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“Reverse Mentoring” Designs of Banking Sector in Turkey

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 305 - 318, 12.07.2017


Reverse mentoring has some significant impact on building relationship between generations. This study represents one of the first attempts in Turkey to examine this instrument’s application process in real life. The purpose of this study is to gather information and describe the implementation of banking sector’s reverse mentoring process in Turkey. Multiple case study method was used in this study in order to gather further information about the reverse mentoring process. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with three banks’; Akbank, Garanti Bank, and Denizbank; training and human resources supervisors who took an active role in reverse mentoring process.The findings of this study help us to present current information about the reverse mentoring designs of companies and highlight the importance of reverse mentoring as a valuable instrument for managing generational diversity


  • Baily, Carol (2009), “Reverse intergenerational learning: a missed opportunity?”, AI & So- ciety , 23 (1), 111-115.
  • Biss, J.L. and DuFrene, D. (2006), An Examination of Reverse Mentoring in the Workplace, Business Education Digest, 15, 30-41.
  • Chaudhuri, S.and Ghosh, R. (2012). Reverse Mentoring: A Social Exchange Tool for Keep- ing the Boomers Engaged and Millennials Committed. Human Resource Develop- ment Review, 11(1), 55–76.
  • Chen, Y.C.(2013).Effect of Reverse Mentoring on Traditional Mentoring Functions. Leader- ship and Management in Engineering. 13 (3), 199-208.
  • Coles, M., Gardner, D. (2001). Young apprentices prove that they are the new-age masters. Sunday Herald, Business, 24.
  • Coles, M., (2001). Listen to the voice of youth. Reverse mentoring is a new business concept whereby young recruits advise their elders and betters with a youthful take on the world. Evening Standard, General, p. 7.
  • Eisner, S.P. (2005). Managing generation Y. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 70 (4), 4-15.
  • Gill P., Stewart K., Treasure E., Chadwick B. (2008). Methods of Data Collection in Qualita- tive Research: Interviews and Focus Groups. British Dental Journal. 204, 291-295.
  • Greengard, S. (2002). Moving forward with reverse mentoring. Workforce, 81 (30), 15.
  • Harvey, M., and Buckley, M. R. (2002). Assessing the “conventional wisdoms” of manage- ment for the 21st century organization. Organizational Dynamics, 30, 368–378.
  • Harvey, M., McIntyre, N., Heames, J. T., and Moeller, M. (2009). Mentoring global female managers in the global marketplace: traditional, reverse, and reciprocal mentoring. In- ternational Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, 1344–1361.
  • Hewlett, S. A., Sherbin, L., & Sumberg, K. (2009). Let Gen Y teach you tech. Retrieved from
  • Leh, A. S.C. (2005). Learned from service learning and reverse mentoring in faculty devel- opment: A case study in technology training. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13 (1), 25-41.
  • Lankau, M., and Scandura, T. (2002). An Investigation of Personal Learning in Mentoring Relationships: Content, Antecedents, and Consequences. Academy of Management Jour- nal, 45, 779–790.
  • Meister, J. C., and Willyerd, K. (2010). Mentoring Millennials. Harvard Business Review, 88 (5), 67–72.
  • Murphy, W.M. (2012). Reverse mentoring at work: Fostering Crossgenerational Learning and developing millennial Leaders. Human Resource Management, , 51 (4), 549–574.
  • Pekala, N. (2001). Conquering the generational divide. Journal of Property Management, 66 (6), 30–38.
  • Solomon, M. (2001). Coaching the boss. Computerworld, 35 (5), 42.
  • Zielinski, D. (2000). Mentoring up. Training, 37 (10), 136-140.
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2016)
  • html (Erişim Tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2016)

