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Destinasyon Marka Bağlılığı: Yabancı Turistler Üzerine Diyarbakır Kentinde Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 28, 199 - 222, 01.12.2016


Günümüzde, turizm sektörü ekonomik kalkınmanın önemli bir aracı haline gelmiştir. Bu nedenle destinasyonlar yoğun rekabet koşulları altında turizm ve pazarlama stratejileri geliştirerek, turizm pazarından daha fazla pazar payı almaya çalışmaktadır. Bunun temel yollarından biri de destinasyona karşı bir marka bağlılığı yaratmaktır. Türkiye’de de pek çok kent tarihi ve kültürel varlıkları, doğal güzellikleri, coğrafi ürünleri ile destinasyon marka bağlılığı oluşturmaya çalışmaktadır. Destinasyon marka bağlılığının öncüllerinin ve aralarındaki ilişkilerin tespit edilmesi ise turizm ve pazarlama stratejilerinin etkinliğini arttıracaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; tarihi ve kültürel varlıklar açısından zengin olan Diyarbakır destinasyonu için marka bağlılığı ve öncülleri arasındaki ilişkileri “yapısal eşitlik modelleme” ile ortaya koymak ve modelin kent yöneticileri tarafından, turizm sektöründe rekabetçi stratejiler geliştirmede nasıl kullanılabileceğini pazarlama stratejileri önerileriyle göstermektir. Araştırmanın ana kütlesini, Diyarbakır il merkezine 2015 yılının Mayıs, Haziran ve Temmuz ayları içerisinde gelip, üç yıldızlı, dört yıldızlı ve beş yıldızlı otellerde konaklayan yabancı turistler oluşturmuştur. Araştırma bulguları, modelde yer alan fonksiyonel uyum öncülleri (uygunluk ve misafirperverlik) ile birlikte gerçek benlik uyumu, yaşam tarzı uyumu ve marka özdeşleştirme öncüllerinin destinasyon marka bağlılığı üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğunu, yaşam tarzı uyumunun ise doğrudan en fazla etkisi olan unsur olduğunu göstermiştir


  • BIANCHI, Constanza; PIKE, Steven and LINGS, Ian. “Investigating Attitudes To- wards Three South American Destinations in an Emerging Long Haul Market Using a Model of Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE)”, Tourism Manage- ment, Vol: 42, 2014, pp. 215-223.
  • BOSNJAK, Michael; SIRGY, M. Joseph; HELLRIEGEL, Sarah and MAURER, Os- win. “Postvisit Destination Loyalty Judgments: Developing and Testing a Comprehensive Congruity Model”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 50, No: 5, 2011, pp. 496-508.
  • CHEN, Joseph S. and GURSOY, Dogan. “An Investigation of Tourists’ Destination Loyalty and Preferences”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Ma- nagement, Vol: 13, No: 2, 2001, pp. 79-85.
  • CHON Kye-Sung. “Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Tourism as Re- lated to Destination Image Perception”, (Doctoral Dissertation, Virginia Poly- technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1990).
  • CHON, Kye-Sung and OLSEN, Michael D. “Functional and Symbolic Congruence Approaches to Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction in Consumerism”, Jour- nal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research, Vol: 1, Is: 3, 1991, pp. 1-25.
  • DEL RÍO, A. Belén; VÁZQUEZ, Rodolfo and Víctor IGLESIAS, “The Effects of Brand Associations on Consumer Response”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol: 18, No: 5, 2001, pp. 410-425.
  • Diyarbakır İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü, 2016.
  • EKİNCİ, Yuksel; SIRAKAYA-TURK, Ercan and PRECIADO, Sandra. “Symbolic Consumption of Tourism Destination Brands”, Journal of Business Research, Vol: 66, 2013, pp. 711-718.
  • HOHENSTEIN, Nicole; SIRGY, M. Joseph; HERRMANN, Andreas and HEIT- MANN, Mark. “Self-Congruity: Antecedents and Consequences”, Aix en Pro- vance: France University Paul Cezanne, 2007, pp. 118-130.
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 24 Şubat 2016)
