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Yıl 2025, , 229 - 259, 25.01.2025


Lider özerkliği desteği, çalışanlarda kendi belirledikleri motivasyonu kolaylaştırmak için teorize edilen ve potansiyel olarak refah ve performansı mümkün kılan bir dizi denetleyici davranışı ifade eder. Bugün liderler, çalışan denetçilerinden ziyade çalışan destekçileri gibidir. Kasıtlı olarak destekleyici ve motive edici bir ortam yaratmak, çalışanların refahı için endişe göstermek, özerklik desteği için fırsatlar sağlamak, çalışanların yaratıcı ve yenilikçi olması için işyerinde motivasyonu ve performansı gerçekten düşüren ödüllerden kaçınmak, modern liderliğin bir parçasıdır. Liderlik profesyoneller, hastalar ve çalışma ortamı için sonuçları etkileyen kilit bir rol oynar. Hızla değişen sağlık teknolojisi ve daha yüksek mesleki karmaşıklık seviyeleri göz önüne alındığında sağlık kuruluşları, endüstrinin sürekli değişen doğasında liderlik gelişimine daha fazla ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, özerkliği destekleyen liderliğin, sağlık çalışanlarının işe bağlılıkları ile iş tatmini arasındaki ilişkide aracı rolünün araştırılmasıdır. Araştırmanın evreni, Yalova il merkezinde bulunan özel bir hastanede çalışan doktor, hemşire, hasta bakıcı, temizlik görevlisi, güvenlik ve diğer yardımcı personelden oluşan katılımcılardır. Araştırma veri toplama aracı olarak Lider Özerkliği Desteği Ölçeği, İş Tatmini Ölçeği ve İşe Bağlılık Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Kolayda örneklem yoluyla ulaşılan 219 katılımcıdan anket yöntemiyle toplanan veriler, SPSS 22 programında bağımsız örneklemler t-testi ve tek yönlü ANOVA ile analiz edilmiş, Smart PLS 3 programı kullanılarak da geçerlilik, güvenilirlik ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Ayrıca, en küçük kısmi kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (PLS-SEM) yöntemi, Smart PLS 3 istatistiki paket programı kullanılarak, yol katsayıları ve istatistiki anlamlılık düzeyleri göz önünde bulundurularak etkiler değerlendirilmiş ve yorumlamaları yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, lider özerkliği desteğinin iş tatmini ve işe bağlılık üzerinde doğrudan önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğunu, ancak iş tatmini ile işe bağlılık arasındaki ilişkide aracı rolü olmadığını göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar, sağlık kurumlarında çalışanların işe bağlılık ve iş tatmininde destekleyici bir unsur olarak lider desteğinin rolünü pekiştirmektedir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma Yalova Üniversitesi Bilimsel Etik Değerlendirme Kurulu’nun 07/05/2024 tarihli ve 2024/79 sayılı kararı ile onaylanmıştır.


  • Abdullah, M. İ. , Huang, D., Arjantin, M., Ivascu, L. and Riaz, E. (2020). Effects of internal service quality on nurses’ job satisfaction, commitment and performance: Mediating role of employee well-being, Nursing Open, 8((2), 607-619
  • Akinwande, M.O, Dikko, H.G. and Samson, A. (2015). Variance Inflation Factor: As a Condition for the Inclusion of Suppressor Variable(s) in Regression Analysis, Open Journal of Statistics, 5, 754-767.
  • Allport GW. (1945). The Psychology of Participation. The Psychological Review 53(3), 117-132.
  • Alshibly, H. H. (2015). Investigating decision support system (DSS) success: A partial least squares structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 6(4), 56-77.
  • Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human resource Management Practice, Tenth Edition. London. Kogan Page Publishing.
  • Aziri, B. (2008). Menaxhimi i burimeve njerëzore, Satisfaksioni nga puna dhe motivimi i punëtorëve, Gostivar. Tringa Design.
  • Aziri, B. (2011). Job satisfaction: A literature Review. Management Research and Practice, 3(4), 77-86.
