Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 197 - 222, 25.06.2019



  • Kaynakça
  • Kitap ve Makaleler:
  • Adelle, C. and Russel, D. (2013). Climate Policy Integration: a Case of Deja Vu? Environmental Policy and Governance, 23, 2013, 1-12.
  • Adgera, N., Arnella, N. & Tompkins, E. (2005). Successful Adaptation to Climate Change Across Scales. Global Environmental Change, 15, 77-86.
  • Ahmad, I.H. (2009). Climate Policy Integration: Towards Operationalization. DESA Working Paper, 73.
  • Bauer, A., Feichtinger, J. & Steurer, R. (2012). The Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in 10 OECD Countries: Challenges and Approaches. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 14 (3), 279-304.
  • Berkhout, F. (2005). Rationales for Adaptation in EU Climate Change Policies. Climate Policy, 5, 377-391.
  • Biesbroek, R., Swart, R., Carter, T., Cowan, C., Henrichs, T., Mela, H., Morecroft, M. & Rey, D. (2010). Europe Adapts to Climate Change: Comparing National Adaptation Strategies. Environmental Change, 20, 440-450.
  • Brouwer, S., Rayner, T. & Huitema, D. (2013). Mainstreaming Climate Policy: the Case of Climate Adaptation and the Implementation of EU Water Policy. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31, 134-153.
  • Diran, D. (2010). Even Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dovers, S. and Hezri, A. (2010). Institutions and Policy Processes: the Means to the Ends of Adaptation. WIREs Climate Change, 1, 212-231.
  • Dupont, C. and Primova, R. (2011). Combating Complexity: the Integration of EU Climate and Energy Policies. J. Tosun and I. Solorio (Ed.), Energy and Environment in Europe: Assessing a Complex Relationship, European Integration içinde Online Papers (EIoP), Special Mini-Issue, 1 (15).
  • Dupont, C. and Oberthür, S. (2012). Insufficient Climate Policy Integration in EU Energy Policy: the Importance of the Long Term Perspective. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 8 (2), 228-247.
  • Ford, J. (2008). Emerging Trends in Climate Change Policy: The Role of Adaptation. International Public Policy Review,3 (2).
  • Gregorio, M., Nurrochmat, D.R., Paavola, J., Sari, I.M., Fatorelli, L., Pramova, E., Locatelli, B, Brockhaus, M., and Kusumadewi, S. (2017). Climate Policy Integration in the Land Use Sector: Mitigation, Adaptation and Sustainable Development Linkages. Environmental Science and Policy, 67, 35-43.
  • Gupta, J. and Ringius, L. (2001). The EU’s Climate Leadership: Reconciling Ambition and Reality. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 1, 281-299.
  • Hove, S. (2000). Participatory Approaches to Environmental Policy-Making: the European Commission Climate Policy Process as a Case Study. Ecological Economics, 33, 457-472.
  • Hustedt, T. and Seyfried, M. (2016). Co-ordination Across Internal Organizational Boundaries: How the EU Commission Co-ordinates Climate Policies. Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (6), 888-905.
  • Klein, R., Schipper, L. and Dessai, S. (2005). Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation into Climate and Development Policy: Three Research Questions. Environmental Science and Policy, 8, 579-588.
  • Kok, M. and Coninck, H. (2007). Widening the Scope of Policies to Address Climate Change Directions for Mainstreaming. Environmental Science and Policy, 10, 587-599.
  • Lafferty, W. and Hovden, E. (2003). Environmental Policy Integration: Towards an Analytical Framework. Environmental Politics, 12 (3).
  • Lenschow, A. (1997). Variation in EC Environmental Policy Integration: Agency Push Within Complex Institutional Structures. Journal of European Public Policy, 4 (1).
  • Lenschow, A. (2005). New Regulatory Approaches in Greening EU Policies. A. Jordan (Ed.). Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institutions and Processes içinde. London, Earthscan.
  • Jordan, A., Lenschow, A. and Unfried, M. (2008). The European Union. A. Jordan & A. Lenschow (Ed.), Innovation in Environmental Policy? Integrating the Environment for Sustainability içinde. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
  • Laukkonen, J., Blanco, P.K., Lenhart, J., Keiner, M., Cavric, B. and Njenga, C.K. (2009). Combining Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures at the Local Level. Habitat International, 33, 287-292.
  • Massey, E. and Huitema, D. (2013). The Emergence of Climate Change Adaptation as a Policy Field: The Case of England. Reg Environ Change, 13, 341-352.
