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Bağımsız Denetim Beklenti Farkı

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 153 - 174, 29.12.2017


Denetim literatürünün son yıllardaki odak noktalarından birisini “bağımsız denetim beklenti farkının” incelenmesi
oluşturmaktadır. Kamu ve bağımsız denetçiler, denetçilerin görev ve sorumlulukları ile denetim raporunda iletilen
mesajlar konusunda farklı inançlar ve algılara sahiptirler. Bu farklı inanç ve algılar denetim beklenti farkına neden
olmaktadır. Literatüre göre bağımsız denetimin olasılığa dayanan doğası, bilgisizlik ve makul olmayan beklentiler
bağımsız denetim beklenti farkına yol açmaktadır. Kapsamlı literatür taraması niteliğinde “bağımsız denetim
beklenti farkının” detaylı şekilde incelendiği bu çalışmada, öncelikle “bağımsız denetim farkı” kavramsal ve teorik
olarak incelenerek unsurları açıklanmış, daha sonra bağımsız denetim farkı ile ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası
literatürdeki mevcut çalışmalar gözden geçirilerek analiz edilmiştir. 


  • Arrington C.E., Hillison W. A. & Williams P. F. 1983. The Psychology of expectations gap: Why is there so much dispute about auditor responsibility?, Accounting and Business Research, Autumn 1983, Vol. 13,Issue 52
  • Arrington C. E., Bailey C. D. & Hopwood W. S. 1985. An attribution analysis of responsibility assessment for audit performance. Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 23, No 1
  • APPC 2001. Audit quality in Australia- a brief overview of recent regulatory and professional developments, 2001, (Erişim Tarihi:29.07.2017)
  • Adams C. A. & Evans R. 2004. Accountability, completeness, credibility and the audit expectation gap. JJC 14 Summer 2004, Greenleaf Publishing
  • Aljaaidi K. S. Y. 2009. Reviewing the audit expectation gap literature from 1974 to 2007. IPBJ, Vol. 1 (1)
  • Adeyemi S. B. & KolawoleOlowookere J. 2011. Stakeholders’ perception of audit performance gap in Nigeria, Macrothink Institute, International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, Vol.1 (1)
  • Al-Alimi K. A. M. & Katdare V. V., 2012. The expectation gap in auditing profession. Excel Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Science (An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol.1 (3), December-January 2012-13, (Erişim Tarihi 31.10. 2015)
  • Agyei A., Kusi Aye B. & Owusu-Yeboah E. 2013. An assessment of audit expectation gap in Ghana. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, Vol. 3(4) October 2013
  • Aqel S. 2013. Bağımsız denetim uygulamalarında beklenti farkları ve Türkiye’de algılanması üzerine araştırma. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, Muhasebe Bilim Dalı, İstanbul
  • Aydın A. 2015. Bağımsız denetim sürecinde bağımsız denetçinin sorumluluğu ve bağımsız denetim algısı: Türkiye’deki finansal tablo kullanıcıları üzerine bir araştırma, Çukurova Üniversitesi İİBF, İşletme Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Adana 2015
  • Best P. J., Buckby S. & Tan C. 2001. Evidence of audit expectation gap in Singapore. Managerial Auditing Journal 16(3) Bernstein D. A. 2010. Essentials of psychology; Fifth Edition, WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning Inc., United States of America, =rd77N0KsLVkC&pg=PA 123&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=perception&f=true (Erişim Tarihi 23.12.2015) Bedard J.C., Sutton S.G., Arnold V. & Philips J. R. 2012. Another piece of the “expectations gap”: What do investors know about auditor involvement with information in the annual report?. Current Issues in Auditing Vol. 6 (1), American Accounting Association
  • Bağımsız Denetim Yönetmeliği; Resmi Gazete, Sayı: 28509, 26 Aralık 2012, /Dokumanlar /2012 /haberler/Bagimsiz-DenetimYonetmeligi.pdf (Erişim Tarihi 18.11.2016)
  • Chong K. & Pflugrath G. 2008. Do different audit report formats affect shareholders’ and auditors’ perceptions?. International Journal of Auditing, 12(3)
  • Dennis I. 2010. What do you expect? A reconfiguration of the audit expectations gap; International Journal of Auditing, 14(2), 1&sid=7982890a4c2e-4542-a8bd-d0ffd702b267%40sessionmgr113&hid=113 (Erişim Tarihi 02.12.2013)
  • Dana G. 2011. Audit expectation gap in the public sector in Romania, Annals of The University Of Oradea-Economic Science Series, V: 20, Issue: 2
  • Daud Z. M. 2007. The study of the audit expectations gap in the public sector of Malaysia, University of Stirling, United Kingdom, 2007, Phd. Thesis, 0Gap.pdf (Erişim Tarihi:18.06.2016).
