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Yıl 2024, , 2219 - 2248, 15.10.2024


In developing economies, the government must play an active role in ensuring sustainable economic growth. For this reason, fiscal policy practices are an important tool of the government in ensuring economic growth. An important part of fiscal policy is taxation as well as public expenditure. Many economists believe that public expenditures and taxes are the most important factors that enable a country to grow and develop. Public spending is used as an effective policy tool by governments to promote strong and sustainable growth. Governments aim to achieve economic growth through the multiplier effect by encouraging economic growth through budget expansion that will increase private sector spending. However, even if increases in public spending sometimes result in a higher GDP, overall economic development may be hindered by crowding out effects. Because of their impact on disposable income, taxes often influence households’ decisions to spend less, save more, and invest in unsupplied labor and human capital. Moreover, to the extent that high tax rates discourage domestic and foreign direct investment, thereby negatively affecting the long-term growth of the economy, taxes may raise the cost of capital and reduce people's willingness to invest. In this context, it is expected that changes in public expenditures and taxes may have different effects on economic growth. In this context, the study examined the impact of public expenditures and tax revenues on economic growth, especially in ASEAN countries, with the help of Panel Westerlund Panel Cointegration Test, DOLSMG and Panel Causality Tests. From the cointegration test results, it was concluded that increases in public expenditures and public revenues have a negative impact on the economic growth of ASEAN countries. From the results of the causality test, it was determined that there was a one-way causality relationship from economic growth to public expenditures, while no causality relationship could be detected between economic growth and public revenues.


  • Abdiyeva, R. ve Çetintaş, H. (2017). Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki: Kırgızistan Örneği, Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 19-33.
  • Agell, J., Ohlssoni H. ve Thoursie, P.S. (2006). Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Rich Countries: A Comment, European Economic Review, 50(1), 211–218.
  • Ahmad, U.G. ve Loganathan, N. (2015). The Causal Nexus Between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Evidence from A Bootstrap Rolling Window Approach, The American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences, 2(1), 16-24.
  • Ahmad, S., Sial, M. ve Ahmad N. (2016). Taxes and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5(02), 16–29.
  • Ahuja, D. ve Pandit, D. (2020). Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence From the Developing Countries, FIIB Business Review, 9(3), 228-239.
  • Andrejovská, A. ve Puliková, V. (2018). Tax Revenues in the Context of Economic Determinants, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 14(1), 133-141.
  • Andrews, D.W.K. (2005). Cross-Section Regression with Common Shocks, Econometrica, 73(5), 1551-1585.
  • Anyanwu, J.C. (1993). Monetary Economics: Theory, Policy and Institutions, Hybrid Publishers, Onitsha
  • Arnold, J.M., Brys, B., Heady, C., Johansson, A. Schwellnus, C. ve Vartia, L. (2011). Tax Policy for Economic Recovery and Growth, The Economic Journal, 121(550), 59-80.
  • Aslam, N., Yahya Khan, G. ve Saim Hashmi, M. (2019). Exploring the Role of Fiscal Decentralization in Capital Formation: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan, European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 8(4), 146-154.
  • Barro, R.J. (1989). Economic Growth in A Cross Section of Countries. NBER Working Paper, No. 3120.
  • Basheer, M., Ahmad, A. ve Hassan, S. (2019). Impact of Economic and Financial Factors on Tax Revenue: Evidence from the Middle East Countries, Accounting, 5(2), 53-60.
  • Boğa, S. (2020). Türkiye’de vergi gelirleri ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki asimetrik ilişki: NARDL eşbütünleşme yaklaşımı, Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi, 55(1), 487-507.
  • Dehning, B., Aliyev, K. ve Nadirov, O. (2016). Modelling Productivity of Budget Expenditure Items Before-and-After the Oil Boom in A Resource Rich Country: Evidence from Azerbaijan, International Journal of Economic Research, 13(4), 1793-1806.
  • Dumitrescu, E.I. ve Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger Non-Causality in Heterogeneous Panels, Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-1460.
  • Divino, J.A., Maciel, D.T.G.N., Sosa, W. (2020). Government Size, Composition of Public Spending and Economic Growth in Brazil, Economic Modelling, 91(C),155-166.
