg, 1, 19-136.
  • Delamare-Deboutteville, C. (1950). Copépodes parasites des poissons de Banyuls (1ère série). Vie et Milieu, 3, 305-309.
  • El-Deen, A.I.E.N., Mahmoud, A.E., & Hassan, H.M. (2013). Field studies of Caligus parasitic infections among cultured seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and mullet (Mugil cephalus) in marine fish farms with emphasis on treatment trials. Global Veterinaria, 11(5), 511-520.
  • Er, A., & Kayış, Ş. (2015). Intensity and prevalence of some crustacean fish parasites in Turkey and their molecular identification. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39, 1142-1150.
  • Essafi, K., Cabral, P., & Raibaut, A. (1984). Parasitic copepods of fish from the Kerkennah Islands (southern Tunisia). Les Archives de l'Institut Pasteur Tunis, 61(4), 475-523.
  • Fernández, J.P., Muñoz, M.V., Orts, M.E., & Carbonell, E. (1989). Prevalencia e intensidad de parasitación por crustáceos en peces del Mar Mediterráneo, Revista Ibérica de Parasitología, 49(1), 75-76.
  • Fioravanti, M.L., Caffara, M., Florio, D., Gustinelli, A., & Marcer, F. (2006). A parasitological survey of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) cultured in Italy. Veterinary Research Communications, 30(1), 249-252.
  • Froese, R., & Pauly, D. (2023). FishBase. Retreived from
  • Grabda, J. (1977). Crustaceans-parasites of marine fishes, Wiadomosci Parazytologiczne. 23(1-3), 171-176.
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Toplam 84 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Seyit Ali Kamanli 0000-0002-9118-4591

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mart 2023
Kabul Tarihi 28 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Kamanli, S. A. (2023). First Report of Caligus minimus Otto, 1821 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) from Plankton Samples Collected from Türkiye. Commagene Journal of Biology, 7(1), 50-57.
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