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A Systematic Literature Review of Academic Studies on Palestinian Cinema

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 29, 37 - 47, 13.03.2025


This study aims to systematically analyze academic studies on Palestinian cinema regarding their themes and approaches. The study was designed with a mixed research approach, using the content analysis technique. The study population comprises 130 articles that were searched with the keyword “Palestinian Cinema” in the Web of Science database. The sample was limited to 35 refereed journal articles by applying exclusion criteria. MAXQDA software was used in the analysis process. First, the articles were translated into Turkish and uploaded to the program with a code chart. The coding process identified themes such as national identity, resistance, memory, diaspora, and the places and periods in which the stories occur. It was observed that most of the studies were shaped within the framework of cultural memory and postcolonial theory. Elia Suleiman and Hany Abu-Assad were the most frequently cited directors, while Paradise Now and Divine Intervention stood out among the films. The findings reveal that Palestinian cinema has been used as an artistic and political tool to address national identity, collective memory, and resistance. The study shows that academic interest in Palestinian cinema has evolved over the years and has the potential to diversify for future research.


  • Abu-Remaileh, R. (2014). The Kanafani effect: Resistance and counter-narration in the films of Michel Khleifi and Elia Suleiman. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(2), 190-206.
  • Alkassim, S. (2022). Struggling to be seen: The travails of Palestinian cinema. Journal of Palestine Studies, 51(2), 76-77.
  • Ball, A. (2008). Between a postcolonial nation and fantasies of the feminine: The contested visions of Palestinian cinema. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 23(3), 1-33.
  • Ben Labidi, I. (2021). Representation and emancipation: Cinema of the oppressed. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(2), 250-265.
  • Bracco, C. (2024). Género y memoria en el cine palestino. Debates y controversias en torno a Farha. Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, 36, 166-190.
  • Brand, R. (2008). Identification with victimhood in recent cinema. Culture, Theory & Critique, 49(2), 165-181.
  • Brumm, A. M. (1996). Migration, marginality and cultural conflict in recent Israeli and Palestinian cinema. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 23(2), 561-576.
  • Burris, G. (2022). Dreams/Cinema/Palestine: Unoccupied spaces in the dream and my love awaits me by the sea. ARTMargins, 11(1-2), 152-170.
  • Chamarette, J. (2014). Absurd avatars, transcultural relations: Elia Suleiman, Franco-Palestinian filmmaking and beyond. Modern & Contemporary France, 22(1), 85-102.
  • Crespis, E. (2021). The ritual in the roadblock film: The wedding and the birthday in post-Oslo Palestinian cinema. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 57(6), 766-778.
  • Denes, N. (2014). Between form and function: Experimentation in the early works of the Palestine film unit, 1968–1974. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(2), 219-241.
  • Dickinson, K. (2018). Arab film and video manifestos: Forty-five years of the moving image amid revolution. Springer.
  • Dushi, N. (2023). Femininity and the challenge of representation: Some thoughts about minor Israeli and Palestinian films. Israel Studies, 28(1), 233-247.
  • El Attar, H. (2019) Restoring narratives: Third-generation Palestinian chileans and cinema. Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, 52(2), 185-190.
  • Estefan, K. (2022). Narrating looted and living Palestinian archives: Reparative fabulation in Azza El-Hassan’s Kings and extras. Feminist Media Histories, 8(2), 43-69.
  • Fourest, L. (2013). La Palestine comme écran, ou comment passer «de l’autre côté du miroir». Le cinéma de Kamal Aljafari. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 134, 85-98.
  • Georgis, D. (2020). Play and the affective space of hope in Hani Abu-Assad’s The Idol. Emotion, Space and Society, 37, 2-7.
  • Gertz, N. (2002). Space and gender in the new Israeli and Palestinian cinema. Prooftexts, 22(1-2), 157-185.
  • Gertz, N., & Khleifi, G. (2008). Palestinian cinema landscape, trauma and memory. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Gourgouris, S. (2015). Dream-work of dispossession. Journal of Palestine Studies, 44(4), 32-47.
  • Habashneh, K. (2023). Knights of cinema: The story of the Palestine film unit. Springer Nature.
