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Federal Government’s Amnesty Programme in the Niger-Delta: An Appraisal

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 21, 179 - 203, 01.03.2013


The purpose of this article is to appraise the federal government’s amnesty programme in the Niger-Delta. Specifically, the article seeks to determine the extent to which the amnesty programme has addressed the Niger-Delta conflict, highlight the financial commitment of the federal government to the programme, and identify the implications of the amnesty programme for the economy and society. The article is framed by relative deprivation theory. Based on review of published literature and other media sources, the article discovers that of all the explanations offered for the amnesty by the Nigerian government, threats to economic survival and national security catalyzed the programme. A dismantling of the Nigerian ‘rentier state’, and clean up of the effects of pollution by multinational oil firms in the region are recommended. The Nigerian government should also draw inspiration from the US government action in ensuring compensation of the Gulf of Mexico oil spills victims.


  • Abati, R. (2008), ‘The Niger delta ministry’, The Guardian, 12 September, p.67.
  • Abdallah, N.M. (2012), ‘FG budgets N305 billion for N/Delta: S/South states to spend N1.7 tr’, Daily Trust, Monday, 5 March, 2012, index.php/oth... (accessed: 23 August 2012).
  • Ade Ajayi, J.F. (2002), Unfinished Business: Confronting the Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa, (Amsterdam/India: SEPHIS/CSSSC, 2002).
  • Adeleye, S., J. Ogbodu and A. Oyetunji (2009), ‘JTF destroys second camp, militants block oil channel’, Nigerian Compass, 19 May, pp.1,4,6,8.
  • Ajaero, C. and G. Azubike (2011), ‘War in the creeks’, Newswatch, 20 Dec, pp.12-18. Akasike, C. (2010), ‘Top ex-militant leader, Soboma George, killed’, The Punch, 25 Aug., (accessed: 8 Sept 2010).
  • Akhaine, S.O. (2011), ‘Nigeria’s 2011 elections: The crippled giant learns to walk?’, African Affairs, 110/441, pp.649-655.
  • Amnesty International (2009), Nigeria: Petroleum Pollution and Poverty in the Niger
  • Delta, Summary, London: Amnesty International Secretariat. Ayankola, M. (2009), ‘Niger delta crippling oil and gas production, investments’, The Punch, 26 May, p.12.
  • Ayankola, M. (2011), ‘Nigeria holds 29.32% of Africa’s oil reserves – OPEC’, The Punch, 26 July, (accessed: 26 July 2011).
  • Chiedozie, I. (2008), ‘N’ delta committee submits report, says Nigeria lost $20.7bn to crisis’, The Punch, 2 December, p.2.
  • Chizea, B. and T. Iyare (2006), ‘Nigeria’s raging ethnic conflicts: The role of small arms and private military companies (PMCs)’, The Constitution, vol.6, no.1, pp.71-100.
  • Cope, J. (2009), Biopolitics and the possibilities for genocide, http://socialsciences. (accessed: 14 May 2011).
  • Dachy, E. (2004), ‘Justice and humanitarian action: A conflict of interest’, in Fabrice Weissman (ed.), In the Shadow of Just Wars: Violence, Politics and Humanitarian Action, (London: C. Hurst and Co. (Publishers) Limited), pp.314-324.
  • Dougherty, J.E. and R.L. Pfaltzgraff (1971), Contending Theories in International Relations, (USA: J.B. Lippincott Co).
  • Dudouet, V. (2006), Transitions from Violence to Peace: Revisiting Analysis and Intervention in Conflict Transformation, (Germany: Berghof Research Centre for Constructive Conflict Management).
  • Duggan, C.S.M. (2009), Nigeria: Opportunity in crisis, Harvard Business School, N9-709-048, Rev,14 August.
  • Ebiri, K., H. Oliomogbe and N. Bello (2009), ‘Militants prefer truce, JTF denies killing monarch’, The Guardian, 6 July, pp.1,2.
  • Facah, R. (2009), ‘Militants want to ruin economy – Yar’Adua’, Nigerian Compass, 5 June, pp.1&8.
