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Romantik İlişki Kalitesinin Yordayıcıları: Duygu Düzenleme, Bağlanma ve Ebeveynlik Stilleri Rolünün incelenmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 67 - 80, 31.12.2023


Sosyal varlıklar olarak insanlar hayatlarındaki ilişkilere merkezi bir önem verirler. ilişkilerdeki önem ise ilişkinin kalitesi doğrultusunda yön almaya devam eder. Bu doğrultuda ilişkilerin kalitesi gerek aile yapısını gerekse sosyal düzeni etkileyen önemli bir etmen olmuştur. Bu kapsamda değerlendirildiğinde bir çok ilişki türünden bahsedebiliriz. Çeşitli ilişki türleri arasında romantik ilişkiler, insanların genel refahına önemli bir katkı sağlayan bir faktör olarak öne çıkıyor. Konuyla ilgili yapılan araştırmaların çokluğu konunun önemini vurgulamaktadır. Romantik ilişkilerin kalitesini etkileyen en kapsamlı araştırılan faktörler arasında duygu düzenleme, bağlanma stili ve ebeveynlik tarzı yer almaktadır. Bireysel olarak bu faktörlerin romantik ilişkilerin kalitesini yordadığı görülmütür. Bu inceleme, izolasyon yerine bir bütünlük içerisinde çalışan bu yordayıcıların birbirine bağlılığını vurgulamayı amaçlamaktadır. Birçok çalışma ebeveynlik stili, bağlanma stili ve duygu düzenleme arasındaki karmaşık ilişkileri vurgulamıştır. Bu etkileşim göz önüne alındığında, romantik ilişkilerin kalitesi üzerindeki birleşik etkide hangi faktörün yordayıcı, hangisinin aracı olarak görev yaptığını ayırt etmek için gelecekteki araştırmalara bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • REFERENCES Auslander, B. A., Short, M. B., Succop, P. A., & Rosenthal, S. L. (2009). Associations between parenting behaviors and adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(1), 98-101.
  • Azizi, B., Radpey, L., & Alipour, O. (2015). The relation between emotion regulation strategies and marital satisfaction of youths in sardasht. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. 5(1), 5555-5560.
  • Barnett, D., Clements, M., Kaplan-Estrin, M., & Fialka, J. (2003). Building new dreams: Supporting parents' adaptation to their child with special needs. Infants & Young Children, 16(3), 184-200.
  • Baumrind, D. (1966). Effects of authoritative parental control on child behavior. Child Development, 37(4), 887-907.
  • Baumrind, D. (1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology, 4(1, Pt.2), 1–103.
  • Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.
  • Berscheid, E. (1999). The greening of relationship science. American Psychologist, 54(4), 260–266.
  • Bogaerts, S., Daalder, A. L., Van Der Knaap, L. M., Kunst, M. J., & Buschman, J. (2008). Critical incident, adult attachment style, and posttraumatic stress disorder: A comparison of three groups of security workers. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 36(8), 1063-1072.
  • Bradbury, T. N., Fincham, F. D., & Beach, S. R. (2000). Research on the nature and determinants of marital satisfaction: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 62(4), 964-980.
  • Braithwaite, S. R., Delevi, R., & Fincham, F. D. (2010). Romantic relationships and the physical and mental health of college students. Personal relationships, 17(1), 1-12.
  • Bretherton, I. (1992). The origins of attachment theory: john bowlby and mary ainsworth. Developmental Psychology, 28, 759-775.
  • Brunell, A. B., Kernis, M. H., Goldman, B. M., Heppner, W., Davis, P., Cascio, E. V., & Webster, G. D. (2010). Dispositional authenticity and romantic relationship functioning. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(8), 900-905.
  • Collins, N. L., & Read, S. J. (1990). Adult attachment, working models, and relationship quality in dating couples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(4), 644-663.
  • Collins, W. A. (2003). More than myth: The developmental significance of romantic relationships during adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 13(1), 1-24.
