Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2025, , 62 - 81, 25.01.2025


This paper focuses on the application of the lean management model in the tourism sector, specifically in the hospitality sector. In line with this focus, a study was conducted in the reception department of a five-star hotel in Mugla/Turkiye. The study aims to explore the applicability of lean thinking in management, which has been used in the manufacturing sector for many years with thriving, sustainable results, and to address opportunities for improvement in the hotel business.
The research methodology includes a comprehensive value stream mapping study of the operational processes in the reception department. The research, involving the hotel manager, reception unit manager, and employees, aimed to identify non-value-adding processes and eliminate them through quality circles.
The value stream mapping process provided valuable insights into the customer journey from initial registration to room assignment and identified areas for improvement. Non-value-adding steps, such as unnecessary paperwork and delays in the process, were identified, resulting in potential improvements in operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The results of the study underlined the feasibility of integrating lean principles into the hotel's reception department and highlighted the potential impact on process efficiency and customer satisfaction.
The study also emphasized the importance of monitoring the implementation of the improvement recommendations and evaluating their impact. In addition, it emphasized the need to create a culture of continuous improvement in hotel businesses in the tourism sector. The study's constraints include its focus on a single hotel, the absence of lean transformation initiatives, and its limited scope to the reception department, serving as a pilot study. The findings underscore the importance of adopting lean management practices to optimize processes and elevate the hospitality industry's guest experience.


