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The Impact of Business Environment Characteristics on Business Strategy: Findings from the Service Sector

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 26, 85 - 111, 01.12.2015


Business environment and business strategy are regarded as the most important issues affecting the success of businesses in the area of strategic management. Although these issues have received considerable attention and reached a certain maturity in the international literature, they still have remained fairly shallow in the strategic management literature in Turkey. In the research, it is intended to fill this gap in the literature by identifying with the impact of the business environment on business strategy. Quantitative research method was used in the study and data were obtained using the survey technique. According to the results, the most important business environment characteristic that has an impact on proactive strategies is dynamism. In business environment where pressure is dominant, the businesses often prefer aggressive strategies. Imitator strategy and defensive strategy are generally preferred in the business environments dominated by diversity and complexity


  • Ahmad, Noor Hazlina; Ramayah, T; Wilson, Carlene and Kummerow, Liz. “Is Entrepre- neurial Competency and Business Success Relationship Contingent Upon Business Environment? A study of Malaysian SMEs”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol.16, No.3, 2010, s.182-203.
  • Aldrich, Howard E. Organizations and Environments, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
  • Amıtabh, Manu and Gupta, Rajen K. “Research in Strategy–Structure–Performance Cons- truct: Review of Trends, Paradigms and Methodologies”, Journal Of Management & Organization, Vol.16, 2010, s.744–763.
  • Andrews, Rhys. “Organizational Task Environments and Performance: An Empirical Analysis”, International Public Management Journal, Vol.12, No.1, 2009, s.1-23.
  • Andrews, Rhys; Boyne, George A; Law, Jennıfer and Walker, Rıchard M. “Strategy, Stru- cture and Process in the Public Sector: A Test of the Miles and Snow Model”, Public Administration, Vol. 87, No.4, 2009, s.732-749.
  • Bateman Thomas. S. and Snell, Scott A. Management Competing in the New Era, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
  • Bourgeois L. Jay III. “Strategic Goals, Perceived Uncertainty and Economic Performance in Volatile Environments”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.28, 1985, s.548–573.
  • Bourgeois L. Jay III. “Strategy and Environment: A Conceptual Integration”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol.5, No.1, January 1980, s.25-39.
  • Brandenburger Adam M. and Nalebuff, Barry J. Ortaklaşa Rekabet, (Çev. Levent Cinemre), İstanbul: Scala Yayıncılık ve Tanıtım, 1998.
  • Chaffee, Ellen Earle. “Three Models of Strategy”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.10, No.1, 1985, s.89-98.
  • Chi, Ting. “Measurement of Business Environment Characteristics in the US Technical Tex- tile Industry: An Empirical Study”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Vol.100, No.69, 2009, s.545–555.
  • Child, John. “Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strate- gic Choice”, Sociology, Vol.63, No.1, 1972, s.2-22.
  • Conant, Jeffrey S; Mokwa, Michael P. and Varadarajan, P. Rajan. “Strategic Types, Distinc- tive Marketing Competencies and Organizational Performance: A Multiple-Measures- Based Study”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.11, No.5, 1990, s.365-383.
  • Covin, Jeffrey G. and Slevin, Dennis P. “Strategic Management of Small Firms in Hostile and Benign Environments”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.10, No.1, 1989, s.75-87.
  • DeCarolis, Donna Marie and Deeds, David L. “The Impact of Stocks and Flows of Organi- zational Knowledge on Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of the Biotech- nology Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.20, 1999, s.953-968.
  • Desarbo, Wayne S; Di Benedetto, C. Anthony; Song, Mıchael and Sınha, Indrajıt. “Revisi- ting the Miles and Snow Strategic Framework: Uncovering Interrelationships Betwe- en Strategic Types, Capabilities, Environmental Uncertainty, and Firm Performance”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.26, 2005, s.47-74.
  • Dess Gregory G. and Beard, Donald. W. “Dimensions of Organizational Task Environ- ments”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.29, No.1, 1984, s.52–73.
  • Dillman, Don A. Mail and Internet Surveys-The Tailored Design Method, New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2000.
  • Duncan, Robert B. “Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Envi- ronmental Uncertainty”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.17, No.3, 1972, s.313- 327.
  • Fitzroy Peter and Hulbert, James M. Strategic Management: Creating Value in Turbulent Times, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
  • Fuentes-Fuentes, M. Mar; Albacete-Sáez, Carlos A. and Lloréns-Montes, F. Javier. “The Im- pact of Environmental Characteristics on TQM Principles and Organizational Perfor- mance”, Omega, Vol.32, 2004, s.425 – 442.
  • Grant, Robert M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Massachussetts: Backwell Publishers Inc, 2005.
  • Hambrick, Donald C. “Some Tests of the Effectiveness and Functional Attributes of Miles and Snow’s Strategic Types”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.26, No.1, 1983, s.5-26.
  • Hitt, Michael A; Ireland, R. Duane and Hoskisson, Robert E. Strategic Management: Com- petitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases), South-Western, Mason, OH: Thomson Corporation, 2005.
  • Hutzschenreuter Thomas and Israel, Sascha. “A Review of Empirical Research on Dynamic Competitive Strategy”, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.11, No.4, 2009, s.421–461.