  • McEvoy, D., Lonsdale, K. and Matczak, P.M. (2008). Adaptation and Mainstreaming of EU Climate Change Policy: An Actor Based Perspective. CEPS Policy Brief, 149.
  • Mickwitz, P., Aix, F., Beck, S., Carss, D., Ferrand, N., Görg, C., Jensen, A., Kivimaa, P., Kuhlicke, C., Kuindersma, W., Manez, M., Melanen, M., Monni, S., Pedersen, A.B., Reinert, H. and Bommel, S. (2009). Climate Policy Integration, Coherence and Governance. PEER Report, 2, Helsinki: Partnership for European Environmental Research.
  • Niedertscheider, M., Haas, M. and Görg, C. (2018). Austrian Climate Policies and GHG-Emissions since 1990: What is the Role of Climate Policy Integration? Environmental Science and Policy, 81, 10–17.
  • Nilsson, M. and Nilsson, L. (2005). Towards Climate Policy Integration in the EU: Evolving Dilemmas and Opportunities. Climate Policy, 5 (3), 363-376.
  • Oberthür, S. & Kelly, C. R. (2008). EU Leadership in International Climate Policy: Achievements and Challenges. The International Spectator, 43 (3), 35-50.
  • Oberthür, S. (2011). The European Union’s Performance in the International Climate Change Regime. Journal of European Integration, 33 (6), 667-682.
  • Oberthür, S. & Groen, L. (2018). Explaining Goal Achievement in International Negotiations: the EU and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (5), 708-727.
  • Parker, C., Karlsson, C. and Hjerpe, M. (2017). Assessing the European Union’s Global Climate Change Leadership: from Copenhagen to the Paris Agreement. Journal of European Integration, 39 (2), 239–252.
  • Persson, Asa. (2004). Environmental Policy Integration: An Introduction for Sustainability. Background Paper, Stockholm, Environment Institute.
  • Persson, Asa. (2008). Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Official DevelopmentAssistance: A Case of International Policy Integration. EPIGOV Papers, 36, Berlin, Ecologic – Institute for International and European Environmental Policy.
  • Peterson, T., McKinstry, R. and Dernbach, J. (2008). Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Change Policy in the United States that Fully Integrates Level of Government and Economic Sectors. Virginia Environmental Law Journal, 26 (227).
  • Prakash, A. & Potoski, M. (2017). The EU Effect: Does Trade with the EU Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Developing World? Environmental Politics, 26 (1), 27-48.
  • Rietig, K. (2012). Climate Policy Integration Beyond Principled Priority: A Framework for Analysis. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper, 99.
  • Rietig, K. (2013). Sustainable Climate Policy Integration in the European Union. Environmental Policy and Governance, 23, 297-310.
  • Russel, D., Uyl, R. and Vito, L. (2018). Understanding Policy Integration in the EU-Insights from Multi-level Lens on Climate Adaptation and the EU’s Coastal and Marine Policy, Environmental Science and Policy, 82, 44-51.
  • Schmidt, N. and Fleig, A. (2018). Global Patterns of National Climate Policies: Analyzing171 Country Portfolios on Climate Policy Integration, Environmental Science and Policy, 84, 177–185.
  • Steurer, R. (2008). Sustainable Development Strategies. A. Jordan & A. Lenschow (Ed.). Innovation in Environmental Policy? Integrating the Environment for Sustainability içinde. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
  • Szulecki, K., Fischer, S., Gullberg, A. T. and Sartor, O. (2016). Shaping the ‘Energy Union': Between National Positions and Governance Innovation in EU Energy and Climate Policy. Climate Policy, 16 (5), 548–567.
  • Urwin, K. & Jordan, A. (2008). Does Public Policy Support or Undermine Climate Change Adaptation? Exploring Policy Interplay Across Different Scales of Governance. Global Environmental Change, 18, 180–191.
  • Resmi Belgeler:
  • Amsterdam Antlaşması. (1997). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C 340.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu. (2007). Yeşil Kitap, “Adapting to Climate Change in Europe – Options for EU Action”, Brussels, COM(2007) 354 final.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu, (2009). Beyaz Kitap, “Adapting to Climate Change: Towards a European Framework for Action, Brussels”, COM(2009) 147/4.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu. (2013) “An EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change”, Brussels, COM(2013)216 final.
  • Avrupa Birliği Konseyi. (2006). “Renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy”, Brussels,10117/06.
  • Avrupa Birliği Konseyi. (2015). “Energy Union Package: A Framework Strategy for a Resillient Energy Union with a Forward Looking Climate Change Policy”, Brussels, COM(2015) 80 final.
