The Effect of Trust in Supply Chain on the Firm Performance through Supply Chain Collaboration and Collaborative Advantage
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 30, 215 - 230, 20.04.2018
Nagehan Uca
Murat Çemberci
Mustafa Emre Civelek
Huriye Yılmaz
Trust in the supply chain leads to an increase in supply chain collaboration (SCC) and subsequently in collaborative advantage (CA) and consequently affects firm performance positively. Supply chain collaboration is an effective collaboration of supply chain partners to succeed in a common goal. Concisely, the collaborative advantage is the relative competitive advantage among companies. It refers to the gathering, exchanging and improving the resources among the collaborating partners. This research aims to clarify the relationship between trust in the supply chain and firm performance through supply chain collaboration and collaborative advantage. Analysis results show that trust in the supply chain positively affects supply chain collaboration. Although the proposed model suggested a positive relationship between trust in the supply chain and collaborative advantage, according to the hypotheses test results, this relation is not statistically significant. This means that trust in the supply chain has no direct effect on the collaborative advantage, but has an indirect effect through supply chain collaboration on the collaborative advantage. Finally, the positive effect of collaborative advantage on firm performance has been found to be statistically significant.
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