  • HUNG, Kam and PETRICK, James F. “The Role of Self- and Functional Congruity in Cruising Intentions”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 50, No: 1, 2011, pp. 100- 112.
  • JOHNSON Michael D.; HERRMANN, Andreas and HUBER, Frank. “The Evoluti- on of Loyalty Intentions”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 70, April 2006, pp. 122-132.
  • JRAISAT, Luai E.; AKROUSH, Mamoun N.; ALFAOURI, Ruba Jaser; QATU, Laila T. and KURDIEH, Dina J. “Perceived Brand Salience and Destination Brand Loyalty from International Tourists’ Perspectives: The Case of Dead Sea Des- tination, Jordan”, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Rese- arch, Vol: 9, No: 3, 2015, pp. 292-315.
  • KRESSMANN, Frank, SİRGY, M. Joseph; HERRMANN, Andreas; HUBER, Frank; HUBER, Stephanie and LEE, Dong-Jin. “Direct and Indirect Effects of Self- Image Congruence on Brand Loyalty” Journal of Business Research, Vol: 59, 2006, pp. 955-964.
  • KUENZEL Sven and HALLIDAY, Sue Vaux. “Investigating Antecedents and Con- sequences of Brand Identification”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol: 17, Iss: 5, 2008, pp. 293-304.
  • KUMAR, Vikas and NAYAK, Jogendra Kumar. “The Role of Self-Congruity and Functional Congruity in Influencing Tourists’ Post Visit Behavior”, Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol: 2, No: 2, 2014, pp. 22-44.
  • KUO, Hui-Yi. “Modelling the Influence of Green Brand Image on Brand Loyalty in Technology Products- Relationships among Green Brand Image, Brand Iden- tification, Perceived Value and Brand Loyalty”, (Doctoral Dissertation, Alliant International University Graduate Faculty of the Alliant School of Manage- ment, San Diego, 2012).
  • MAEL Fred and ASHFORTH, Blake E. “Alumni and their Alma Mater: A Partial Test of the Reformulated Model of Organizational Identification”, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, Vol: 13, 1992, pp. 103-123.
  • MAO, Iris Yue, “Destination Image Building & Its Influance on Destination Prefe- rence & Loyalty of Chinese Tourist to Australia”, (Doctoral Dissertation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2008).
  • MOHAMAD, Mahadzirah and GHANI, Nur Izzati Ab. “The Impact of Tourist Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty among European Tourists Visiting Ma- laysia”, International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol: 2, No: 8, 2014, pp. 362-371.
  • MOREIRA, Pedro and IAO, Christina, “A Longitudinal Study on the Factors of Destination Image, Destination Attraction and Destination Loyalty”, Internati- onal Journal of Social Sciences, Vol: III, No: 3, 2014, pp. 90-112.
  • NAM, Janghyeon; EKİNCİ, Yuksel and WHYATT, Georgina. “Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty and Consumer Satisfaction”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2011, pp. 1009-1030.
  • OPPERMANN, Martin. “Tourism Destination Loyalty”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 39, August 2000, pp. 78-84.
  • SIRGY, M. Joseph and SU, Chenting. “Destination Image, Self-Congruity, and Tra- vel Behavior: Toward an Integrative Model”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 38, May 2000, pp. 340-352.
  • SIRGY, M. Joseph. “Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review”, Jour- nal of Consumer Research, Vol: 9, No: 3, Dec. 1982, pp. 287-300.
  • SOLOMON, Michael; BOMASSY, Gary; ASKEGAARD, Sİren and HOGG, Mar- garet K. Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Limited, Essex 2006.
  • T.C. Diyarbakır Valiliği, Diyarbakır Turizm Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı (2011-2016), Ağustos 2011, (Erişim Tarihi: 26 Şubat 2016).
  • UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2015 Edition, World Tourism Organization, http:// (Erişim Tarihi: 22 Şubat 2016)