  • Collins, W., A., Welsh, D., P., & Furman, W. (2009). Adolescent romantic relationships. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 631-652.
  • Conger, R. D., Cui, M., Bryant, C. M., & Elder, G. H., Jr. (2000). Competence in early adult romantic relationships: A developmental perspective on family influences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(2), 224–237.
  • Connolly, J., Craig, W., Goldberg, A., & Pepler, D. (2004). Mixed‐gender groups, dating, and romantic relationships in early adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 14(2), 185-207.
  • Davidson, R. J., Putnam, K. M., & Larson, C. L. (2000). Dysfunction in the neural circuitry of emotion regulation--a possible prelude to violence. Science, 289(5479), 591-594.
  • Del Toro, M. (2012). The influence of parent-child attachment on romantic relationships. McNair Scholars Research Journal, 8(1), 1-5.
  • Doinita N., E., & Maria, N., D. (2015). Attachment and parenting styles. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 203, 199-204.
  • Eisenberg, N., Spinrad, T. L., Fabes, R. A., Reiser, M., Cumberland, A., Shepard, S. A., ... & Thompson, M. (2004). The relations of effortful control and impulsivity to children's resiliency and adjustment. Child development, 75(1), 25-46.
  • Feeney, J. A., & Noller, P. (1990). Attachment style as a predictor of adult romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(2), 281–291.
  • Gonzalez, A. R., Holbein, M. F. D., & Quilter, S. (2002). High school students' goal orientations and their relationship to perceived parenting styles. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27(3), 450-470.
  • Greenfield, S., & Thelen, M. (1997). Validation of the fear of intimacy scale with a lesbian and gay male population. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14(5), 707-716.
  • Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (1998). Mapping the domain of expressivity: multimethod evidence for a hierarchical model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(1), 170-191.
  • Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348–362.
  • Halford, W. K., Kelly, A. B., & Markman, H. (1997). The concept of marital health. W. K. Halford, H. Markman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marriage and couples therapy. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hamon, J. D., & Schrodt, P. (2012). Do parenting styles moderate the association between family conformity orientation and young adults' mental well-being?. Journal of Family Communication, 12(2), 151-166.
  • Hatamy, A, Fathi, E., Gorji, Z., & Esmaeily, M. (2011). The relationship between parenting styles and attachment styles in men and women with infidelity. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 3743–3747.
  • Hazan, C., & Shaver, P. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 511–524.
  • Herzog, T. K., Hill-Chapman, C., Hardy, T. K., Wrighten, S. A., & El-Khabbaz, R. (2015). Trait emotion, emotional regulation, and parenting styles. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5(2), 119-135.
  • Hofmann, S. G., Grossman, P., & Hinton, D. E. (2011). Loving-kindness and compassion meditation: Potential for psychological interventions. Clinical psychology Review, 31(7), 1126-1132.
  • Hoskins, D., H. (2014). Consequences of parenting on adolescent outcomes. Societies, 4, 506–531.
  • Impett, E. A., Kogan, A., English, T., John, O., Oveis, C., Gordon, A. M., & Keltner, D. (2012). Suppression sours sacrifice: Emotional and relational costs of suppressing emotions in romantic relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(6), 707-720.
  • Jabeen, F., Anis-ul-Haque, M., & Riaz, M. N. (2013). Parenting styles as predictors of emotion regulation among adolescents. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 28(1), 85-105.
  • Karre, J. K. (2015). Fathering behavior and emerging adult romantic relationship quality: Individual and constellations of behavior. Journal of Adult Development, 22, 148-158.
  • Kochanska, G., Kuczynski, L., & Radke-Yarrow, M. (1989). Correspondence between mothers' self-reported and observed child-rearing practices. Child Development, 60(1), 56-63.
  • Lazarus, R. S. (1993). From psychological stress to thee emotions: A history of changing outlooks. Annual Review of Psychology, 44, 1-21.
  • Locke, K. D. (2008). Attachment styles and interpersonal approach and avoidance goals in everyday couple interactions. Personal Relationships, 15(3), 359–374.