  • Johnson Gerry and Scholes, Kevan. Exploring Corporate Strategy, Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International,1993.
  • Kald, Magnus; Nilsson, Fredrik and Rapp, Birger. “On Strategy and Management Control: the Importance of Classifying the Strategy of the Business”, British Journal of Manage- ment, Vol.11, 2000, s.197–212.
  • Lado, Augustine A; Boyd, Nancy G. and Wright, Peter. “A Competency-based Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Toward A Conceptual Integration”, Journal of Management, Vol.18, No.1, 1992, s.77-91.
  • Longenecker, Justin G. and Pringle, Charles D. Management. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1984.
  • Lorange, Peter and Vancil, Richard F. “How to design A Strategic Planning System”, Har- vard Business Review, Vol.54, 1976, s.75–81.
  • MacMillan, Ian C. and Day, Diana L. “Corporate Ventures into Industrial Markets: Dyna- mics of Aggressive Entry”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol.2, No.1, Winter 1987, s.29-39.
  • McDaniel, Stephen W. and Kolari, James W. “Marketing Strategy Implications of the Miles and Snow Strategic Typology”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.51, No.4, 1987, s.19-30.
  • Miles, Raymond E. and Snow, Charles C. Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process, New York: McGrow-Hill 1978.
  • Miller, Danny and Friesen, Peter H. “Archetypes of Strategy Formulations”, Management Science, Vol.24, 1978, s.921-933.
  • Miller, Danny and Friesen, Peter H. “Strategy-making and Environment: The Third link”. Strategic Management Journal, Vol.4, No.3, 1983, s.221–225.
  • Mintzberg, Henry. The Structuring of Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
  • Naranjo-Gil, David. “The Influence of Environmental and Organizational Factors on In- novation Adoptions: Consequences for Performance in Public Sector Organizations”. Technovation, Vol.29, 2009, s.810–818.
  • Narasimha, P. N. Subba. “Strategy in Turbulent Environments: The Role of Dynamic Com- petence”, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.22, 2001, s.201-212.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. Psychometric Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
  • Porter, Michael E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Compe- titors, New York: Free Press, 1980.
  • Rueda-Manzanares, Antonio; Aragon-Correa J. Alberto and Sharmaw, Sanjay. “The Influ- ence of Stakeholders on the Environmental Strategy of Service Firms: The moderating Effects of Complexity, Uncertainty and Munificence”, British Journal of Management, Vol.19, 2008, 185-203.
  • Sekaran, Uma, Research Methods for Business, (United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2003).
  • Sharfman, Mark P. and Dean, James W. “Conceptualizing and Measuring the Organizati- onal Environment: A Multidimensional Approach”, Journal of Management, Vol.17, No.4, 1991, 681–700.
  • Shortell, Stephen M. and Zajac, Edward J. “Perceptual and Archival Measures of Miles and Snow’s Strategic Types: A Comprehensive Assessment of Reliability and Validity”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.33, No.4, 1990, s.817-832.
  • Sımerly, Roy L. and Li, Mıngfang “Environmental Dynamism, Capital Structure and Per- formance: A Theoretical Integration and An Empirical Test”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.21, 2000, s.31–49.
  • Smith, Thomas M. and Reece, James S. “The Relationship of Strategy Fit, Productivity, and Performance in A Service Setting”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.17, No. (2)2, 1999, s.145-161.
  • Tan, Justın and Tan, Davıd. “Environment–Strategy Co-Evolution and Co-Alignment: A Staged Model of Chinese SOEs Under Transition”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.26, 2005, s.141–157.
  • Tan, Keah-Choon; Kannan, Vijay R; Handfield Robert B. and Ghosh, Soumen. “Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Study of its Impact on Performance”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.19, No.10, 1999, s.1034–1052.
  • Ülgen, Hayri ve Mirze, S. Kadri. İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, İstanbul: Literatür Yayın- cılık, 2004.
  • Venkatraman, Natarajan. “Strategic Orientation of Business Enterprises: the Construct, Di- mensionality and Measurement”, Management Science, Vol.35, No.8, 1989, s.942-962.
  • Ward, Peter T. and Duray, Rebecca. “Manufacturing Strategy in Context: Environment, Competitive Strategy and Manufacturing Strategy”, Journal of Operations Manage- ment, Vol.18, 2000, s.123–138.
  • Ward, Peter T; Duray, Rebecca; Leong Keong G. and Sum, Chee-Chuong. “Business En- vironment, Operations Strategy, and Performance: An Empirical Study of Singapore Manufacturers”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.13, 1995, s.99–115.
  • Wheelen Thomas L. and Hunger, J. David. Strategıc Management and Business Polıcy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc, 2008.
  • Yazarlar Hakkında Bilgi Notu
  • Yrd. Doç. Dr. Yunus Emre TAŞGİT
  • Düzce Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesinde görev yapmaktadır. Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Ens- titüsü Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim dalında “İş Çevresi, Kurum Kültü- rü ve İşletme Stratejileri Arasındaki İlişkiler” isimli tez çalışmasıyla doktora eğitimini tamamlayan yazarın başlıca akademik ilgi alanları: İş Çevreleri, Kurum Kültürü ve İşletme Stratejileridir.
  • Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ercan ERGÜN
  • Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü İşletme Fakültesinde görev yapmaktadır. Gebze Yük- sek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim dalında “Örgüt Kültürünün Firma Performansına Etkisi” isimli tez çalışmasıyla doktora eğitimini ta- mamlayan yazarın başlıca akademik ilgi alanları: Liderlik, Kurum Kültürü, Müzakere Teknikleri, Örgütsel Davranış ve Stratejik Yönetimdir.