  • Dinç E. & Gerekan B. 2014. Denetimde beklenti farklılığı ve denetim eğitiminin beklenti farklılığı üzerindeki etkisine yönelik bir araştırma; Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19,(1)
  • Dibia N. O. 2015. Audit expectations gap and perception of financial reporting, IJMSR International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, Vol. 3 Issue 3, March 2015
  • Eisenhardt K.M. 1989. Agency theory: An Assessment and review, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 1
  • Ebimobowei A. 2010. An evaluation of audit expectation gap: Issues and challenges; International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment, Vol. 1(2) & 3
  • Enyi V.C., Ifurueze M.S. & Enyi R. 2012. The audit expectation gap problem in Nigeria “the perception of some selected stake-holder groups”, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 3, No. 7
  • Epstein M.J.&Geiger M.A. 1994. Investor views of audit assurance: recent evidence of the expectation gap. Journal of Accountancy 177(1), January 1994, q-origsite=gsch olar (Erişim Tarihi: 16.10.2016)
  • Flanagan C. 2008. Psychology: complete study and revision guide. Letts and Lonsdale yayıncılık, frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22 Cara+Flanagan%22&hl=tr&sa=X&redir_esc= y#v=onepage&q=published&f=false(Erişim Tarihi 23.12.2015)
  • Financial Times (t.y.); (Erişim Tarihi 29.05.2015)
  • Gray G. L., Turner J. L., Coram P. J. & Mock T. J. 2011. Perceptions and misperceptions regarding the unqualified auditor’s report by financial statement preparers, users, and auditors. Accounting Horizons, Vol. 25 (4)
  • Gold A., Gronewold U. & Pott C. 2012. The IAS 700 auditor’s report and the audit expectation gap- Do explanations matter?, International Journal of Auditing 16(3)
  • Guy D.M. & Sullivan J.D. 1988. The expectation gap auditing standards. Journal of Accountancy 165 (4) April 1988, dadd68dd9c/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41065 (Erişim tarihi: 16.10.2016)
  • Humphrey C., Moizer P. & Turley S. 1993. The audit expectations gap in Britain: an empirical investigation, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 23 (91A)
  • Haniffa R. & Hudaib M. 2007. Locating Audit expectation gap within a cultural context: The case of Saudi Arabia, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 16 (2)
  • Hassink H. F.D., Bollen L. H., Meuwissen R. H. G. & de Vries M. J. 2009. Corporate fraud and the audit expectations gap: a study among business managers, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 18 (2)
  • Jedidi I.& Richard C. 2010. The social construction of the audit expectation gap: The market of excuses, HAL, 26 Feb 2010, /halshs-00460146/document (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2013)
  • Chye Koh H. & Woo E.S. 1998. The expectation gap in auditing; Managerial Auditing Journal; 13(3) March 1998, MCB University Press
  • Kasim M. A. & Hanafi S.R.M. 2008. The existence of audit expectation gap in Malaysia. Malaysian Accounting Review, Volume 7 (1)
  • Kangarlouei S. J., Motavassel M., Pourkarim Y., Emamdoost A. & Pourkarim V. 2012. Analysis of audit expectation gap between users of audit reports and independent auditors about the features of independent auditors, School of Doctoral Studies (European Union) Journal
  • Kamau C. G. 2013. Determinants of audit expectation gap: Evidence from limited companies in Kenya, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR,) Volume 2 (1)
  • Köse Y. & Erdoğan S. 2015. The audit expectations gap in Turkey; Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 67, Temmuz 2015
  • KGK. Bağımsız Denetçiler için Etik Kurallar. files/Pdf/20150521-10-1-BagimsizDenetcilerIcinEtikKurallar.pdf(Erişim Tarihi: 18.11.2016)
  • KGK. Bağımsız Denetçinin Genel Amaçları ve Bağımsız Denetimin Bağımsız Denetim Standartlarına Uygun Olarak Yürütülmesi (BDS 200). /BDS_200.pdf (Erişim Tarihi:18.11.2016)