  • Maccoby, E. E. (1994). The role of parents in the socialization of children: An historical overview. R. D. Parke, P. A. Ornstein, J. J. Rieser, & C. Zahn-Waxler (Eds.), A century of developmental psychology (pp. 589–615). American Psychological Association.
  • Mahasneh, A. M., Al-Zoubi, Z. H., Batayenh, O. T., & Jawarneh, M. S. (2013). The relationship between parenting styles and adult attachment styles from Jordan university students. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 3(6), 1431-1441
  • Maldonado, R. C., DiLillo, D., & Hoffman, L. (2015). Can college students use emotion regulation strategies to alter intimate partner aggression-risk behaviors? An examination using I³ theory. Psychology of Violence, 5(1), 46–55.
  • Matta, W. J. (2006). Relationship sabotage: Unconscious factors that destroy couples, marriages, and families. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Mikulincer, M. (1998). Adult attachment style and individual differences in functional versus dysfunctional experiences of anger. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(2), 513–524.
  • Mikulincer, M., Dolev, T., & Shaver, P. R. (2004). Attachment-related strategies during thought suppression: Ironic rebounds and vulnerable self-representations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87(6), 940–956.
  • Miller, P. M., & Commons, M. L. (2010). The benefits of attachment parenting for infants and children: A behavioral developmental view. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 16(1), 1–14.
  • Morgan, H. J., Shaver, P. R. (1999). Attachment Processes and Commitment to Romantic Relationships. J. M. Adams, & W. H. Jones, (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal commitment and relationship stability. Perspectives on individual differences. Springer.
  • Morris, A. S., Silk, J. S., Steinberg, L., Myers, S. S., & Robinson, L. R. (2007). The role of the family context in the development of emotion regulation. Social Development, 16, 361–388.
  • Neal, J., & Frick-Horbury, D. (2001). The effects of parenting styles and childhood attachment patterns on intimate relationships. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 28(3). Retrieved from
  • Noppaprach, S., Blauw, J., & Tuicomepee A. (2015). A causal model of the direct and indirect impact of insecure attachment styles on romantic relationship satisfaction mediated by emotion regulation strategies and psychological distress. Scholar: Human Science 7(2).
  • Pearson, A. L. (2013). The impact of parenting styles on the emotional regulation of adolescents. Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers.
  • Pietromonaco, P. R., Barrett, L. F., & Powers, S. I. (2006). Adult attachment theory and affective reactivity and regulation. D. K. Snyder, J. Simpson & J. N. Hughes (Eds.), Emotion regulation in couples and families: Pathways to dysfunction and health (pp. 57–74). American Psychological Association.
  • Pistole, M. C., & Vocaturo, L. C. (1999). Attachment and commitment in college students' romantic relationships. Journal of College Student Development, 40(6), 710–720.
  • Putzke, J. D., Elliott, T. R., & Richards, J. S. (2001). Marital status and adjustment 1 year post-spinal-cord-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 8, 101-107.
  • Richards, J. M., Butler, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). Emotion regulation in romantic relationships: The cognitive consequences of concealing feelings. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20(5), 599-620.
  • Righetti, F., Balliet, D., Visserman M. (2015). Trust and the suppression of emotions during sacrifice in close relationships. Social Cognition, 33(5), 505–519.
  • Roche, K. M., Ahmed, S., & Blum, R. W. (2008). Enduring consequences of parenting for risk behaviors from adolescence into early adulthood. Social Science & Medicine, 66(9), 2023-2034.
  • Rom, E., & Mikulincer, M. (2003). Attachment theory and group processes: The association between attachment style and group-related representations, goals, memories, and functioning. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(6), 1220–1235.
  • Rothrauff, T. C., Cooney, T. M., & An, J. S. (2009). Remembered parenting styles and adjustment in middle and late adulthood. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64(1), 137-146.
