Research Article
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Yield and Quality Compounds of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Beaumont) As Affected by Different Irrigation Levels

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 13 - 20, 01.08.2017


The field
experiment was carried out at the Dardanos Agricultural Research Station of
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University in 2015, near Dardanelles straits in
Canakkale province, Turkey.  Irrigation
interval (4-day) was fixed for all treatments and evaporation was determined by
Class-A pan. In the full treatment (I1.0), water in the root zone
was refilled up to field capacity. In the deficit treatments, the water applied
was  70 % (I0.7), 30% (I0.3)
and 0% (I0.0) of full irrigation. It is concluded that broccoli (
Brassica oleracea
) gave the highest yield
and quality in terms of that water need (361 mm) was fully met.  If there is water scarcity in the field where
broccoli is cultivated, an economical income from broccoli production can be
obtained by saving %30 water or applying water of 253 mm. However, if water
stress exceeds more than 30%, the yield and especially the quality of broccoli
can be significantly losses. 


  • Anonymous,2010.Climate change, (accessed on 6th December 2010).
  • Ashraf M., Haris P.J.C., 2004. Potential Biochemical İndicators of Salinity Tolerance in Plants. Plant Science 166: 3–16.
  • Bates L, Waldren RP, Teare ID. 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant and Soil, 39, 205-207.
  • Carr, CA, Frei, B. 1999. Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 69:1086– 107.
  • Erdem,Y., Arin,L., Erdem,T., Polat,S., Deveci,M., Okursoy,H., Gültaş,H.T., 2010. Crop water stress index for assessing irrigation scheduling of drip irrigated broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var.italica), Agricultural Water Management 98(2010),148-156.
  • Erken,O., Kuzucu,C.O., Cakir,R., 2013. Impact of different water supply levels on yield and biochemical ingredients in broccoli. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(No.5)2013, 1009-1017.
  • Ertek, A., Kanber, R.2000. Pamukta uygun sulama dozu ve aralığının Pan-Evaporasyon yöntemiyle belirlenmesi, Turk, I. Agric. F. 24 (2000) 293.300.
  • Haferkamp,M.R., 1987. Enviromental factors affecting plant productivity, Fort Keogh Research Symposium, September, 1987, Miles City,MT. R.S..White&R.E.Short(Eds) Montana Agr.Exp.Sta.,Bozeman,Feb.1988, 132 p.
  • Howel,T.A., 2001. Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. Agron. J. 93:281-289.
  • Irkin,R., Degirmencioglu, N., Guldas,M., 2015. Effects of organic acids to prolong the shelf-life and improve the microbial quantity of fresh-cut broccoli florets. Quality assurance and safety of crops&foods: 7(5)-p.737-745. DOI.
  • Jeffery,E.H., Brown,A.F., Kurilich, A.C., Keck,A.S., Matusheski,N., Klein,B.P., Juvik, J.A., 2003. Variation in content of bioactive components in broccoli, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 16 (2003), 323-330.
  • Nelson, E.K., Mottern, H.H., 1931. The organic acids of spinach, broccoli and lettuce, Contribution from the food research division no.92, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Pek,Z., Daood,H., Nagyne,M.G., Berki,M., Namenyi,A., Helyes,L., 2012. Yield and phytochemical compounds of broccoli as affected by temperature, irrigation and foliar sülfür supplemementation. HortScience 47(11):1646-1652.
  • Ross A. F., 1959. Dinitrophenol Methot for Reducing Sugar, In Potato Processing. Ed. W. F
  • Sarah, L.P.C., Chaves,F.C., Schirmer,M.A., Zambiazi,R.C., Nora,L., Silva,J.A., Rombaldi,C.V., 2011. Low soil water content during growth contributes to preservation of green colour and bioactive compounds of cold-stored broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) florets. Postharvest Biology and Technology 60(2011),p.158-163.
  • Sezen, S.M., Yazar, A. and Eker, S. 2006. Effect of drip irrigation regimes on yield and quality of field grown bell pepper. Agricultural Water Management 81, 115-131.
  • Sha,S., Li,J., Wu,J., Zhang,S., 2011. Characteristics of organic acids in the fruit of different pear species. African Journal of Agricıltural Research. Vol.6(10),pp.2403-2410. DOI:10.5897/AJAR11.316.
  • Sinha,N.K.,Hui, Y.H., Evranuz,E.O., Siddiq,M., Ahmad,J., 2011. Handbook of vegetables and vegetable proccesing Willey-Black Well Publication, Edition First Published, 2011. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.p.35-36.
  • Sivaramakrishnan S., Patell V.Z., Flower D.J., Peacock J.M., 1988. Proline Accumulation and Nitrate Reductase Activity in Contrasting Sorghum Lines during Mid-Season Drought Stress. Plant Physiol. 74: 418–426.
  • Soyer,Y., Koca, N., Karadeniz, F., 2003. Organic acid profile of Turkish white grapes and grape juices. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 16(2003) 629-636.
  • Szabados,L., Savoure,A., 2009. Proline: a multifunctional amino acid, doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2009.11.009.2009.11.009, Cell press.
  • Vazquez OML, Vazquez BME, Lopez HJ, Simal LJ, Romero RMA (1994) Simultaneous determination of organic acids and vitamin C in green beans by liquid chromatography. J AOAC Int 77:1056–1105
  • Yıldırım,M., Akcal,A., Kaynas,K., 2009. The response of Cyclamen hederifolium to water stress induced by different irrigation levels, Afr.Journal of Biotechnology Vol.8(6), pp.1069-1073.

