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Economic Growth and Democracy in Turkey

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 20, 137 - 155, 01.09.2012


  • Acemoglu D, Johnson S, Robinson J.A., Yared P., 2005, Income and Democracy, NBER Working Series, 11205.
  • Acemoglu D., M. Angélica, P. Querubín, J.A. Robinson, 2007, “Economic and Political Inequality in Development: The Case of Cundinamarca, Colombia,” NBER Working Papers, No: 13208.
  • Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robinson, J.A., Yared, P., 2008, Income and Democracy, American Economic Review, 98 (3), 808-842.
  • Alesina, A., Özler, S., Roubini, N., Swagel, P., 1996, “Political Instability and Economic Growth”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 1, 189-211.
  • Ansell B., and D. Samuels, 2010, “Inequality and Democratization: A Contractarian Approach”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 43, No: 12, 1543-1574.
  • Arat, Z. F., 1988, “Democracy and Economic Development: Modernization Theory Revisited”, Comparative Politics, Vol. 21, No: 1, 21–36.
  • Barrington Moore, 1966, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Barro, R.J., 1997, Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study, MA: The MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Barro, R., 1999, “Determinants of Democracy”, Journal of Political Economy, 107(6): 158-183.
  • Başar, S., and Ş. Yıldız, 2009, “Iktisadi Buyumenin Demokratiklesme Uzerine Etkileri”, Balikesir Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Vol. 12, 56-75.
  • Boix, C., Stokes, S. C., 2003, “Endogenous democratization”, World Politics, Vol. 55, 517-49
  • Bollen, K.A., 1979, “Political Democracy and the Timing of Development”, American Sociological Review, Vol: 44, 572–87.
  • Bollen, K.A., 1990, “Political Democracy: Conceptual and Measurement Traps”, Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol: 25, 7-24.
  • Burkhart, R. E., Lewis-Beck, M. S., 1994, “Comparative Democracy: The Economic Development Thesis”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 88, No 4, 903–10.
  • Coleman, J. S., 1960, “Conclusion: the Political Systems of the Developing Area”, in Almond, G. A., Coleman, J. S., eds., The Politics of Developing Areas, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 532-81.
  • Collier, D., and S. Levitsky, 1997, “Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research”, World Politics, Vol. 49, 430-451.
  • Collier, D., and R. Adcock, 1999, “Democracy and Dichotomies: A Pragmatic Approach to Choices about Concepts”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol.
  • Cutright, P., 1963, “National Political Development: Measurement and Analysis”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 28, 253–64.
  • Dahl, R. A., 1971, Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Diamond L., and J.J. Linz, 1989, “Introduction: Politics, Democracy, and Society in Latin America”, in Diamond, Linz, and Lipset, eds., Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America, Boulder, Colo., Lynne Rienner.
  • Diamond, L., 1992, Economic Development and Democracy Reconsidered, in G. Marks and Diamond (eds.) Reexamining Democracy: Essays in Honor of Seymour Martin Lipset. California: Sage Publications.
  • Dickey, D.A. and W .A. Fuller, 1981, “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”, Econometrica, Vol. 49, No: 4, 1057-1072.
  • Doucouliagos, H., and M. Ulubasoglu, “Democracy and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis”, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University, Australia. Available at: files/Doucouliagos.pdf
  • Engle, R.F. and C.W.J. Granger, 1987, “Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing”, Econometrica, Vol. 55, No: 2, 251-276.
  • Epstein, D. L., R. Bates, J. Goldstone, I. Kristensen, S. O’Halloran, 2006, “Democratic Transitions”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 50, No 3, 551-569.
  • Fayad G., R.H. Bates, and A. Hoeffler, 2011, Income and Democracy: Lipset’s Law Inverted. Available at: papers/454-Fayad.pdf.
  • Friedman, Milton, 1962, Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Glasure, Y.U., L. Aie-rie and J. Norris, 1999, “Level of Economic Development and Political, Democracy Revisited”, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 5, No: 4, 466-477.
  • Gould A.C., and A.J. Maggio, 2003, “Political Regimes and Economic Development: A Model of Reference-Dependent Choices and Experimental Data”,
  • Granato, J., R.Inglehart, and D. Leblang, 1996, “The Effect of Cultural Values on Economic Development: Theory, Hypotheses, and Some Empirical Tests”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 40, No 3, 607–631.
  • Helliwell, J. F., 1992, “Empirical Linkages between Democracy and Economic Growth”, NBER Working Paper, No: 4066.
