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Lise Öğrencilerinin Biyoloji Öğrenmeye Yönelik Motivasyonları

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 48 Sayı: 1, 945 - 959, 21.04.2019


Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyet (KKTC)’de biyoloji
dersi öğretimi programının vizyonu, biyoloji okur-yazar bireyler
yetiştirmektir. Motivasyon, biyoloji dersi öğretimi vizyonunda önemli bir rol
oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Lefkoşa’da iki farklı lise türünde okuyan 9.
öğrencilerin biyoloji öğrenmeye
yönelik motivasyonları değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, Kıbrıslı Türk
öğrencilerin biyolojiyi öğrenmeye istekli oldukları görülmüştür. Öğrencilerin
biyoloji öğrenmeye yönelik motivasyonları öğrenme ortamının etkisi açısından
cinsiyete göre değişmektedir. Erkek öğrencilerin kız öğrencilere göre motive
olmaları daha yüksektir. Ayrıca bu örneklemde aktif öğrenme stratejisi ve
öğrenme ortamının etkisi, biyoloji öğrenmeye değer verme için yordayıcılardır.
  Son olarak biyoloji öğrenmeye yönelik
motivasyon ölçeğinin alt boyutları arasında olumlu yönde, orta ve düşük
seviyeli bir ilişki söz konusudur. 


  • Barlia, L. (1999). High school students’ motivation to engage in conceptual change-learning in science (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA.
  • Başer, M. (2007). The contribution of learning motivation, reasoning ability and learning orientation to ninth grade international baccalaureate and national program students’ understanding of mitosis and meiosis. Master Thesis, 1-144. Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Bieg, S. Backes, S. & Mittag, W. (2011). The role of intrinsic motivation for teaching, teachers’ care and autonomy support in students’ self-determined motivation. Journal for Educational Research Online, 3(1), 122-140.
  • Bryan, R. R, Glynn, S. M. & Kittlesson, J. M. (2011). Motivation, achievement, and advanced placement ıntent of high school students learning science. Science Education, 95, 1049-1065.
  • DeBacker, T. K & Nelson, M. R. (1999). Variations on an expectancy-value model of motivation in science. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 24, 71-94.
  • Deci, E. L. & Ryan, R. M. (1993). A self-determination theory of motivation and its meaning for the pedagogy. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 39(2), 224-238.
  • Fortier, M. S. Vallerand, R. J. & Guay, F. (1995). Academic motivation and school performance: Toward a structural model. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20, 257-274.
  • Gegenfurtner, A. & Vauras, M. (2012). “Age-related differences in the relation between motivation to learn and transfer of training in adult continuing education. Contemorary Educaitional Psychology, 37, 33-46.
  • Glasow, P. A. (2005). Fundamentals of survey research methodology. Retrieved January, 18, 2013.
  • Green, J., Nelson, G., Martin A. J. & Marsh, H. (2006). The causal ordering of self-concept academic motivasyon and its effect on academic achievement. International Education Journal, 7(4), 534-546.
  • Glynn, S. M., Aultman, L. P. & Owens, A. M. (2005). Motivation to learn in general education programs. The Journal of General Education, 54(2), 150-170.
  • Günay, D., Günay, A. & Atatekin, E. (2013). Shake in the Basic Sciences in Turkey: The Country’s Shake. Journal of Higher Education and Science, 3(2), 85-96, DOI: 10.5961/jhes.2013.063.
  • Güngören, S. (2009). The effect of grade level on elementary school students’ motivational beliefs in science. Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Huitt, W. (2011). Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from .
