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Merkezi Devlet Borcu, Refah ve Askeri Harcamalar İlişkisi: Yüksek Gelirli OECD Ülkeleri ve PVAR Analizi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 127 - 146, 12.07.2017


Bu çalışma 1999-2012 dönemini kapsayan 31 Yüksek Gelirli OECD ülkesine ait askeri harcamaların, eğitim harcamalarının, sağlık harcamalarının, sosyal harcamalar ve diğer transfer harcamalarının merkezi devlet borçları üzerindeki etkilerini sabit etkiler modelini kullanarak ve değişkenler arasındaki nedensellik ilişkilerini ise PVAR dinamik panel veri modelini Panel OLS ve GMM ile ayrı ayrı tahmin ederek analiz etmektedir. Sabit etkiler modeli askeri harcamalar ve sağlık harcamalarının merkezi devlet borcu üzerinde sırasıyla olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri olduğunu ortaya göstermiştir. Dinamik nedensellik ve etki tepki analizlerine göre, sağlık harcamaları hariç, diğer harcama tiplerinden merkezi devlet borcuna doğru nedensellik ilişkisi mevcuttur. Bununla beraber, iki yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi sadece merkezi devlet borcu ve askeri harcamalar arasında bulunmuştur


  • Alexander, W.Robert.J. ‘The Defence-Debt Nexus, Evidence from the High-Income Mem- bers of NATO’. Defence and Peace Economics, 24 (2), 2013, pp.133-145.
  • Ali, Hamid E. ‘Military Expenditures and Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa, A Panel Analysis’. Defence and Peace Economics 23 (6), 2012, pp.575–589.
  • Ames, Barry., and Ed Goff. ‘Education and Defense Expenditure in Latin America, 1948- 68’. Comparative Public Policy, Issues, Theories and Methods. Edited by Craig Liske, William Loehr and John McCament, pp.175- 198 .New York, John Wiley, 1975.
  • Arellano, Manuel. ‘Computing robust Standard Errors for within-Groups Estimator’. Ox- ford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 49(4), 1987, pp.431-434
  • Arellano, Manuel and Bond Stephan. ‘Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data, Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations’. Review of Economic Studies 58, 1991, pp.277–297.
  • Benoit, Emile. Defence and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Boston, MA, Lexington Books, 1973.
  • Benoit, Emile. ‘Growth and Defence in Developing Countries’. Economic Development and Cultural Change 26, 1978, pp. 271–280
  • Bhargava, Alok, L. Franzini, and W. Narendranathan. ‘Serial Correlation and the Fixed Ef- fects Model’, Review of Economic Studies, 49, 1982, pp.533–549.
  • Brzoska, Michael. ‘Research Communication, the Military Related External Debt of Third World Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 20(3), 1983, pp. 271–2
  • Deger, Saadet, and Sen Somnath. ‘Military Expenditure, Spin-Off and Economic Develop- ment’. Journal of Development Economics 13, 1983, pp.67–83.
  • Dunne, J. Paul, Perlo-Freeman, Sam and Soydan, Aylin. ‘Military Expenditure and Debt in Small-Industrialised Economies, a Panel Analysis’. Defence and Peace Economics 15(2), 2004a, pp.125–132.
  • Dunne, J. Paul, Perlo-Freeman, Sam and Soydan, Aylin. ‘Military Expenditure and Debt in South America’. Defence and Peace Economics 15(2), 2004b, pp.173–187
  • Dunne, John Paul and Nikolaidou Eftychia ‘Defence Spending and Economic Growth in The EU15’, Defence and Peace Economic 23(6), 2012, pp.537-548
  • Faini Riccardo, Annez Patricia and Source Lance Taylor. ‘Defense Spending, Economic Structure, and Growth, Evidence among Countries and over Time’. Economic Deve- lopment and Cultural Change 32(3), 1984, pp.487-498
  • Geoffrey Harris, Pranowo Mark Kelly ‘Trade-offs Between Defence and Education/Health Expenditures in Developing Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 25(2), 1988, pp.165- 177
  • Greene, William. H. Econometric Analysis, 4 th ed. Upper Saddle River,NJ, Prentice- Hall, 2000.
  • Hausman, J.A. ‘Specification Tests in Econometrics’. Econometrica 46 (6),1978, pp.1251– 1271.
  • Im, Kyung So, Pesaran, M. Hashem, and Shin, Yongcheol. ‘Testing for Unit Roots in Hetero- geneous Panels’, Journal of Econometrics 115, 2003, pp.53–74.
  • Kollias Christos and Paleologou Susana-Maria. ‘Budgetary Trade-Offs between Defence, Education and Social Spending in Greece’. Applied Economics Letters 18(11), 2011, pp.1071-1075