Yield and Quality Compounds of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Beaumont) As Affected by Different Irrigation Levels

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 13 - 20, 01.08.2017


Bu çalışma, 2015 yılında Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart
Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dardanos Araştırma ve Uygulama alanında
koşullarında yapılan bu çalışmada, tüm sulama konularına 4 günde bir A sınıfı
buharlaşma kabından meydana gelen buharlaşma miktarına göre sulama suyu
de  4 farklı sulama düzeyi
oluşturulmuştur. Bunlar sırasıyla; bitkiyi su stresine sokmayacak tam sulama (
I1.0), ve
diğer stres konuları da tam sulama konusunda uygulanan suyun %70’i (
I0.7, orta
stres) , %30’u ve %0’nın (
ağır stres) uygulandığı sulama
sonucunda, brokoli
(Brassica oleracea Beaumont )
bitkisi su ihtiyacının
tam karşılandığı  sulama konusunda (I1.0
, 361mm) en yüksek verim ve kalite değerlerine ulaştığı görülmüştür.
Brokoli bitkisinin yetiştirildiği alanda su kısıtının olması durumunda, %30’luk
su tasarrufunu yapılarak (I0.7 , 253 mm) ekonomik oranda verim elde
edilebileceği, ancak su stresinin %30’un üzerine çıkması durumunda  verim ve özellikle kalitede  önemli kayıpların olabileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • Anonymous,2010.Climate change, (accessed on 6th December 2010).
  • Ashraf M., Haris P.J.C., 2004. Potential Biochemical İndicators of Salinity Tolerance in Plants. Plant Science 166: 3–16.
  • Bates L, Waldren RP, Teare ID. 1973. Rapid determination of free proline for water-stress studies. Plant and Soil, 39, 205-207.
  • Carr, CA, Frei, B. 1999. Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 69:1086– 107.
  • Erdem,Y., Arin,L., Erdem,T., Polat,S., Deveci,M., Okursoy,H., Gültaş,H.T., 2010. Crop water stress index for assessing irrigation scheduling of drip irrigated broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var.italica), Agricultural Water Management 98(2010),148-156.
  • Erken,O., Kuzucu,C.O., Cakir,R., 2013. Impact of different water supply levels on yield and biochemical ingredients in broccoli. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(No.5)2013, 1009-1017.
  • Ertek, A., Kanber, R.2000. Pamukta uygun sulama dozu ve aralığının Pan-Evaporasyon yöntemiyle belirlenmesi, Turk, I. Agric. F. 24 (2000) 293.300.
  • Haferkamp,M.R., 1987. Enviromental factors affecting plant productivity, Fort Keogh Research Symposium, September, 1987, Miles City,MT. R.S..White&R.E.Short(Eds) Montana Agr.Exp.Sta.,Bozeman,Feb.1988, 132 p.
  • Howel,T.A., 2001. Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. Agron. J. 93:281-289.
  • Irkin,R., Degirmencioglu, N., Guldas,M., 2015. Effects of organic acids to prolong the shelf-life and improve the microbial quantity of fresh-cut broccoli florets. Quality assurance and safety of crops&foods: 7(5)-p.737-745. DOI.
