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The Effect of Limestone in Breast Cancer Detection by Microwaves

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 37 - 44, 15.06.2017


Breast cancer is the most widespread type of cancer among women around the world. Initial stage cancer detection is the most important in terms of reproducing of the tumors in an uncontrolled way and spreading to the other organs. Microwave imaging method is relatively effective method compared to other tools which are X-ray mammography, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound. They have some shortfalls such as X-ray mammography suffers from high missed-detection and false-detection rates. Also, it is ionizing and uncomfortable compression of the breast. Because of this, microwave imaging method has the potential to overcome the some shortfalls of the X-ray mammography, MRI, and other existing known methods. In addition, Ultra-wide band (UWB) radar technique is a quite attractive technology for many applications, especially for early breast cancer detection. In this paper, both an UWB bow-tie antenna with enhanced bandwidth and a 3D breast model which has varied permittivity and conductivity is designed in CST software simulation tool to solve electromagnetic field values. Return loss and radiation pattern characteristics which are significant antenna parameters are simulated and obtained whether the antenna possess an efficient characteristic or not. Tumor cannot be detected by existing methods since there is limestone layer, which is occurred by milk ducts, surrounding of tumor. Therefore, limestone’s effect on the tumor is studied in order to investigate the radiation from the skin with reference to whether there is limestone or not surrounding of tumor. Also, electric field and magnetic field values over the breast tissue with tumor or tumor which is surrounded by limestone, or without tumor, and limestone instead of tumor are evaluated. Limestone’s effect is clearly observed when there is limestone surrounding of tumor or not. So, limestone is a crucial factor for breast cancer detection methods.


  • 1. Mahalakshmi, N., Jeyakumar, V., 2012. Design and Develeopment of Single Layer Microstrip Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection, Bonfiring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering, Vol.2, Special Issue 1.
  • 2. Yu, J., Yuan, M., Liu, Q. H. 2009. A Wideband Half Oval Patch Antenna for Breast Imaging, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 98, pp. 1-13.
  • 3. Saw, A., Jone, A.A., 2013. Ultra Wide Band Radar Based Breast Cancer Detection Using Stacked Patch and Wide Slot Antenna, International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems, Vol.3.
  • 4. Bohra, S., Shaikh, T., 2016. UWB Microstrip Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Vol.5.
  • 5. Adnan, S., Abd-Alhameed, A. H., Hraga, I., Elfergani, I.T.E., Noras, J.M., Halliwell, R., 2011. Microstrip Antenna for Microwave Imaging Application, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Marrakesh, Morocco, pp. 20-23.
  • 6. Singh, S.K., Singh, A.K., 2009. UWB Rectangular Ring Microstrip Antenna with Simple Capacitive Feed for Breast Cancer Detection, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, China, pp. 23-27.
  • 7. Choudhary, H., Choudhary, R., Vats, A., 2015. Design and Analysis of Circular Patch Microstrip UWB Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection, Internatioal Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol.4.
  • 8. Minz, L., Simonov, N., Ik Jeon, S., Lee, J.M., 2012. Dual Layer UWB Dielectric Probe for Bistatic Breast Cancer Detection System, Proceedings of ISAP2012, Nagoya, Japan.
  • 9. Aydın, E.A., Biçer, M.B., Akdağlı, A., 2015. Assesment of Accurate Dielectric Model and Selected Patents on Microwave Breast Cancer Detection, Techicki Glasnic, Vol.9, No.4, pp. 454-460 Prosinac.
  • 10. Avşar, E.A., Tuncel, N.G., 2016. Analysis of the Scattering Fields by Dielectric Sphere Inside Different Mediums: The Case of the Source and Observation Point is Reciprocal, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi.
  • 11.Chouiti, S.M., Merad, L., Meriah, S.M., Raimundo, X., Taleb-Ahmed, A., 2016. An Efficient Image Reconstruction Method for Breast Cancer Detection Using an UltraWideband Microwave Imaging System. Electromagnetics, 36(4), pp. 225-235.
