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Fransa-Afrika Modeli: Azalan İlişkiler

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 23, 33 - 53, 01.06.2014


Fransa, Fransa-Afrika modelinden uzaklaşmaya başladı ve bu uzaklaşmayı takip eden süreçte Fransa’nın yeni Afrika politikası Afrikalılardan değişik tepkiler almaya başladı. Bazı Afrikalılar değişen politikanın genel çizgilerini benimserlerken, bazıları bilinenin bilinmeyen ile yer değiştirmesine-bilinenin uzaklaştırılmasına dair korkularını dile getirmeye başladılar. Tüm bu gelişmeler Fransızların kendilerini yapmaya mecbur hissettikleri özde ve sözde değişiklikleri yapmaya çalışırken ve gelecek politika ayarlamaları uygulamalarını-tökezleyerek de olsa devam ettirirken meydana gelmekteydi


  • Africa Confidential, Vol. 43, No. 24, 2002, p. 5–6.
  • Africa, ‘France’s Changing Policy Towards Continent’, ries/201012170885.html, (accessed: December 17, 2010).
  • Alex Vines, ‘The Scramble for Resources: African Case Studies’, South African Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Summer/Autumn 2006).
  • Andrew Wallis, ‘France Must Answer for Its Actions in Rwanda’, http://www., (accessed: March 25 2012).
  • Bradley Klapper, ‘US Cuts off Aid to Mali’s Government after Coup’, Associated Press, 26 March 2012; ‘Mali Awaits Next Step after President, Coup Leader Resign’, The Daily Star, 10 April 2012.
  • Bresler Ines, ‘Mali: Why France is Fighting for West Africa’, http://www.thefor-, (ac- cessed: February 6 2013).
  • ‘China Commerce Yearbook 2006’, Ministry of Commerce of China, p. 724.
  • ‘China, Africa Vow Closer Cooperation in Fighting HIV/ AIDS’, Xinhua News Agency, November 5 2006.
  • Chris, McGreal, ‘France’s Shame?’, The Guardian, world/2007/jan/11/rwanda.insideafricaThursday 11 January 2007, (accessed: Thursday 11, 2007).
  • Czeslaw Tubilewicz, ‘The Baltic States in Taiwan’s Post-Cold War ‘Flexible Diplo- macy’, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2002, p. 791-810.
  • Dibussi Tande, ‘In His Own Words: Revisiting Nicholas Sarkozy’s University of Dakar Speech’,, (ac- cessed: September 17, 2007).
  • Esther Pan, ‘Q & A: China, Africa, and Oil’, New York Times, January 18, 2006, http:// www.nytimes. com/cfr/international/slot2_011806.html?pagewanted=print, (accessed: January 18 2006).
  • Forum on China-Africa Cooperation-Addis Ababa Action Plan (2004-2006).
  • ‘France Debates the Need to Move Beyond its Traditional Spheres of Influence’, The Economist, 13 December 2006.
  • ‘Franco-South African Dialogue: Sustainable Security in Africa Presents the Pro- ceedings of a Seminar on Security in Africa: French and South African Perspec- tives’, jointly organised and hosted by the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), the Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud (IFAS) and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) on 18-19 April 2000 in Pretoria.
  • Gérard Bossuat, ‘French Development Aid and Cooperation under de Gaulle’, Contemporary European History, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2003, p. 431–456.
  • Gérard Prunier, ‘The Rwanda Crisis (1959-1994) History of a Genocide, Londres/ Hurst, New-York / Columbia University Press, 1995, p. 326.