  • Hennebelle, G. (1980). National question in Palestinian cinema how to get down to business. Cineaste, 10(1), 32.
  • Jankovic, C., & Awad, N. (2012). Queer/Palestinian cinema: A critical conversation on Palestinian queer and women’s filmmaking. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 27(2), 135-143.
  • Leperon, S. (1975). Palestinian cinema. Cahiers Du Cinema, 256, 35-38.
  • Meddeb, A. (1975). An analysis of Alaounie, Borhan ‘Kafr Kassem’ and tha Palestinian homeland. Cahiers Du Cinema, 256, 47-51.
  • Morag, R. (2010). Interracial (homo) sexualities: Post-traumatic Palestinian and Israeli cinema during the al-Aqsa Intifada (Diary of a Male Whore and The Bubble). International Journal of Communication, 4(23), 932-954.
  • Narboni, J. (1975). ‘Kafr Kassem’, A Palestinian film by Alaounie, Borhan. Cahiers Du Cinema, 256, 39-46.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2014). Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri 1: Nitel ve nicel yaklaşımlar (S. Özge, Çev.). Yayın Odası.
  • Ó Murchú, N. (2023) Coloring Palestine: The flag device and cinematic motivations in narrative movies. Journal of Palestine Studies, 52(1), 21-42.
  • Orr, M. (2021). The agency of the jewess and her Palestinian counterpart: Destabilizing gender and vulnerability as resistance in paradise now and for my father. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 39(3), 243-280.
  • Oumlil, K. (2016). Re-writing history on screen: Annemarie Jacir's Salt of this Sea. Arab Studies Quarterly, 38(3), 586-600.
  • Sevilla, J., & Lopez, M. (2009). The cinema made by Palestinians: a look at continuous revolution. Arte y Politicas de Identidad, 1, 103-134.
  • Shafik, V. (2004). Cinema in palestine. O. Leaman (Ed.), Companion encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African film (ss. 518-532). Routledge.
  • Shilina-Conte, T. (2021). Silence as elective mutism in minor cinema. Film-Philosophy, 25(2), 130-150.
  • Singh, A. (2019). Time and waiting: The fulcrum of Palestinian identity. Arab Studies Quarterly, 41(4), 317-331.
  • Sinno, N. (2022). Exasperating rides and bittersweet Duties: Humoring the Palestinian homeland in Annemarie Jacir’s Wajib. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 16(1), ss. 90-109.
  • Tawil-Souri, H. (2011). Where is the political in cultural studies? In Palestine. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5), 467-482.
  • Tawil-Souri, H. (2014). Cinema as the Space to Transgress Palestine’s Territorial Trap. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(2), 169-189.
  • Thorpe, R., Holt, R., Macpherson, A., & Pittaway, L. (2005). Using knowledge within small and medium‐sized firms: A systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Management Reviews, 7(4), 257-281.
  • Trbic, B. (2020). Bereft of nature: Renegotiating national identity in the films of Rashid Masharawi. Transnational Screens, 11(1), 62-77.
  • White, R. G. (2019). A cage without walls. Film Criticism, 43(2). Yaqub, N. (2012). Utopia and dystopia in Palestinian circular journeys from Ghassān Kanafānī to contemporary film. Middle Eastern Literatures, 15(3), 305-318.

Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 29, 37 - 47, 13.03.2025


Bu çalışma, Filistin sineması üzerine yapılan akademik çalışmaların temaları ve yaklaşımları açısından sistematik bir şekilde incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Karma araştırma yaklaşımıyla tasarlanan çalışma, içerik analizi tekniği kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evreni, Web of Science veri tabanında “Palestinian Cinema” anahtar kelimesiyle taranan 130 makaleden oluşmaktadır. Dışlama kriterleri uygulanarak örneklem, 35 hakemli dergi makalesiyle sınırlandırılmıştır. Analiz sürecinde MAXQDA yazılımı kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle makaleler Türkçeye çevrilmiş, kod cetveli ile programa yüklenmiştir. Kodlama süreciyle ulusal kimlik, direniş, bellek ve diaspora gibi temaların yanı sıra öykülerin geçtiği mekânlar ve dönemler belirlenmiştir. Çalışmaların çoğunun kültürel bellek ve postkolonyal teori çerçevesinde şekillendiği gözlemlenmiştir. En sık atıfta bulunulan yönetmenler Elia Suleiman ve Hany Abu-Assad; filmler arasında ise Paradise Now ve Divine Intervention öne çıkmıştır. Bulgular, Filistin sinemasının sanatsal ve politik bir araç olarak ulusal kimlik, toplumsal hafıza ve direnişi işlediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma, Filistin sineması üzerine akademik ilginin yıllar içinde evrildiğini ve gelecekteki araştırmalar için çeşitlenme potansiyeli taşıdığını göstermektedir.


