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Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 3, 177 - 186, 30.09.2018


The industrialization that develops with the increasing population causes an increase in demand for fossil fuels in the world, which affects the supply-demand balance. This imbalance also causes a rise in prices. Therefore, increased oil prices and oil dependency lead the countries to the production and use of new energy resources. At this point, countries are evaluating biomass for biofuel production to generate energy, thus increasing the share of biofuels in total energy consumption. In this study, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to structure the decision problem and to attribute weights to criteria. Among the evaluated physicochemical fuel properties, the most important one is calculated as heating value and also the Cottonseed Fame is determined as the most suitable biodiesel in terms of fuel properties among the evaluated biodiesels.


  • 1. Mofijur M., Atabani A.E., Masjuki H.H., Kalam M.A., Masum B.M., 2013. A Study on the Effects of Promising Edible and Non-edible Biodiesel Feedstocks on Engine Performance and Emissions Production: A Comparative Evaluation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 23, 391–404.
  • 2. Xue J., Grift T.E., Hansen A.C., 2011. Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performances and Emissions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 1098–1116.
  • 3. Sakthivel G., Sivakumar R., Saravanan N., Ikua W.B., 2017. A Decision Support System to Evaluate the Optimum Fuel Blend in an IC Engine to Enhance the Energy Efficiency and Energy Management. Energy, 140, 566-583.
  • 4. Knothe G., Razon L.F., 2017. Biodiesel Fuels Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 58, 36–59.
  • 5. Thapa S., Natarianto I., Prakashbhai R.B., 2018. An Overview on Fuel Properties and Prospects of Jatropha Biodiesel as Fuel for Engines. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 9, 210–219.
  • 6. Freedman, B., Pryde, E., Mounts, T. 1984. Variables Affecting the Yields of Fatty Esters from Transesterified Vegetable Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 61, 1638–1643.
  • 7. Van Gerpen, J., 2005. Biodiesel Processing and Production. Fuel Processing Technology, 86 1097–1107.
  • 8. Al-Zuhair, S., 2007. Production of Biodiesel: Possibilities and Challenges. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1, 57–66.
  • 9. Bozbas, K., 2008. Biodiesel as an Alternative Motor Fuel: Production and Policies in the European Union. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12, 542–552.
  • 10. Knothe, G., Sharp, C.A., Ryan, T.W., 2006. Exhaust Emissions of Biodiesel, Petrodiesel, Neat Methyl Esters, and Alkanes in a New Technology Engine. Energy & Fuels, 20, 403–408.
  • 11. Tiwari A., Rajesh V.M., Yadav S., 2018. Biodiesel Production in Micro-reactors: A Review Energy for Sustainable Development 43, 143–161.
  • 12. Meher, L., Vidyasagar, D., Naik, S., 2006. Technical Aspects of Biodiesel Production by Transesterification-A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10, 248–268.
  • 13. Canakci M., Erdil A., Arcaklioğlu E., 2006. Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Biodiesel Engine. Applied Energy, 83, 594–605.
  • 14. Sharma, Y.C., Singh, B., Upadhyay, S.N., 2008. Advancements in Development and Characterization of Biodiesel: A Review. Fuel, 87, 2355–2373.
  • 15. Van Gerpen, J., 2005. The Basics of Diesel Engines and Diesel Fuels. In The Biodiesel Handbook; Knothe, G., Van Gerpen, J., Krahl, J., Eds; AOCS Press: Urbana, IL, 17–25.
  • 16. Xue J., Grift T.E., Hansen, A.C., 2011. Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performances and Emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 1098–1116.
  • 17. Demirbaş, A., 2003. Biodiesel Fuels from Vegetable Oils Via Catalytic and Non-catalytic Supercritical Alcohol Transesterifications and Other Methods: A Survey. Energy Conversion and Management, 44, 2093–2109.
  • 18. Sakthivela, R., Ramesh, K., Purnachandrana, R., Shameera, P.M., 2018. A Review on the Properties, Performance and Emission Aspects of the Third Generation Biodiesels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 2970–2992.
  • cited 11.9.2018.
  • 20. Ishizaka, A., Labib, A., 2011 Review of the Main Developments in the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 14336–14345.
  • 21. Sehatpoura, M., Kazemia, A., Sehatpourb, H., 2017. Evaluation of Alternative Fuels for Light-duty Vehicles in Iran using a Multicriteria Approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 295–310.
  • 22. Grasman, S.E., Sundaresan, S., 2012. Implementation Policy Considerations for Achieving Year Round Operability of Biodiesel Programs Biomass and Bioenergy, 39, 439-448.
  • 23. Çolak, M., Kaya, İ., 2017. Prioritization of Renewable Energy Alternatives by using an Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Model: A Real Case Application for Turkey, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, 840–853.