  • Facah, R., A. Adegbuyi, J. Ogbodu and B. Okeowo (2009), ‘Amnesty: Tompolo gets heroic welcome’, Nigerian Compass, 5 October, pp.1,4&14.
  • Folarin, S. (2007), ‘Niger-delta: Environment, Ogoni crisis and the state’, The Constitution, vol, no.1, pp.37-61.
  • Freedom House (2008), Freedom in the World 2008: The Annual Survey of Political and Civil Liberties, (USA: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2008), p.519.
  • Gbemedu, E. and T. Anichebe (2012), ‘Oil spill: Anguish on Niger Delta’s coastlines’, National Mirror, 25 November 2012, new/oil-sp... (accessed: 2 January 2013).
  • Godwin, A. (2012), ‘JTF devises new strategy to check crude oil theft’, The Guardian, 13 August, p.4.
  • Greeley, M. and P. Rose (2006), ‘Learning to deliver education in fragile states’, FMR Education Supplement, July, pp.14-15.
  • Gurr, Ted R. (1970), Why Men Rebel, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press). Hewitt, J.J., J. Wikenfeld, and Ted R. Gurr (2008), Peace and Conflict, (Boulder, CO: Paradigm).
  • Hinshaw, D. (2012), ‘Nigeria’s former oil bandits now collect government cash’, Wall Street Journal, 22 August, (accessed: 23 Aug 2012).
  • Horowitz, D. (1985), Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Berkeley, (Ca: University of California Press). Ibaba, I.S. (2009), ‘Violent conflicts and sustainable development in Bayelsa state’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol.36, No.122, pp.555-573.
  • Ibanga, I. (2008), ‘Niger delta as albatross’, The Punch, 30 May, p.46.
  • Ibeanu, O. (2000), Oiling the Friction: Environmental Conflict Management in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Environmental Change and Security Project Report, 6, Summer.
  • Ibeanu, O. and A. Momoh (2008), State Responsiveness to Public Security Needs: The Politics of Security Decision-making: Nigeria Country Study, (London: CSDG Papers, no.14, June).
  • Igbekoyi, F. (2012), ‘Delta police command arrested 150 kidnappers, robbers within 3 months’, Daily Trust, 25 July, (accessed: 20 August 2012).
  • Ikelegbe, A.O. (2003), ‘Civil society and alternative approaches to conflict management in Nigeria’, in Imobighe (ed.), Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict Management in Nigeria, (Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited).
  • Ikelegbe, A.O. (2005), ‘The economy of conflict in the oil rich Niger delta region of Nigeria’, Nordic Journal of African Studies, Vol.14, No.2, pp.208-234.
  • Ikelegbe, A. (2010), Oil, Resource Conflicts and the Post Conflict Transition in the Niger Delta Region: Beyond the Amnesty, (Benin City: CPED Monograph Series), no.3.
  • Imobighe, T.A. (2003), ‘Introduction: Civil society, ethnic nationalism and nation building in Nigeria’, in Thomas A. Imobighe (ed.), Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict Management in Nigeria, (Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited).
  • Jaspers, S. and S. O’Callaghan (2010), Challenging Choices: Protection and Livelihoods in Conflict, HPG Policy Brief 40, May.
  • J-K Gadzama & Partners (2009), Proclamation of Amnesty to the Niger-delta Militants: Matters Arising, Newsletter, Vol.3, No.3, July-September, (accessed: 13 March 2011).
  • Khor, M. (2010), ‘Pay developing nations for eco-disasters’, South Bulletin, 49, pp.2
  • Kivengere, H. (2005), ‘The issue of amnesty revisited: What has been their long term effect’, The Role of Parliaments in the National Reconciliation Process in Africa, proceedings of regional seminar organized jointly by the Parliament of Burundi, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the International IDEA, Bujumbura, 7-9 November), pp.52-55.
  • Lawal, Y. (2007), ‘Niger-delta govs, US, UK meet over oil security’, The Guardian, 2 August, pp.1&2.
  • Naidoo, K. (2010), Boiling Point. Can Citizen Action Save the World?, Development Dialogue, No.54, (Uppsala: Dag Hammerskjold Foundation).
  • Newsom, Chris (2011), Conflict in the Niger Delta: More Than a Local Affair, (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace,), Special Report, no.271.