  • Barclay, D.W. and Thompson, R. (1994). Influence of Experience on Personal Computer Utilization: Testing a Conceptual Model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 11(I),167-187.
  • Blais, M. R., and Brie`re, N. M. (1992). On the mediational role of feelings of self-determination in the workplace: Further evidence and generalization. Unpublished manuscript. Canada. Universite´ du Que´bec a` Montre´al.
  • Chin, W. W. and Marcoulides, G. (1998). The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling. Modern Methods For Business Research, 8, 295-336.
  • Coetsee, L. D. (2002). Peak performance and productivity: a practical guide for the creation of a motivating climate, 2 nd Ed. Vanderbijlpark: Ons Drukkers.
  • Dalkrani, M. and Dimitriadis, E. (2018), The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Commitment. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, 11(3), 16-23.
  • Davis, K. and Nestrom, J.W. (1985). Human Behavior at work: Organizational Behavior, 7 edition. New York. McGraw Hill.
  • Dawson, K.M., O’Brien, K.E. and Beehr, T.A. (2016). The role of hindrance stressors in the job demand–control–support model of occupational stress: A proposed theory revision. J. Organ. Behav, 37(3), 397–415.
  • Deci, E. L., Connell, J. P. and Ryan, R. M. (1989), Self-Determination in a Work Organization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(4), 580-590.
  • Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (2000), “The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of goal pursuits: human needs and the self-determination of behavior”, Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
  • Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., Gagné, M., Leone, D. R., Usunov, J. and Kornazheva, B. P. (2001). Need satisfaction, motivation, and well-being in the work organizations of a former eastern bloc country: A cross-cultural study of self-determination. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 27(8), 930-942.
  • Dufour, J-M. (2011). Coefficients of determination, McGill University.
  • Eliyana, A., Ma’arif, S. and Muzakki (2019). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment effect in the transformational leadership towards employee performance. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(3), 144-150.
  • Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • George, J.M. and Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational behavior, Fifth Edition. New Yersey. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
  • Gillet, N., Gagné, M., Sauvagère, S. and Fouquereau, E. (2013). The role of supervisor autonomy support, organizational support, and autonomous and controlled motivation in predicting employees' satisfaction and turnover intentions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(4), 450-460, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2012.665228
  • Gorgulu, O. and Akilli, A. (2017). The determination of the levels of burnout syndrome, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction of the health workers. Niger J Clin Pract, 20, 48-56
  • Hair J.F Jr, Risher J.J, Sarstedt M. Ringle C.M. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM. Eur Bus Rev. 31(1), 2 –24.
  • Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M., Danks, N. P., and Ray, S. (2021). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using R: A workbook. Springer Nature.
  • Hocine, Z. and Zhang, J. (2014). Autonomy Support: Explaining the Path from Leadership to Employee Creative Performance. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2(6), 417-423.
  • Holliman, A. J., Revill-Keen, A., and Waldeck, D. (2022). University lecturers’ adaptability: examining links with perceived autonomy support, organisational commitment, and psychological wellbeing. Teaching Education, 33(1), 42-55.
  • Hong, S. H., Kwon, N., and Kim, M. S. (2020). Daily Job Crafting Helps Those Who Help Themselves More: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy and Leader Support. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 2045, doi:10.3390/ijerph17062045.
  • Hong, S.H., Kwon, N. and Kim, M.S. (2020). Daily Job Crafting Helps Those Who Help Themselves More: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy and Leader Support. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(6), 2045,
  • Hoppok, R. and Spielgler. (1938). Job Satisfaction. Occupations:The Vocational Guidance Journal, 16(7), 636-643. Retrieved from
  • Innanen, H., Tolvanen, A. and Salmela-Aro, K. (2014). Burnout, work engagement and workaholism among highly educated employees: Profiles, antecedents and outcomes. Burnout Research, 1(1), 38-49.
  • Jungert, T., Schattke, K., Proulx, F.A., Taylor, G. and Koestner, R. (2021), “Whose autonomy support is more effective? Managers’ or co workers’? An experimental comparison of source and occupational context on intrinsic motivation”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 38(2), 115-224, doi: 10.1002/cjas.1598.
  • Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of management journal, 33(4), 692-724.
  • Kaliski, B.S. (2007). Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, Second edition, Thompson Gale. Detroit.
  • Kubicek , B. , Korunka , C. and Tement , S. (2014. ), “ Too much job control? Two studies on curvilinear relations between job control and eldercare workers' well-being ”, International Journal of Nursing Studies , 51, 1644 - 1653
  • Kwong, K. and Wong, K. (2013). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Techniques Using SmartPLS. Marketing Bulletin, 24:1-32, Technical Note 1.
  • Loan, L. J. M. S. L. (2020). The influence of organizational commitment on employees’ job performance: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Management Science Letters, 10(14), 3307-3312.
  • LockeE. A. (1983). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M.Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
  • Lodahl MT and Kejner M. (1965). The definition and Measurement of Job Involvement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 49(1), 23-33.
  • Lynch, M. F., Jr., Plant, R. W., and Ryan, R. M. (2005). Psychological needs and threat to safety: Implications for staff and patients in a psychiatric hospital for youth. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36, 415–425.
  • Mac Donald, S. and Mac Intyre, P. (1997). The generic job satisfaction scale: Scale development and its correlates. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 13, 1-16. doi: 10.1300/J022v13n02_01.
  • Mahmood Aziz, H., Jabbar Othman, B., Gardi, B., Ali Ahmed, S., Sabir, B. Y., Burhan Ismael, N., ... and Anwar, G. (2021). Employee commitment: The relationship between employee commitment and job satisfaction. Journal of Humanities and Education Development, 3(3), 54-66.
  • Mehmet Top, Mesut Akdere & Menderes Tarcan (2015) Examining transformational leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational trust in Turkish hospitals: public servants versus private sector employees, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26:9, 1259-1282, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2014.939987
  • Meyer, J. P. and Maltin, E. R. (2010). Employee commitment and well-being: A critical review, theoretical framework and research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77, 323–337.
  • Mohajan, H. (2017). Two Criteria for Good Measurements in Research: Validity and Reliability. Annals of Spiru Haret University, 17(3), 58-82.
  • Moreau, E. and Mageau, G. A. (2012). The importance of perceived autonomy support for the psychological health and work satisfaction of health professionals: Not only supervisors count, colleagues too!. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 268-286.
  • Mosadeghrad, A.M. and Ferdosi, M. (2013). Leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in healthcare sector: proposing and testing a model. Mater Sociomed, 25(2), 121-6. doi: 10.5455/msm.2013.25.121-126.
  • Mosadeghrad, A.M. and Yarmohammadian M.H. (2006). A study of relationship between managers’ leadership style and employees’ job satisfaction. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance incorporating Leadership in Health Services, 19(2), 11-28.
  • Mullins, J.L. (2005). Management and organizational behavior, Seventh Edition. Pearson Education Limited. Essex.
  • Mutonyi, B. R., Slåtten, T. and Lien, G. (2021). Fostering innovative behavior in health organizations: a PLS-SEM analysis of Norwegian hospital employees. BMC Health Services Research, 21, 470,
  • Oshagbemi T. (1999). Overall job satisfaction: how good are single vs. multiple-item measures? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14, 388–403.
  • Qing, M., Asif, M., Hussain, A. and Jameel, A. (2020). Exploring the impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in public sector organizations: The mediating role of psychological empowerment. Review of Managerial Science, 14, 1405-1432.
  • Pursio, K., Kankkunen, P., Sanner-Stiehr, E. and Kvist, T. (2021), “Professional autonomy in nursing: an integrative review”, Journal of Nursing Management, 29, 1565-1577.
  • Rothbard, N. P. (2001). Enriching or depleting? The dynamics of engagement in work and family roles. Administrative science quarterly, 46(4), 655-684.
  • Saleh, S.D. and Hosek, J.R. (1976). Job Involvement: Concepts and Measurements. Academy of Management Journal, 19, 213-224.
  • Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., Gonzalez-Romá, V., and Bakker, A. B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burnout: A confirmative analytic approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 3, 71-92.