Türkiye Bankacılık Sektöründe “Tersine Mentorluk” Uygulamaları

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 305 - 318, 12.07.2017


Tersine mentorluk, kuşaklar arası ilişkilerin düzenlenmesi açısından büyük önemi olan bir uygulamadır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de tersine mentorluk uygulamasının nasıl hayata nasıl geçirildiğini ortaya koymayı hedefleyen ilk çalışmalar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye bankacılık sektöründe “tersine mentorluk” uygulamasının tanımlanması, uygulamanın aşamaları ve detayları hakkında bilgi sunmaktır. “Tersine mentorluk” uygulaması ile ilgili derinlemesine bilgi sunabilmek ve analiz yapabilmek amacıyla çoklu örnek olay yöntemine başvurulmuştur. Çalışmamızda üç bankanın; Akbank, Garanti Bankası ve Denizbank, insan kaynakları ve eğitim departmanlarında görev alan ve “tersine mentorluk” uygulamasının hayata geçirilmesinde aktif görev alan uzmanlarla yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları ile yeni bir uygulama olan “tersine mentorluk” kavramı hakkında bilgi sunmak ve kavramın farklı kuşakların yönetimi konusundaki önemini vurgulamak amaçlanmaktadır


  • Baily, Carol (2009), “Reverse intergenerational learning: a missed opportunity?”, AI & So- ciety , 23 (1), 111-115.
  • Biss, J.L. and DuFrene, D. (2006), An Examination of Reverse Mentoring in the Workplace, Business Education Digest, 15, 30-41.
  • Chaudhuri, S.and Ghosh, R. (2012). Reverse Mentoring: A Social Exchange Tool for Keep- ing the Boomers Engaged and Millennials Committed. Human Resource Develop- ment Review, 11(1), 55–76.
  • Chen, Y.C.(2013).Effect of Reverse Mentoring on Traditional Mentoring Functions. Leader- ship and Management in Engineering. 13 (3), 199-208.
  • Coles, M., Gardner, D. (2001). Young apprentices prove that they are the new-age masters. Sunday Herald, Business, 24.
  • Coles, M., (2001). Listen to the voice of youth. Reverse mentoring is a new business concept whereby young recruits advise their elders and betters with a youthful take on the world. Evening Standard, General, p. 7.
  • Eisner, S.P. (2005). Managing generation Y. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 70 (4), 4-15.
  • Gill P., Stewart K., Treasure E., Chadwick B. (2008). Methods of Data Collection in Qualita- tive Research: Interviews and Focus Groups. British Dental Journal. 204, 291-295.
  • Greengard, S. (2002). Moving forward with reverse mentoring. Workforce, 81 (30), 15.
  • Harvey, M., and Buckley, M. R. (2002). Assessing the “conventional wisdoms” of manage- ment for the 21st century organization. Organizational Dynamics, 30, 368–378.
  • Harvey, M., McIntyre, N., Heames, J. T., and Moeller, M. (2009). Mentoring global female managers in the global marketplace: traditional, reverse, and reciprocal mentoring. In- ternational Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, 1344–1361.
  • Hewlett, S. A., Sherbin, L., & Sumberg, K. (2009). Let Gen Y teach you tech. Retrieved from
  • Leh, A. S.C. (2005). Learned from service learning and reverse mentoring in faculty devel- opment: A case study in technology training. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13 (1), 25-41.
  • Lankau, M., and Scandura, T. (2002). An Investigation of Personal Learning in Mentoring Relationships: Content, Antecedents, and Consequences. Academy of Management Jour- nal, 45, 779–790.
  • Meister, J. C., and Willyerd, K. (2010). Mentoring Millennials. Harvard Business Review, 88 (5), 67–72.
  • Murphy, W.M. (2012). Reverse mentoring at work: Fostering Crossgenerational Learning and developing millennial Leaders. Human Resource Management, , 51 (4), 549–574.
  • Pekala, N. (2001). Conquering the generational divide. Journal of Property Management, 66 (6), 30–38.
  • Solomon, M. (2001). Coaching the boss. Computerworld, 35 (5), 42.
  • Zielinski, D. (2000). Mentoring up. Training, 37 (10), 136-140.
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2016)
  • html (Erişim Tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2016)
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nurgül Keleş Tayşir Bu kişi benim

Beliz Ülgen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Keleş Tayşir, N., & Ülgen, B. (2017). “Reverse Mentoring” Designs of Banking Sector in Turkey. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(29), 305-318.

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