  • 24. Tasri A., Susilawati A., 2014. Selection Among Renewable Energy Alternatives Based on a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Indonesia. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 7, 34–44.
  • 25. Atabani, A.E., Silitonga, A.S., Badruddin, I.A., Mahlia, T.M.I., Masjuki, H.H., Mekhile, S., 2012. A Comprehensive Review on Biodiesel as an Alternative Energy Resource and its Characteristics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 2070– 2093.
  • 26. Rashid, U., Anwar, F., Knothe, G., 2009. Evaluation of Biodiesel Obtained from Cottonseed Oil. Fuel Process Technology; 90 (9), 1157–1163.
  • 27. Yaşar, A., Keskin, A., Yıldızhan, Ş., 2016. Evaluation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of a VCR Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel Fuel and Diesel-Biodiesel- Alcohol Blends. Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 31(1), 263-271.
  • 28. Ramos, M.J., Fernández, C.M., Casas, A., Lourdes, R., Pérez, Á., 2009. Influence of Fatty Acid Composition of Raw Materials on Biodiesel Properties, Bioresource Technology 100, 261–268.
  • 29. Ashraful, A.M., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Rizwanul Fattah, I.M., Imtenan, S., Shahir, S.A., Mobarak H.M., 2014. Production and Comparison of Fuel Properties, Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel from Various Non-edible Vegetable Oils: A Review Energy Conversion and Management 80, 202–228.
  • 30. Raheman, H., Ghadge, S.V., 2007. Performance of Compression Ignition Engine with Mahua (Madhuca Indica) Biodiesel Fuel 86, 2568–2573.
  • 31. Kaya, C., Hamamci, C., Baysal, A., Akba, O., Erdogan, S., Saydut, A., 2009. Methyl Ester of Peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) Seed Oil as a Potential Feedstock for Biodiesel Production Renewable Energy 34, 1257–1260.
  • 32. Thapa, S., Indrawan, N., Bhoi Pr. R., 2018. An Overview on Fuel Properties and Prospects of Jatropha Biodiesel as Fuel for Engines Environmental Technology & Innovation 9, 210–219.
  • 33. Alonso, J.A., Lamata, M.T., 2006. Consistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Process: A New Approach. Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 14(4), 445-459.
  • 34. Davras, G.M., Karaatlı, M., 2014. Otel İşletmelerinde Tedarikçi Seçimi Sürecinde AHP ve BAHP Yöntemlerinin Uygulaması H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1), 87-112.
  • 35. Awasthi, A., Satyaveer S. Chauhan., 2011. Using AHP and Dempster Shafer Theory for Evaluating Sustainable Transport Solutions Environmental Modelling & Software 26, 787-796.
  • 36.Göksu, A., 2008. Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşik Proses ve Üniversite Tercih Sıralanmasında Uygulanması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 128.
  • 37. Filemon, J., 2010. Biofuels from Plant Oils. oks/biofuel. pdf; [cited 16.04.2018].
  • 38. Atadashi, I.M., Aroua, M.K., Abdul Aziz, A., 2010. High Quality Biodiesel and its Diesel Engine Application: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews;14(7), 1999-2008.
  • 39. cited 14.8.2018
  • 40. Lapuerta, M., Armas, O., Rodriguez- Fernandez, J., 2008. Effect of Biodiesel Fuels on Diesel Engine Emissions. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science; 34(2), 198-223.
  • 41. Kilic, M., Ali, H.M., 2018. Numerical Investigation of Combined Effect of Nanofluids and Multiple Impinging Jets on Heat Transfer, Thermal Science 2018 On Line- First Issue 00, Pages: 94-94
  • 42. Kilic, M., 2018. Askeri Sistemlerde Nanoakışkan Uygulamalarının Sayısal İncelemesi, The Journal of Defense Sciences, 17, 101-130, 10.17134/khosbd.427050.

Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses Kullanarak Farklı Biyodizellerin Alternatif Yakıt Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 3, 177 - 186, 30.09.2018


Artan nüfusla birlikte gelişen sanayileşme, dünyadaki fosil yakıtlara olan talebin artmasına neden olarak arz talep dengesini etkilemektedir. Bu dengesizlik fiyatlarda da artışa neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, artan petrol fiyatları ve petrol bağımlılığı, ülkeleri yeni enerji kaynaklarının üretimine ve kullanımına yönlendirmektedir. Bu noktada, ülkeler, biyoyakıt üretimi için biyokütleyi enerji üretecek şekilde değerlendirmekte ve böylece biyoyakıtların toplam enerji tüketimindeki payını arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHP) karar problemini yapılandırmak ve ağırlıkları kriterlere atfetmek için kullanılmıştır. Değerlendirilen fizikokimyasal yakıt özellikleri arasında en önemlisi ısıl değer olarak hesaplanmış ve aynı zamanda pamuk yağı metil esterinin değerlendirilen biyodizeller arasında yakıt özellikleri açısından en uygun biyodizel olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 


  • 1. Mofijur M., Atabani A.E., Masjuki H.H., Kalam M.A., Masum B.M., 2013. A Study on the Effects of Promising Edible and Non-edible Biodiesel Feedstocks on Engine Performance and Emissions Production: A Comparative Evaluation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 23, 391–404.