  • Nichols, T.M. (2003), ‘Just war, not prevention’, Ethics and international Affairs, Vol.17, No.1, pp.25-29.
  • Nigeria First (2009), Amnesty Proclamation Pursuant to Section 175 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, being text of President Yar’Adua’s Amnesty Proclamation, 25 June 2009, shtml (accessed: 15 February 2011).
  • Oberschall, A. (2010), ‘Conflict theory’, K.T. Leicht and J.C. Jenkins (eds.), Handbook of Politics: State and Society in Global Perspective, (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC), pp.177-193.
  • Okeke, M. (2007), ‘Govt to spend N71.7b on NDDC in 2008’, The Guardian, 20 Sept, p.80.
  • Omeje, K. (2007), ‘Oil, conflict and accumulation politics in Nigeria’, Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Vol.12, 2007, pp.44-49.
  • Oyadongha, S. (2011), ‘Bayelsa community raises alarm over upsurge in illegal refineries’, Sweet Crude, a Vanguard monthly review of the Nigerian energy industry, vol.2, no.23, p.52.
  • Onyekakeyah, L. (2010), ‘Biodiversity: a forgotten stuff in Nigeria’, The Guardian, 3 August, p.73.
  • Osaghae, E.E., A. Ikelegbe, O.O. Olarinmoye, and S.I. Okhomina (2011), Youth Militias, Self Determination and Resource Control Struggles in the Niger-delta Region of Nigeria, (Dakar: CODESRIA Research Reports), no.5.
  • Osumah, O. and I. Aghedo (2011), ‘Who wants to be a millionaire? Nigerian youths and the commodification of kidnapping’, Review of African Political Economy, vol.38, no.128, pp.277-287.
  • Popovski, V. and N. Turner (2007), Religious Perspectives on the Use of Force, UNUWIDER Policy Brief 2007.
  • Salau, S. (2012), ‘Shell records 15,408 barrels of oil spill in 2011’, The Guardian, 19 September, p.45.
  • Shadare, W. (2012), ‘Amnesty office begins trainees’ entrepreneurship scheme’, The Guardian, 3 Sept., (accessed: 3 Sept. 2012).
  • Smith, D. ‘Trends and cause of armed conflict’, A. Austin, M. Fischer, N. Ropers, (eds.), Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict, (Germany: Berghof Research Centre for Constructive Conflict Management), pp.111-127. The Guardian (2011), ‘Unemployment highest in Niger-delta, says NESG’, 31 March, pp.16&17.
  • Townsend, J. (1970), Measure and Explanations of Poverty in High and Low Income
  • Countries, (London: Penguin). Ubhenin, O. (2006), ‘Sustainable development in the Niger-delta: Imperatives for corporate citizenship’, The Constitution, vol.6, no.4, pp.70-83.
  • Ubhenin, O.E. and F. Aiya (2010), ‘Methodological challenges of enumerating the costs of Niger delta conflict’, Journal of Human Security, vol.6, no.2, 2010, pp.58
  • UNEP (2011), Environmental Assessment of Ogoniland, (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme).
  • Vanguard (2012), ‘113 ex-militants offered employment in Nigeria, abroad – says Amnesty Office’, 8 November, (accessed: 2 January 2013).
  • Varma, S.P. (2005), Modern Political Theory, (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2005).
  • Vidal, J. (2011), ‘Niger delta oil spills clean-up will take 30 years, says UN’, The Guardian, 4 August, (accessed: 7 September 2012).