  • 12.Çalışkan, R., Gültekin, S.S., Uzer, D., Dündar, Ö., 2015. Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for Breast Cancer Detection, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 2905-2911.
  • 13. Khuda, I., Khatun, S., Reza, K.J., Rahman, Md.M., Fakir, Md.M., 2013. Improved Debye Model for Experimental Approximation of Human Breast Tissue Properties at 6 GHz Ultra-wideband Centre Frequency, Vol.5, No.6, pp. 4708-4717.
  • 14. Olatinsu, O.B., Olorode, D.O., Oyedele, K.F., 2013. Radio frequency dielectric properties of limestone and sandstone from Ewekoro, Advances in Applied Science Research, 4(6), pp. 150-158.
  • 15.Jones, W.T., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Jirtle, L., 1994. The Measured Electrical Properties of Normal and Malignant Human Tissues from 50 to 900 MHz, Medical Physics, 21(4).
  • 16. Gabriel, C., Gabriel, S., Corthout, E., 1996. The Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues: I. Literature Survey, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 41, pp. 2231-2249.
  • 17.Campbell, A.M., Land, D.V., 1992. Dielectric Properties of Female Human Breast Tissue Measured in Vitro at 3.2 GHz, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 37(1), pp.193-210.
  • 18. Gabriel, S., Lau, R.W., Gabriel, C., 1996. The Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues: II. Measurements in the Frequency Range 10 Hz to 20 GHz, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 41, pp. 2251-2269.
  • 19. Jossinet, J., Schmitt, M., 1999. A Review of Parameters for the Bioelectrical Characterization of Breast Tissue, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 873, pp. 30-41.
  • 20. Chaudhary, S.S., Mishra, R.K., Swarup, A., Thomas, J.M., 1984. Dielectric Properties of Normal and Malignant Human Breast Tissues at Radiowave and Microwave Frequencies, Indian Journal of Biochemistry&Biophysics, 21, pp. 76-79.
  • 21. Lazebnik, M., McCartney, L., Popovic, D., Watkins, C.B., Lindstrom, M.J., Harter, J., Sewall, S., Magliocco, A., Booske, J.H., Okoniewski, M., Hagness, S.C., 2007. A Large-Scale Study of the Ultrawideband Microwave Dielectric Properties of Normal Breast Tissue Obtained from Reduction Surgeries, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52, pp. 2637-2656.
  • 22. Pancera, E., 2010. Medical Applications of the Ultra Wideband Technology, 2010 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), pp. 52-56, 8-9.
  • 23. Grimmes, S., Martinsen, O.G., 2000. Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics, Biomedical Engineering, Academic Press, Oslo.
  • 24. Miklavcic, D., Paselj, N., 2006. Electrical Properties of Tissues, Wiley Encylopedia of Biomedical Engineering.
  • 25. Liu, J., Zhao, D., Wang, Z., 2008. A Beveled and Slot Loaded Planar Bow-Tie Antenna for UWB Application, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2, pp. 37-46.

Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 37 - 44, 15.06.2017


Meme kanseri dünyada kadınlar arasındaki en yaygın kanser türüdür. Kanserin ilk aşamasındaki tespit,
tümörlerin kontrolsüz olarak çoğalmasından ve diğer organlara yayılması açısından çok önemlidir.
Mikrodalga görüntüleme yöntemi; X-ışını mamografi, Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ve
ultrason gibi mevcut görüntüleme yöntemlerine nispeten etkili bir yöntemdir. Mevcut olan bu yöntemler
örneğin X-ışını mamografisindeki yüksek-kaçırma ve yanlış algılama oranları gibi bazı eksikliklere sahiptirler. Ayrıca, radyasyon yayıcı olması ve memeyi sıkıştırması rahatsızlık vericidir. Bu nedenle,
mikrodalga görüntüleme yöntemi; X-ışını mamografi, MRG ve bilinen diğer mevcut yöntemlerin bazı
eksikliklerinin üstesinden gelme potansiyeline sahiptir. Buna ek olarak, Ultra geniş bant (UWB) radar
tekniği birçok uygulamada, özellikle erken meme kanseri tespiti için oldukça ilgi çekici bir teknolojidir.