  • Helliwell, J. F., 1994, “Empirical Linkages between Democracy and Economic Growth”, British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 24, 225–48.
  • Heo, U.K. and T. Aleander, 2001, “Democracy and Economic Growth: A Causal Analysis, Comparative Politics”, Vol. 33, No: 4, 463-473.
  • Houle Christian, 2009, “Inequality and Democracy: Why Inequality Harms Consolidation but Does not Affect Democratization”, Vol. 61, No: 4, 589-622.
  • Huber E., D. Rueschemeyer and J. D. Stephens, 1993, “The Impact of Economic Development on Democracy”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7, No 3, 71-85.
  • Huntington, S., 1991, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Inglehart, R., 1990, Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Iqbal N., Khan S.J.I., Irfan M., 2008, “Democracy, Autocracy, and Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan”, AJ&K, Vol. XVII, No: 1.
  • Jackman, R. W., 1973, “On the Relation of Economic Development to Democratic Performance”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 17, No: 3, 611–21.
  • Kim, C. L., 1971, “Socio-economic Development and Political Democracy in Japanese Prefectures”, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 65, No: 1, 184–6.
  • Linz, J., and A. Stepan, 1996, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Lipset, S. M., 1959, “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 53, No. 1, 69– 105.
  • Lipset S. M., 1960, Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company.
  • Lipset, S. M., 1994,”The Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited” American Sociological Review, Vol. 59 (1): 1-22
  • Marshall, M. G., Jaggers K., and J.R. Gurr, 2002, “Polity IV Project: Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions. 1800 – 2010”, Maryland: University of (11/04/2011).
  • Menocal A.R., 2007, “Analyzing the Relationship between Democracy and Development: Defining Basic Concepts and Assessing Key Linkages”, Wilton Park Conference on Democracy and Development.
  • Milanovic, B., 2005, ‘Relationship between Income and Emergence of Democracy Reexamined, 1820 – 2000: A Non-Parametric Approach”, Law and Economics, 0509004, Econ WPA.
  • Monshipouri, M., and Samuel, A., 1995, “Development and Democracy in Pakistan: Tenuous or Plausible Nexus?” Asian Survey, Vol. 35, No: 11, 973–89.
  • Muller, E. N., 1995, “Economic Determinants of Democracy”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 60, No: 6, 966–82.
  • Neubauer, D. E., 1967, “Some Conditions of Democracy”. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 6, No 4, 1002–9.
  • O’Donnell, Guillermo, 1973, Modernization and Bureaucratic Authoritarianism: Studies in South American Politics, Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California.
  • Peck, S. M., 1962, “Ideology and ‘Political Sociology’: The Conservative Bias of Lipset’s ‘Political Man’”, The American Catholic Sociological Review, Vol. 23, No.
  • Przeworski, A. and Limongi, F. 1993, “Political Regimes and Economic Growth”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7, No. 3, 51-69.
  • Przeworski, A., M. Alvarez, J. A. Cheibub, and F. Limongi, 1996, “What Makes Democracy Endure?” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 39-55.
  • Przeworski, A. and Limongi, F. 1997, “Modernization: Theories and Facts”, World Politics, Vol. 49, No. 2, 155-83.
  • Przeworski, A., M. Alvarez, J. A. Cheibub, and F. Limongi, 2000, Democracy and Development, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ray S., and I.A. Ray, 2011, “Regional Analysis on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Democracy: Evidence from India”, Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2.3.
  • Reenock C., M. Bernhard, and D. Sobek, 2007, “Regressive Socioeconomic Distribution and Democratic Survival”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 51, 677-999.
  • Robert, J. and R. Miller, 1996, “A Renaissance of Political Culture?”, American Journal of Political Science, 40:632-59.
  • Robinson J.A., 2006, “Economic Development and Democracy”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 9, 503-527.
  • Schmitter, P.C., and Karl T. L., 1991, “What democracy is…and is not”, Journal of Demoracy, Vol. 2, 75-88.
  • Treisman, Daniel, 2011, “Income, Democracy, and the Cunning of Reason”, NBER Working Paper, No: 17132.
  • Uysal D., M.C. Özşahin, and Ş. Özşahin, 2010, “Co-Integration Analysis of Economic Development and Democracy: The Case of Turkey”, Current Research Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 2, No. 3, 102-111.
  • Weber Max, 1930, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, London: Allen&Unwin.
  • Democracy_Index_Dec2011.pdf, (June 16, 2012).