  • KGK. Finansal Tabloların Bağımsız Denetiminde İlgili Mevzuatın Dikkate Alınması (BDS 250). (Erişim Tarihi:18.11.2016)
  • Lowe D.J. 1994. The expectation gap in the legal system: perception differences between auditors and judges, Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 3
  • Lin Z. J. & Chen F. 2004. An empirical study of audit “expectation gap” in The People’s Republic of China, International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 8
  • Lee T.H. & Ali A. Md. 2008. The “knowledge gap” and “deficient performance gap” between auditors and corporate managers, an empirical study in Malaysia, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business January-April 2008, Vol. 10, No. 1
  • Litjens R., Buuren J., Vergoossen R. 2015. Addressing information needs to reduce the audit expectation gap: Evidence from Dutch bankers, audited companies and auditor. International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 19
  • Monroe G. S. & Woodliff D. R. 1993. The effect of education on the audit expectation gap, Accounting and Finance, May 1993, Vol. 33, (1)
  • Monroe G. S. & Woodliff D. R. 1994. An empirical investigation of the audit expectation gap: Australian evidence; Accounting and Finance; May 1994
  • McEnroe J. E., Martens S. C. 2001. Auditors’ and investors’ perceptions of the “expectation gap”. Accounting Horizons. Vol. 15 (.4), December 2001 de Almeida B. J. M. 2012. The Portuguese expectation gap: empirical evidence. Business and Management Review Vol. 2(10) December 2012
  • Mock T. J., Bédard J., Coram P. J, Davis S. M., Espahbodi R. & Warne R. C. 2013. The audit reporting model: current research synthesis and implications. American Accounting Association- A Journal of Practice & Theory Vol. 32 ( 1)
  • Ojo M. 2006. Eliminating the audit expectations gap: myth or reality?, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, February 2006, (Erişim Tarihi 01.12.2013)
  • Otalor J. & Okafor C. 2013a. Imperatives of bridging the expectation gap and enhancing the credibility of corporate financial information, International Journal of Business and Social Research (IJBSR), Vol. 3 (5); May 2013
  • Okafor C. & Otalor J. I. 2013b. Narrowing the expectation gap in auditing: The role of the auditing profession; Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 4 (2)
  • Porter B. 1993. An empirical study of the audit expectation-performance gap, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 24, No. 93
  • Pierce B. & Kilcommins M.1996. The audit expectations gap: The role of auditing education; DCU Business School Research Paper Series No. 13, (Erişim Tarihi 01.12.2013)
  • Porter B. & Gowthorpe C. 2004. Audit expectation-performance gap in the United Kingdom in 1999 and comparison with the gap in New Zealand in 1989 and in 1999; Published by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland Edinburg
  • Porter B., Ó hÓgartaigh C. & Baskerville R. 2009. Report on research conducted in the United Kingdom and New Zealand in 2008 investigating the audit expectationperformance gap and users’ understanding of, and desired improvements to, the auditor’s report, September 2009, ed. pdf (Erişim Tarihi 31.10.2015)
  • Pham H., Amaria P., Bui T.& Tran S. 2014. A study of audit quality in Vietnam, International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance, Vol. 8 (2) Fall 2014
  • Saladrigues R. & Graňó M. 2014. Audit expectation gap: Fraud detection and other factors. European Accounting and Management Review, Vol. 1 (1)
  • Salehi M. & Rostami V. 2009. Audit expectation gap: international evidences. International Journal of Academic Research; Vol. 1 (1), September 2009
  • Salehi M. 2011. Audit expectation gap: concept, nature and trace, African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5 (21), 23 September 2011
  • Senal S. 2013. Denetim beklenti aralığı ve tespitine yönelik bir araştırma, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S. 41, Ocak-Haziran 2013, 6to164. pdf (Erişim Tarihi 31.10.2015)