  • 2. Xue J., Grift T.E., Hansen A.C., 2011. Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performances and Emissions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 1098–1116.
  • 3. Sakthivel G., Sivakumar R., Saravanan N., Ikua W.B., 2017. A Decision Support System to Evaluate the Optimum Fuel Blend in an IC Engine to Enhance the Energy Efficiency and Energy Management. Energy, 140, 566-583.
  • 4. Knothe G., Razon L.F., 2017. Biodiesel Fuels Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 58, 36–59.
  • 5. Thapa S., Natarianto I., Prakashbhai R.B., 2018. An Overview on Fuel Properties and Prospects of Jatropha Biodiesel as Fuel for Engines. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 9, 210–219.
  • 6. Freedman, B., Pryde, E., Mounts, T. 1984. Variables Affecting the Yields of Fatty Esters from Transesterified Vegetable Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 61, 1638–1643.
  • 7. Van Gerpen, J., 2005. Biodiesel Processing and Production. Fuel Processing Technology, 86 1097–1107.
  • 8. Al-Zuhair, S., 2007. Production of Biodiesel: Possibilities and Challenges. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1, 57–66.
  • 9. Bozbas, K., 2008. Biodiesel as an Alternative Motor Fuel: Production and Policies in the European Union. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12, 542–552.
  • 10. Knothe, G., Sharp, C.A., Ryan, T.W., 2006. Exhaust Emissions of Biodiesel, Petrodiesel, Neat Methyl Esters, and Alkanes in a New Technology Engine. Energy & Fuels, 20, 403–408.
  • 11. Tiwari A., Rajesh V.M., Yadav S., 2018. Biodiesel Production in Micro-reactors: A Review Energy for Sustainable Development 43, 143–161.
  • 12. Meher, L., Vidyasagar, D., Naik, S., 2006. Technical Aspects of Biodiesel Production by Transesterification-A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10, 248–268.
  • 13. Canakci M., Erdil A., Arcaklioğlu E., 2006. Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Biodiesel Engine. Applied Energy, 83, 594–605.
  • 14. Sharma, Y.C., Singh, B., Upadhyay, S.N., 2008. Advancements in Development and Characterization of Biodiesel: A Review. Fuel, 87, 2355–2373.
  • 15. Van Gerpen, J., 2005. The Basics of Diesel Engines and Diesel Fuels. In The Biodiesel Handbook; Knothe, G., Van Gerpen, J., Krahl, J., Eds; AOCS Press: Urbana, IL, 17–25.
  • 16. Xue J., Grift T.E., Hansen, A.C., 2011. Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performances and Emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15, 1098–1116.
  • 17. Demirbaş, A., 2003. Biodiesel Fuels from Vegetable Oils Via Catalytic and Non-catalytic Supercritical Alcohol Transesterifications and Other Methods: A Survey. Energy Conversion and Management, 44, 2093–2109.
  • 18. Sakthivela, R., Ramesh, K., Purnachandrana, R., Shameera, P.M., 2018. A Review on the Properties, Performance and Emission Aspects of the Third Generation Biodiesels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 2970–2992.
  • cited 11.9.2018.
  • 20. Ishizaka, A., Labib, A., 2011 Review of the Main Developments in the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 14336–14345.
  • 21. Sehatpoura, M., Kazemia, A., Sehatpourb, H., 2017. Evaluation of Alternative Fuels for Light-duty Vehicles in Iran using a Multicriteria Approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 295–310.
  • 22. Grasman, S.E., Sundaresan, S., 2012. Implementation Policy Considerations for Achieving Year Round Operability of Biodiesel Programs Biomass and Bioenergy, 39, 439-448.
  • 23. Çolak, M., Kaya, İ., 2017. Prioritization of Renewable Energy Alternatives by using an Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Model: A Real Case Application for Turkey, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 80, 840–853.
  • 24. Tasri A., Susilawati A., 2014. Selection Among Renewable Energy Alternatives Based on a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in Indonesia. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 7, 34–44.
  • 25. Atabani, A.E., Silitonga, A.S., Badruddin, I.A., Mahlia, T.M.I., Masjuki, H.H., Mekhile, S., 2012. A Comprehensive Review on Biodiesel as an Alternative Energy Resource and its Characteristics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 2070– 2093.