  • Levin, Andrew., Lin Chien-Fu and Chu Chia-Shang James. ‘Unit Root Tests in Panel Data, Asymptotic and Finite-Sample Properties’. Journal of Econometrics 108, 2002, pp.1-24.
  • Lin, Eric S., Ali,Hamid E and Lu,,Yu-Lung ‘Does Military Spending Crowd Out Social Wel- fare Expenditures? Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries’. Defence and Peace Economics, 2013, doi, 10.1080/10242694.2013.848576
  • Looney, Robert E. ‘The Influence of Arms Imports on Third World Debt’. The Journal of Developing Areas 23(2), 1989, pp.221–232.
  • Looney, Robert E. and Frederiksen, Peter C. ‘Defence Expenditures, External Public Debt and Growth in Developing Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 23(4), 1986, pp.329– 337
  • Özmucur, Suleyman The Economics of Defence and Peace Dividend in Turkey. Bogazici University Printhouse, Istanbul, 1996.
  • Özsoy, Onur. ‘Budgetary Trade-Offs between Defence, Education and Health Expenditu- res, the Case of Turkey’. Defence and Peace Economics 13, 2002, pp. 129–136
  • Paleologou, Suzanna-Maria. ‘A Dynamic Panel Data Model for Analyzing The Relations- hip Between Military Expenditure and Government Debt In The EU’. Defence and Peace Economics 24(5), 2013, pp.419-428.
  • Palmer, Glenn Alliance Politics and Issue Areas, ‘Determinants of Defense Spending’. Ame- rican Journal of Political Science 34(1), 1990, pp.190-211.
  • Peroff Kathleen and Warren Margaret Podolak ‘Does Spending on Defence Cut Spending on Health? A Time-Series Analysis of the U.S.Economy 1929-74’. British Journal of Po- litical Science 9(1), 1979, pp.21-39.
  • Rogers, W. H. ‘Regression Standard Errors in Clustered Samples’. Stata Technical Bulletin 13, pp.19-23. In Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints 3, pp.88–94. College Station, TX, Stata Press. 1993.
  • Russett, Bruce M. ‘Who Pays for Defence?’. American Political Science Review 63(2), 1969, pp.412–426.
  • Russett, Bruce ‘Defence Expenditures and Well-Being’. American Political Science Review 76(4), 1982, pp.767-777.
  • Şenesen, Gülay Günlük ‘Measuring the Extent of Defence Expenditures, The Turkish Case with Turkish Data’. Defence and Peace Economics 12(1), 2001,pp.27-45.
  • Şenesen, Gülay Günlük ‘Türkiye ’de Savunma Harcamalari ve Ekonomik Etkileri 1980–2001’[Defence Expenditures and Its Effect in Turkey,1980–2001]. İstanbul, TE- SEV, 2002.
  • Seiglie, Carlos ‘Deficits, Defence, and Income Distribution’. CATO Journal 17(1), 1997. pp.11–18.
  • Sen, Somnath. ‘Debt, Financial Flows and International Security’. In SIPRI Yearbook 1991, World Armaments and Disarmament, SIPRI-Oxford University Press, New York, 1991,pp.181–195.
  • Sezgin, Selami ‘An Empirical Note on External Debt and Defence Expenditures in Turkey’. Defence and Peace Economics 15(2), 2004, pp.199–203.
  • Smyth,Russell and Narayan Paresh Kumar. ‘A Panel Data Analysis of the Military Expen- diture-External Debt Nexus, Evidence from Six Middle Eastern Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 46(2), 2009. pp.235–250.
  • Verner, Joel G. ‘Budgetary Trade-Offs between Education and Defence in Latin America, a Research Note’. Journal of Developing Areas 18(1), 1983. pp.77–92.
  • Ward, Michael D. and Davis, David R. ‘Sizing Up the Peace Dividend, Economic Growth and Military Spending in the United States, 1948–1996’. American Political Science Re- view 86(3), 1992, pp. 748–755.
  • Yıldırım Jülide and Sezgin Selami ‘Defence, Education and Health Expenditures in Turkey, 1924–1996’. Journal of Peace Research 39, 2002, pp.569–580.
  • Yıldırım Jülide, Sezgin Selami, and Öcal Nadir. ‘Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Middle Eastern Countries, A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis’. Defence and Peace Economics 16(4), 2005, pp.283-295. APPENDIX 1
  • VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Lag FPE 8.12e-12 6.89e-12* 7.09e-12 9.11e-12 9.69e-12 8.57e-12 5 -11.32867
  • Roots of Characteristic Polynomial Root
  • 169192 - 0.220062i
  • 169192 + 0.220062i 0.221036
  • 0.067711 - 0.105141i
  • 0.067711 + 0.105141i
  • No root lies outside the unit circle.
  • VAR satisfies the stability condition.