İş Çevresi Özelliklerinin İşletme Stratejisi Üzerindeki Etkisi: Hizmet Sektöründen Bulgular

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 26, 85 - 111, 01.12.2015


İş çevresi ve işletme stratejisi, stratejik yönetim alanında işletmelerin başarısını etkileyen en önemli konular arasında gösterilmektedir. Konular uluslararası literatürde gereken ilgiyi görmüş ve belirli bir olgunluğa ulaşmış olmasına rağmen Türkiye ölçeğinde oldukça sığ kalmıştır. Bu araştırma; iş çevresinin, işletme stratejisi üzerindeki etkisini keşifsel analiz yöntemleriyle tespit ederek alan yazındaki bu boşluğu kapatmayı amaçlamaktadır. Nicel araştırma yöntemi ve anket tekniği kullanılarak üst düzey yöneticilerden verileri elde edilen araştırmada oldukça ilgi çekici sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre proaktif strateji üzerinde en önemli etkisi olan iş çevresi özelliği dinamizmdir. Baskı unsurunun egemen olduğu iş çevrelerinde işletmeler çoğunlukla agresif stratejileri tercih ederken taklitçi ve savunmacı strateji ise en fazla çeşitlilik ve kompleksliğin egemen olduğu iş çevrelerinde tercih edilmektedir