  • 26. Rashid, U., Anwar, F., Knothe, G., 2009. Evaluation of Biodiesel Obtained from Cottonseed Oil. Fuel Process Technology; 90 (9), 1157–1163.
  • 27. Yaşar, A., Keskin, A., Yıldızhan, Ş., 2016. Evaluation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of a VCR Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel Fuel and Diesel-Biodiesel- Alcohol Blends. Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 31(1), 263-271.
  • 28. Ramos, M.J., Fernández, C.M., Casas, A., Lourdes, R., Pérez, Á., 2009. Influence of Fatty Acid Composition of Raw Materials on Biodiesel Properties, Bioresource Technology 100, 261–268.
  • 29. Ashraful, A.M., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Rizwanul Fattah, I.M., Imtenan, S., Shahir, S.A., Mobarak H.M., 2014. Production and Comparison of Fuel Properties, Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel from Various Non-edible Vegetable Oils: A Review Energy Conversion and Management 80, 202–228.
  • 30. Raheman, H., Ghadge, S.V., 2007. Performance of Compression Ignition Engine with Mahua (Madhuca Indica) Biodiesel Fuel 86, 2568–2573.
  • 31. Kaya, C., Hamamci, C., Baysal, A., Akba, O., Erdogan, S., Saydut, A., 2009. Methyl Ester of Peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) Seed Oil as a Potential Feedstock for Biodiesel Production Renewable Energy 34, 1257–1260.
  • 32. Thapa, S., Indrawan, N., Bhoi Pr. R., 2018. An Overview on Fuel Properties and Prospects of Jatropha Biodiesel as Fuel for Engines Environmental Technology & Innovation 9, 210–219.
  • 33. Alonso, J.A., Lamata, M.T., 2006. Consistency in the Analytic Hierarchy Process: A New Approach. Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 14(4), 445-459.
  • 34. Davras, G.M., Karaatlı, M., 2014. Otel İşletmelerinde Tedarikçi Seçimi Sürecinde AHP ve BAHP Yöntemlerinin Uygulaması H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1), 87-112.
  • 35. Awasthi, A., Satyaveer S. Chauhan., 2011. Using AHP and Dempster Shafer Theory for Evaluating Sustainable Transport Solutions Environmental Modelling & Software 26, 787-796.
  • 36.Göksu, A., 2008. Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşik Proses ve Üniversite Tercih Sıralanmasında Uygulanması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, 128.
  • 37. Filemon, J., 2010. Biofuels from Plant Oils. oks/biofuel. pdf; [cited 16.04.2018].
  • 38. Atadashi, I.M., Aroua, M.K., Abdul Aziz, A., 2010. High Quality Biodiesel and its Diesel Engine Application: A Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews;14(7), 1999-2008.
  • 39. cited 14.8.2018
  • 40. Lapuerta, M., Armas, O., Rodriguez- Fernandez, J., 2008. Effect of Biodiesel Fuels on Diesel Engine Emissions. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science; 34(2), 198-223.
  • 41. Kilic, M., Ali, H.M., 2018. Numerical Investigation of Combined Effect of Nanofluids and Multiple Impinging Jets on Heat Transfer, Thermal Science 2018 On Line- First Issue 00, Pages: 94-94
  • 42. Kilic, M., 2018. Askeri Sistemlerde Nanoakışkan Uygulamalarının Sayısal İncelemesi, The Journal of Defense Sciences, 17, 101-130, 10.17134/khosbd.427050.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mimarlık, Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Aslı Abdulvahitoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Abdulvahitoğlu, A. (2018). Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(3), 177-186.
AMA Abdulvahitoğlu A. Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel. cukurovaummfd. Eylül 2018;33(3):177-186. doi:10.21605/cukurovaummfd.504637
Chicago Abdulvahitoğlu, Aslı. “Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels As an Alternative Fuel”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 33, sy. 3 (Eylül 2018): 177-86.
EndNote Abdulvahitoğlu A (01 Eylül 2018) Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 33 3 177–186.
IEEE A. Abdulvahitoğlu, “Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel”, cukurovaummfd, c. 33, sy. 3, ss. 177–186, 2018, doi: 10.21605/cukurovaummfd.504637.
ISNAD Abdulvahitoğlu, Aslı. “Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels As an Alternative Fuel”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 33/3 (Eylül 2018), 177-186.
JAMA Abdulvahitoğlu A. Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel. cukurovaummfd. 2018;33:177–186.
MLA Abdulvahitoğlu, Aslı. “Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels As an Alternative Fuel”. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 33, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 177-86, doi:10.21605/cukurovaummfd.504637.
Vancouver Abdulvahitoğlu A. Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluating Different Biodiesels as an Alternative Fuel. cukurovaummfd. 2018;33(3):177-86.