Türkiye’de Ekonomik Büyüme ve Demokrasi

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 20, 137 - 155, 01.09.2012


  • Acemoglu D, Johnson S, Robinson J.A., Yared P., 2005, Income and Democracy, NBER Working Series, 11205.
  • Acemoglu D., M. Angélica, P. Querubín, J.A. Robinson, 2007, “Economic and Political Inequality in Development: The Case of Cundinamarca, Colombia,” NBER Working Papers, No: 13208.
  • Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robinson, J.A., Yared, P., 2008, Income and Democracy, American Economic Review, 98 (3), 808-842.
  • Alesina, A., Özler, S., Roubini, N., Swagel, P., 1996, “Political Instability and Economic Growth”, Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 1, 189-211.
  • Ansell B., and D. Samuels, 2010, “Inequality and Democratization: A Contractarian Approach”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 43, No: 12, 1543-1574.
  • Arat, Z. F., 1988, “Democracy and Economic Development: Modernization Theory Revisited”, Comparative Politics, Vol. 21, No: 1, 21–36.
  • Barrington Moore, 1966, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Barro, R.J., 1997, Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study, MA: The MIT Press, Cambridge.
  • Barro, R., 1999, “Determinants of Democracy”, Journal of Political Economy, 107(6): 158-183.
  • Başar, S., and Ş. Yıldız, 2009, “Iktisadi Buyumenin Demokratiklesme Uzerine Etkileri”, Balikesir Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Vol. 12, 56-75.
  • Boix, C., Stokes, S. C., 2003, “Endogenous democratization”, World Politics, Vol. 55, 517-49
  • Bollen, K.A., 1979, “Political Democracy and the Timing of Development”, American Sociological Review, Vol: 44, 572–87.
  • Bollen, K.A., 1990, “Political Democracy: Conceptual and Measurement Traps”, Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol: 25, 7-24.
  • Burkhart, R. E., Lewis-Beck, M. S., 1994, “Comparative Democracy: The Economic Development Thesis”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 88, No 4, 903–10.
  • Coleman, J. S., 1960, “Conclusion: the Political Systems of the Developing Area”, in Almond, G. A., Coleman, J. S., eds., The Politics of Developing Areas, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 532-81.
  • Collier, D., and S. Levitsky, 1997, “Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research”, World Politics, Vol. 49, 430-451.
  • Collier, D., and R. Adcock, 1999, “Democracy and Dichotomies: A Pragmatic Approach to Choices about Concepts”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol.
  • Cutright, P., 1963, “National Political Development: Measurement and Analysis”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 28, 253–64.
  • Dahl, R. A., 1971, Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Diamond L., and J.J. Linz, 1989, “Introduction: Politics, Democracy, and Society in Latin America”, in Diamond, Linz, and Lipset, eds., Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America, Boulder, Colo., Lynne Rienner.
  • Diamond, L., 1992, Economic Development and Democracy Reconsidered, in G. Marks and Diamond (eds.) Reexamining Democracy: Essays in Honor of Seymour Martin Lipset. California: Sage Publications.
  • Dickey, D.A. and W .A. Fuller, 1981, “Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root”, Econometrica, Vol. 49, No: 4, 1057-1072.
  • Doucouliagos, H., and M. Ulubasoglu, “Democracy and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis”, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University, Australia. Available at: files/Doucouliagos.pdf
  • Engle, R.F. and C.W.J. Granger, 1987, “Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing”, Econometrica, Vol. 55, No: 2, 251-276.
  • Epstein, D. L., R. Bates, J. Goldstone, I. Kristensen, S. O’Halloran, 2006, “Democratic Transitions”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 50, No 3, 551-569.
  • Fayad G., R.H. Bates, and A. Hoeffler, 2011, Income and Democracy: Lipset’s Law Inverted. Available at: papers/454-Fayad.pdf.
  • Friedman, Milton, 1962, Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Glasure, Y.U., L. Aie-rie and J. Norris, 1999, “Level of Economic Development and Political, Democracy Revisited”, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 5, No: 4, 466-477.
  • Gould A.C., and A.J. Maggio, 2003, “Political Regimes and Economic Development: A Model of Reference-Dependent Choices and Experimental Data”,
  • Granato, J., R.Inglehart, and D. Leblang, 1996, “The Effect of Cultural Values on Economic Development: Theory, Hypotheses, and Some Empirical Tests”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 40, No 3, 607–631.
  • Helliwell, J. F., 1992, “Empirical Linkages between Democracy and Economic Growth”, NBER Working Paper, No: 4066.
  • Helliwell, J. F., 1994, “Empirical Linkages between Democracy and Economic Growth”, British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 24, 225–48.