  • Sahithya, B. R., Manohari, S. M., & Vijaya, R. (2019). Parenting styles and its impact on children a cross cultural review with a focus on India. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22(4), 357-383.
  • Sillars, A. L., Weisberg, J., Burggraf, C. S., & Zietlow, P. H. (1990). Communication and understanding revisited: Married couples' understanding and recall of conversations. Communication Research, 17(4), 500-522.
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Predictors of Romantic Relationship Quality: Exploring the Role of Emotion Regulation, Attachment, and Parenting styles

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 67 - 80, 31.12.2023


As social beings, humans place a central emphasis on relationships in their lives. The importance of relationships continues to depend on the quality of the relationship. In this regard, the quality of relationships has become an important factor affecting both family structure and social order. When evaluated in this context, we can talk about many types of relationships. Among the various relationship types, romantic relationships stand out as a significant contributor to people's overall well-being. The abundance of research studies conducted on the subject underscores its paramount importance. Among the most extensively researched factors influencing the quality of romantic relationships are emotion regulation, attachment style, and parenting style. Individually, these factors have been shown to predict the quality of romantic relationships. This review aims to highlight the interconnectedness of these predictors, working in synergy rather than isolation. Multiple studies have highlighted the complex relationships between parenting style, attachment style, and emotion regulation. Given this interplay, a recommendation is made for future research to discern which factor acts as a predictor and which one serves as a mediator in their combined influence on the quality of romantic relationships.


  • REFERENCES Auslander, B. A., Short, M. B., Succop, P. A., & Rosenthal, S. L. (2009). Associations between parenting behaviors and adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(1), 98-101.
  • Azizi, B., Radpey, L., & Alipour, O. (2015). The relation between emotion regulation strategies and marital satisfaction of youths in sardasht. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences. 5(1), 5555-5560.
  • Barnett, D., Clements, M., Kaplan-Estrin, M., & Fialka, J. (2003). Building new dreams: Supporting parents' adaptation to their child with special needs. Infants & Young Children, 16(3), 184-200.
  • Baumrind, D. (1966). Effects of authoritative parental control on child behavior. Child Development, 37(4), 887-907.
  • Baumrind, D. (1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology, 4(1, Pt.2), 1–103.
  • Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1), 56-95.
  • Berscheid, E. (1999). The greening of relationship science. American Psychologist, 54(4), 260–266.
  • Bogaerts, S., Daalder, A. L., Van Der Knaap, L. M., Kunst, M. J., & Buschman, J. (2008). Critical incident, adult attachment style, and posttraumatic stress disorder: A comparison of three groups of security workers. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 36(8), 1063-1072.
  • Bradbury, T. N., Fincham, F. D., & Beach, S. R. (2000). Research on the nature and determinants of marital satisfaction: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 62(4), 964-980.
  • Braithwaite, S. R., Delevi, R., & Fincham, F. D. (2010). Romantic relationships and the physical and mental health of college students. Personal relationships, 17(1), 1-12.
  • Bretherton, I. (1992). The origins of attachment theory: john bowlby and mary ainsworth. Developmental Psychology, 28, 759-775.
  • Brunell, A. B., Kernis, M. H., Goldman, B. M., Heppner, W., Davis, P., Cascio, E. V., & Webster, G. D. (2010). Dispositional authenticity and romantic relationship functioning. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(8), 900-905.
  • Collins, N. L., & Read, S. J. (1990). Adult attachment, working models, and relationship quality in dating couples. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(4), 644-663.
  • Collins, W. A. (2003). More than myth: The developmental significance of romantic relationships during adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 13(1), 1-24.
  • Collins, W., A., Welsh, D., P., & Furman, W. (2009). Adolescent romantic relationships. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 631-652.
  • Conger, R. D., Cui, M., Bryant, C. M., & Elder, G. H., Jr. (2000). Competence in early adult romantic relationships: A developmental perspective on family influences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(2), 224–237.
  • Connolly, J., Craig, W., Goldberg, A., & Pepler, D. (2004). Mixed‐gender groups, dating, and romantic relationships in early adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 14(2), 185-207.