Federal Hükümetin Nijer Deltası’ndaki Af Programı: Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 21, 179 - 203, 01.03.2013


Bu makalenin amacı federal hükümetin Niger-Delta bölgesindeki af programını değerlendirmektir. Makale özellikle af programının NigerDelta çatışmasına nasıl bir çözüm getirmeyi amaçladığı , federal hükümetin af programı kapsamındaki ekonomik taahhütleri ve af programının * Lecturer in public administration at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, IntroductionThis article is based on review of published literature and other media sources. Addressing daunting gaps in secondary data search would have required the use of primary sources, such as investigation of spoken discourses by undertaking interviews with some of the actors in the field. Other methods, such as questionnaire administration and the focus group could also be used to produce data and insights for the analysis. But resource constraints deterred their use in this study. In spite of these shortcomings, I am optimistic that they were not sufficient to derail the good intentions of the study, particularly with the resort to search for academic journals, technical papers, and published newspaper reports and articles. The internet proved very helpful in this regard. This article is structured into six sections. The next section discusses the theory of relative deprivation as it affects oil wealth and the deepening poverty in the Niger-Delta. Section three reviews both empirical and theoretical literature pertaining to the subject matter. The fourth section discusses the implementation of the amnesty programme. Section five focuses on the critique of the amnesty programme. The final section concludes the paper with some recommendations.Nigeria is a federation in which the constituent units that make up the country, predominantly the major ethnic groups, have embarked on separate developmental course. This development flows from the artificial creation of the British colonialists and their adopted policy of divide and rule. As a response, the nationalists had attempted to create a common Nigeria by recruiting actors from various ethnic backgrounds into the anti-colonial struggle. However, as observed by Thomas Imobighe, “they did not quite succeed in evolving a nation with an organic unity.” This has precipitatT.A. Imobighe, ‘Introduction: Civil society, ethnic nationalism and nation building in Nigeria’, in T.A. Imobighe (ed.), Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict Management in Nigeria, (Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited, 2003), pp.3-35.


  • Abati, R. (2008), ‘The Niger delta ministry’, The Guardian, 12 September, p.67.
  • Abdallah, N.M. (2012), ‘FG budgets N305 billion for N/Delta: S/South states to spend N1.7 tr’, Daily Trust, Monday, 5 March, 2012, index.php/oth... (accessed: 23 August 2012).
  • Ade Ajayi, J.F. (2002), Unfinished Business: Confronting the Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa, (Amsterdam/India: SEPHIS/CSSSC, 2002).
  • Adeleye, S., J. Ogbodu and A. Oyetunji (2009), ‘JTF destroys second camp, militants block oil channel’, Nigerian Compass, 19 May, pp.1,4,6,8.
  • Ajaero, C. and G. Azubike (2011), ‘War in the creeks’, Newswatch, 20 Dec, pp.12-18. Akasike, C. (2010), ‘Top ex-militant leader, Soboma George, killed’, The Punch, 25 Aug., (accessed: 8 Sept 2010).
  • Akhaine, S.O. (2011), ‘Nigeria’s 2011 elections: The crippled giant learns to walk?’, African Affairs, 110/441, pp.649-655.
  • Amnesty International (2009), Nigeria: Petroleum Pollution and Poverty in the Niger
  • Delta, Summary, London: Amnesty International Secretariat. Ayankola, M. (2009), ‘Niger delta crippling oil and gas production, investments’, The Punch, 26 May, p.12.
  • Ayankola, M. (2011), ‘Nigeria holds 29.32% of Africa’s oil reserves – OPEC’, The Punch, 26 July, (accessed: 26 July 2011).
  • Chiedozie, I. (2008), ‘N’ delta committee submits report, says Nigeria lost $20.7bn to crisis’, The Punch, 2 December, p.2.
  • Chizea, B. and T. Iyare (2006), ‘Nigeria’s raging ethnic conflicts: The role of small arms and private military companies (PMCs)’, The Constitution, vol.6, no.1, pp.71-100.
  • Cope, J. (2009), Biopolitics and the possibilities for genocide, http://socialsciences. (accessed: 14 May 2011).
  • Dachy, E. (2004), ‘Justice and humanitarian action: A conflict of interest’, in Fabrice Weissman (ed.), In the Shadow of Just Wars: Violence, Politics and Humanitarian Action, (London: C. Hurst and Co. (Publishers) Limited), pp.314-324.
  • Dougherty, J.E. and R.L. Pfaltzgraff (1971), Contending Theories in International Relations, (USA: J.B. Lippincott Co).
  • Dudouet, V. (2006), Transitions from Violence to Peace: Revisiting Analysis and Intervention in Conflict Transformation, (Germany: Berghof Research Centre for Constructive Conflict Management).
  • Duggan, C.S.M. (2009), Nigeria: Opportunity in crisis, Harvard Business School, N9-709-048, Rev,14 August.