  • Hussein, G. (2010). The Attitudes of Undergraduate Students Towards Motivation and Technology in a Foreign Language Classroom. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 14-24,
  • Jones, M. G., Howe, A. & Rua, M. J. (2000). Gender differences in students’ experiences, interests and attitudes toward science and scientists. Science Education, 84,180-192.
  • KMK (2004). Education standards in biology for the secondary education. Germany,
  • Keller, J. M. (2008). First principles of motivation to learn and e3 – learning. Distance Education, 29(2), 175 – 185.
  • Mansfield, C., F. (2010). Motivating adolescents: Goals for Australian students in secondary schools. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 10, 44-55.
  • MEB (2013). Biology Curriculum. Turkey.
  • Meece, J. L., Glienke, B., B. & Burg, S. (2006). Gender and motivation. Society for the Study of School Psychology, 44, 351-373.
  • Meece, J. L. & Jones M., G. (1996). Gender differences in motivation and strategy use in science: Are girls’ role learners? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(4), 393-406.
  • Müller, V. (2003). Fostering motivation in students with learning disability. Munchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
  • Olatoye, R., A. (2009). Students’ anxiety, motivation for examinations and science achievement in junior secondary schools in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 1(10), 194-199.
  • Öksüzoğlu-Güven, M. (2013). Challenges in achieving high motivation and performance in Educational Management: Case Study of a North Cyprus Public High School. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Special Issue, 3(6), 20-26.
  • Parker, J. C. (2007). Gender differences in the motivation to learn. Master thesis ( Accession89-10MIT). The Evergreen State College, Washignton, USA.
  • Patrick, A. O., Kpangban, E. & Chibueze, O. O. (2007). Motivation effect on test score of senior secondary school science students. Studies on Home and Community Science (Stud Home Comm Sci), 1(1), 54-64.
  • Prokop, P., Tuncer, G. & Chude, J. (2007). Slovakian students’ attitudes towards biology. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 3(4), 287-295.
  • Rheinberg, F. (2004). Instrische Motivation und Flow-Erleben.
  • Salta, K., & Koulougliotis, D. (2012). Students’ Motivation to Learn Chemistry: The Greek Case. Conference Proceedings of 1st International Conference in “New Perspectives in Science Education”, pp. 308 – 311, Florence, Italy 8-9 March, 2012. ( download/Paper_pdf/292-SSE20-FP-Salta-NPSE2012.pdf).
  • Thoe, Ng. K., Thah, S. S. & Fook, F. S. (2010). Development of a questionnaire to evaluate students’ perceived motivation towards science learning incorporating ICT tool. Malaysian Journal Technology, 10(1), 39-55.
  • Tuan, H. L., Chin, C. C. & Sheih, S. H. (2005a). The development of a questionnaire to measure students’ motivation towards science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 639-654.
  • Tuan, H. L., Chin, C. C., Tsai, C. C. & Cheng, S. F. (2005b). Investigation the effectiveness of inquiry instruction on the motivation of different learning styles students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3, 541-566.
  • Valdosta, G. A. (2012). Motivation. Valdosta State University.
  • Vilbar, B. (2007). The Importance of biology in general education. The International conference GENIal future – genetics, determinism and freedom, 4.-5. October 2007, Druzba, Slovenia.
  • Yau, H. K., Kan, M. S., & Cheng, L. F. A. (2011). Gender differences on intrinsic motivation in Hong Kong higher education. E-Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership, 9(2), 63-80.