  • Ahmad, Noor Hazlina; Ramayah, T; Wilson, Carlene and Kummerow, Liz. “Is Entrepre- neurial Competency and Business Success Relationship Contingent Upon Business Environment? A study of Malaysian SMEs”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol.16, No.3, 2010, s.182-203.
  • Aldrich, Howard E. Organizations and Environments, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
  • Amıtabh, Manu and Gupta, Rajen K. “Research in Strategy–Structure–Performance Cons- truct: Review of Trends, Paradigms and Methodologies”, Journal Of Management & Organization, Vol.16, 2010, s.744–763.
  • Andrews, Rhys. “Organizational Task Environments and Performance: An Empirical Analysis”, International Public Management Journal, Vol.12, No.1, 2009, s.1-23.
  • Andrews, Rhys; Boyne, George A; Law, Jennıfer and Walker, Rıchard M. “Strategy, Stru- cture and Process in the Public Sector: A Test of the Miles and Snow Model”, Public Administration, Vol. 87, No.4, 2009, s.732-749.
  • Bateman Thomas. S. and Snell, Scott A. Management Competing in the New Era, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
  • Bourgeois L. Jay III. “Strategic Goals, Perceived Uncertainty and Economic Performance in Volatile Environments”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.28, 1985, s.548–573.
  • Bourgeois L. Jay III. “Strategy and Environment: A Conceptual Integration”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol.5, No.1, January 1980, s.25-39.
  • Brandenburger Adam M. and Nalebuff, Barry J. Ortaklaşa Rekabet, (Çev. Levent Cinemre), İstanbul: Scala Yayıncılık ve Tanıtım, 1998.
  • Chaffee, Ellen Earle. “Three Models of Strategy”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.10, No.1, 1985, s.89-98.
  • Chi, Ting. “Measurement of Business Environment Characteristics in the US Technical Tex- tile Industry: An Empirical Study”, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Vol.100, No.69, 2009, s.545–555.
  • Child, John. “Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strate- gic Choice”, Sociology, Vol.63, No.1, 1972, s.2-22.
  • Conant, Jeffrey S; Mokwa, Michael P. and Varadarajan, P. Rajan. “Strategic Types, Distinc- tive Marketing Competencies and Organizational Performance: A Multiple-Measures- Based Study”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.11, No.5, 1990, s.365-383.
  • Covin, Jeffrey G. and Slevin, Dennis P. “Strategic Management of Small Firms in Hostile and Benign Environments”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.10, No.1, 1989, s.75-87.
  • DeCarolis, Donna Marie and Deeds, David L. “The Impact of Stocks and Flows of Organi- zational Knowledge on Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of the Biotech- nology Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.20, 1999, s.953-968.
  • Desarbo, Wayne S; Di Benedetto, C. Anthony; Song, Mıchael and Sınha, Indrajıt. “Revisi- ting the Miles and Snow Strategic Framework: Uncovering Interrelationships Betwe- en Strategic Types, Capabilities, Environmental Uncertainty, and Firm Performance”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.26, 2005, s.47-74.
  • Dess Gregory G. and Beard, Donald. W. “Dimensions of Organizational Task Environ- ments”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.29, No.1, 1984, s.52–73.
  • Dillman, Don A. Mail and Internet Surveys-The Tailored Design Method, New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2000.
  • Duncan, Robert B. “Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Envi- ronmental Uncertainty”, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.17, No.3, 1972, s.313- 327.
  • Fitzroy Peter and Hulbert, James M. Strategic Management: Creating Value in Turbulent Times, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
  • Fuentes-Fuentes, M. Mar; Albacete-Sáez, Carlos A. and Lloréns-Montes, F. Javier. “The Im- pact of Environmental Characteristics on TQM Principles and Organizational Perfor- mance”, Omega, Vol.32, 2004, s.425 – 442.
  • Grant, Robert M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Massachussetts: Backwell Publishers Inc, 2005.
  • Hambrick, Donald C. “Some Tests of the Effectiveness and Functional Attributes of Miles and Snow’s Strategic Types”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.26, No.1, 1983, s.5-26.
  • Hitt, Michael A; Ireland, R. Duane and Hoskisson, Robert E. Strategic Management: Com- petitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases), South-Western, Mason, OH: Thomson Corporation, 2005.
  • Hutzschenreuter Thomas and Israel, Sascha. “A Review of Empirical Research on Dynamic Competitive Strategy”, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.11, No.4, 2009, s.421–461.
  • Johnson Gerry and Scholes, Kevan. Exploring Corporate Strategy, Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International,1993.
  • Kald, Magnus; Nilsson, Fredrik and Rapp, Birger. “On Strategy and Management Control: the Importance of Classifying the Strategy of the Business”, British Journal of Manage- ment, Vol.11, 2000, s.197–212.
  • Lado, Augustine A; Boyd, Nancy G. and Wright, Peter. “A Competency-based Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Toward A Conceptual Integration”, Journal of Management, Vol.18, No.1, 1992, s.77-91.
  • Longenecker, Justin G. and Pringle, Charles D. Management. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1984.
  • Lorange, Peter and Vancil, Richard F. “How to design A Strategic Planning System”, Har- vard Business Review, Vol.54, 1976, s.75–81.
