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Stroke-related atrophic muscle group strengthening with an isokinetic dynamometer

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 49 Sayı: 2, 512 - 514, 30.06.2024


Hemiplegia is characterized by neuromuscular dysfunction that disrupts the patient’s quality of life and daily activities. Gait disorders can be observed in post-stroke hemiplegic patients. In addition to neurological and physical therapy approaches, individually prepared isokinetic exercises help the patient return to normal life. A 38-year-old patient with right-sided post-stroke hemiplegia was enrolled in a 4-week lower extremity exercise program specific to his current condition using an isokinetic dynamometer.Due to the 4-week lower extremity strengthening program, there was an increase in quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength and body muscle mass. According to the physical activity questionnaire, the patient’s daily activity increased, and it was determined that he could walk 15.4% longer in the 6-minute walk test. Hemiplegic patients can be supported to return to their daily lives and become more active with personalized isokinetic dynamometer muscle-strengthening programs. In addition, it may be possible to prevent or delay the occurrence of many cardiovascular, metabolic, and related diseases that may occur due to sarcopenia and sedentary life.


  • Sun X, Xu K, Shi Y, Li H, Li R, Yang S et al. Discussion on the rehabilitation of stroke hemiplegia based on interdisciplinary combination of medicine and engineering. Evid Based Complement Altern Med. 2021;2021:6631835.
  • Ferry B, Compagnat M, Yonneau J, Bensoussan L, Moucheboeuf G, Muller F et al. Awakening the control of the ankle dorsiflexors in the post-stroke hemiplegic subject to improve walking activity and social participation: the wake (walking ankle isokinetic exercise) randomised, controlled trial. Trials. 2022;23:661.
  • Ozgozen S, Guzel R, Basaran S, Coskun Benlidayi I. Residual deficits of knee flexors and plantar flexors predict normalized walking performance in patients with poststroke hemiplegia. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020;29:104658.
  • Noorizadeh Dehkordi S, Talebian S, Olyaei G, Montazeri A. Reliability of isokinetic normalized peak torque assessments for knee muscles in post-stroke hemiparesis. Gait Posture. 2008;27:715-8.
  • Kristensen OH, Stenager E, Dalgas U. Muscle strength and poststroke hemiplegia: a systematic review of muscle strength assessment and muscle strength impairment. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017;98:368-80.
  • Buyukvural Sen S, Ozbudak Demir S, Ekiz T, Ozgirgin N. Effects of the bilateral isokinetic strengthening training on functional parameters, gait, and the quality of life in patients with stroke. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8:16871-9.
  • Distefano G, Goodpaster BH. Effects of exercise and aging on skeletal muscle. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2018;8:a029785.
  • Nishikawa H, Asai A, Fukunishi S, Nishiguchi S, Higuchi K. Metabolic syndrome and sarcopenia. Nutrients. 2021;13:3519.
  • Fiuza-Luces C, Santos-Lozano A, Joyner M, Carrera-Bastos P, Picazo O, Zugaza JL et al. Exercise benefits in cardiovascular disease: beyond attenuation of traditional risk factors. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2018;15:731-43

İnmeye bağlı atrofik kas grubunun izokinetik dinamometre ile kuvvetlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 49 Sayı: 2, 512 - 514, 30.06.2024


Hemipleji, nöromusküler disfonksiyonla karakterize, kişinin yaşam kalitesini ve günlük aktivitelerini bozan bir durumdur. Yürüme bozuklukları hemiplejik hastalarda oldukça sık görülmektedir. Nörolojik ve fizik tedavi yaklaşımlarına ek olarak kişiye özel hazırlanan izokinetik egzersizler hastanın normal hayatına dönmesine destek olmaktadır. 38 yaşında stroke sonrası hemipleji ile başvuran hastaya, izokinetik dinamometre ile mevcut durumuna özel alt ekstremiteye yönelik 4 haftalık egzersiz programı uygulanmıştır. Hastaya uygulanan 4 haftalık alt ekstremite kuvvetlendirme programı neticesinde, quadriceps ve hamstring kas kuvvetlerinde ve vücut kas kitlesinde artış meydana gelmiştir. Hastanın fiziksel aktivite ölçeğine göre günlük aktivitesi artmış ve 6 dakika yürüme testinde daha uzun mesafe yürüyebildiği tespit edilmiştir. Kişiye özel uygulanacak izokinetik dinamometre kas kuvvetlendirme programları ile hastaların günlük yaşamlarına geri dönmeleri desteklenebilmektedir. Bununla beraber sarkopeni ve sedanter yaşama bağlı olarak ortaya çıkabilecek kardiyovasküler, metabolik ve ilişkili bir çok hastalığın da önlenmesi veya ortaya çıkmasının geciktirilmesi mümkün olabilir.


  • Sun X, Xu K, Shi Y, Li H, Li R, Yang S et al. Discussion on the rehabilitation of stroke hemiplegia based on interdisciplinary combination of medicine and engineering. Evid Based Complement Altern Med. 2021;2021:6631835.
  • Ferry B, Compagnat M, Yonneau J, Bensoussan L, Moucheboeuf G, Muller F et al. Awakening the control of the ankle dorsiflexors in the post-stroke hemiplegic subject to improve walking activity and social participation: the wake (walking ankle isokinetic exercise) randomised, controlled trial. Trials. 2022;23:661.
  • Ozgozen S, Guzel R, Basaran S, Coskun Benlidayi I. Residual deficits of knee flexors and plantar flexors predict normalized walking performance in patients with poststroke hemiplegia. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020;29:104658.
  • Noorizadeh Dehkordi S, Talebian S, Olyaei G, Montazeri A. Reliability of isokinetic normalized peak torque assessments for knee muscles in post-stroke hemiparesis. Gait Posture. 2008;27:715-8.
  • Kristensen OH, Stenager E, Dalgas U. Muscle strength and poststroke hemiplegia: a systematic review of muscle strength assessment and muscle strength impairment. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017;98:368-80.
  • Buyukvural Sen S, Ozbudak Demir S, Ekiz T, Ozgirgin N. Effects of the bilateral isokinetic strengthening training on functional parameters, gait, and the quality of life in patients with stroke. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8:16871-9.
  • Distefano G, Goodpaster BH. Effects of exercise and aging on skeletal muscle. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2018;8:a029785.
  • Nishikawa H, Asai A, Fukunishi S, Nishiguchi S, Higuchi K. Metabolic syndrome and sarcopenia. Nutrients. 2021;13:3519.
  • Fiuza-Luces C, Santos-Lozano A, Joyner M, Carrera-Bastos P, Picazo O, Zugaza JL et al. Exercise benefits in cardiovascular disease: beyond attenuation of traditional risk factors. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2018;15:731-43
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Editöre Mektup

Özgür Günaştı 0000-0002-2668-7416

Çiğdem Özdemir 0000-0003-3360-8541

Kerem Özgünen 0000-0002-6840-6299

Kerim Kerimov 0009-0008-0098-8051

İlke Coşkun Benlidayı 0000-0001-6517-5969

Sanlı Sadi Kurdak 0000-0002-0797-046X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 11 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 49 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

MLA Günaştı, Özgür vd. “Stroke-Related Atrophic Muscle Group Strengthening With an Isokinetic Dynamometer”. Cukurova Medical Journal, c. 49, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 512-4, doi:10.17826/cumj.1401510.