Bu makalede, gelişmiş/ultra bant genişliğine (UWB) sahip bir UWB bow-tie anteni ve çeşitli geçirgenliğe
ve iletkenliğe sahip olan bir 3-boyutlu meme modeli, CST yazılım simülasyon programında,
elektromanyetik alan değerlerini çözmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Önemli anten parametreleri olan geri dönüş
kaybı ve ışıma örüntü özellikleri simüle edilir ve antenin etkin bir karakteristik olup olmadığı elde edilir.
Mevcut olan yöntemlerle, tümör etrafı süt kanallarından dolayı meydana gelen kireçtaşı tabakasından
dolayı tespit edilememektedir. Bu nedenle, kireçtaşının tümör üzerindeki etkisi, tümörün çevresinde kireç
taşı olup olmadığına bakılarak derideki radyasyonun araştırılması için incelenir. Ayrıca, meme
dokusundaki tümörün kireçtaşı ile çevrili olup olmaması, tümörün hiç bulunmaması ya da tümörün yerine
sadece kireçtaşının olması gibi tüm senaryoların elektrik alan ve manyetik alan sonuçları
değerlendirilmektedir. Tümörün etrafını saran tabakada kireçtaşının olup olmadığı zamanlarda
kireçtaşının etkisi açıkça görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak, kireç taşı meme kanseri tespit yöntemleri için çok
önemli bir faktördür.


  • 1. Mahalakshmi, N., Jeyakumar, V., 2012. Design and Develeopment of Single Layer Microstrip Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection, Bonfiring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering, Vol.2, Special Issue 1.
  • 2. Yu, J., Yuan, M., Liu, Q. H. 2009. A Wideband Half Oval Patch Antenna for Breast Imaging, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 98, pp. 1-13.
  • 3. Saw, A., Jone, A.A., 2013. Ultra Wide Band Radar Based Breast Cancer Detection Using Stacked Patch and Wide Slot Antenna, International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems, Vol.3.
  • 4. Bohra, S., Shaikh, T., 2016. UWB Microstrip Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Vol.5.
  • 5. Adnan, S., Abd-Alhameed, A. H., Hraga, I., Elfergani, I.T.E., Noras, J.M., Halliwell, R., 2011. Microstrip Antenna for Microwave Imaging Application, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Marrakesh, Morocco, pp. 20-23.
  • 6. Singh, S.K., Singh, A.K., 2009. UWB Rectangular Ring Microstrip Antenna with Simple Capacitive Feed for Breast Cancer Detection, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, China, pp. 23-27.
  • 7. Choudhary, H., Choudhary, R., Vats, A., 2015. Design and Analysis of Circular Patch Microstrip UWB Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection, Internatioal Journal of Innovative Research in Science Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol.4.
  • 8. Minz, L., Simonov, N., Ik Jeon, S., Lee, J.M., 2012. Dual Layer UWB Dielectric Probe for Bistatic Breast Cancer Detection System, Proceedings of ISAP2012, Nagoya, Japan.
  • 9. Aydın, E.A., Biçer, M.B., Akdağlı, A., 2015. Assesment of Accurate Dielectric Model and Selected Patents on Microwave Breast Cancer Detection, Techicki Glasnic, Vol.9, No.4, pp. 454-460 Prosinac.
  • 10. Avşar, E.A., Tuncel, N.G., 2016. Analysis of the Scattering Fields by Dielectric Sphere Inside Different Mediums: The Case of the Source and Observation Point is Reciprocal, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi.
  • 11.Chouiti, S.M., Merad, L., Meriah, S.M., Raimundo, X., Taleb-Ahmed, A., 2016. An Efficient Image Reconstruction Method for Breast Cancer Detection Using an UltraWideband Microwave Imaging System. Electromagnetics, 36(4), pp. 225-235.