  • Sikka P., Puxty A., Willmott H. & Cooper C. 1998. The impossibility of eliminating the expectations gap: Some theory and evidence. THE_IMPOSSIBILITY_OF_ELIMINATING_THE_EXPECTATIONS_GA P_SOME_THEORY_AND_EVIDENCE
  • Uzay Ş. 2004. Türkiye’de denetçi bağımsızlığı. MÖDAV. The First Annual International Accounting Conference, 3-5 November 2004, İstanbul Bildiri Kitabı. (Erişim Tarihi 16.04.2015)
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 153 - 174, 29.12.2017



  • Arrington C.E., Hillison W. A. & Williams P. F. 1983. The Psychology of expectations gap: Why is there so much dispute about auditor responsibility?, Accounting and Business Research, Autumn 1983, Vol. 13,Issue 52
  • Arrington C. E., Bailey C. D. & Hopwood W. S. 1985. An attribution analysis of responsibility assessment for audit performance. Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 23, No 1
  • APPC 2001. Audit quality in Australia- a brief overview of recent regulatory and professional developments, 2001, (Erişim Tarihi:29.07.2017)
  • Adams C. A. & Evans R. 2004. Accountability, completeness, credibility and the audit expectation gap. JJC 14 Summer 2004, Greenleaf Publishing
  • Aljaaidi K. S. Y. 2009. Reviewing the audit expectation gap literature from 1974 to 2007. IPBJ, Vol. 1 (1)
  • Adeyemi S. B. & KolawoleOlowookere J. 2011. Stakeholders’ perception of audit performance gap in Nigeria, Macrothink Institute, International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, Vol.1 (1)
  • Al-Alimi K. A. M. & Katdare V. V., 2012. The expectation gap in auditing profession. Excel Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Science (An International Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol.1 (3), December-January 2012-13, (Erişim Tarihi 31.10. 2015)
  • Agyei A., Kusi Aye B. & Owusu-Yeboah E. 2013. An assessment of audit expectation gap in Ghana. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, Vol. 3(4) October 2013
  • Aqel S. 2013. Bağımsız denetim uygulamalarında beklenti farkları ve Türkiye’de algılanması üzerine araştırma. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, Muhasebe Bilim Dalı, İstanbul
  • Aydın A. 2015. Bağımsız denetim sürecinde bağımsız denetçinin sorumluluğu ve bağımsız denetim algısı: Türkiye’deki finansal tablo kullanıcıları üzerine bir araştırma, Çukurova Üniversitesi İİBF, İşletme Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Adana 2015
  • Best P. J., Buckby S. & Tan C. 2001. Evidence of audit expectation gap in Singapore. Managerial Auditing Journal 16(3) Bernstein D. A. 2010. Essentials of psychology; Fifth Edition, WADSWORTH CENGAGE Learning Inc., United States of America, =rd77N0KsLVkC&pg=PA 123&hl=tr#v=onepage&q=perception&f=true (Erişim Tarihi 23.12.2015) Bedard J.C., Sutton S.G., Arnold V. & Philips J. R. 2012. Another piece of the “expectations gap”: What do investors know about auditor involvement with information in the annual report?. Current Issues in Auditing Vol. 6 (1), American Accounting Association
  • Bağımsız Denetim Yönetmeliği; Resmi Gazete, Sayı: 28509, 26 Aralık 2012, /Dokumanlar /2012 /haberler/Bagimsiz-DenetimYonetmeligi.pdf (Erişim Tarihi 18.11.2016)
  • Chong K. & Pflugrath G. 2008. Do different audit report formats affect shareholders’ and auditors’ perceptions?. International Journal of Auditing, 12(3)
  • Dennis I. 2010. What do you expect? A reconfiguration of the audit expectations gap; International Journal of Auditing, 14(2), 1&sid=7982890a4c2e-4542-a8bd-d0ffd702b267%40sessionmgr113&hid=113 (Erişim Tarihi 02.12.2013)
  • Dana G. 2011. Audit expectation gap in the public sector in Romania, Annals of The University Of Oradea-Economic Science Series, V: 20, Issue: 2
  • Daud Z. M. 2007. The study of the audit expectations gap in the public sector of Malaysia, University of Stirling, United Kingdom, 2007, Phd. Thesis, 0Gap.pdf (Erişim Tarihi:18.06.2016).