  • Davidson, R. J., Putnam, K. M., & Larson, C. L. (2000). Dysfunction in the neural circuitry of emotion regulation--a possible prelude to violence. Science, 289(5479), 591-594.
  • Del Toro, M. (2012). The influence of parent-child attachment on romantic relationships. McNair Scholars Research Journal, 8(1), 1-5.
  • Doinita N., E., & Maria, N., D. (2015). Attachment and parenting styles. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 203, 199-204.
  • Eisenberg, N., Spinrad, T. L., Fabes, R. A., Reiser, M., Cumberland, A., Shepard, S. A., ... & Thompson, M. (2004). The relations of effortful control and impulsivity to children's resiliency and adjustment. Child development, 75(1), 25-46.
  • Feeney, J. A., & Noller, P. (1990). Attachment style as a predictor of adult romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(2), 281–291.
  • Gonzalez, A. R., Holbein, M. F. D., & Quilter, S. (2002). High school students' goal orientations and their relationship to perceived parenting styles. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27(3), 450-470.
  • Greenfield, S., & Thelen, M. (1997). Validation of the fear of intimacy scale with a lesbian and gay male population. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14(5), 707-716.
  • Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (1998). Mapping the domain of expressivity: multimethod evidence for a hierarchical model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(1), 170-191.
  • Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (2003). Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85(2), 348–362.
  • Halford, W. K., Kelly, A. B., & Markman, H. (1997). The concept of marital health. W. K. Halford, H. Markman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marriage and couples therapy. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hamon, J. D., & Schrodt, P. (2012). Do parenting styles moderate the association between family conformity orientation and young adults' mental well-being?. Journal of Family Communication, 12(2), 151-166.
  • Hatamy, A, Fathi, E., Gorji, Z., & Esmaeily, M. (2011). The relationship between parenting styles and attachment styles in men and women with infidelity. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 3743–3747.
  • Hazan, C., & Shaver, P. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 511–524.
  • Herzog, T. K., Hill-Chapman, C., Hardy, T. K., Wrighten, S. A., & El-Khabbaz, R. (2015). Trait emotion, emotional regulation, and parenting styles. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5(2), 119-135.
  • Hofmann, S. G., Grossman, P., & Hinton, D. E. (2011). Loving-kindness and compassion meditation: Potential for psychological interventions. Clinical psychology Review, 31(7), 1126-1132.
  • Hoskins, D., H. (2014). Consequences of parenting on adolescent outcomes. Societies, 4, 506–531.
  • Impett, E. A., Kogan, A., English, T., John, O., Oveis, C., Gordon, A. M., & Keltner, D. (2012). Suppression sours sacrifice: Emotional and relational costs of suppressing emotions in romantic relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(6), 707-720.
  • Jabeen, F., Anis-ul-Haque, M., & Riaz, M. N. (2013). Parenting styles as predictors of emotion regulation among adolescents. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 28(1), 85-105.
  • Karre, J. K. (2015). Fathering behavior and emerging adult romantic relationship quality: Individual and constellations of behavior. Journal of Adult Development, 22, 148-158.
  • Kochanska, G., Kuczynski, L., & Radke-Yarrow, M. (1989). Correspondence between mothers' self-reported and observed child-rearing practices. Child Development, 60(1), 56-63.
  • Lazarus, R. S. (1993). From psychological stress to thee emotions: A history of changing outlooks. Annual Review of Psychology, 44, 1-21.
  • Locke, K. D. (2008). Attachment styles and interpersonal approach and avoidance goals in everyday couple interactions. Personal Relationships, 15(3), 359–374.
  • Maccoby, E. E. (1994). The role of parents in the socialization of children: An historical overview. R. D. Parke, P. A. Ornstein, J. J. Rieser, & C. Zahn-Waxler (Eds.), A century of developmental psychology (pp. 589–615). American Psychological Association.