  • Avrupa Birliği Sürdürülebilir Kakınma Stratejisi. (2001). “A Sustainable Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development”, COM(2001) 264.
  • Avrupa Birliği Üçüncü Çevre Eylem Programı. (1983). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C46..
  • Avrupa Birliği Dördüncü Çevre Eylem Programı. (1987). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C328.
  • Avrupa Birliği Beşinci Çevre Eylem Programı. (1993). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C138.
  • Avrupa Birliği Altıncı Çevre Eylem Programı. (2002). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: L242.
  • Avrupa Birliği Yedinci Çevre Eylem Programı. (2013). Official Journal of the European Communities, 1386/2013/EU.
  • Avrupa Tek Senedi. (1987). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: L 169.
  • İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi. (1992). Birleşmiş Milletler.
  • Kyoto Protokolü (1997). Birleşmiş Milletler.
  • Lizbon Antlaşması. (2007). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C 306.
  • Maastricht Antlaşması. (1992). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C 191.
  • Paris İklim Antlaşması (2015). Birleşmiş Milletler.

Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 197 - 222, 25.06.2019


Değişikliği Politikasının belirlenen hedeflerine ulaşabilmesi için farklı
politika alanlarında çeşitli iklim değişikliğine yönelik çalışmaların
yürütülmesi gerekmektedir. Bu durum iklim değişikliği politikasının
sektörler-arası politika alanı niteliğine sahip olmasına yol açmaktadır. Bundan
dolayı bütünleşme kavramı iklim politikasının başarısı açısından büyük rol
oynamaktadır. ‘İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nin (İPB)
kavramsallaştırılmasında, ‘Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’ prensibinin hayata
geçirilmesinde büyük önemi bulunan ‘Çevre Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’ (ÇPB)
kavramından büyük ölçüde faydalanılmıştır. Buna karşılık iklim değişikliği
politikası azaltım ve uyumdan oluşan kendine özgü unsurları nedeniyle bir
taraftan da ÇPB’den bazı yönlerden ayrılmaktadır. AB, çevre politikasının bütünleşmesi
ve sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın önemini önceden kavrayarak, çeşitli yasal
düzenlemeler yoluyla bunlara yönetişim sisteminde yer vermiştir. Bütün bu
gelişmelere karşın, AB’nin İPB konusundaki başarı öyküsü başlıca uyum yerine
azaltım ile ilgili bulunmaktadır. 


  • Kaynakça
  • Kitap ve Makaleler:
  • Adelle, C. and Russel, D. (2013). Climate Policy Integration: a Case of Deja Vu? Environmental Policy and Governance, 23, 2013, 1-12.
  • Adgera, N., Arnella, N. & Tompkins, E. (2005). Successful Adaptation to Climate Change Across Scales. Global Environmental Change, 15, 77-86.
  • Ahmad, I.H. (2009). Climate Policy Integration: Towards Operationalization. DESA Working Paper, 73.
  • Bauer, A., Feichtinger, J. & Steurer, R. (2012). The Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in 10 OECD Countries: Challenges and Approaches. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 14 (3), 279-304.
  • Berkhout, F. (2005). Rationales for Adaptation in EU Climate Change Policies. Climate Policy, 5, 377-391.
  • Biesbroek, R., Swart, R., Carter, T., Cowan, C., Henrichs, T., Mela, H., Morecroft, M. & Rey, D. (2010). Europe Adapts to Climate Change: Comparing National Adaptation Strategies. Environmental Change, 20, 440-450.
  • Brouwer, S., Rayner, T. & Huitema, D. (2013). Mainstreaming Climate Policy: the Case of Climate Adaptation and the Implementation of EU Water Policy. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31, 134-153.
  • Diran, D. (2010). Even Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dovers, S. and Hezri, A. (2010). Institutions and Policy Processes: the Means to the Ends of Adaptation. WIREs Climate Change, 1, 212-231.
  • Dupont, C. and Primova, R. (2011). Combating Complexity: the Integration of EU Climate and Energy Policies. J. Tosun and I. Solorio (Ed.), Energy and Environment in Europe: Assessing a Complex Relationship, European Integration içinde Online Papers (EIoP), Special Mini-Issue, 1 (15).
  • Dupont, C. and Oberthür, S. (2012). Insufficient Climate Policy Integration in EU Energy Policy: the Importance of the Long Term Perspective. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 8 (2), 228-247.
  • Ford, J. (2008). Emerging Trends in Climate Change Policy: The Role of Adaptation. International Public Policy Review,3 (2).