  • Alcalde-González, V., Mozo, A. G., & Bustos, A. V. (2021). No clean rooms, no hotel business: Subversion tactics in Las Kellys’ struggle for dignity in hotel housekeeping. Annals of Tourism Research, 91, 103315.
  • Batwara, A., Sharma, V., Makkar, M., & Giallanza, A. (2023). Towards smart sustainable development through value stream mapping–a systematic literature review. Heliyon, 9(5).
  • Beiser, C. (2010). To Maximize Clean, Go Lean! Executive Housekeeping Today, 32(12), 3–18.
  • Bonaccorsi, A., Carmignani, G., and Zammori, F. (2011). Service Value Stream Management (SVSM): Developing Lean Thinking in the Service Industry. Journal of Service Science and Management, 4(4), 428–439.
  • Bowen, D. E., and Youngdahl, W. E. (1998). "Lean" Service: In Defense of a Production-Line Approach. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(3), 207–225.
  • Cusumano, M. A., Holweg, M., Howell, J., Netland, T., Shah, R., Shook, J., and Womack, J. (2021). Commentaries on “The lenses of lean”. Journal of Operations Management, 67(5), 627-639.
  • Czifra, G., Szabó, P., Mĺkva, M., and Vaňová, J. (2019). Lean principles application in the automotive industry. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 16(5), 43-62.
  • Goldsby, T., and R. Martichenko (2005), Lean Six Sigma Logistics, United States: J. Ross Publishing Inc.
  • Fiorillo, A., Sorrentino, A., Scala, A., Abbate, V., & Dell'aversana Orabona, G. (2021). Improving performance of the hospitalization process by applying the principles of Lean Thinking. The TQM Journal, 33(7), 253-271.
  • Foris, D., Florescu, A., Foris, T., & Barabas, S. (2020). Improving the management of tourist destinations: A new approach to strategic management at the DMO level by integrating lean techniques. Sustainability, 12(23), 10201.
  • Hines, P., Holweg, M., and Rich, N. (2004). Learning to Evolve: A Review of Contemporary Lean Thinking. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24(10), 994–1011.
  • Hino, S. (2006), Inside the Mind of Toyota: Management Principles for Enduring Growth, Translation: Productivity Press and The Kraus Org. Ltd., United States: Productivity Press.
  • Howell, G., and Ballard, G. (1998). Implementing Lean Construction: Understanding and Action. In Proceedings IGLC.
  • Iordache, C., Ciochină, I., and Asandei, M. (2010). Clusters-Tourism Activity Increase Competitiveness Support. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 17(5).
  • Irani, S. (2011). Choosing What Works. Industrial Engineer, IE, 43(8), 42-47.
  • Kanakana, G. M. (2013), Lean in the Service Industry. In Southern African Institute of Industrial Engineering 2013. SAIIE25 Proceedings, July 9–11, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
  • Kelendar, H. (2020). Lean thinking from Toyota manufacturing to the health care sector. Res Med Eng Sci, 8(5), 913-923.
  • Lancaster, J. M. (2011), Lean and Six Sigma in Hospitality Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Implementation. M.Sc. thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Lee, C. C., and Chang, C. P. (2008). Tourism development and economic growth: A closer look at panels. Tourism management, 29(1), 180-192.
  • Leite, H. D. R., and Vieira, G. E. (2015), Lean Philosophy and Its Applications in the Service Industry: A Review of the Current Knowledge. Production, 25(3), 529–541.
  • Madsen, D. Ø., Berg, T., Stenheim, T., Moum, J. V., Bordewich, I. O., and Storsveen, M. (2019), The Long-term Sustainability of Lean as a Management Practice: Survey Evidence on Diffusion and Use of the Concept in Norway in the Period 2015–2017. Sustainability, 11(11), 3120.
  • Majumdar, R. (2021). Surviving and growing in the post-Covid world: the case of Indian hotels. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 13(5), 584-598.
  • May, M. (2005), Lean Thinking for Knowledge Work, Quality Progress, June 2005, pp. 33-40.
  • Mohammad, Abuelkassem AA. (2017), Approaching the adoption of Lean Thinking principles in food operations in hotels in Egypt. Tourism Review International 21.4: 365-378.
  • Morgan, J., and M. Brening-Jones (2012), Lean Six Sigma for Dummies, 2nd Edition, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • Narke, M. M., & Jayadeva, C. T. (2020). Value stream mapping: effective lean tool for SMEs. Materials Today: Proceedings, 24, 1263-1272.
  • Rauch, E., A. Damian, P. Holzner, and D. T. Matt (2016), Lean Hospitality—Application of Lean Management Methods in the Hotel Sector. Procedia CIRP, 41(2016), 614–619.
  • Rigby, D., and B. Bilodeau (2018), Management Tools & Trends; Boston, MA, United States: Bain & Company, Inc. Ringen, G., and M. Rolfsen (2014), Lean Municipality. In Lean Becomes Norwegian: Lean in the Norwegian Collaborative Model; Rolfsen, M., Ed.; Fagbokforlaget: Bergen, Norway, 2014; pp. 118–189.
  • Schoeman, Y., Oberholster, P., & Somerset, V. (2020). Value stream mapping as a supporting management tool to identify the flow of industrial waste: A case study. Sustainability, 13(1), 91.
  • Setiawan, I., Tumanggor, O. S. P., & Purba, H. H. (2021). Value Stream Mapping: Literature review and implications for service industry. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri, 23(2), 155-166.
  • Siguaw, J. A., and C. A. Enz (1999), Best Practices in Hotel Operations. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42-53.
  • Tatiyanantakul, W., & Chindaprasert, K. (2023). Supply Chain Management Model of Communities-Based Tourism Activities: A Case Study of Koksaton, Dansai District, Loei Province (Doctoral dissertation, Mahasarakham University).
  • Vlachos, I., and A. Bogdanovic (2013), Lean Thinking in the European Hotel Industry. Tourism Management, 36, 354–363.
  • Weidenfeld, A. (2018). Tourism diversification and its implications for smart specialisation. Sustainability, 10(2), 319.
  • Womack, J. P., D. T. Jones, and D. Roos (2007), The Machine that Changed the World, Scribner: US.
  • Womack, J. P., and D. T. Jones (1996), Lean Thinking, Translation: Oygur Yamak, Istanbul, Türkiye: Optimist Publications. Zaki, K. (2022). Implementing dynamic revenue management in hotels during Covid-19: value stream and wavelet coherence perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(5), 1768-1795.