  • Mahasneh, A. M., Al-Zoubi, Z. H., Batayenh, O. T., & Jawarneh, M. S. (2013). The relationship between parenting styles and adult attachment styles from Jordan university students. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 3(6), 1431-1441
  • Maldonado, R. C., DiLillo, D., & Hoffman, L. (2015). Can college students use emotion regulation strategies to alter intimate partner aggression-risk behaviors? An examination using I³ theory. Psychology of Violence, 5(1), 46–55.
  • Matta, W. J. (2006). Relationship sabotage: Unconscious factors that destroy couples, marriages, and families. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Mikulincer, M. (1998). Adult attachment style and individual differences in functional versus dysfunctional experiences of anger. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(2), 513–524.
  • Mikulincer, M., Dolev, T., & Shaver, P. R. (2004). Attachment-related strategies during thought suppression: Ironic rebounds and vulnerable self-representations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87(6), 940–956.
  • Miller, P. M., & Commons, M. L. (2010). The benefits of attachment parenting for infants and children: A behavioral developmental view. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 16(1), 1–14.
  • Morgan, H. J., Shaver, P. R. (1999). Attachment Processes and Commitment to Romantic Relationships. J. M. Adams, & W. H. Jones, (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal commitment and relationship stability. Perspectives on individual differences. Springer.
  • Morris, A. S., Silk, J. S., Steinberg, L., Myers, S. S., & Robinson, L. R. (2007). The role of the family context in the development of emotion regulation. Social Development, 16, 361–388.
  • Neal, J., & Frick-Horbury, D. (2001). The effects of parenting styles and childhood attachment patterns on intimate relationships. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 28(3). Retrieved from
  • Noppaprach, S., Blauw, J., & Tuicomepee A. (2015). A causal model of the direct and indirect impact of insecure attachment styles on romantic relationship satisfaction mediated by emotion regulation strategies and psychological distress. Scholar: Human Science 7(2).
  • Pearson, A. L. (2013). The impact of parenting styles on the emotional regulation of adolescents. Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers.
  • Pietromonaco, P. R., Barrett, L. F., & Powers, S. I. (2006). Adult attachment theory and affective reactivity and regulation. D. K. Snyder, J. Simpson & J. N. Hughes (Eds.), Emotion regulation in couples and families: Pathways to dysfunction and health (pp. 57–74). American Psychological Association.
  • Pistole, M. C., & Vocaturo, L. C. (1999). Attachment and commitment in college students' romantic relationships. Journal of College Student Development, 40(6), 710–720.
  • Putzke, J. D., Elliott, T. R., & Richards, J. S. (2001). Marital status and adjustment 1 year post-spinal-cord-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 8, 101-107.
  • Richards, J. M., Butler, E. A., & Gross, J. J. (2003). Emotion regulation in romantic relationships: The cognitive consequences of concealing feelings. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20(5), 599-620.
  • Righetti, F., Balliet, D., Visserman M. (2015). Trust and the suppression of emotions during sacrifice in close relationships. Social Cognition, 33(5), 505–519.
  • Roche, K. M., Ahmed, S., & Blum, R. W. (2008). Enduring consequences of parenting for risk behaviors from adolescence into early adulthood. Social Science & Medicine, 66(9), 2023-2034.
  • Rom, E., & Mikulincer, M. (2003). Attachment theory and group processes: The association between attachment style and group-related representations, goals, memories, and functioning. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(6), 1220–1235.
  • Rothrauff, T. C., Cooney, T. M., & An, J. S. (2009). Remembered parenting styles and adjustment in middle and late adulthood. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64(1), 137-146.
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyal ve Kişilik Psikolojisi (Diğer)
Bölüm Derlemeler

Ahmet Temel 0000-0002-6336-7091

Ahmed Dawd 0000-0002-3030-7017

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Temel, A., & Dawd, A. (2023). Predictors of Romantic Relationship Quality: Exploring the Role of Emotion Regulation, Attachment, and Parenting styles. Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, 3(2), 67-80.

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