  • 12.Çalışkan, R., Gültekin, S.S., Uzer, D., Dündar, Ö., 2015. Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for Breast Cancer Detection, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 2905-2911.
  • 13. Khuda, I., Khatun, S., Reza, K.J., Rahman, Md.M., Fakir, Md.M., 2013. Improved Debye Model for Experimental Approximation of Human Breast Tissue Properties at 6 GHz Ultra-wideband Centre Frequency, Vol.5, No.6, pp. 4708-4717.
  • 14. Olatinsu, O.B., Olorode, D.O., Oyedele, K.F., 2013. Radio frequency dielectric properties of limestone and sandstone from Ewekoro, Advances in Applied Science Research, 4(6), pp. 150-158.
  • 15.Jones, W.T., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Jirtle, L., 1994. The Measured Electrical Properties of Normal and Malignant Human Tissues from 50 to 900 MHz, Medical Physics, 21(4).
  • 16. Gabriel, C., Gabriel, S., Corthout, E., 1996. The Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues: I. Literature Survey, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 41, pp. 2231-2249.
  • 17.Campbell, A.M., Land, D.V., 1992. Dielectric Properties of Female Human Breast Tissue Measured in Vitro at 3.2 GHz, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 37(1), pp.193-210.
  • 18. Gabriel, S., Lau, R.W., Gabriel, C., 1996. The Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues: II. Measurements in the Frequency Range 10 Hz to 20 GHz, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 41, pp. 2251-2269.
  • 19. Jossinet, J., Schmitt, M., 1999. A Review of Parameters for the Bioelectrical Characterization of Breast Tissue, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 873, pp. 30-41.
  • 20. Chaudhary, S.S., Mishra, R.K., Swarup, A., Thomas, J.M., 1984. Dielectric Properties of Normal and Malignant Human Breast Tissues at Radiowave and Microwave Frequencies, Indian Journal of Biochemistry&Biophysics, 21, pp. 76-79.
  • 21. Lazebnik, M., McCartney, L., Popovic, D., Watkins, C.B., Lindstrom, M.J., Harter, J., Sewall, S., Magliocco, A., Booske, J.H., Okoniewski, M., Hagness, S.C., 2007. A Large-Scale Study of the Ultrawideband Microwave Dielectric Properties of Normal Breast Tissue Obtained from Reduction Surgeries, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52, pp. 2637-2656.
  • 22. Pancera, E., 2010. Medical Applications of the Ultra Wideband Technology, 2010 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), pp. 52-56, 8-9.
  • 23. Grimmes, S., Martinsen, O.G., 2000. Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics, Biomedical Engineering, Academic Press, Oslo.
  • 24. Miklavcic, D., Paselj, N., 2006. Electrical Properties of Tissues, Wiley Encylopedia of Biomedical Engineering.
  • 25. Liu, J., Zhao, D., Wang, Z., 2008. A Beveled and Slot Loaded Planar Bow-Tie Antenna for UWB Application, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2, pp. 37-46.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Emine Avşar Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Avşar Aydın, E. (2017). Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 37-44.
AMA Avşar Aydın E. Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi. cukurovaummfd. Haziran 2017;32(2):37-44. doi:10.21605/cukurovaummfd.358350
Chicago Avşar Aydın, Emine. “Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 32, sy. 2 (Haziran 2017): 37-44.
EndNote Avşar Aydın E (01 Haziran 2017) Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 32 2 37–44.
IEEE E. Avşar Aydın, “Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi”, cukurovaummfd, c. 32, sy. 2, ss. 37–44, 2017, doi: 10.21605/cukurovaummfd.358350.
ISNAD Avşar Aydın, Emine. “Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 32/2 (Haziran 2017), 37-44.
JAMA Avşar Aydın E. Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi. cukurovaummfd. 2017;32:37–44.
MLA Avşar Aydın, Emine. “Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 32, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 37-44, doi:10.21605/cukurovaummfd.358350.
Vancouver Avşar Aydın E. Mikrodalgalarla Meme Kanseri Tespitinde Kireçtaşının Etkisi. cukurovaummfd. 2017;32(2):37-44.