Yıl 2025, , 62 - 81, 25.01.2025


Bu araştırma makalesi, yalın yönetim modelinin turizm sektöründe, özellikle de konaklama sektöründe uygulanmasına odaklanmaktadır. Bu odak doğrusunda Muğla ilindeki bir beş yıldızlı otelin resepsiyon departmanında bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışma, imalat sektöründe yıllardır kullanılan ve başarılı, sürdürülebilir sonuçlar alınan yalın düşüncenin yönetimde uygulanabilirliğini keşfetmeyi ve otel işletmesindeki iyileştirme fırsatlarını ele almayı amaçlamaktadır.
Araştırma metodolojisi, resepsiyon departmanındaki operasyonel süreçleri kapsamlı bir değer akışı haritalama çalışmasını içermektedir. Otel müdürü, resepsiyon birimi sorumlusu ve çalışanların katıldığı araştırma, değer katmayan süreçleri tespit etmeyi ve kalite çemberleri aracılığıyla bunları ortadan kaldırmayı amaçlamıştır.
Değer akışı haritalama süreci, ilk kayıttan oda atamasına kadar müşteri yolculuğuna ilişkin değerli bilgiler sağlamış ve iyileştirme alanlarını belirlemiştir. Gereksiz evrak işleri ve süreçteki gecikmeler gibi değer katmayan adımlar tespit edilerek operasyonel verimlilik ve müşteri memnuniyetinde potansiyel iyileştirmeler sağlanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları, yalın yönetim ilkelerinin otelin resepsiyon departmanına entegre edilmesinin fizibilitesinin altını çizmiş ve süreç verimliliği ve müşteri memnuniyeti üzerindeki potansiyel etkiyi vurgulamıştır.
Çalışma ayrıca, iyileştirme önerilerinin uygulanmasının izlenmesinin ve etkilerinin değerlendirilmesinin önemini vurgulamıştır. Ek olarak turizm sektöründeki otel işletmelerinde sürekli iyileştirme kültürünün oluşturulması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. Ancak araştırmanın sadece tek bir otelde yapılmış olması, yalın dönüşüm süreçlerine başlanılmaması ve yalnızca resepsiyon departmanında yapılmış bir pilot çalışma olarak kalması, bu araştırmanın kısıtlarıdır. Araştırma bulguları, yalın yönetim ilkelerinin konaklama sektöründeki işletmelerin genel başarısına ve sürdürülebilir büyümesine katkıda bulunabileceğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, yalın yönetim metodolojilerinin otel operasyonlarında süreç verimliliğini ve müşteri memnuniyetini nasıl önemli ölçüde artırabileceğine dair değerli iç görüler sunmakta, operasyonel süreçleri optimize etmek ve konaklama sektöründe misafir deneyiminin genel kalitesini yükseltmek için yalın yönetim uygulamalarını benimsemenin önemini vurgulamaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Bu makale, bilimsel araştırma etiği prensiplerine uygun olarak hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma sürecindeki her adım, etik standartlara ve ilgili yasal düzenlemelere tam uygunluk içinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın yazar, çalışmanın doğruluğunu, dürüstlüğünü ve tarafsızlığını sağlamak için gerekli olan her türlü önlemi almış ve ilgili etik kurallara uymuştur.


