Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 32, 201 - 230, 29.11.2018


Bu araştırma makalesinin
amacı, ulusal pazarlama araştırmacılarının yapısal eşitlik modeli (YEM) analizi
uygulamalarına ilişkin sorunları belirlemek ve önerilerde bulunmaktır. Bu amaca
yönelik olarak, 1999-2017 yılları arası ulusal pazarlama kongre kitapçıkları
taranmış ve YEM analizinden faydalanmış olan 91 bildiri tespit edilmiştir. Böylece
ulusal pazarlama akademisi kapsamında YEM analizinin geçmişi de ilk kez ortaya
konmuştur. Bu bildiriler kapsamında, YEM analizi uygulamalarına ve raporlama
yaklaşımlarına ilişkin beş sorun tespit edilmiştir. Bu sorunların gelecekte
tekrar edilmemesine yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca bu araştırma
makalesinin amacı doğrultusunda, YEM'in ardında yatan gizil yapıların
operasyonelleştirilmesi yaklaşımı ile realist bilim felsefesinin uyumu


  • Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Petra Riefler ve Katharina P. Roth, 'Advancing Formative Measurement Models', Journal of Business Research, Cilt 61, Sayı 12, Aralık 2008, s. 1203-1218.
  • Adamantios Diamantopoulos, 'Incorporating Formative Measures Into Covariance-Based Structural Equation Models', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35 Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 335-358.
  • Andrew H. Van de Ven, Engaged Scholarship: A Guide For Organizational and Social Research, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), s. 212.
  • Barbara M. Byrne, Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming, (New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 1998), s. 86.
  • Brian Wansink ve Koert van Ittersum, 'Boundary Research: Tools and Rules To Impact Emerging Fields', Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Cilt 15, Sayı 5, Şubat 2016, s. 396-410.
  • Christian M. Ringle, Marko Sarstedt ve Detmar W. Straub, 'Editor's Comments: A Critical Look At The Use of PLS-SEM In MIS Quarterly', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 36, Sayı 1, Mart 2012, s. 3-14.
  • David Gefen, Edward E. Rigdon ve Detmar Straub, 'Editor's Comments: An Update and Extension To SEM Guidelines For Administrative and Social Science Research', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35, Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 3-14.
  • Dawn Iacobucci, 'Structural Equations Modeling: Fit Indices, Sample Size, and Advanced Topics', Journal of Consumer Psychology, Cilt 20, Sayı 1, November 2010, s. 90-98.
  • Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan C. Gázquez-Abad ve Carlos M. P. Sousa, 'Structural Equation Modelling In Marketing and Business Research: Critical Issues and Practical Recommendations', European Journal of Marketing, Cilt 47, Sayı 1/2, 2013, s. 115-152.
  • Frederick Suppe, The Structure of Scientific Theories, (Urbana-Champain: University of Illinois Press, 1977), s. 96.
  • Gibson Burrell ve Gareth Morgan, Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis, (London: Heinemann, 1979), s. 39.
  • Hans Baumgartner ve Christian Homburg, 'Applications of Structural Equation Modeling In Marketing and Consumer Research: A Review', International Journal of Research in Marketing, Cilt 13, Sayı 2, Niasn 1996, s. 139-161.
  • James C. Anderson ve David W. Gerbing, 'Structural Equation Modeling In Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach', Psychological Bulletin, Cilt 103, Sayı 3, Mayıs 1988, s. 411-423.
  • Jeffrey R. Edwards ve Richard P. Bagozzi, 'On the nature and direction of relationships between constructs and measures', Psychological Methods, Cilt 5, Sayı 2, Haziran 2000, s. 155-174.
  • Joe F. Hair, Christian M. Ringle, ve Marko Sarstedt, 'PLS-SEM: Indeed a Silver Bullet', Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Cilt 19, Sayı 2, Bahar 2011, s. 139-152.
  • Joe F. Hair, G. Thomas M. Hult, Christian Ringle ve Marko Sarstedt, 'A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)', (Thousand Oaks: Sage: 2017), s. 156.