  • Ebiri, K., H. Oliomogbe and N. Bello (2009), ‘Militants prefer truce, JTF denies killing monarch’, The Guardian, 6 July, pp.1,2.
  • Facah, R. (2009), ‘Militants want to ruin economy – Yar’Adua’, Nigerian Compass, 5 June, pp.1&8.
  • Facah, R., A. Adegbuyi, J. Ogbodu and B. Okeowo (2009), ‘Amnesty: Tompolo gets heroic welcome’, Nigerian Compass, 5 October, pp.1,4&14.
  • Folarin, S. (2007), ‘Niger-delta: Environment, Ogoni crisis and the state’, The Constitution, vol, no.1, pp.37-61.
  • Freedom House (2008), Freedom in the World 2008: The Annual Survey of Political and Civil Liberties, (USA: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2008), p.519.
  • Gbemedu, E. and T. Anichebe (2012), ‘Oil spill: Anguish on Niger Delta’s coastlines’, National Mirror, 25 November 2012, new/oil-sp... (accessed: 2 January 2013).
  • Godwin, A. (2012), ‘JTF devises new strategy to check crude oil theft’, The Guardian, 13 August, p.4.
  • Greeley, M. and P. Rose (2006), ‘Learning to deliver education in fragile states’, FMR Education Supplement, July, pp.14-15.
  • Gurr, Ted R. (1970), Why Men Rebel, (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press). Hewitt, J.J., J. Wikenfeld, and Ted R. Gurr (2008), Peace and Conflict, (Boulder, CO: Paradigm).
  • Hinshaw, D. (2012), ‘Nigeria’s former oil bandits now collect government cash’, Wall Street Journal, 22 August, (accessed: 23 Aug 2012).
  • Horowitz, D. (1985), Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Berkeley, (Ca: University of California Press). Ibaba, I.S. (2009), ‘Violent conflicts and sustainable development in Bayelsa state’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol.36, No.122, pp.555-573.
  • Ibanga, I. (2008), ‘Niger delta as albatross’, The Punch, 30 May, p.46.
  • Ibeanu, O. (2000), Oiling the Friction: Environmental Conflict Management in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Environmental Change and Security Project Report, 6, Summer.
  • Ibeanu, O. and A. Momoh (2008), State Responsiveness to Public Security Needs: The Politics of Security Decision-making: Nigeria Country Study, (London: CSDG Papers, no.14, June).
  • Igbekoyi, F. (2012), ‘Delta police command arrested 150 kidnappers, robbers within 3 months’, Daily Trust, 25 July, (accessed: 20 August 2012).
  • Ikelegbe, A.O. (2003), ‘Civil society and alternative approaches to conflict management in Nigeria’, in Imobighe (ed.), Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict Management in Nigeria, (Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited).
  • Ikelegbe, A.O. (2005), ‘The economy of conflict in the oil rich Niger delta region of Nigeria’, Nordic Journal of African Studies, Vol.14, No.2, pp.208-234.
  • Ikelegbe, A. (2010), Oil, Resource Conflicts and the Post Conflict Transition in the Niger Delta Region: Beyond the Amnesty, (Benin City: CPED Monograph Series), no.3.
  • Imobighe, T.A. (2003), ‘Introduction: Civil society, ethnic nationalism and nation building in Nigeria’, in Thomas A. Imobighe (ed.), Civil Society and Ethnic Conflict Management in Nigeria, (Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited).
  • Jaspers, S. and S. O’Callaghan (2010), Challenging Choices: Protection and Livelihoods in Conflict, HPG Policy Brief 40, May.
  • J-K Gadzama & Partners (2009), Proclamation of Amnesty to the Niger-delta Militants: Matters Arising, Newsletter, Vol.3, No.3, July-September, (accessed: 13 March 2011).
  • Khor, M. (2010), ‘Pay developing nations for eco-disasters’, South Bulletin, 49, pp.2
  • Kivengere, H. (2005), ‘The issue of amnesty revisited: What has been their long term effect’, The Role of Parliaments in the National Reconciliation Process in Africa, proceedings of regional seminar organized jointly by the Parliament of Burundi, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the International IDEA, Bujumbura, 7-9 November), pp.52-55.