  • Heo, U.K. and T. Aleander, 2001, “Democracy and Economic Growth: A Causal Analysis, Comparative Politics”, Vol. 33, No: 4, 463-473.
  • Houle Christian, 2009, “Inequality and Democracy: Why Inequality Harms Consolidation but Does not Affect Democratization”, Vol. 61, No: 4, 589-622.
  • Huber E., D. Rueschemeyer and J. D. Stephens, 1993, “The Impact of Economic Development on Democracy”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7, No 3, 71-85.
  • Huntington, S., 1991, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Inglehart, R., 1990, Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Iqbal N., Khan S.J.I., Irfan M., 2008, “Democracy, Autocracy, and Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan”, AJ&K, Vol. XVII, No: 1.
  • Jackman, R. W., 1973, “On the Relation of Economic Development to Democratic Performance”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 17, No: 3, 611–21.
  • Kim, C. L., 1971, “Socio-economic Development and Political Democracy in Japanese Prefectures”, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 65, No: 1, 184–6.
  • Linz, J., and A. Stepan, 1996, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Lipset, S. M., 1959, “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 53, No. 1, 69– 105.
  • Lipset S. M., 1960, Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company.
  • Lipset, S. M., 1994,”The Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited” American Sociological Review, Vol. 59 (1): 1-22
  • Marshall, M. G., Jaggers K., and J.R. Gurr, 2002, “Polity IV Project: Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions. 1800 – 2010”, Maryland: University of (11/04/2011).
  • Menocal A.R., 2007, “Analyzing the Relationship between Democracy and Development: Defining Basic Concepts and Assessing Key Linkages”, Wilton Park Conference on Democracy and Development.
  • Milanovic, B., 2005, ‘Relationship between Income and Emergence of Democracy Reexamined, 1820 – 2000: A Non-Parametric Approach”, Law and Economics, 0509004, Econ WPA.
  • Monshipouri, M., and Samuel, A., 1995, “Development and Democracy in Pakistan: Tenuous or Plausible Nexus?” Asian Survey, Vol. 35, No: 11, 973–89.
  • Muller, E. N., 1995, “Economic Determinants of Democracy”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 60, No: 6, 966–82.
  • Neubauer, D. E., 1967, “Some Conditions of Democracy”. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 6, No 4, 1002–9.
  • O’Donnell, Guillermo, 1973, Modernization and Bureaucratic Authoritarianism: Studies in South American Politics, Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of California.
  • Peck, S. M., 1962, “Ideology and ‘Political Sociology’: The Conservative Bias of Lipset’s ‘Political Man’”, The American Catholic Sociological Review, Vol. 23, No.
  • Przeworski, A. and Limongi, F. 1993, “Political Regimes and Economic Growth”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 7, No. 3, 51-69.
  • Przeworski, A., M. Alvarez, J. A. Cheibub, and F. Limongi, 1996, “What Makes Democracy Endure?” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 1, 39-55.
  • Przeworski, A. and Limongi, F. 1997, “Modernization: Theories and Facts”, World Politics, Vol. 49, No. 2, 155-83.
  • Przeworski, A., M. Alvarez, J. A. Cheibub, and F. Limongi, 2000, Democracy and Development, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ray S., and I.A. Ray, 2011, “Regional Analysis on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Democracy: Evidence from India”, Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2.3.
  • Reenock C., M. Bernhard, and D. Sobek, 2007, “Regressive Socioeconomic Distribution and Democratic Survival”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 51, 677-999.
  • Robert, J. and R. Miller, 1996, “A Renaissance of Political Culture?”, American Journal of Political Science, 40:632-59.
  • Robinson J.A., 2006, “Economic Development and Democracy”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 9, 503-527.
  • Schmitter, P.C., and Karl T. L., 1991, “What democracy is…and is not”, Journal of Demoracy, Vol. 2, 75-88.
  • Treisman, Daniel, 2011, “Income, Democracy, and the Cunning of Reason”, NBER Working Paper, No: 17132.
  • Uysal D., M.C. Özşahin, and Ş. Özşahin, 2010, “Co-Integration Analysis of Economic Development and Democracy: The Case of Turkey”, Current Research Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 2, No. 3, 102-111.
  • Weber Max, 1930, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, London: Allen&Unwin.
  • Democracy_Index_Dec2011.pdf, (June 16, 2012).
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Halil Bilecen Bu kişi benim

Eyyub Yunus Kibis Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 20

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilecen, H., & Kibis, E. Y. (2012). Türkiye’de Ekonomik Büyüme ve Demokrasi. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(20), 137-155.

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