  • John W. Cadogan ve Nick Lee, 'Improper Use of Endogenous Formative Variables', Journal of Business Research, Cilt 66, Sayı 2, Şubat 2013, s. 233-241.
  • Jum C. Nunnally, Psychometric Theory, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978), s. 324.
  • Karl R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, London: Hutchinson, 1959), s. 213.
  • Li-tze Hu ve Peter M. Bentler, 'Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes In Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives', Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Cilt 6, Sayı 1, November 2009, s.1-55.
  • Paul Feyerabend, Against Method, (New York: Schocken, 1978), s. 45.
  • Peter M. Bentler, 'Multivariate Analysis with Latent Variables: Causal Modeling', Annual Review of Psychology, Cilt 31, Sayı 1, February 1980, s. 419-456.
  • Rex B. Kline, Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, (New York: Guilford Press, 1998), s. 345.
  • Richard N. Boyd, 'On The Current Status of The Issue of Scientific Realism', Erkenntnis, Cilt 19, Sayı 1-3, Mayıs 1983, s. 45-90.
  • Richard N. Boyd, 'Realism, Anti-Foundationalism and The Enthusiasm For Natural Kinds', Philosophical Studies, Cilt 61, Sayı 1-2, Şubat 1991, s. 127-148.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, Causal Models In Marketing, (New York: Wiley Sons, 1980), s. 114.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'A Prospectus For Theory Construction In Marketing', Journal of Marketing, Cilt 48, Sayı 1, Kış 1984, s. 11-29.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi ve Todd F. Heatherton, 'A General Approach To Representing Multifaceted Personality Constructs: Application To State Self‐Esteem', Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Cit 1, Sayı 1, 1994, s. 35-67.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'On The Meaning of Formative Measurement and How It Differs From Reflective Measurement: Comment on Howell, Breivik, and Wilcox (2007)', Psychological Methods, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, Haziran 2007, s. 229-237.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'Structural Equation Models Are Modelling Tools With Many Ambiguities: Comments Acknowledging The Need For Caution and Humility In Their Use', Journal of Consumer Psychology, Cilt 20, Sayı 2, Nisan 2010, s. 208-214.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'Measurement and Meaning In Information Systems and Organizational Research: Methodological and Philosophical Foundations', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35, Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 261-292.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi ve Youjae Yi, 'Specification, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Structural Equation Models', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt 40, Sayı 1, Ocak 2012, s. 8-34.
  • Robert F. DeVellis, Scale Development: Theory and Applications, (London: Sage, 2013), s. 199.
  • Roy D. Howell, Einar Breivik ve James B. Wilcox, Reconsidering Formative Measurement, Psychological Methods, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, Temmuz 2007, s. 205-218.
  • Scott B. MacKenzie, Philip M. Podsakoff ve Nathan P. Podsakoff, 'Construct Measurement and Validation Procedures In MIS and Behavioral Research: Integrating New and Existing Techniques', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35, Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 293-334.
  • Shelby D. Hunt, 'Truth In Marketing Theory and Research', Journal of Marketing, Cilt 54, Sayı 3, Temmuz 1990, s. 1-15.
  • Shelby D. Hunt, Foundations of Marketing Theory: Toward A General Theory of Marketing, (New York: Sharpe, 2002), s. 234.
  • Shelby D. Hunt, 'Explicating The Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation', AMS Review, Cilt 5, Sayı 1-2, Haziran 2015, s. 20-27.
  • Volkan Doğan, 'Davranışsal ve Sosyal Bilimlerde Yaygınca Sorgulanan 10 Metodolojik Sorunun Cevabı', Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı 2, Aralık 2017, s. 41-88.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 32, 201 - 230, 29.11.2018



  • Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Petra Riefler ve Katharina P. Roth, 'Advancing Formative Measurement Models', Journal of Business Research, Cilt 61, Sayı 12, Aralık 2008, s. 1203-1218.
  • Adamantios Diamantopoulos, 'Incorporating Formative Measures Into Covariance-Based Structural Equation Models', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35 Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 335-358.
  • Andrew H. Van de Ven, Engaged Scholarship: A Guide For Organizational and Social Research, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), s. 212.
  • Barbara M. Byrne, Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming, (New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 1998), s. 86.
  • Brian Wansink ve Koert van Ittersum, 'Boundary Research: Tools and Rules To Impact Emerging Fields', Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Cilt 15, Sayı 5, Şubat 2016, s. 396-410.
  • Christian M. Ringle, Marko Sarstedt ve Detmar W. Straub, 'Editor's Comments: A Critical Look At The Use of PLS-SEM In MIS Quarterly', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 36, Sayı 1, Mart 2012, s. 3-14.
  • David Gefen, Edward E. Rigdon ve Detmar Straub, 'Editor's Comments: An Update and Extension To SEM Guidelines For Administrative and Social Science Research', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35, Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 3-14.
  • Dawn Iacobucci, 'Structural Equations Modeling: Fit Indices, Sample Size, and Advanced Topics', Journal of Consumer Psychology, Cilt 20, Sayı 1, November 2010, s. 90-98.
  • Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan C. Gázquez-Abad ve Carlos M. P. Sousa, 'Structural Equation Modelling In Marketing and Business Research: Critical Issues and Practical Recommendations', European Journal of Marketing, Cilt 47, Sayı 1/2, 2013, s. 115-152.
  • Frederick Suppe, The Structure of Scientific Theories, (Urbana-Champain: University of Illinois Press, 1977), s. 96.
  • Gibson Burrell ve Gareth Morgan, Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis, (London: Heinemann, 1979), s. 39.
  • Hans Baumgartner ve Christian Homburg, 'Applications of Structural Equation Modeling In Marketing and Consumer Research: A Review', International Journal of Research in Marketing, Cilt 13, Sayı 2, Niasn 1996, s. 139-161.
  • James C. Anderson ve David W. Gerbing, 'Structural Equation Modeling In Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach', Psychological Bulletin, Cilt 103, Sayı 3, Mayıs 1988, s. 411-423.
  • Jeffrey R. Edwards ve Richard P. Bagozzi, 'On the nature and direction of relationships between constructs and measures', Psychological Methods, Cilt 5, Sayı 2, Haziran 2000, s. 155-174.
  • Joe F. Hair, Christian M. Ringle, ve Marko Sarstedt, 'PLS-SEM: Indeed a Silver Bullet', Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Cilt 19, Sayı 2, Bahar 2011, s. 139-152.
  • Joe F. Hair, G. Thomas M. Hult, Christian Ringle ve Marko Sarstedt, 'A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)', (Thousand Oaks: Sage: 2017), s. 156.
  • John W. Cadogan ve Nick Lee, 'Improper Use of Endogenous Formative Variables', Journal of Business Research, Cilt 66, Sayı 2, Şubat 2013, s. 233-241.
  • Jum C. Nunnally, Psychometric Theory, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978), s. 324.
  • Karl R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, London: Hutchinson, 1959), s. 213.
  • Li-tze Hu ve Peter M. Bentler, 'Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes In Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives', Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Cilt 6, Sayı 1, November 2009, s.1-55.
  • Paul Feyerabend, Against Method, (New York: Schocken, 1978), s. 45.
  • Peter M. Bentler, 'Multivariate Analysis with Latent Variables: Causal Modeling', Annual Review of Psychology, Cilt 31, Sayı 1, February 1980, s. 419-456.
  • Rex B. Kline, Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, (New York: Guilford Press, 1998), s. 345.
  • Richard N. Boyd, 'On The Current Status of The Issue of Scientific Realism', Erkenntnis, Cilt 19, Sayı 1-3, Mayıs 1983, s. 45-90.
  • Richard N. Boyd, 'Realism, Anti-Foundationalism and The Enthusiasm For Natural Kinds', Philosophical Studies, Cilt 61, Sayı 1-2, Şubat 1991, s. 127-148.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, Causal Models In Marketing, (New York: Wiley Sons, 1980), s. 114.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'A Prospectus For Theory Construction In Marketing', Journal of Marketing, Cilt 48, Sayı 1, Kış 1984, s. 11-29.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi ve Todd F. Heatherton, 'A General Approach To Representing Multifaceted Personality Constructs: Application To State Self‐Esteem', Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Cit 1, Sayı 1, 1994, s. 35-67.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'On The Meaning of Formative Measurement and How It Differs From Reflective Measurement: Comment on Howell, Breivik, and Wilcox (2007)', Psychological Methods, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, Haziran 2007, s. 229-237.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'Structural Equation Models Are Modelling Tools With Many Ambiguities: Comments Acknowledging The Need For Caution and Humility In Their Use', Journal of Consumer Psychology, Cilt 20, Sayı 2, Nisan 2010, s. 208-214.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi, 'Measurement and Meaning In Information Systems and Organizational Research: Methodological and Philosophical Foundations', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35, Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 261-292.
  • Richard P. Bagozzi ve Youjae Yi, 'Specification, Evaluation, and Interpretation of Structural Equation Models', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Cilt 40, Sayı 1, Ocak 2012, s. 8-34.
  • Robert F. DeVellis, Scale Development: Theory and Applications, (London: Sage, 2013), s. 199.
  • Roy D. Howell, Einar Breivik ve James B. Wilcox, Reconsidering Formative Measurement, Psychological Methods, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, Temmuz 2007, s. 205-218.
  • Scott B. MacKenzie, Philip M. Podsakoff ve Nathan P. Podsakoff, 'Construct Measurement and Validation Procedures In MIS and Behavioral Research: Integrating New and Existing Techniques', MIS Quarterly, Cilt 35, Sayı 2, Haziran 2011, s. 293-334.
  • Shelby D. Hunt, 'Truth In Marketing Theory and Research', Journal of Marketing, Cilt 54, Sayı 3, Temmuz 1990, s. 1-15.
  • Shelby D. Hunt, Foundations of Marketing Theory: Toward A General Theory of Marketing, (New York: Sharpe, 2002), s. 234.
  • Shelby D. Hunt, 'Explicating The Inductive Realist Model of Theory Generation', AMS Review, Cilt 5, Sayı 1-2, Haziran 2015, s. 20-27.
  • Volkan Doğan, 'Davranışsal ve Sosyal Bilimlerde Yaygınca Sorgulanan 10 Metodolojik Sorunun Cevabı', Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, Cilt 3, Sayı 2, Aralık 2017, s. 41-88.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Volkan Dogan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Kasım 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 32

Kaynak Göster


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