High School Students’ Motivation Towards Biology Learning

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 48 Sayı: 1, 945 - 959, 21.04.2019


The vision of the biology curriculum in the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is to improve the students' biology
literacy. Motivation plays an important role in this vision of biology
curriculum. In this study, we examined the motivation levels of 9th grade
students attending two different schools in Nicosia. The findings have shown that
Turkish Cypriot high school students are eager to learn biology. Results have
shown that there is a significant gender difference in stimulation of learning
environment between the science high school students. It has been also that
male students were better motivated in stimulation of learning environment of
biology than female students. In addition, active learning strategy and
stimulation of learning environment are significant predictors for biology
learning value for these samples. Finally, it has been also found that there
are positive, mid, and low-level relations among the motivation subscales.


  • Barlia, L. (1999). High school students’ motivation to engage in conceptual change-learning in science (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA.
  • Başer, M. (2007). The contribution of learning motivation, reasoning ability and learning orientation to ninth grade international baccalaureate and national program students’ understanding of mitosis and meiosis. Master Thesis, 1-144. Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Bieg, S. Backes, S. & Mittag, W. (2011). The role of intrinsic motivation for teaching, teachers’ care and autonomy support in students’ self-determined motivation. Journal for Educational Research Online, 3(1), 122-140.
  • Bryan, R. R, Glynn, S. M. & Kittlesson, J. M. (2011). Motivation, achievement, and advanced placement ıntent of high school students learning science. Science Education, 95, 1049-1065.
  • DeBacker, T. K & Nelson, M. R. (1999). Variations on an expectancy-value model of motivation in science. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 24, 71-94.
  • Deci, E. L. & Ryan, R. M. (1993). A self-determination theory of motivation and its meaning for the pedagogy. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 39(2), 224-238.
  • Fortier, M. S. Vallerand, R. J. & Guay, F. (1995). Academic motivation and school performance: Toward a structural model. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 20, 257-274.
  • Gegenfurtner, A. & Vauras, M. (2012). “Age-related differences in the relation between motivation to learn and transfer of training in adult continuing education. Contemorary Educaitional Psychology, 37, 33-46.
  • Glasow, P. A. (2005). Fundamentals of survey research methodology. Retrieved January, 18, 2013.
  • Green, J., Nelson, G., Martin A. J. & Marsh, H. (2006). The causal ordering of self-concept academic motivasyon and its effect on academic achievement. International Education Journal, 7(4), 534-546.
  • Glynn, S. M., Aultman, L. P. & Owens, A. M. (2005). Motivation to learn in general education programs. The Journal of General Education, 54(2), 150-170.
  • Günay, D., Günay, A. & Atatekin, E. (2013). Shake in the Basic Sciences in Turkey: The Country’s Shake. Journal of Higher Education and Science, 3(2), 85-96, DOI: 10.5961/jhes.2013.063.
  • Güngören, S. (2009). The effect of grade level on elementary school students’ motivational beliefs in science. Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Huitt, W. (2011). Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from .
  • Hussein, G. (2010). The Attitudes of Undergraduate Students Towards Motivation and Technology in a Foreign Language Classroom. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2(2), 14-24,
  • Jones, M. G., Howe, A. & Rua, M. J. (2000). Gender differences in students’ experiences, interests and attitudes toward science and scientists. Science Education, 84,180-192.
  • KMK (2004). Education standards in biology for the secondary education. Germany,
  • Keller, J. M. (2008). First principles of motivation to learn and e3 – learning. Distance Education, 29(2), 175 – 185.
  • Mansfield, C., F. (2010). Motivating adolescents: Goals for Australian students in secondary schools. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 10, 44-55.
  • MEB (2013). Biology Curriculum. Turkey.
  • Meece, J. L., Glienke, B., B. & Burg, S. (2006). Gender and motivation. Society for the Study of School Psychology, 44, 351-373.
  • Meece, J. L. & Jones M., G. (1996). Gender differences in motivation and strategy use in science: Are girls’ role learners? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(4), 393-406.
  • Müller, V. (2003). Fostering motivation in students with learning disability. Munchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
  • Olatoye, R., A. (2009). Students’ anxiety, motivation for examinations and science achievement in junior secondary schools in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 1(10), 194-199.
  • Öksüzoğlu-Güven, M. (2013). Challenges in achieving high motivation and performance in Educational Management: Case Study of a North Cyprus Public High School. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Special Issue, 3(6), 20-26.
  • Parker, J. C. (2007). Gender differences in the motivation to learn. Master thesis ( Accession89-10MIT). The Evergreen State College, Washignton, USA.
  • Patrick, A. O., Kpangban, E. & Chibueze, O. O. (2007). Motivation effect on test score of senior secondary school science students. Studies on Home and Community Science (Stud Home Comm Sci), 1(1), 54-64.
  • Prokop, P., Tuncer, G. & Chude, J. (2007). Slovakian students’ attitudes towards biology. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 3(4), 287-295.
  • Rheinberg, F. (2004). Instrische Motivation und Flow-Erleben.
  • Salta, K., & Koulougliotis, D. (2012). Students’ Motivation to Learn Chemistry: The Greek Case. Conference Proceedings of 1st International Conference in “New Perspectives in Science Education”, pp. 308 – 311, Florence, Italy 8-9 March, 2012. ( download/Paper_pdf/292-SSE20-FP-Salta-NPSE2012.pdf).
  • Thoe, Ng. K., Thah, S. S. & Fook, F. S. (2010). Development of a questionnaire to evaluate students’ perceived motivation towards science learning incorporating ICT tool. Malaysian Journal Technology, 10(1), 39-55.
  • Tuan, H. L., Chin, C. C. & Sheih, S. H. (2005a). The development of a questionnaire to measure students’ motivation towards science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 27(6), 639-654.
  • Tuan, H. L., Chin, C. C., Tsai, C. C. & Cheng, S. F. (2005b). Investigation the effectiveness of inquiry instruction on the motivation of different learning styles students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3, 541-566.
  • Valdosta, G. A. (2012). Motivation. Valdosta State University.
  • Vilbar, B. (2007). The Importance of biology in general education. The International conference GENIal future – genetics, determinism and freedom, 4.-5. October 2007, Druzba, Slovenia.
  • Yau, H. K., Kan, M. S., & Cheng, L. F. A. (2011). Gender differences on intrinsic motivation in Hong Kong higher education. E-Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership, 9(2), 63-80.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Serap Özbaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Nisan 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Şubat 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 48 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özbaş, S. (2019). High School Students’ Motivation Towards Biology Learning. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 48(1), 945-959.

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Cukurova University Faculty of Education

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