Destinasyon Marka Bağlılığı: Yabancı Turistler Üzerine Diyarbakır Kentinde Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 28, 199 - 222, 01.12.2016


Today, tourism sector has become an important tool of economic development. That’s why, destinations develop tourism and marketing strategies to increase their market share in the competitive environment of the tourism market. One of the main ways to increase market share is creating destination brand loyalty to the destination. Many cities try to create brand loyalty with historical and cultural assets, natural beauties, geographical products in Turkey. Determining the relationships among antecedents of destination brand loyalty will improve the efficiency of tourism and marketing strategies.The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between the destination brand loyalty and its antecedents with “structural equation modelling” and to demonstrate how the model can be used by urban administrators for developing competitive marketing strategies in tourism industry. Sample of the research is composed of foreign tourists, who came in Diyarbakir city center in May, June and July 2015, and stayed at three star, four star and five star hotels. Research findings show that all of the antecedents (functional congruity, actual self congruity, brand identification, lifestyle congruity) have positive impact on destination brand loyalty, besides lifestyle congruity antecedent is found to have the most important direct impact on destination brand loyalty


  • BIANCHI, Constanza; PIKE, Steven and LINGS, Ian. “Investigating Attitudes To- wards Three South American Destinations in an Emerging Long Haul Market Using a Model of Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE)”, Tourism Manage- ment, Vol: 42, 2014, pp. 215-223.
  • BOSNJAK, Michael; SIRGY, M. Joseph; HELLRIEGEL, Sarah and MAURER, Os- win. “Postvisit Destination Loyalty Judgments: Developing and Testing a Comprehensive Congruity Model”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 50, No: 5, 2011, pp. 496-508.
  • CHEN, Joseph S. and GURSOY, Dogan. “An Investigation of Tourists’ Destination Loyalty and Preferences”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Ma- nagement, Vol: 13, No: 2, 2001, pp. 79-85.
  • CHON Kye-Sung. “Consumer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Tourism as Re- lated to Destination Image Perception”, (Doctoral Dissertation, Virginia Poly- technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1990).
  • CHON, Kye-Sung and OLSEN, Michael D. “Functional and Symbolic Congruence Approaches to Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction in Consumerism”, Jour- nal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research, Vol: 1, Is: 3, 1991, pp. 1-25.
  • DEL RÍO, A. Belén; VÁZQUEZ, Rodolfo and Víctor IGLESIAS, “The Effects of Brand Associations on Consumer Response”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol: 18, No: 5, 2001, pp. 410-425.
  • Diyarbakır İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü, 2016.
  • EKİNCİ, Yuksel; SIRAKAYA-TURK, Ercan and PRECIADO, Sandra. “Symbolic Consumption of Tourism Destination Brands”, Journal of Business Research, Vol: 66, 2013, pp. 711-718.
  • HOHENSTEIN, Nicole; SIRGY, M. Joseph; HERRMANN, Andreas and HEIT- MANN, Mark. “Self-Congruity: Antecedents and Consequences”, Aix en Pro- vance: France University Paul Cezanne, 2007, pp. 118-130.
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 24 Şubat 2016)
  • HUNG, Kam and PETRICK, James F. “The Role of Self- and Functional Congruity in Cruising Intentions”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 50, No: 1, 2011, pp. 100- 112.
  • JOHNSON Michael D.; HERRMANN, Andreas and HUBER, Frank. “The Evoluti- on of Loyalty Intentions”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 70, April 2006, pp. 122-132.
  • JRAISAT, Luai E.; AKROUSH, Mamoun N.; ALFAOURI, Ruba Jaser; QATU, Laila T. and KURDIEH, Dina J. “Perceived Brand Salience and Destination Brand Loyalty from International Tourists’ Perspectives: The Case of Dead Sea Des- tination, Jordan”, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Rese- arch, Vol: 9, No: 3, 2015, pp. 292-315.
  • KRESSMANN, Frank, SİRGY, M. Joseph; HERRMANN, Andreas; HUBER, Frank; HUBER, Stephanie and LEE, Dong-Jin. “Direct and Indirect Effects of Self- Image Congruence on Brand Loyalty” Journal of Business Research, Vol: 59, 2006, pp. 955-964.
  • KUENZEL Sven and HALLIDAY, Sue Vaux. “Investigating Antecedents and Con- sequences of Brand Identification”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol: 17, Iss: 5, 2008, pp. 293-304.
  • KUMAR, Vikas and NAYAK, Jogendra Kumar. “The Role of Self-Congruity and Functional Congruity in Influencing Tourists’ Post Visit Behavior”, Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol: 2, No: 2, 2014, pp. 22-44.
  • KUO, Hui-Yi. “Modelling the Influence of Green Brand Image on Brand Loyalty in Technology Products- Relationships among Green Brand Image, Brand Iden- tification, Perceived Value and Brand Loyalty”, (Doctoral Dissertation, Alliant International University Graduate Faculty of the Alliant School of Manage- ment, San Diego, 2012).
  • MAEL Fred and ASHFORTH, Blake E. “Alumni and their Alma Mater: A Partial Test of the Reformulated Model of Organizational Identification”, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, Vol: 13, 1992, pp. 103-123.
  • MAO, Iris Yue, “Destination Image Building & Its Influance on Destination Prefe- rence & Loyalty of Chinese Tourist to Australia”, (Doctoral Dissertation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2008).
  • MOHAMAD, Mahadzirah and GHANI, Nur Izzati Ab. “The Impact of Tourist Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty among European Tourists Visiting Ma- laysia”, International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol: 2, No: 8, 2014, pp. 362-371.
  • MOREIRA, Pedro and IAO, Christina, “A Longitudinal Study on the Factors of Destination Image, Destination Attraction and Destination Loyalty”, Internati- onal Journal of Social Sciences, Vol: III, No: 3, 2014, pp. 90-112.
  • NAM, Janghyeon; EKİNCİ, Yuksel and WHYATT, Georgina. “Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty and Consumer Satisfaction”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2011, pp. 1009-1030.
  • OPPERMANN, Martin. “Tourism Destination Loyalty”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 39, August 2000, pp. 78-84.
  • SIRGY, M. Joseph and SU, Chenting. “Destination Image, Self-Congruity, and Tra- vel Behavior: Toward an Integrative Model”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol: 38, May 2000, pp. 340-352.
  • SIRGY, M. Joseph. “Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review”, Jour- nal of Consumer Research, Vol: 9, No: 3, Dec. 1982, pp. 287-300.
  • SOLOMON, Michael; BOMASSY, Gary; ASKEGAARD, Sİren and HOGG, Mar- garet K. Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Limited, Essex 2006.
  • T.C. Diyarbakır Valiliği, Diyarbakır Turizm Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı (2011-2016), Ağustos 2011, (Erişim Tarihi: 26 Şubat 2016).
  • UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2015 Edition, World Tourism Organization, http:// (Erişim Tarihi: 22 Şubat 2016)
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA79CN42SF
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Çağatan Taşkın Bu kişi benim

Ahmet Akif Karadamar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşkın, Ç., & Karadamar, A. A. (2016). Destinasyon Marka Bağlılığı: Yabancı Turistler Üzerine Diyarbakır Kentinde Bir Araştırma. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(28), 199-222.

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