The Central Government Debts, Welfare and Warfare Expenditure Nexus: The High Income Members of OECD and PVAR Analysis

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 127 - 146, 12.07.2017


This study uses the fixed effect model to analyze possible effects of the military, educational and health expenditures, subsidies and other transfer charges on the central government debts, and the PVAR dynamic panel data model with separate OLS and GMM estimations to analyze causality relationships among the variables for 31 High Income OECD countries in 1999-2012 period. The fixed effect model showed that military and health expenditures have positive and negative effects on the debts respectively. According to dynamic causality and impulse response analyses, the other types of expenditures, except health expenditures, have causality relationships towards the debts. However, a bidirectional causality relation is found only between the debt and military expenditures


  • Alexander, W.Robert.J. ‘The Defence-Debt Nexus, Evidence from the High-Income Mem- bers of NATO’. Defence and Peace Economics, 24 (2), 2013, pp.133-145.
  • Ali, Hamid E. ‘Military Expenditures and Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa, A Panel Analysis’. Defence and Peace Economics 23 (6), 2012, pp.575–589.
  • Ames, Barry., and Ed Goff. ‘Education and Defense Expenditure in Latin America, 1948- 68’. Comparative Public Policy, Issues, Theories and Methods. Edited by Craig Liske, William Loehr and John McCament, pp.175- 198 .New York, John Wiley, 1975.
  • Arellano, Manuel. ‘Computing robust Standard Errors for within-Groups Estimator’. Ox- ford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 49(4), 1987, pp.431-434
  • Arellano, Manuel and Bond Stephan. ‘Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data, Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations’. Review of Economic Studies 58, 1991, pp.277–297.
  • Benoit, Emile. Defence and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Boston, MA, Lexington Books, 1973.
  • Benoit, Emile. ‘Growth and Defence in Developing Countries’. Economic Development and Cultural Change 26, 1978, pp. 271–280
  • Bhargava, Alok, L. Franzini, and W. Narendranathan. ‘Serial Correlation and the Fixed Ef- fects Model’, Review of Economic Studies, 49, 1982, pp.533–549.
  • Brzoska, Michael. ‘Research Communication, the Military Related External Debt of Third World Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 20(3), 1983, pp. 271–2
  • Deger, Saadet, and Sen Somnath. ‘Military Expenditure, Spin-Off and Economic Develop- ment’. Journal of Development Economics 13, 1983, pp.67–83.
  • Dunne, J. Paul, Perlo-Freeman, Sam and Soydan, Aylin. ‘Military Expenditure and Debt in Small-Industrialised Economies, a Panel Analysis’. Defence and Peace Economics 15(2), 2004a, pp.125–132.
  • Dunne, J. Paul, Perlo-Freeman, Sam and Soydan, Aylin. ‘Military Expenditure and Debt in South America’. Defence and Peace Economics 15(2), 2004b, pp.173–187
  • Dunne, John Paul and Nikolaidou Eftychia ‘Defence Spending and Economic Growth in The EU15’, Defence and Peace Economic 23(6), 2012, pp.537-548
  • Faini Riccardo, Annez Patricia and Source Lance Taylor. ‘Defense Spending, Economic Structure, and Growth, Evidence among Countries and over Time’. Economic Deve- lopment and Cultural Change 32(3), 1984, pp.487-498
  • Geoffrey Harris, Pranowo Mark Kelly ‘Trade-offs Between Defence and Education/Health Expenditures in Developing Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 25(2), 1988, pp.165- 177
  • Greene, William. H. Econometric Analysis, 4 th ed. Upper Saddle River,NJ, Prentice- Hall, 2000.
  • Hausman, J.A. ‘Specification Tests in Econometrics’. Econometrica 46 (6),1978, pp.1251– 1271.
  • Im, Kyung So, Pesaran, M. Hashem, and Shin, Yongcheol. ‘Testing for Unit Roots in Hetero- geneous Panels’, Journal of Econometrics 115, 2003, pp.53–74.
  • Kollias Christos and Paleologou Susana-Maria. ‘Budgetary Trade-Offs between Defence, Education and Social Spending in Greece’. Applied Economics Letters 18(11), 2011, pp.1071-1075
  • Levin, Andrew., Lin Chien-Fu and Chu Chia-Shang James. ‘Unit Root Tests in Panel Data, Asymptotic and Finite-Sample Properties’. Journal of Econometrics 108, 2002, pp.1-24.