  • Dinç E. & Gerekan B. 2014. Denetimde beklenti farklılığı ve denetim eğitiminin beklenti farklılığı üzerindeki etkisine yönelik bir araştırma; Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19,(1)
  • Dibia N. O. 2015. Audit expectations gap and perception of financial reporting, IJMSR International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, Vol. 3 Issue 3, March 2015
  • Eisenhardt K.M. 1989. Agency theory: An Assessment and review, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 1
  • Ebimobowei A. 2010. An evaluation of audit expectation gap: Issues and challenges; International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment, Vol. 1(2) & 3
  • Enyi V.C., Ifurueze M.S. & Enyi R. 2012. The audit expectation gap problem in Nigeria “the perception of some selected stake-holder groups”, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 3, No. 7
  • Epstein M.J.&Geiger M.A. 1994. Investor views of audit assurance: recent evidence of the expectation gap. Journal of Accountancy 177(1), January 1994, q-origsite=gsch olar (Erişim Tarihi: 16.10.2016)
  • Flanagan C. 2008. Psychology: complete study and revision guide. Letts and Lonsdale yayıncılık, frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22 Cara+Flanagan%22&hl=tr&sa=X&redir_esc= y#v=onepage&q=published&f=false(Erişim Tarihi 23.12.2015)
  • Financial Times (t.y.); (Erişim Tarihi 29.05.2015)
  • Gray G. L., Turner J. L., Coram P. J. & Mock T. J. 2011. Perceptions and misperceptions regarding the unqualified auditor’s report by financial statement preparers, users, and auditors. Accounting Horizons, Vol. 25 (4)
  • Gold A., Gronewold U. & Pott C. 2012. The IAS 700 auditor’s report and the audit expectation gap- Do explanations matter?, International Journal of Auditing 16(3)
  • Guy D.M. & Sullivan J.D. 1988. The expectation gap auditing standards. Journal of Accountancy 165 (4) April 1988, dadd68dd9c/1.pdf?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41065 (Erişim tarihi: 16.10.2016)
  • Humphrey C., Moizer P. & Turley S. 1993. The audit expectations gap in Britain: an empirical investigation, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 23 (91A)
  • Haniffa R. & Hudaib M. 2007. Locating Audit expectation gap within a cultural context: The case of Saudi Arabia, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 16 (2)
  • Hassink H. F.D., Bollen L. H., Meuwissen R. H. G. & de Vries M. J. 2009. Corporate fraud and the audit expectations gap: a study among business managers, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 18 (2)
  • Jedidi I.& Richard C. 2010. The social construction of the audit expectation gap: The market of excuses, HAL, 26 Feb 2010, /halshs-00460146/document (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2013)
  • Chye Koh H. & Woo E.S. 1998. The expectation gap in auditing; Managerial Auditing Journal; 13(3) March 1998, MCB University Press
  • Kasim M. A. & Hanafi S.R.M. 2008. The existence of audit expectation gap in Malaysia. Malaysian Accounting Review, Volume 7 (1)
  • Kangarlouei S. J., Motavassel M., Pourkarim Y., Emamdoost A. & Pourkarim V. 2012. Analysis of audit expectation gap between users of audit reports and independent auditors about the features of independent auditors, School of Doctoral Studies (European Union) Journal
  • Kamau C. G. 2013. Determinants of audit expectation gap: Evidence from limited companies in Kenya, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR,) Volume 2 (1)
  • Köse Y. & Erdoğan S. 2015. The audit expectations gap in Turkey; Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Sayı 67, Temmuz 2015
  • KGK. Bağımsız Denetçiler için Etik Kurallar. files/Pdf/20150521-10-1-BagimsizDenetcilerIcinEtikKurallar.pdf(Erişim Tarihi: 18.11.2016)
  • KGK. Bağımsız Denetçinin Genel Amaçları ve Bağımsız Denetimin Bağımsız Denetim Standartlarına Uygun Olarak Yürütülmesi (BDS 200). /BDS_200.pdf (Erişim Tarihi:18.11.2016)
  • KGK. Finansal Tabloların Bağımsız Denetiminde İlgili Mevzuatın Dikkate Alınması (BDS 250). (Erişim Tarihi:18.11.2016)
  • Lowe D.J. 1994. The expectation gap in the legal system: perception differences between auditors and judges, Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 3