  • MacMillan, Ian C. and Day, Diana L. “Corporate Ventures into Industrial Markets: Dyna- mics of Aggressive Entry”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol.2, No.1, Winter 1987, s.29-39.
  • McDaniel, Stephen W. and Kolari, James W. “Marketing Strategy Implications of the Miles and Snow Strategic Typology”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.51, No.4, 1987, s.19-30.
  • Miles, Raymond E. and Snow, Charles C. Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process, New York: McGrow-Hill 1978.
  • Miller, Danny and Friesen, Peter H. “Archetypes of Strategy Formulations”, Management Science, Vol.24, 1978, s.921-933.
  • Miller, Danny and Friesen, Peter H. “Strategy-making and Environment: The Third link”. Strategic Management Journal, Vol.4, No.3, 1983, s.221–225.
  • Mintzberg, Henry. The Structuring of Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
  • Naranjo-Gil, David. “The Influence of Environmental and Organizational Factors on In- novation Adoptions: Consequences for Performance in Public Sector Organizations”. Technovation, Vol.29, 2009, s.810–818.
  • Narasimha, P. N. Subba. “Strategy in Turbulent Environments: The Role of Dynamic Com- petence”, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol.22, 2001, s.201-212.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. Psychometric Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
  • Porter, Michael E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Compe- titors, New York: Free Press, 1980.
  • Rueda-Manzanares, Antonio; Aragon-Correa J. Alberto and Sharmaw, Sanjay. “The Influ- ence of Stakeholders on the Environmental Strategy of Service Firms: The moderating Effects of Complexity, Uncertainty and Munificence”, British Journal of Management, Vol.19, 2008, 185-203.
  • Sekaran, Uma, Research Methods for Business, (United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2003).
  • Sharfman, Mark P. and Dean, James W. “Conceptualizing and Measuring the Organizati- onal Environment: A Multidimensional Approach”, Journal of Management, Vol.17, No.4, 1991, 681–700.
  • Shortell, Stephen M. and Zajac, Edward J. “Perceptual and Archival Measures of Miles and Snow’s Strategic Types: A Comprehensive Assessment of Reliability and Validity”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.33, No.4, 1990, s.817-832.
  • Sımerly, Roy L. and Li, Mıngfang “Environmental Dynamism, Capital Structure and Per- formance: A Theoretical Integration and An Empirical Test”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.21, 2000, s.31–49.
  • Smith, Thomas M. and Reece, James S. “The Relationship of Strategy Fit, Productivity, and Performance in A Service Setting”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.17, No. (2)2, 1999, s.145-161.
  • Tan, Justın and Tan, Davıd. “Environment–Strategy Co-Evolution and Co-Alignment: A Staged Model of Chinese SOEs Under Transition”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.26, 2005, s.141–157.
  • Tan, Keah-Choon; Kannan, Vijay R; Handfield Robert B. and Ghosh, Soumen. “Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Study of its Impact on Performance”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.19, No.10, 1999, s.1034–1052.
  • Ülgen, Hayri ve Mirze, S. Kadri. İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, İstanbul: Literatür Yayın- cılık, 2004.
  • Venkatraman, Natarajan. “Strategic Orientation of Business Enterprises: the Construct, Di- mensionality and Measurement”, Management Science, Vol.35, No.8, 1989, s.942-962.
  • Ward, Peter T. and Duray, Rebecca. “Manufacturing Strategy in Context: Environment, Competitive Strategy and Manufacturing Strategy”, Journal of Operations Manage- ment, Vol.18, 2000, s.123–138.
  • Ward, Peter T; Duray, Rebecca; Leong Keong G. and Sum, Chee-Chuong. “Business En- vironment, Operations Strategy, and Performance: An Empirical Study of Singapore Manufacturers”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.13, 1995, s.99–115.
  • Wheelen Thomas L. and Hunger, J. David. Strategıc Management and Business Polıcy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc, 2008.
  • Yazarlar Hakkında Bilgi Notu
  • Yrd. Doç. Dr. Yunus Emre TAŞGİT
  • Düzce Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesinde görev yapmaktadır. Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Ens- titüsü Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim dalında “İş Çevresi, Kurum Kültü- rü ve İşletme Stratejileri Arasındaki İlişkiler” isimli tez çalışmasıyla doktora eğitimini tamamlayan yazarın başlıca akademik ilgi alanları: İş Çevreleri, Kurum Kültürü ve İşletme Stratejileridir.
  • Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ercan ERGÜN
  • Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü İşletme Fakültesinde görev yapmaktadır. Gebze Yük- sek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim dalında “Örgüt Kültürünün Firma Performansına Etkisi” isimli tez çalışmasıyla doktora eğitimini ta- mamlayan yazarın başlıca akademik ilgi alanları: Liderlik, Kurum Kültürü, Müzakere Teknikleri, Örgütsel Davranış ve Stratejik Yönetimdir.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA87FT36ZK
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Yunus Emre Taşgit Bu kişi benim

Ercan Ergün Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 26

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşgit, Y. E., & Ergün, E. (2015). İş Çevresi Özelliklerinin İşletme Stratejisi Üzerindeki Etkisi: Hizmet Sektöründen Bulgular. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(26), 85-111.

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