  • Slåtten, T., Mutonyi, B.R. and Lien, G. The impact of individual creativity, psychological capital, and leadership autonomy support on hospital employees’ innovative behaviour. BMC Health Services Research, 20, 1-17.
  • Slemp, G.R., Kern, M.L., Patrick, K.J. and Ryan, R.M. (2018). Leader autonomy support in the workplace: A meta-analytic review. Motiv Emot, 42, 706–724.
  • Smith. P., Ironson G.H. and Brannick M.T. (1989). Construction of a job in general scale: a comparison of global, composite and specific measures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 1-8.
  • Spector, P.E. (1997). Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes and consequences, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, Inc
  • Statt, D. (2004). The Routledge Dictionary of Business Management, Third edition, Detroit, Routledge Publishing.
  • Van Dorssen-Boog, P., De Jong, J., Veld, M. and Van Vuuren, T. (2020), “Self-leadership among healthcare workers: a mediator for the effects of job autonomy on work engagement and health”, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-13, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01420.
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Yıl 2025, , 229 - 259, 25.01.2025


Leader autonomy support refers to a set of supervisory behaviors that are theorized to facilitate self-determined motivation in employees, potentially enabling well-being and performance. Today, leaders are more like employee supporters than employee supervisors. Intentionally creating a supportive and motivating environment, demonstrating concern for employee well-being, providing opportunities for autonomy support, and avoiding rewards that actually reduce motivation and performance in the workplace so that employees can be creative and innovative are all part of modern leadership. Leadership plays a key role in affecting outcomes for professionals, patients, and the work environment. Given the rapidly changing healthcare technology and higher levels of occupational complexity, healthcare organizations are in greater need of leadership development in the ever-changing nature of the industry. The purpose of this article is to investigate the mediating role of autonomy-supportive leadership in the relationship between healthcare professionals’ commitment to work and job satisfaction. The population of the study was a group of physicians, nurses, caregivers, cleaners, security guards, and other support staff working in a private hospital located in the city center of Yalova. The Leader Autonomy Support Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale and Job Commitment Scale were used as research data collection tools. Data collected from 219 participants via survey method, easily reached by sampling method, were analyzed with independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA in SPSS 22 program and were subjected to validity, reliability and confirmatory factor analysis using Smart PLS 3 program. In addition, effects were evaluated and interpreted by considering path coefficients and statistical significance levels using the Least Partial Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) method and Smart PLS 3 statistical package program. The findings of the research showed that leader autonomy support has a direct significant effect on job satisfaction and job commitment, but it does not have a mediating role in the relationship between job satisfaction and job commitment. These results reinforce the role of leader support as a supportive element in job commitment and job satisfaction of employees in health institutions.


  • Abdullah, M. İ. , Huang, D., Arjantin, M., Ivascu, L. and Riaz, E. (2020). Effects of internal service quality on nurses’ job satisfaction, commitment and performance: Mediating role of employee well-being, Nursing Open, 8((2), 607-619
  • Akinwande, M.O, Dikko, H.G. and Samson, A. (2015). Variance Inflation Factor: As a Condition for the Inclusion of Suppressor Variable(s) in Regression Analysis, Open Journal of Statistics, 5, 754-767.
  • Allport GW. (1945). The Psychology of Participation. The Psychological Review 53(3), 117-132.
  • Alshibly, H. H. (2015). Investigating decision support system (DSS) success: A partial least squares structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 6(4), 56-77.
  • Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human resource Management Practice, Tenth Edition. London. Kogan Page Publishing.
  • Aziri, B. (2008). Menaxhimi i burimeve njerëzore, Satisfaksioni nga puna dhe motivimi i punëtorëve, Gostivar. Tringa Design.
  • Aziri, B. (2011). Job satisfaction: A literature Review. Management Research and Practice, 3(4), 77-86.
  • Barclay, D.W. and Thompson, R. (1994). Influence of Experience on Personal Computer Utilization: Testing a Conceptual Model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 11(I),167-187.
  • Blais, M. R., and Brie`re, N. M. (1992). On the mediational role of feelings of self-determination in the workplace: Further evidence and generalization. Unpublished manuscript. Canada. Universite´ du Que´bec a` Montre´al.