  • Esen, Ö. ve Bayrak, M. (2015). Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Geçis Sürecindeki Türk Cumhuriyetleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Bilig Dergisi, 73, 231-248.
  • Fenochietto, M.R. ve Pessino, M.C. (2013). Understanding Countries’ Tax Effort, International Monetary Fund, No. 13-244.
  • Ferede, E. ve Dahlby, B. (2012). The Impact of Tax Cuts on Economic Growth: Evidence from the Canadian Provinces, National Tax Journal, 65(3), 563-594.
  • Forte, F. ve Magazzino, C. (2016). Government Size and Economic Growth in Italy: A Time-Series Analysis, European Scientific Journal, 12(7), 149-169.
  • Friedman, M. (1997). If Only the U.S. were as Free As Hong Kong. Wall Street Journal. Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2024 << >>
  • Furceri, D. ve Karras, G. (2008). Tax Changes and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for A Panel of OECD Countries, OECD ECB Public Finance Workshop Frankfurt, 1-29.
  • Gachanja, D. (2012). The Effect of Tax Reforms and Economic Factors on Tax Revenues in Kenya, Unpublished MBA Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Göçer, İ., Mercan, M., Bulut, Ş. ve Dam, M.M. (2010). Ekonomik Büyüme ile Vergi Gelirleri Arasındaki İlişki: Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 28, 97-110.
  • Gökmenoğlu, M. ve Yavuz, İ. S. (2022). Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Kırılgan Beşli Örneği. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 9(2), 1094-1118.
  • Hajamini, M. ve Falahi, M. A. (2018). Economic Growth and Government Size in Developed European Countries: A Panel Threshold Approach, Economic Analysis and Policy, 58(2018), 1–13.
  • Hasnul, A.G. (2015). The Effects of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth: The Case of Malaysia, MPRA Paper. Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2024 << >>
  • Helhel, Demir, Y. (2012). The Relationship Between Tax Revenue and Economic Growth in Turkey: The Period of 1975-2011, International Symposium on Sustainable Development, 1(1), 32-40.
  • Hlongwane, N.W., Mmutle, T.D., Daw, O. D. (2021). The Relationship Between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in South Africa from 1981-2019: An Ardl And Ecm Approach, International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 13(1), 131-159.
  • Kanca, C.O. (2011). Kamu Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi 1980-2008 (Ampirik Bir Çalışma), Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 25(1), 75-92.
  • Karamelikli, H. (2018). Dolaylı ve Dolaysız Vergilerin Ekonomik Aktiviteler Üzerindeki Simetrik ve Asimetrik Etkileri, Maliye ve Finans Yazıları, 110, 95-110.
  • Karhan, G. (2018). The Relationship Between Public Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Panel Var Approach, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(2), 35-43.
  • Küçükkale, Y. ve Yamak, R. (2012). Cointegration, Causality And Wagner’s Law With Disaggregated Data: Evidence From Turkey, 1968-2004, MPRA Paper, No. 36894, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  • Lowenberg, A.D. (1990). Neoclassical Economics as A Theory of Politics and Institutions, Cato Journal, 9(3), 619–639.
  • Magazzino, C., Mele, M. ve Giolli, L. (2015). Wagner’s Law and Peacock and Wiseman’s Displacement Effect in European Union Countries: A Panel Data Study, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(3), 812-819.
  • Meng, J. (2022). Economic Growth Efect of Public Health Investment and its Impact on Living Environment, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, (2022), 1–7.
  • Mukhtarov, S., Mammadov, I. ve Humbatova, S. (2020). The Relationship Between Government Expenditures on Education and Economic Growth: The Case of Azerbaijan, Research in World Economy, 11(1), 195–201.
  • Newey, W. ve West, K. (1994). Automatic Lag Selection in Covariance Matrix Estimation, Review of Economic Studies, 61, 631-653.
  • Ogbonna, G.N. ve Ebimobowei, A. (2012). Impact of Petroleum Revenue and the Economy of Nigeria, The Social Sciences, 7(3), 405-411.
  • Ojong, C.M., Anthony, O. ve Arikpo, O.F. (2016). The Impact of Tax Revenue on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF). 7(1), 32-38.