  • Lin, Eric S., Ali,Hamid E and Lu,,Yu-Lung ‘Does Military Spending Crowd Out Social Wel- fare Expenditures? Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries’. Defence and Peace Economics, 2013, doi, 10.1080/10242694.2013.848576
  • Looney, Robert E. ‘The Influence of Arms Imports on Third World Debt’. The Journal of Developing Areas 23(2), 1989, pp.221–232.
  • Looney, Robert E. and Frederiksen, Peter C. ‘Defence Expenditures, External Public Debt and Growth in Developing Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 23(4), 1986, pp.329– 337
  • Özmucur, Suleyman The Economics of Defence and Peace Dividend in Turkey. Bogazici University Printhouse, Istanbul, 1996.
  • Özsoy, Onur. ‘Budgetary Trade-Offs between Defence, Education and Health Expenditu- res, the Case of Turkey’. Defence and Peace Economics 13, 2002, pp. 129–136
  • Paleologou, Suzanna-Maria. ‘A Dynamic Panel Data Model for Analyzing The Relations- hip Between Military Expenditure and Government Debt In The EU’. Defence and Peace Economics 24(5), 2013, pp.419-428.
  • Palmer, Glenn Alliance Politics and Issue Areas, ‘Determinants of Defense Spending’. Ame- rican Journal of Political Science 34(1), 1990, pp.190-211.
  • Peroff Kathleen and Warren Margaret Podolak ‘Does Spending on Defence Cut Spending on Health? A Time-Series Analysis of the U.S.Economy 1929-74’. British Journal of Po- litical Science 9(1), 1979, pp.21-39.
  • Rogers, W. H. ‘Regression Standard Errors in Clustered Samples’. Stata Technical Bulletin 13, pp.19-23. In Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints 3, pp.88–94. College Station, TX, Stata Press. 1993.
  • Russett, Bruce M. ‘Who Pays for Defence?’. American Political Science Review 63(2), 1969, pp.412–426.
  • Russett, Bruce ‘Defence Expenditures and Well-Being’. American Political Science Review 76(4), 1982, pp.767-777.
  • Şenesen, Gülay Günlük ‘Measuring the Extent of Defence Expenditures, The Turkish Case with Turkish Data’. Defence and Peace Economics 12(1), 2001,pp.27-45.
  • Şenesen, Gülay Günlük ‘Türkiye ’de Savunma Harcamalari ve Ekonomik Etkileri 1980–2001’[Defence Expenditures and Its Effect in Turkey,1980–2001]. İstanbul, TE- SEV, 2002.
  • Seiglie, Carlos ‘Deficits, Defence, and Income Distribution’. CATO Journal 17(1), 1997. pp.11–18.
  • Sen, Somnath. ‘Debt, Financial Flows and International Security’. In SIPRI Yearbook 1991, World Armaments and Disarmament, SIPRI-Oxford University Press, New York, 1991,pp.181–195.
  • Sezgin, Selami ‘An Empirical Note on External Debt and Defence Expenditures in Turkey’. Defence and Peace Economics 15(2), 2004, pp.199–203.
  • Smyth,Russell and Narayan Paresh Kumar. ‘A Panel Data Analysis of the Military Expen- diture-External Debt Nexus, Evidence from Six Middle Eastern Countries’. Journal of Peace Research 46(2), 2009. pp.235–250.
  • Verner, Joel G. ‘Budgetary Trade-Offs between Education and Defence in Latin America, a Research Note’. Journal of Developing Areas 18(1), 1983. pp.77–92.
  • Ward, Michael D. and Davis, David R. ‘Sizing Up the Peace Dividend, Economic Growth and Military Spending in the United States, 1948–1996’. American Political Science Re- view 86(3), 1992, pp. 748–755.
  • Yıldırım Jülide and Sezgin Selami ‘Defence, Education and Health Expenditures in Turkey, 1924–1996’. Journal of Peace Research 39, 2002, pp.569–580.
  • Yıldırım Jülide, Sezgin Selami, and Öcal Nadir. ‘Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Middle Eastern Countries, A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis’. Defence and Peace Economics 16(4), 2005, pp.283-295. APPENDIX 1
  • VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Lag FPE 8.12e-12 6.89e-12* 7.09e-12 9.11e-12 9.69e-12 8.57e-12 5 -11.32867
  • Roots of Characteristic Polynomial Root
  • 169192 - 0.220062i
  • 169192 + 0.220062i 0.221036
  • 0.067711 - 0.105141i
  • 0.067711 + 0.105141i
  • No root lies outside the unit circle.
  • VAR satisfies the stability condition.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nilgün Serim Bu kişi benim

Serdar Kurt Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Serim, N., & Kurt, S. (2017). The Central Government Debts, Welfare and Warfare Expenditure Nexus: The High Income Members of OECD and PVAR Analysis. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(29), 127-146.

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