  • Lin Z. J. & Chen F. 2004. An empirical study of audit “expectation gap” in The People’s Republic of China, International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 8
  • Lee T.H. & Ali A. Md. 2008. The “knowledge gap” and “deficient performance gap” between auditors and corporate managers, an empirical study in Malaysia, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business January-April 2008, Vol. 10, No. 1
  • Litjens R., Buuren J., Vergoossen R. 2015. Addressing information needs to reduce the audit expectation gap: Evidence from Dutch bankers, audited companies and auditor. International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 19
  • Monroe G. S. & Woodliff D. R. 1993. The effect of education on the audit expectation gap, Accounting and Finance, May 1993, Vol. 33, (1)
  • Monroe G. S. & Woodliff D. R. 1994. An empirical investigation of the audit expectation gap: Australian evidence; Accounting and Finance; May 1994
  • McEnroe J. E., Martens S. C. 2001. Auditors’ and investors’ perceptions of the “expectation gap”. Accounting Horizons. Vol. 15 (.4), December 2001 de Almeida B. J. M. 2012. The Portuguese expectation gap: empirical evidence. Business and Management Review Vol. 2(10) December 2012
  • Mock T. J., Bédard J., Coram P. J, Davis S. M., Espahbodi R. & Warne R. C. 2013. The audit reporting model: current research synthesis and implications. American Accounting Association- A Journal of Practice & Theory Vol. 32 ( 1)
  • Ojo M. 2006. Eliminating the audit expectations gap: myth or reality?, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, February 2006, (Erişim Tarihi 01.12.2013)
  • Otalor J. & Okafor C. 2013a. Imperatives of bridging the expectation gap and enhancing the credibility of corporate financial information, International Journal of Business and Social Research (IJBSR), Vol. 3 (5); May 2013
  • Okafor C. & Otalor J. I. 2013b. Narrowing the expectation gap in auditing: The role of the auditing profession; Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 4 (2)
  • Porter B. 1993. An empirical study of the audit expectation-performance gap, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 24, No. 93
  • Pierce B. & Kilcommins M.1996. The audit expectations gap: The role of auditing education; DCU Business School Research Paper Series No. 13, (Erişim Tarihi 01.12.2013)
  • Porter B. & Gowthorpe C. 2004. Audit expectation-performance gap in the United Kingdom in 1999 and comparison with the gap in New Zealand in 1989 and in 1999; Published by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland Edinburg
  • Porter B., Ó hÓgartaigh C. & Baskerville R. 2009. Report on research conducted in the United Kingdom and New Zealand in 2008 investigating the audit expectationperformance gap and users’ understanding of, and desired improvements to, the auditor’s report, September 2009, ed. pdf (Erişim Tarihi 31.10.2015)
  • Pham H., Amaria P., Bui T.& Tran S. 2014. A study of audit quality in Vietnam, International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance, Vol. 8 (2) Fall 2014
  • Saladrigues R. & Graňó M. 2014. Audit expectation gap: Fraud detection and other factors. European Accounting and Management Review, Vol. 1 (1)
  • Salehi M. & Rostami V. 2009. Audit expectation gap: international evidences. International Journal of Academic Research; Vol. 1 (1), September 2009
  • Salehi M. 2011. Audit expectation gap: concept, nature and trace, African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5 (21), 23 September 2011
  • Senal S. 2013. Denetim beklenti aralığı ve tespitine yönelik bir araştırma, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S. 41, Ocak-Haziran 2013, 6to164. pdf (Erişim Tarihi 31.10.2015)
  • Sikka P., Puxty A., Willmott H. & Cooper C. 1998. The impossibility of eliminating the expectations gap: Some theory and evidence. THE_IMPOSSIBILITY_OF_ELIMINATING_THE_EXPECTATIONS_GA P_SOME_THEORY_AND_EVIDENCE
  • Uzay Ş. 2004. Türkiye’de denetçi bağımsızlığı. MÖDAV. The First Annual International Accounting Conference, 3-5 November 2004, İstanbul Bildiri Kitabı. (Erişim Tarihi 16.04.2015)
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Turgut Çürük

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çürük, T. (2017). Bağımsız Denetim Beklenti Farkı. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 153-174.