  • Chin, W. W. and Marcoulides, G. (1998). The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling. Modern Methods For Business Research, 8, 295-336.
  • Coetsee, L. D. (2002). Peak performance and productivity: a practical guide for the creation of a motivating climate, 2 nd Ed. Vanderbijlpark: Ons Drukkers.
  • Dalkrani, M. and Dimitriadis, E. (2018), The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Commitment. International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, 11(3), 16-23.
  • Davis, K. and Nestrom, J.W. (1985). Human Behavior at work: Organizational Behavior, 7 edition. New York. McGraw Hill.
  • Dawson, K.M., O’Brien, K.E. and Beehr, T.A. (2016). The role of hindrance stressors in the job demand–control–support model of occupational stress: A proposed theory revision. J. Organ. Behav, 37(3), 397–415.
  • Deci, E. L., Connell, J. P. and Ryan, R. M. (1989), Self-Determination in a Work Organization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(4), 580-590.
  • Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M. (2000), “The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of goal pursuits: human needs and the self-determination of behavior”, Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
  • Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., Gagné, M., Leone, D. R., Usunov, J. and Kornazheva, B. P. (2001). Need satisfaction, motivation, and well-being in the work organizations of a former eastern bloc country: A cross-cultural study of self-determination. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 27(8), 930-942.
  • Dufour, J-M. (2011). Coefficients of determination, McGill University.
  • Eliyana, A., Ma’arif, S. and Muzakki (2019). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment effect in the transformational leadership towards employee performance. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 25(3), 144-150.
  • Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • George, J.M. and Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational behavior, Fifth Edition. New Yersey. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
  • Gillet, N., Gagné, M., Sauvagère, S. and Fouquereau, E. (2013). The role of supervisor autonomy support, organizational support, and autonomous and controlled motivation in predicting employees' satisfaction and turnover intentions. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(4), 450-460, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2012.665228
  • Gorgulu, O. and Akilli, A. (2017). The determination of the levels of burnout syndrome, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction of the health workers. Niger J Clin Pract, 20, 48-56
  • Hair J.F Jr, Risher J.J, Sarstedt M. Ringle C.M. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM. Eur Bus Rev. 31(1), 2 –24.
  • Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., Sarstedt, M., Danks, N. P., and Ray, S. (2021). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using R: A workbook. Springer Nature.
  • Hocine, Z. and Zhang, J. (2014). Autonomy Support: Explaining the Path from Leadership to Employee Creative Performance. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2(6), 417-423.
  • Holliman, A. J., Revill-Keen, A., and Waldeck, D. (2022). University lecturers’ adaptability: examining links with perceived autonomy support, organisational commitment, and psychological wellbeing. Teaching Education, 33(1), 42-55.
  • Hong, S. H., Kwon, N., and Kim, M. S. (2020). Daily Job Crafting Helps Those Who Help Themselves More: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy and Leader Support. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 2045, doi:10.3390/ijerph17062045.
  • Hong, S.H., Kwon, N. and Kim, M.S. (2020). Daily Job Crafting Helps Those Who Help Themselves More: The Moderating Role of Job Autonomy and Leader Support. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(6), 2045,
  • Hoppok, R. and Spielgler. (1938). Job Satisfaction. Occupations:The Vocational Guidance Journal, 16(7), 636-643. Retrieved from
  • Innanen, H., Tolvanen, A. and Salmela-Aro, K. (2014). Burnout, work engagement and workaholism among highly educated employees: Profiles, antecedents and outcomes. Burnout Research, 1(1), 38-49.
  • Jungert, T., Schattke, K., Proulx, F.A., Taylor, G. and Koestner, R. (2021), “Whose autonomy support is more effective? Managers’ or co workers’? An experimental comparison of source and occupational context on intrinsic motivation”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 38(2), 115-224, doi: 10.1002/cjas.1598.
  • Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of management journal, 33(4), 692-724.
  • Kaliski, B.S. (2007). Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, Second edition, Thompson Gale. Detroit.