  • Okpe, I.I. (2000). Personal income tax in Nigeria, Enugu: Ochumba Printing and Publishing Company. Oktayer, N. ve Susam, N. (2008). Kamu Harcamaları-Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: 1970-2005 Yılları Türkiye Örneği. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22(1), 145-164.
  • Onaolapo, A., Aworemi, R.J. ve Ajala, O.A. (2013). Assessement of Value Added Tax and Its Effect on Revenue Generation in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(1), 220-225.
  • Onoh, J.K. (2013). Dimensions of Nigerian Monetary and Fiscal Policies- Domestic and External. Aba: Astria Meridian Publishers.
  • Organ, İ. ve Ergen, E. (2017). Türkiye’de Vergi Yükünün Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27, 197-207.
  • Öztürk, Ö.F., Şaşmaz, M.Ü., Bayar, Y. ve Odabaşı, H. (2019). Türkiye’de Başlıca Ekonomik Değişkenlerin Vergi Gelirleri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Çoklu Doğrusal Regresyon Analizi, Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts / Sayıştay Dergisi, 115, 37-53.
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Maliye Politikası Uygulamalarının İktisadi Büyümeye Etkisinin ASEAN Ülkeleri Örneğinde İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 2219 - 2248, 15.10.2024


Gelişmekte olan ekonomilerde, hükümet sürdürülebilir iktisadi büyümenin sağlanmasında aktif bir rol oynamak zorundadır. Bu nedenle iktisadi büyümenin sağlanmasında maliye politikası uygulamaları hükümetin önemli bir aracıdır. Maliye politikasının önemli bir kısmı, kamu harcamalarının yanı sıra vergilendirmedir. Birçok iktisatçı, kamu harcamalarının ve vergilerin bir ülkenin büyüyüp kalkınmasını sağlayan en önemli faktörler olduğuna inanır. Kamu harcamaları, güçlü ve sürdürülebilir büyümeyi teşvik etmek için hükümetler tarafından etkili bir politika aracı olarak kullanılır. Hükümetler özel sektör harcamalarını artıracak bütçe genişlemesi yoluyla ekonomik büyümeyi teşvik ederek çarpan etkisi yoluyla ekonomik büyümeyi sağlamayı hedefler. Ancak kamu harcamalarındaki artış kimi zaman daha yüksek bir GSYİH ile sonuçlansa da genel ekonomik kalkınma dışlama etkileri nedeniyle engellenebilir. Harcanabilir gelir üzerindeki etkisi nedeniyle, vergiler genellikle hane halkının daha az harcama ve daha fazla tasarruf etme, tedariksiz iş gücü ve insan sermayesine yatırım yapma kararlarını etkiler. Ayrıca yüksek vergi oranları yerli ve yabancı doğrudan yatırımları caydırdığı ve böylece ekonominin uzun vadeli büyümesini olumsuz yönde etkilediği ölçüde, vergiler sermaye maliyetini yükseltebilir ve insanların yatırım yapma isteklerini azaltabilir. Bu kapsamda kamu harcamaları ve vergilerdeki değişimlerin ekonomik büyüme üzerinde farklı etkilerde bulunabileceği beklenmektedir. Bu kapsamda, çalışmada özellikle ASEAN ülkelerinde kamu harcamaları ve vergi gelirlerinin iktisadi büyüme üzerindeki etkisi Panel Westerlund Panel Eşbütünleşme Testi, DOLSMG ve Panel Nedensellik Testleri yardımıyla incelenmiştir. Eşbütünleşme testi sonuçlarından kamu harcamaları ve kamu gelirlerinde yaşanan artışların ASEAN ülkelerinin iktisadi büyümesi üzerinde olumsuz etkiye sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Nedensellik testi sonuçlarından iktisadi büyümeden kamu harcamalarına doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisinin bulunduğu tespit edilirken iktisadi büyüme ile kamu gelirleri arasında herhangi bir nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilememiştir.


  • Abdiyeva, R. ve Çetintaş, H. (2017). Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki: Kırgızistan Örneği, Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 19-33.