  • Gérard Prunier, ‘Traduction Française Publiée Aux Editions Dagorno, Paris, Sous Le Titre Rwanda: Histoire D’un Génocide en 1997’, Pour des raisons de copy- right le titre a ensuité été changé en janvier 1998 en Rwanda: le génocide.
  • ‘International Condemnation for Mali Coup–Africa’, Al Jazeera International, 4 October 2011.
  • Johan Arne, Vetlesen, ‘Genocide: A Case for the Responsibility of the Bystander’, Journal of Peace Research’, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2000, p. 519-532.
  • John, Lichfield, ‘Sarkozy Admits France’s Role in Rwandan Genocide’, Paris, http:// rwandan-genocide-1911272.html, Friday 26 February 2010, (accessed: Febru- ary 26, 2010).
  • Lanre Akinola, ‘Death of Eyadema: Way Forward For Togolese People’, http://, (accessed: February 5, 2005).
  • ‘Mali Separatists Send Group to Talk to Protestors’, Voice of America, May 15 2012.
  • McKinnon, R. Charlton, and Roy May, ‘What a Difference a Year Makes:...Under Chirac’, Bulletin of Francophone Africa, Vol. 5, No. 10, Winter 1996/97, p.93- 111.
  • Olivier Barlet, ‘Achille Mbembe’s Response to French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s Dakar Speech’, response-to-french.html, 8 August 2007, (accessed: August 8, 2007).
  • Peter, Uvin, ‘Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda’, West Hart- ford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, 1998, p. 87-96.
  • ‘Premier’s tour heats China-Africa ties’, Xinhua News Agency, June 17 2006.
  • ‘President Hu’s Arab-African visit fruitful: FM’, Xinhua News Agency, April. 30 2006,
  • Rachel Utley, ‘Not to do Less but to do Better. . .: French Military Policy in Africa’, International Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 1, 2002, p. 129–146.
  • Taylor, B. Seybolt, ‘Humanitarian Military Intervention: The Conditions For Suc- cess and Failure’, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 46-96.
  • Thomson Alistair, ‘Analysis-Sarkozy Seen Shifting, not Severing Africa Ties’, http:// 20070730, (accessed: July 7, 30, 2007).
  • Tito Drago, ‘Spain Defends Pilots in Child Abduction Row’, Inter Press Service, Pan-African News Wire, Johannesburg, 30 October 2007.
  • Tony Chafer, ‘Franco-African Relations: No Longer so Exceptional?’, African Af- fairs, Vol. 101, 2002b, p. 346.
  • Tony Chafer, ‘Chirac and ‘la Francafrique: No Longer a Family Affair’, Modern & Contemporary France, Vol. 15 3, No. 1, 2005, p. 7-23.
  • US Embassy Cables: Nicolas Sarkozy’s Personal Diplomacy in Africa is Hamfist- ed’, Wednesday, August 13 2008, 17: 08 CONFIDENTIA L SECTION 01 OF 07 PARIS 001568 SIPDIS EO 12958 DECL: 08/13/2018 TAGS PREL, PINR, ECON, MARR, PHUM, XA, FR SUBJECT: FRANCE’S CHANGING AFRICA POLI- CY: PART II (FRENCH IMPLEMENTATION AND AFRICAN REACTIONS) REF: PARIS 1501 Classified By: Political Minister-Counselor Kathleen Alle- grone, 1.4 (b/ d). Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy Rapporteur: Mr Jean-Marie BOCKEL’, France, EPP/CD.
  • Yan Xuetong, ‘Analysis of China’s National Interest’, Vol. 2, Tianjin People Press, 1997, p. 114.
  • Zhang Hongming, ‘La politique africaine de la Chine’, published by the Centre d’étude d’Afrique noire (CEAN), Bordeaux, 2000, and Jiang Chung-lian, ‘Le pétrole, nouvelle dimension des relations sino-africaines’, Géopolitique afric- aine, No. 14, Spring 2004.