  • Abu-Remaileh, R. (2014). The Kanafani effect: Resistance and counter-narration in the films of Michel Khleifi and Elia Suleiman. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(2), 190-206.
  • Alkassim, S. (2022). Struggling to be seen: The travails of Palestinian cinema. Journal of Palestine Studies, 51(2), 76-77.
  • Ball, A. (2008). Between a postcolonial nation and fantasies of the feminine: The contested visions of Palestinian cinema. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 23(3), 1-33.
  • Ben Labidi, I. (2021). Representation and emancipation: Cinema of the oppressed. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 24(2), 250-265.
  • Bracco, C. (2024). Género y memoria en el cine palestino. Debates y controversias en torno a Farha. Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, 36, 166-190.
  • Brand, R. (2008). Identification with victimhood in recent cinema. Culture, Theory & Critique, 49(2), 165-181.
  • Brumm, A. M. (1996). Migration, marginality and cultural conflict in recent Israeli and Palestinian cinema. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 23(2), 561-576.
  • Burris, G. (2022). Dreams/Cinema/Palestine: Unoccupied spaces in the dream and my love awaits me by the sea. ARTMargins, 11(1-2), 152-170.
  • Chamarette, J. (2014). Absurd avatars, transcultural relations: Elia Suleiman, Franco-Palestinian filmmaking and beyond. Modern & Contemporary France, 22(1), 85-102.
  • Crespis, E. (2021). The ritual in the roadblock film: The wedding and the birthday in post-Oslo Palestinian cinema. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 57(6), 766-778.
  • Denes, N. (2014). Between form and function: Experimentation in the early works of the Palestine film unit, 1968–1974. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(2), 219-241.
  • Dickinson, K. (2018). Arab film and video manifestos: Forty-five years of the moving image amid revolution. Springer.
  • Dushi, N. (2023). Femininity and the challenge of representation: Some thoughts about minor Israeli and Palestinian films. Israel Studies, 28(1), 233-247.
  • El Attar, H. (2019) Restoring narratives: Third-generation Palestinian chileans and cinema. Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, 52(2), 185-190.
  • Estefan, K. (2022). Narrating looted and living Palestinian archives: Reparative fabulation in Azza El-Hassan’s Kings and extras. Feminist Media Histories, 8(2), 43-69.
  • Fourest, L. (2013). La Palestine comme écran, ou comment passer «de l’autre côté du miroir». Le cinéma de Kamal Aljafari. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 134, 85-98.
  • Georgis, D. (2020). Play and the affective space of hope in Hani Abu-Assad’s The Idol. Emotion, Space and Society, 37, 2-7.
  • Gertz, N. (2002). Space and gender in the new Israeli and Palestinian cinema. Prooftexts, 22(1-2), 157-185.
  • Gertz, N., & Khleifi, G. (2008). Palestinian cinema landscape, trauma and memory. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Gourgouris, S. (2015). Dream-work of dispossession. Journal of Palestine Studies, 44(4), 32-47.
  • Habashneh, K. (2023). Knights of cinema: The story of the Palestine film unit. Springer Nature.
  • Hennebelle, G. (1980). National question in Palestinian cinema how to get down to business. Cineaste, 10(1), 32.
  • Jankovic, C., & Awad, N. (2012). Queer/Palestinian cinema: A critical conversation on Palestinian queer and women’s filmmaking. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 27(2), 135-143.
  • Leperon, S. (1975). Palestinian cinema. Cahiers Du Cinema, 256, 35-38.
  • Meddeb, A. (1975). An analysis of Alaounie, Borhan ‘Kafr Kassem’ and tha Palestinian homeland. Cahiers Du Cinema, 256, 47-51.
  • Morag, R. (2010). Interracial (homo) sexualities: Post-traumatic Palestinian and Israeli cinema during the al-Aqsa Intifada (Diary of a Male Whore and The Bubble). International Journal of Communication, 4(23), 932-954.