  • Jeffery,E.H., Brown,A.F., Kurilich, A.C., Keck,A.S., Matusheski,N., Klein,B.P., Juvik, J.A., 2003. Variation in content of bioactive components in broccoli, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 16 (2003), 323-330.
  • Nelson, E.K., Mottern, H.H., 1931. The organic acids of spinach, broccoli and lettuce, Contribution from the food research division no.92, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Pek,Z., Daood,H., Nagyne,M.G., Berki,M., Namenyi,A., Helyes,L., 2012. Yield and phytochemical compounds of broccoli as affected by temperature, irrigation and foliar sülfür supplemementation. HortScience 47(11):1646-1652.
  • Ross A. F., 1959. Dinitrophenol Methot for Reducing Sugar, In Potato Processing. Ed. W. F
  • Sarah, L.P.C., Chaves,F.C., Schirmer,M.A., Zambiazi,R.C., Nora,L., Silva,J.A., Rombaldi,C.V., 2011. Low soil water content during growth contributes to preservation of green colour and bioactive compounds of cold-stored broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) florets. Postharvest Biology and Technology 60(2011),p.158-163.
  • Sezen, S.M., Yazar, A. and Eker, S. 2006. Effect of drip irrigation regimes on yield and quality of field grown bell pepper. Agricultural Water Management 81, 115-131.
  • Sha,S., Li,J., Wu,J., Zhang,S., 2011. Characteristics of organic acids in the fruit of different pear species. African Journal of Agricıltural Research. Vol.6(10),pp.2403-2410. DOI:10.5897/AJAR11.316.
  • Sinha,N.K.,Hui, Y.H., Evranuz,E.O., Siddiq,M., Ahmad,J., 2011. Handbook of vegetables and vegetable proccesing Willey-Black Well Publication, Edition First Published, 2011. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.p.35-36.
  • Sivaramakrishnan S., Patell V.Z., Flower D.J., Peacock J.M., 1988. Proline Accumulation and Nitrate Reductase Activity in Contrasting Sorghum Lines during Mid-Season Drought Stress. Plant Physiol. 74: 418–426.
  • Soyer,Y., Koca, N., Karadeniz, F., 2003. Organic acid profile of Turkish white grapes and grape juices. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 16(2003) 629-636.
  • Szabados,L., Savoure,A., 2009. Proline: a multifunctional amino acid, doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2009.11.009.2009.11.009, Cell press.
  • Vazquez OML, Vazquez BME, Lopez HJ, Simal LJ, Romero RMA (1994) Simultaneous determination of organic acids and vitamin C in green beans by liquid chromatography. J AOAC Int 77:1056–1105
  • Yıldırım,M., Akcal,A., Kaynas,K., 2009. The response of Cyclamen hederifolium to water stress induced by different irrigation levels, Afr.Journal of Biotechnology Vol.8(6), pp.1069-1073.
There are 23 citations in total.


Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Murat Yıldırım

Emrah Durak This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Yıldırım, M., & Durak, E. (2017). Yield and Quality Compounds of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea Beaumont) As Affected by Different Irrigation Levels. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 5(1), 13-20.