  • Kubicek , B. , Korunka , C. and Tement , S. (2014. ), “ Too much job control? Two studies on curvilinear relations between job control and eldercare workers' well-being ”, International Journal of Nursing Studies , 51, 1644 - 1653
  • Kwong, K. and Wong, K. (2013). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Techniques Using SmartPLS. Marketing Bulletin, 24:1-32, Technical Note 1.
  • Loan, L. J. M. S. L. (2020). The influence of organizational commitment on employees’ job performance: The mediating role of job satisfaction. Management Science Letters, 10(14), 3307-3312.
  • LockeE. A. (1983). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M.Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
  • Lodahl MT and Kejner M. (1965). The definition and Measurement of Job Involvement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 49(1), 23-33.
  • Lynch, M. F., Jr., Plant, R. W., and Ryan, R. M. (2005). Psychological needs and threat to safety: Implications for staff and patients in a psychiatric hospital for youth. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36, 415–425.
  • Mac Donald, S. and Mac Intyre, P. (1997). The generic job satisfaction scale: Scale development and its correlates. Employee Assistance Quarterly, 13, 1-16. doi: 10.1300/J022v13n02_01.
  • Mahmood Aziz, H., Jabbar Othman, B., Gardi, B., Ali Ahmed, S., Sabir, B. Y., Burhan Ismael, N., ... and Anwar, G. (2021). Employee commitment: The relationship between employee commitment and job satisfaction. Journal of Humanities and Education Development, 3(3), 54-66.
  • Mehmet Top, Mesut Akdere & Menderes Tarcan (2015) Examining transformational leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational trust in Turkish hospitals: public servants versus private sector employees, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26:9, 1259-1282, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2014.939987
  • Meyer, J. P. and Maltin, E. R. (2010). Employee commitment and well-being: A critical review, theoretical framework and research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77, 323–337.
  • Mohajan, H. (2017). Two Criteria for Good Measurements in Research: Validity and Reliability. Annals of Spiru Haret University, 17(3), 58-82.
  • Moreau, E. and Mageau, G. A. (2012). The importance of perceived autonomy support for the psychological health and work satisfaction of health professionals: Not only supervisors count, colleagues too!. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 268-286.
  • Mosadeghrad, A.M. and Ferdosi, M. (2013). Leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in healthcare sector: proposing and testing a model. Mater Sociomed, 25(2), 121-6. doi: 10.5455/msm.2013.25.121-126.
  • Mosadeghrad, A.M. and Yarmohammadian M.H. (2006). A study of relationship between managers’ leadership style and employees’ job satisfaction. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance incorporating Leadership in Health Services, 19(2), 11-28.
  • Mullins, J.L. (2005). Management and organizational behavior, Seventh Edition. Pearson Education Limited. Essex.
  • Mutonyi, B. R., Slåtten, T. and Lien, G. (2021). Fostering innovative behavior in health organizations: a PLS-SEM analysis of Norwegian hospital employees. BMC Health Services Research, 21, 470,
  • Oshagbemi T. (1999). Overall job satisfaction: how good are single vs. multiple-item measures? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 14, 388–403.
  • Qing, M., Asif, M., Hussain, A. and Jameel, A. (2020). Exploring the impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in public sector organizations: The mediating role of psychological empowerment. Review of Managerial Science, 14, 1405-1432.
  • Pursio, K., Kankkunen, P., Sanner-Stiehr, E. and Kvist, T. (2021), “Professional autonomy in nursing: an integrative review”, Journal of Nursing Management, 29, 1565-1577.
  • Rothbard, N. P. (2001). Enriching or depleting? The dynamics of engagement in work and family roles. Administrative science quarterly, 46(4), 655-684.
  • Saleh, S.D. and Hosek, J.R. (1976). Job Involvement: Concepts and Measurements. Academy of Management Journal, 19, 213-224.
  • Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., Gonzalez-Romá, V., and Bakker, A. B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burnout: A confirmative analytic approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 3, 71-92.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Liderlik, Örgütsel Davranış
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Serap Turkyılmaz 0000-0001-9847-4164

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

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