  • Narboni, J. (1975). ‘Kafr Kassem’, A Palestinian film by Alaounie, Borhan. Cahiers Du Cinema, 256, 39-46.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2014). Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri 1: Nitel ve nicel yaklaşımlar (S. Özge, Çev.). Yayın Odası.
  • Ó Murchú, N. (2023) Coloring Palestine: The flag device and cinematic motivations in narrative movies. Journal of Palestine Studies, 52(1), 21-42.
  • Orr, M. (2021). The agency of the jewess and her Palestinian counterpart: Destabilizing gender and vulnerability as resistance in paradise now and for my father. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 39(3), 243-280.
  • Oumlil, K. (2016). Re-writing history on screen: Annemarie Jacir's Salt of this Sea. Arab Studies Quarterly, 38(3), 586-600.
  • Sevilla, J., & Lopez, M. (2009). The cinema made by Palestinians: a look at continuous revolution. Arte y Politicas de Identidad, 1, 103-134.
  • Shafik, V. (2004). Cinema in palestine. O. Leaman (Ed.), Companion encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African film (ss. 518-532). Routledge.
  • Shilina-Conte, T. (2021). Silence as elective mutism in minor cinema. Film-Philosophy, 25(2), 130-150.
  • Singh, A. (2019). Time and waiting: The fulcrum of Palestinian identity. Arab Studies Quarterly, 41(4), 317-331.
  • Sinno, N. (2022). Exasperating rides and bittersweet Duties: Humoring the Palestinian homeland in Annemarie Jacir’s Wajib. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 16(1), ss. 90-109.
  • Tawil-Souri, H. (2011). Where is the political in cultural studies? In Palestine. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5), 467-482.
  • Tawil-Souri, H. (2014). Cinema as the Space to Transgress Palestine’s Territorial Trap. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(2), 169-189.
  • Thorpe, R., Holt, R., Macpherson, A., & Pittaway, L. (2005). Using knowledge within small and medium‐sized firms: A systematic review of the evidence. International Journal of Management Reviews, 7(4), 257-281.
  • Trbic, B. (2020). Bereft of nature: Renegotiating national identity in the films of Rashid Masharawi. Transnational Screens, 11(1), 62-77.
  • White, R. G. (2019). A cage without walls. Film Criticism, 43(2). Yaqub, N. (2012). Utopia and dystopia in Palestinian circular journeys from Ghassān Kanafānī to contemporary film. Middle Eastern Literatures, 15(3), 305-318.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Murat Şahin 0000-0001-7533-8602

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, M. (2025). Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması. Communicata(29), 37-47.
AMA Şahin M. Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması. Communicata. Mart 2025;(29):37-47. doi:10.32952/communicata.1606350
Chicago Şahin, Murat. “Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması”. Communicata, sy. 29 (Mart 2025): 37-47.
EndNote Şahin M (01 Mart 2025) Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması. Communicata 29 37–47.
IEEE M. Şahin, “Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması”, Communicata, sy. 29, ss. 37–47, Mart 2025, doi: 10.32952/communicata.1606350.
ISNAD Şahin, Murat. “Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması”. Communicata 29 (Mart 2025), 37-47.
JAMA Şahin M. Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması. Communicata. 2025;:37–47.
MLA Şahin, Murat. “Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması”. Communicata, sy. 29, 2025, ss. 37-47, doi:10.32952/communicata.1606350.
Vancouver Şahin M. Filistin Sineması Üzerine Yapılmış Akademik Çalışmalar: Sistematik Bir Literatür Taraması. Communicata. 2025(29):37-4.

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