  • Gregorio, M., Nurrochmat, D.R., Paavola, J., Sari, I.M., Fatorelli, L., Pramova, E., Locatelli, B, Brockhaus, M., and Kusumadewi, S. (2017). Climate Policy Integration in the Land Use Sector: Mitigation, Adaptation and Sustainable Development Linkages. Environmental Science and Policy, 67, 35-43.
  • Gupta, J. and Ringius, L. (2001). The EU’s Climate Leadership: Reconciling Ambition and Reality. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 1, 281-299.
  • Hove, S. (2000). Participatory Approaches to Environmental Policy-Making: the European Commission Climate Policy Process as a Case Study. Ecological Economics, 33, 457-472.
  • Hustedt, T. and Seyfried, M. (2016). Co-ordination Across Internal Organizational Boundaries: How the EU Commission Co-ordinates Climate Policies. Journal of European Public Policy, 23 (6), 888-905.
  • Klein, R., Schipper, L. and Dessai, S. (2005). Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation into Climate and Development Policy: Three Research Questions. Environmental Science and Policy, 8, 579-588.
  • Kok, M. and Coninck, H. (2007). Widening the Scope of Policies to Address Climate Change Directions for Mainstreaming. Environmental Science and Policy, 10, 587-599.
  • Lafferty, W. and Hovden, E. (2003). Environmental Policy Integration: Towards an Analytical Framework. Environmental Politics, 12 (3).
  • Lenschow, A. (1997). Variation in EC Environmental Policy Integration: Agency Push Within Complex Institutional Structures. Journal of European Public Policy, 4 (1).
  • Lenschow, A. (2005). New Regulatory Approaches in Greening EU Policies. A. Jordan (Ed.). Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institutions and Processes içinde. London, Earthscan.
  • Jordan, A., Lenschow, A. and Unfried, M. (2008). The European Union. A. Jordan & A. Lenschow (Ed.), Innovation in Environmental Policy? Integrating the Environment for Sustainability içinde. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
  • Laukkonen, J., Blanco, P.K., Lenhart, J., Keiner, M., Cavric, B. and Njenga, C.K. (2009). Combining Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures at the Local Level. Habitat International, 33, 287-292.
  • Massey, E. and Huitema, D. (2013). The Emergence of Climate Change Adaptation as a Policy Field: The Case of England. Reg Environ Change, 13, 341-352.
  • McEvoy, D., Lonsdale, K. and Matczak, P.M. (2008). Adaptation and Mainstreaming of EU Climate Change Policy: An Actor Based Perspective. CEPS Policy Brief, 149.
  • Mickwitz, P., Aix, F., Beck, S., Carss, D., Ferrand, N., Görg, C., Jensen, A., Kivimaa, P., Kuhlicke, C., Kuindersma, W., Manez, M., Melanen, M., Monni, S., Pedersen, A.B., Reinert, H. and Bommel, S. (2009). Climate Policy Integration, Coherence and Governance. PEER Report, 2, Helsinki: Partnership for European Environmental Research.
  • Niedertscheider, M., Haas, M. and Görg, C. (2018). Austrian Climate Policies and GHG-Emissions since 1990: What is the Role of Climate Policy Integration? Environmental Science and Policy, 81, 10–17.
  • Nilsson, M. and Nilsson, L. (2005). Towards Climate Policy Integration in the EU: Evolving Dilemmas and Opportunities. Climate Policy, 5 (3), 363-376.
  • Oberthür, S. & Kelly, C. R. (2008). EU Leadership in International Climate Policy: Achievements and Challenges. The International Spectator, 43 (3), 35-50.
  • Oberthür, S. (2011). The European Union’s Performance in the International Climate Change Regime. Journal of European Integration, 33 (6), 667-682.
  • Oberthür, S. & Groen, L. (2018). Explaining Goal Achievement in International Negotiations: the EU and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (5), 708-727.
  • Parker, C., Karlsson, C. and Hjerpe, M. (2017). Assessing the European Union’s Global Climate Change Leadership: from Copenhagen to the Paris Agreement. Journal of European Integration, 39 (2), 239–252.
  • Persson, Asa. (2004). Environmental Policy Integration: An Introduction for Sustainability. Background Paper, Stockholm, Environment Institute.
  • Persson, Asa. (2008). Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Official DevelopmentAssistance: A Case of International Policy Integration. EPIGOV Papers, 36, Berlin, Ecologic – Institute for International and European Environmental Policy.
  • Peterson, T., McKinstry, R. and Dernbach, J. (2008). Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Change Policy in the United States that Fully Integrates Level of Government and Economic Sectors. Virginia Environmental Law Journal, 26 (227).