  • Agell, J., Ohlssoni H. ve Thoursie, P.S. (2006). Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Rich Countries: A Comment, European Economic Review, 50(1), 211–218.
  • Ahmad, U.G. ve Loganathan, N. (2015). The Causal Nexus Between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Evidence from A Bootstrap Rolling Window Approach, The American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences, 2(1), 16-24.
  • Ahmad, S., Sial, M. ve Ahmad N. (2016). Taxes and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5(02), 16–29.
  • Ahuja, D. ve Pandit, D. (2020). Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence From the Developing Countries, FIIB Business Review, 9(3), 228-239.
  • Andrejovská, A. ve Puliková, V. (2018). Tax Revenues in the Context of Economic Determinants, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 14(1), 133-141.
  • Andrews, D.W.K. (2005). Cross-Section Regression with Common Shocks, Econometrica, 73(5), 1551-1585.
  • Anyanwu, J.C. (1993). Monetary Economics: Theory, Policy and Institutions, Hybrid Publishers, Onitsha
  • Arnold, J.M., Brys, B., Heady, C., Johansson, A. Schwellnus, C. ve Vartia, L. (2011). Tax Policy for Economic Recovery and Growth, The Economic Journal, 121(550), 59-80.
  • Aslam, N., Yahya Khan, G. ve Saim Hashmi, M. (2019). Exploring the Role of Fiscal Decentralization in Capital Formation: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan, European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 8(4), 146-154.
  • Barro, R.J. (1989). Economic Growth in A Cross Section of Countries. NBER Working Paper, No. 3120.
  • Basheer, M., Ahmad, A. ve Hassan, S. (2019). Impact of Economic and Financial Factors on Tax Revenue: Evidence from the Middle East Countries, Accounting, 5(2), 53-60.
  • Boğa, S. (2020). Türkiye’de vergi gelirleri ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki asimetrik ilişki: NARDL eşbütünleşme yaklaşımı, Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi, 55(1), 487-507.
  • Dehning, B., Aliyev, K. ve Nadirov, O. (2016). Modelling Productivity of Budget Expenditure Items Before-and-After the Oil Boom in A Resource Rich Country: Evidence from Azerbaijan, International Journal of Economic Research, 13(4), 1793-1806.
  • Dumitrescu, E.I. ve Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger Non-Causality in Heterogeneous Panels, Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-1460.
  • Divino, J.A., Maciel, D.T.G.N., Sosa, W. (2020). Government Size, Composition of Public Spending and Economic Growth in Brazil, Economic Modelling, 91(C),155-166.
  • Esen, Ö. ve Bayrak, M. (2015). Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Geçis Sürecindeki Türk Cumhuriyetleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Bilig Dergisi, 73, 231-248.
  • Fenochietto, M.R. ve Pessino, M.C. (2013). Understanding Countries’ Tax Effort, International Monetary Fund, No. 13-244.
  • Ferede, E. ve Dahlby, B. (2012). The Impact of Tax Cuts on Economic Growth: Evidence from the Canadian Provinces, National Tax Journal, 65(3), 563-594.
  • Forte, F. ve Magazzino, C. (2016). Government Size and Economic Growth in Italy: A Time-Series Analysis, European Scientific Journal, 12(7), 149-169.
  • Friedman, M. (1997). If Only the U.S. were as Free As Hong Kong. Wall Street Journal. Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2024 << >>
  • Furceri, D. ve Karras, G. (2008). Tax Changes and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for A Panel of OECD Countries, OECD ECB Public Finance Workshop Frankfurt, 1-29.
  • Gachanja, D. (2012). The Effect of Tax Reforms and Economic Factors on Tax Revenues in Kenya, Unpublished MBA Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Göçer, İ., Mercan, M., Bulut, Ş. ve Dam, M.M. (2010). Ekonomik Büyüme ile Vergi Gelirleri Arasındaki İlişki: Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 28, 97-110.
  • Gökmenoğlu, M. ve Yavuz, İ. S. (2022). Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Kırılgan Beşli Örneği. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 9(2), 1094-1118.
  • Hajamini, M. ve Falahi, M. A. (2018). Economic Growth and Government Size in Developed European Countries: A Panel Threshold Approach, Economic Analysis and Policy, 58(2018), 1–13.