  • Lawal, Y. (2007), ‘Niger-delta govs, US, UK meet over oil security’, The Guardian, 2 August, pp.1&2.
  • Naidoo, K. (2010), Boiling Point. Can Citizen Action Save the World?, Development Dialogue, No.54, (Uppsala: Dag Hammerskjold Foundation).
  • Newsom, Chris (2011), Conflict in the Niger Delta: More Than a Local Affair, (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace,), Special Report, no.271.
  • Nichols, T.M. (2003), ‘Just war, not prevention’, Ethics and international Affairs, Vol.17, No.1, pp.25-29.
  • Nigeria First (2009), Amnesty Proclamation Pursuant to Section 175 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, being text of President Yar’Adua’s Amnesty Proclamation, 25 June 2009, shtml (accessed: 15 February 2011).
  • Oberschall, A. (2010), ‘Conflict theory’, K.T. Leicht and J.C. Jenkins (eds.), Handbook of Politics: State and Society in Global Perspective, (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC), pp.177-193.
  • Okeke, M. (2007), ‘Govt to spend N71.7b on NDDC in 2008’, The Guardian, 20 Sept, p.80.
  • Omeje, K. (2007), ‘Oil, conflict and accumulation politics in Nigeria’, Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Vol.12, 2007, pp.44-49.
  • Oyadongha, S. (2011), ‘Bayelsa community raises alarm over upsurge in illegal refineries’, Sweet Crude, a Vanguard monthly review of the Nigerian energy industry, vol.2, no.23, p.52.
  • Onyekakeyah, L. (2010), ‘Biodiversity: a forgotten stuff in Nigeria’, The Guardian, 3 August, p.73.
  • Osaghae, E.E., A. Ikelegbe, O.O. Olarinmoye, and S.I. Okhomina (2011), Youth Militias, Self Determination and Resource Control Struggles in the Niger-delta Region of Nigeria, (Dakar: CODESRIA Research Reports), no.5.
  • Osumah, O. and I. Aghedo (2011), ‘Who wants to be a millionaire? Nigerian youths and the commodification of kidnapping’, Review of African Political Economy, vol.38, no.128, pp.277-287.
  • Popovski, V. and N. Turner (2007), Religious Perspectives on the Use of Force, UNUWIDER Policy Brief 2007.
  • Salau, S. (2012), ‘Shell records 15,408 barrels of oil spill in 2011’, The Guardian, 19 September, p.45.
  • Shadare, W. (2012), ‘Amnesty office begins trainees’ entrepreneurship scheme’, The Guardian, 3 Sept., (accessed: 3 Sept. 2012).
  • Smith, D. ‘Trends and cause of armed conflict’, A. Austin, M. Fischer, N. Ropers, (eds.), Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict, (Germany: Berghof Research Centre for Constructive Conflict Management), pp.111-127. The Guardian (2011), ‘Unemployment highest in Niger-delta, says NESG’, 31 March, pp.16&17.
  • Townsend, J. (1970), Measure and Explanations of Poverty in High and Low Income
  • Countries, (London: Penguin). Ubhenin, O. (2006), ‘Sustainable development in the Niger-delta: Imperatives for corporate citizenship’, The Constitution, vol.6, no.4, pp.70-83.
  • Ubhenin, O.E. and F. Aiya (2010), ‘Methodological challenges of enumerating the costs of Niger delta conflict’, Journal of Human Security, vol.6, no.2, 2010, pp.58
  • UNEP (2011), Environmental Assessment of Ogoniland, (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme).
  • Vanguard (2012), ‘113 ex-militants offered employment in Nigeria, abroad – says Amnesty Office’, 8 November, (accessed: 2 January 2013).
  • Varma, S.P. (2005), Modern Political Theory, (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2005).
  • Vidal, J. (2011), ‘Niger delta oil spills clean-up will take 30 years, says UN’, The Guardian, 4 August, (accessed: 7 September 2012).
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Oscar Edoror Ubhenın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 21

Kaynak Göster

APA Ubhenın, O. E. (2013). Federal Hükümetin Nijer Deltası’ndaki Af Programı: Bir Değerlendirme. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(21), 179-203.

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