  • Prakash, A. & Potoski, M. (2017). The EU Effect: Does Trade with the EU Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Developing World? Environmental Politics, 26 (1), 27-48.
  • Rietig, K. (2012). Climate Policy Integration Beyond Principled Priority: A Framework for Analysis. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper, 99.
  • Rietig, K. (2013). Sustainable Climate Policy Integration in the European Union. Environmental Policy and Governance, 23, 297-310.
  • Russel, D., Uyl, R. and Vito, L. (2018). Understanding Policy Integration in the EU-Insights from Multi-level Lens on Climate Adaptation and the EU’s Coastal and Marine Policy, Environmental Science and Policy, 82, 44-51.
  • Schmidt, N. and Fleig, A. (2018). Global Patterns of National Climate Policies: Analyzing171 Country Portfolios on Climate Policy Integration, Environmental Science and Policy, 84, 177–185.
  • Steurer, R. (2008). Sustainable Development Strategies. A. Jordan & A. Lenschow (Ed.). Innovation in Environmental Policy? Integrating the Environment for Sustainability içinde. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
  • Szulecki, K., Fischer, S., Gullberg, A. T. and Sartor, O. (2016). Shaping the ‘Energy Union': Between National Positions and Governance Innovation in EU Energy and Climate Policy. Climate Policy, 16 (5), 548–567.
  • Urwin, K. & Jordan, A. (2008). Does Public Policy Support or Undermine Climate Change Adaptation? Exploring Policy Interplay Across Different Scales of Governance. Global Environmental Change, 18, 180–191.
  • Resmi Belgeler:
  • Amsterdam Antlaşması. (1997). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C 340.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu. (2007). Yeşil Kitap, “Adapting to Climate Change in Europe – Options for EU Action”, Brussels, COM(2007) 354 final.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu, (2009). Beyaz Kitap, “Adapting to Climate Change: Towards a European Framework for Action, Brussels”, COM(2009) 147/4.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu. (2013) “An EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change”, Brussels, COM(2013)216 final.
  • Avrupa Birliği Konseyi. (2006). “Renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy”, Brussels,10117/06.
  • Avrupa Birliği Konseyi. (2015). “Energy Union Package: A Framework Strategy for a Resillient Energy Union with a Forward Looking Climate Change Policy”, Brussels, COM(2015) 80 final.
  • Avrupa Birliği Sürdürülebilir Kakınma Stratejisi. (2001). “A Sustainable Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development”, COM(2001) 264.
  • Avrupa Birliği Üçüncü Çevre Eylem Programı. (1983). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C46..
  • Avrupa Birliği Dördüncü Çevre Eylem Programı. (1987). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C328.
  • Avrupa Birliği Beşinci Çevre Eylem Programı. (1993). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C138.
  • Avrupa Birliği Altıncı Çevre Eylem Programı. (2002). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: L242.
  • Avrupa Birliği Yedinci Çevre Eylem Programı. (2013). Official Journal of the European Communities, 1386/2013/EU.
  • Avrupa Tek Senedi. (1987). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: L 169.
  • İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi. (1992). Birleşmiş Milletler.
  • Kyoto Protokolü (1997). Birleşmiş Milletler.
  • Lizbon Antlaşması. (2007). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C 306.
  • Maastricht Antlaşması. (1992). Official Journal of the European Communities, No: C 191.
  • Paris İklim Antlaşması (2015). Birleşmiş Milletler.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Feza Sencer Çörtoğlu 0000-0002-1287-8000

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çörtoğlu, F. S. (2019). Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi. Contemporary Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 3(1), 197-222.
AMA Çörtoğlu FS. Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi. CONRESS. Haziran 2019;3(1):197-222.
Chicago Çörtoğlu, Feza Sencer. “Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi”. Contemporary Research in Economics and Social Sciences 3, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 197-222.
EndNote Çörtoğlu FS (01 Haziran 2019) Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi. Contemporary Research in Economics and Social Sciences 3 1 197–222.
IEEE F. S. Çörtoğlu, “Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi”, CONRESS, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 197–222, 2019.
ISNAD Çörtoğlu, Feza Sencer. “Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi”. Contemporary Research in Economics and Social Sciences 3/1 (Haziran 2019), 197-222.
JAMA Çörtoğlu FS. Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi. CONRESS. 2019;3:197–222.
MLA Çörtoğlu, Feza Sencer. “Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi”. Contemporary Research in Economics and Social Sciences, c. 3, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 197-22.
Vancouver Çörtoğlu FS. Avrupa Birliği İklim Politikasının Bütünleşmesi’nde Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma’nın Etkisi. CONRESS. 2019;3(1):197-222.