  • Hasnul, A.G. (2015). The Effects of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth: The Case of Malaysia, MPRA Paper. Erişim tarihi: 20.06.2024 << >>
  • Helhel, Demir, Y. (2012). The Relationship Between Tax Revenue and Economic Growth in Turkey: The Period of 1975-2011, International Symposium on Sustainable Development, 1(1), 32-40.
  • Hlongwane, N.W., Mmutle, T.D., Daw, O. D. (2021). The Relationship Between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in South Africa from 1981-2019: An Ardl And Ecm Approach, International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 13(1), 131-159.
  • Kanca, C.O. (2011). Kamu Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi 1980-2008 (Ampirik Bir Çalışma), Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 25(1), 75-92.
  • Karamelikli, H. (2018). Dolaylı ve Dolaysız Vergilerin Ekonomik Aktiviteler Üzerindeki Simetrik ve Asimetrik Etkileri, Maliye ve Finans Yazıları, 110, 95-110.
  • Karhan, G. (2018). The Relationship Between Public Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Panel Var Approach, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(2), 35-43.
  • Küçükkale, Y. ve Yamak, R. (2012). Cointegration, Causality And Wagner’s Law With Disaggregated Data: Evidence From Turkey, 1968-2004, MPRA Paper, No. 36894, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  • Lowenberg, A.D. (1990). Neoclassical Economics as A Theory of Politics and Institutions, Cato Journal, 9(3), 619–639.
  • Magazzino, C., Mele, M. ve Giolli, L. (2015). Wagner’s Law and Peacock and Wiseman’s Displacement Effect in European Union Countries: A Panel Data Study, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(3), 812-819.
  • Meng, J. (2022). Economic Growth Efect of Public Health Investment and its Impact on Living Environment, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, (2022), 1–7.
  • Mukhtarov, S., Mammadov, I. ve Humbatova, S. (2020). The Relationship Between Government Expenditures on Education and Economic Growth: The Case of Azerbaijan, Research in World Economy, 11(1), 195–201.
  • Newey, W. ve West, K. (1994). Automatic Lag Selection in Covariance Matrix Estimation, Review of Economic Studies, 61, 631-653.
  • Ogbonna, G.N. ve Ebimobowei, A. (2012). Impact of Petroleum Revenue and the Economy of Nigeria, The Social Sciences, 7(3), 405-411.
  • Ojong, C.M., Anthony, O. ve Arikpo, O.F. (2016). The Impact of Tax Revenue on Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF). 7(1), 32-38.
  • Okpe, I.I. (2000). Personal income tax in Nigeria, Enugu: Ochumba Printing and Publishing Company. Oktayer, N. ve Susam, N. (2008). Kamu Harcamaları-Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: 1970-2005 Yılları Türkiye Örneği. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22(1), 145-164.
  • Onaolapo, A., Aworemi, R.J. ve Ajala, O.A. (2013). Assessement of Value Added Tax and Its Effect on Revenue Generation in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(1), 220-225.
  • Onoh, J.K. (2013). Dimensions of Nigerian Monetary and Fiscal Policies- Domestic and External. Aba: Astria Meridian Publishers.
  • Organ, İ. ve Ergen, E. (2017). Türkiye’de Vergi Yükünün Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27, 197-207.
  • Öztürk, Ö.F., Şaşmaz, M.Ü., Bayar, Y. ve Odabaşı, H. (2019). Türkiye’de Başlıca Ekonomik Değişkenlerin Vergi Gelirleri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Çoklu Doğrusal Regresyon Analizi, Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts / Sayıştay Dergisi, 115, 37-53.
  • Padda, I.U.H. ve Akram, N. (2009). The Impact of Tax Policies on Economic Growth: Evidence from South-Asian Economies, The Pakistan Development Review, 48(4), 961-971.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Maliye Politikası
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nigar Alev 0000-0002-0154-6211

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Alev, N. (2024). Maliye Politikası Uygulamalarının İktisadi Büyümeye Etkisinin ASEAN Ülkeleri Örneğinde İncelenmesi. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(54), 2219-2248.

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