  • Alcalde-González, V., Mozo, A. G., & Bustos, A. V. (2021). No clean rooms, no hotel business: Subversion tactics in Las Kellys’ struggle for dignity in hotel housekeeping. Annals of Tourism Research, 91, 103315.
  • Batwara, A., Sharma, V., Makkar, M., & Giallanza, A. (2023). Towards smart sustainable development through value stream mapping–a systematic literature review. Heliyon, 9(5).
  • Beiser, C. (2010). To Maximize Clean, Go Lean! Executive Housekeeping Today, 32(12), 3–18.
  • Bonaccorsi, A., Carmignani, G., and Zammori, F. (2011). Service Value Stream Management (SVSM): Developing Lean Thinking in the Service Industry. Journal of Service Science and Management, 4(4), 428–439.
  • Bowen, D. E., and Youngdahl, W. E. (1998). "Lean" Service: In Defense of a Production-Line Approach. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(3), 207–225.
  • Cusumano, M. A., Holweg, M., Howell, J., Netland, T., Shah, R., Shook, J., and Womack, J. (2021). Commentaries on “The lenses of lean”. Journal of Operations Management, 67(5), 627-639.
  • Czifra, G., Szabó, P., Mĺkva, M., and Vaňová, J. (2019). Lean principles application in the automotive industry. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 16(5), 43-62.
  • Goldsby, T., and R. Martichenko (2005), Lean Six Sigma Logistics, United States: J. Ross Publishing Inc.
  • Fiorillo, A., Sorrentino, A., Scala, A., Abbate, V., & Dell'aversana Orabona, G. (2021). Improving performance of the hospitalization process by applying the principles of Lean Thinking. The TQM Journal, 33(7), 253-271.
  • Foris, D., Florescu, A., Foris, T., & Barabas, S. (2020). Improving the management of tourist destinations: A new approach to strategic management at the DMO level by integrating lean techniques. Sustainability, 12(23), 10201.
  • Hines, P., Holweg, M., and Rich, N. (2004). Learning to Evolve: A Review of Contemporary Lean Thinking. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24(10), 994–1011.
  • Hino, S. (2006), Inside the Mind of Toyota: Management Principles for Enduring Growth, Translation: Productivity Press and The Kraus Org. Ltd., United States: Productivity Press.
  • Howell, G., and Ballard, G. (1998). Implementing Lean Construction: Understanding and Action. In Proceedings IGLC.
  • Iordache, C., Ciochină, I., and Asandei, M. (2010). Clusters-Tourism Activity Increase Competitiveness Support. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 17(5).
  • Irani, S. (2011). Choosing What Works. Industrial Engineer, IE, 43(8), 42-47.
  • Kanakana, G. M. (2013), Lean in the Service Industry. In Southern African Institute of Industrial Engineering 2013. SAIIE25 Proceedings, July 9–11, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
  • Kelendar, H. (2020). Lean thinking from Toyota manufacturing to the health care sector. Res Med Eng Sci, 8(5), 913-923.
  • Lancaster, J. M. (2011), Lean and Six Sigma in Hospitality Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Implementation. M.Sc. thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Lee, C. C., and Chang, C. P. (2008). Tourism development and economic growth: A closer look at panels. Tourism management, 29(1), 180-192.
  • Leite, H. D. R., and Vieira, G. E. (2015), Lean Philosophy and Its Applications in the Service Industry: A Review of the Current Knowledge. Production, 25(3), 529–541.
  • Madsen, D. Ø., Berg, T., Stenheim, T., Moum, J. V., Bordewich, I. O., and Storsveen, M. (2019), The Long-term Sustainability of Lean as a Management Practice: Survey Evidence on Diffusion and Use of the Concept in Norway in the Period 2015–2017. Sustainability, 11(11), 3120.
  • Majumdar, R. (2021). Surviving and growing in the post-Covid world: the case of Indian hotels. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 13(5), 584-598.
  • May, M. (2005), Lean Thinking for Knowledge Work, Quality Progress, June 2005, pp. 33-40.
  • Mohammad, Abuelkassem AA. (2017), Approaching the adoption of Lean Thinking principles in food operations in hotels in Egypt. Tourism Review International 21.4: 365-378.
  • Morgan, J., and M. Brening-Jones (2012), Lean Six Sigma for Dummies, 2nd Edition, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • Narke, M. M., & Jayadeva, C. T. (2020). Value stream mapping: effective lean tool for SMEs. Materials Today: Proceedings, 24, 1263-1272.
  • Rauch, E., A. Damian, P. Holzner, and D. T. Matt (2016), Lean Hospitality—Application of Lean Management Methods in the Hotel Sector. Procedia CIRP, 41(2016), 614–619.
  • Rigby, D., and B. Bilodeau (2018), Management Tools & Trends; Boston, MA, United States: Bain & Company, Inc. Ringen, G., and M. Rolfsen (2014), Lean Municipality. In Lean Becomes Norwegian: Lean in the Norwegian Collaborative Model; Rolfsen, M., Ed.; Fagbokforlaget: Bergen, Norway, 2014; pp. 118–189.
  • Schoeman, Y., Oberholster, P., & Somerset, V. (2020). Value stream mapping as a supporting management tool to identify the flow of industrial waste: A case study. Sustainability, 13(1), 91.
  • Setiawan, I., Tumanggor, O. S. P., & Purba, H. H. (2021). Value Stream Mapping: Literature review and implications for service industry. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri, 23(2), 155-166.
  • Siguaw, J. A., and C. A. Enz (1999), Best Practices in Hotel Operations. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42-53.
  • Tatiyanantakul, W., & Chindaprasert, K. (2023). Supply Chain Management Model of Communities-Based Tourism Activities: A Case Study of Koksaton, Dansai District, Loei Province (Doctoral dissertation, Mahasarakham University).
  • Vlachos, I., and A. Bogdanovic (2013), Lean Thinking in the European Hotel Industry. Tourism Management, 36, 354–363.
  • Weidenfeld, A. (2018). Tourism diversification and its implications for smart specialisation. Sustainability, 10(2), 319.
  • Womack, J. P., D. T. Jones, and D. Roos (2007), The Machine that Changed the World, Scribner: US.
  • Womack, J. P., and D. T. Jones (1996), Lean Thinking, Translation: Oygur Yamak, Istanbul, Türkiye: Optimist Publications. Zaki, K. (2022). Implementing dynamic revenue management in hotels during Covid-19: value stream and wavelet coherence perspectives. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(5), 1768-1795.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Organizasyonel Planlama ve Yönetim
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

M. Paşa Gültaş 0000-0003-1215-3509

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Gültaş, M. P. (2025). LEAN TOURISM: AN EFFECTIVE WORKSHOP THROUGH VALUE STREAM MAPPING METHOD. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(55), 62-81.

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