France-Afrique Model: A Declining Relationship

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 23, 33 - 53, 01.06.2014


France has started to move away from the France-Afrique model. France’s new Africa policy has received mixed reviews from the uncertain Africans as the country has started to move away from the FranceAfrique model. While some in Africa appear to have accepted the outlines of the new policy, others have expressed misgivings concerning the replacement of the familiar with the unfamiliar-and some have even pushed away. This has been taking place while the French themeselves feel bound to make their own adjustments in both tone and substance, in the meantime continuing to refine their policies and their subsequent implementation with a few notable stumbles along the way


  • Africa Confidential, Vol. 43, No. 24, 2002, p. 5–6.
  • Africa, ‘France’s Changing Policy Towards Continent’, ries/201012170885.html, (accessed: December 17, 2010).
  • Alex Vines, ‘The Scramble for Resources: African Case Studies’, South African Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Summer/Autumn 2006).
  • Andrew Wallis, ‘France Must Answer for Its Actions in Rwanda’, http://www., (accessed: March 25 2012).
  • Bradley Klapper, ‘US Cuts off Aid to Mali’s Government after Coup’, Associated Press, 26 March 2012; ‘Mali Awaits Next Step after President, Coup Leader Resign’, The Daily Star, 10 April 2012.
  • Bresler Ines, ‘Mali: Why France is Fighting for West Africa’, http://www.thefor-, (ac- cessed: February 6 2013).
  • ‘China Commerce Yearbook 2006’, Ministry of Commerce of China, p. 724.
  • ‘China, Africa Vow Closer Cooperation in Fighting HIV/ AIDS’, Xinhua News Agency, November 5 2006.
  • Chris, McGreal, ‘France’s Shame?’, The Guardian, world/2007/jan/11/rwanda.insideafricaThursday 11 January 2007, (accessed: Thursday 11, 2007).
  • Czeslaw Tubilewicz, ‘The Baltic States in Taiwan’s Post-Cold War ‘Flexible Diplo- macy’, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2002, p. 791-810.
  • Dibussi Tande, ‘In His Own Words: Revisiting Nicholas Sarkozy’s University of Dakar Speech’,, (ac- cessed: September 17, 2007).
  • Esther Pan, ‘Q & A: China, Africa, and Oil’, New York Times, January 18, 2006, http:// www.nytimes. com/cfr/international/slot2_011806.html?pagewanted=print, (accessed: January 18 2006).
  • Forum on China-Africa Cooperation-Addis Ababa Action Plan (2004-2006).
  • ‘France Debates the Need to Move Beyond its Traditional Spheres of Influence’, The Economist, 13 December 2006.
  • ‘Franco-South African Dialogue: Sustainable Security in Africa Presents the Pro- ceedings of a Seminar on Security in Africa: French and South African Perspec- tives’, jointly organised and hosted by the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), the Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud (IFAS) and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) on 18-19 April 2000 in Pretoria.
  • Gérard Bossuat, ‘French Development Aid and Cooperation under de Gaulle’, Contemporary European History, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2003, p. 431–456.
  • Gérard Prunier, ‘The Rwanda Crisis (1959-1994) History of a Genocide, Londres/ Hurst, New-York / Columbia University Press, 1995, p. 326.
  • Gérard Prunier, ‘Traduction Française Publiée Aux Editions Dagorno, Paris, Sous Le Titre Rwanda: Histoire D’un Génocide en 1997’, Pour des raisons de copy- right le titre a ensuité été changé en janvier 1998 en Rwanda: le génocide.
  • ‘International Condemnation for Mali Coup–Africa’, Al Jazeera International, 4 October 2011.
  • Johan Arne, Vetlesen, ‘Genocide: A Case for the Responsibility of the Bystander’, Journal of Peace Research’, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2000, p. 519-532.
  • John, Lichfield, ‘Sarkozy Admits France’s Role in Rwandan Genocide’, Paris, http:// rwandan-genocide-1911272.html, Friday 26 February 2010, (accessed: Febru- ary 26, 2010).
  • Lanre Akinola, ‘Death of Eyadema: Way Forward For Togolese People’, http://, (accessed: February 5, 2005).
  • ‘Mali Separatists Send Group to Talk to Protestors’, Voice of America, May 15 2012.
  • McKinnon, R. Charlton, and Roy May, ‘What a Difference a Year Makes:...Under Chirac’, Bulletin of Francophone Africa, Vol. 5, No. 10, Winter 1996/97, p.93- 111.
  • Olivier Barlet, ‘Achille Mbembe’s Response to French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s Dakar Speech’, response-to-french.html, 8 August 2007, (accessed: August 8, 2007).
  • Peter, Uvin, ‘Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda’, West Hart- ford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, 1998, p. 87-96.
  • ‘Premier’s tour heats China-Africa ties’, Xinhua News Agency, June 17 2006.
  • ‘President Hu’s Arab-African visit fruitful: FM’, Xinhua News Agency, April. 30 2006,
  • Rachel Utley, ‘Not to do Less but to do Better. . .: French Military Policy in Africa’, International Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 1, 2002, p. 129–146.
  • Taylor, B. Seybolt, ‘Humanitarian Military Intervention: The Conditions For Suc- cess and Failure’, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 46-96.
  • Thomson Alistair, ‘Analysis-Sarkozy Seen Shifting, not Severing Africa Ties’, http:// 20070730, (accessed: July 7, 30, 2007).
  • Tito Drago, ‘Spain Defends Pilots in Child Abduction Row’, Inter Press Service, Pan-African News Wire, Johannesburg, 30 October 2007.
  • Tony Chafer, ‘Franco-African Relations: No Longer so Exceptional?’, African Af- fairs, Vol. 101, 2002b, p. 346.
  • Tony Chafer, ‘Chirac and ‘la Francafrique: No Longer a Family Affair’, Modern & Contemporary France, Vol. 15 3, No. 1, 2005, p. 7-23.
  • US Embassy Cables: Nicolas Sarkozy’s Personal Diplomacy in Africa is Hamfist- ed’, Wednesday, August 13 2008, 17: 08 CONFIDENTIA L SECTION 01 OF 07 PARIS 001568 SIPDIS EO 12958 DECL: 08/13/2018 TAGS PREL, PINR, ECON, MARR, PHUM, XA, FR SUBJECT: FRANCE’S CHANGING AFRICA POLI- CY: PART II (FRENCH IMPLEMENTATION AND AFRICAN REACTIONS) REF: PARIS 1501 Classified By: Political Minister-Counselor Kathleen Alle- grone, 1.4 (b/ d). Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy Rapporteur: Mr Jean-Marie BOCKEL’, France, EPP/CD.
  • Yan Xuetong, ‘Analysis of China’s National Interest’, Vol. 2, Tianjin People Press, 1997, p. 114.
  • Zhang Hongming, ‘La politique africaine de la Chine’, published by the Centre d’étude d’Afrique noire (CEAN), Bordeaux, 2000, and Jiang Chung-lian, ‘Le pétrole, nouvelle dimension des relations sino-africaines’, Géopolitique afric- aine, No. 14, Spring 2004.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA39ZJ97BN
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kieran Uchehara Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 23

Kaynak Göster

APA Uchehara, K. (2014). Fransa-Afrika Modeli: Azalan İlişkiler. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(23), 33-53.

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