Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2023, , 103 - 107, 14.07.2023



  • 1. Naveen Shankar A, Naveen Shankar V, Hegde N, Sharma, Prasad R. The pattern of the maxillofacial fractures - A multicentre ret- rospective study. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2012;40(8):675-679. [Crossref]
  • 2. Agarwal M, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Singh V. Prospective Random- ized Clinical Trial Comparing Bite Force in 2-mm Locking Plates Ver- sus 2-mm Standard Plates in Treatment of Mandibular Fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(7):1995-2000. [Crossref]
  • 3. Mijiti A, Ling W, Tuerdi M, et al. Epidemiological analysis of maxillofa- cial fractures treated at a university hospital, Xinjiang, China: A 5-year retrospective study. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2014;42(3):227-233. [Crossref] 4. Boffano P, Roccia F, Zavattero E, et al. European Maxillofacial Trau- ma (EURMAT) project: A multicentre and prospective study. J Cra- nio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2015;43(1):62-70. [Crossref]
  • 5. Yamamoto K, Matsusue Y, Horita S, Murakami K, Sugiura T, Kirita T. Trend and Characteristics of 2,636 Maxillofacial Fracture Cases over 32 Years in Suburban City of Japan. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Recon- str. 2015;8(4):281-288. [Crossref]
  • 6. Cabalag MS, Wasiak J, Andrew NE, Tang J, Kirby JC, Morgan DJ. Epidemi- ology and management of maxillofacial fractures in an Australian trauma centre. J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2014;67(2):183-189. [Crossref]
  • 7. Yamamoto K, Matsusue Y, Horita S, Murakami K, Sugiura T, Kirita T. Maxillofacial fractures associated with interpersonal violence. J Cra- niofac Surg. 2019;30(4):E312-E315. [Crossref]
  • 8. Lee K. Global Trends in Maxillofacial Fractures. Craniomaxillofac Trau- ma Reconstr. 2012;5(4):213-222. [Crossref]
  • 9. Carlin CB, Ruff G, Mansfeld CP, Clinton MS. Facial fractures and relat- ed injuries: a ten-year retrospective analysis. J Craniomaxillofac Trau- ma. 1998;4(2):44-48.
  • 10. Alharbi FAN, Makrami AM, Ali FM, Maghdi AA. Patterns and etiology of maxillofacial fractures: A 5-Year retrospective study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2020;21(4):445-452. [Crossref]
  • 11. Bonavolontà P, Dell’aversana Orabona G, Abbate V, et al. The epide- miological analysis of maxillofacial fractures in Italy: The experience of a single tertiary center with 1720 patients. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2017;45(8):1319-1326. [Crossref]
  • 12. Kamath RAD, Bharani S, Hammannavar R, Ingle SP, Shah AG. Maxillo- facial Trauma in Central Karnataka, India: An Outcome of 95 Cases in a Regional Trauma Care Centre. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2012;5(4):197-204. [Crossref]
  • 13. Motamedi MHK, Dadgar E, Ebrahimi A, Shirani G, Haghighat A, Jamal- pour MR. Pattern of maxillofacial fractures: A 5-year analysis of 8,818 patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014;77(4):630-634. [Crossref]
  • 14. Moore H, Donald P. Facial Fractures. In: Ballenger JJ, Ed. Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head and Neck. 14th ed. P.; 1991.
  • 15. Atilgan S, Erol B, Yaman F, Yilmaz N, Ucan MC. Mandibular fractures: A comparative analysis between young and adult patients in the south- east region of Turkey. J Appl Oral Sci. 2010;18(1):17-22. [Crossref]
  • 16. Viozzi CF. Maxillofacial and Mandibular Fractures in Sports. Clin Sports Med. 2017;36(2):355-368. [Crossref]
  • 17. Morris C, Bebeau NP, Brockhoff H, Tandon R, Tiwana P. Mandibular fractures: An analysis of the epidemiology and patterns of injury in 4,143 fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;73(5):951.e1-951.e12. [Crossref]
  • 18. Norozy A, Kalantar Motamedi MH, Ebrahimi A, Khoshmohabat H. Maxillofacial Fracture Patterns in Military Casualties. J Oral Maxillo- fac Surg. 2020;78(4):611.e1-611.e6. [Crossref]
  • 19. Bali RK, Sharma P, Garg A, Dhillon G. A comprehensive study on max- illofacial trauma conducted in Yamunanagar, India. J Inj Violence Res. 2013;5(2):108-116. [Crossref]
  • 20. Wusiman P, Maimaitituerxun B, Guli, Saimaiti A, Moming A. Epidemi- ology and Pattern of Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma. J Craniofac Surg. 2020;31(5):e517-e520. [Crossref]
  • 21. Erol B, Tanrıkulu R, Görgün B. Maxillofacial Fractures. Analysis of de- mographic distribution and treatment in 2901patients (25-year ex- perience). J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2004;32(5):308-313.
  • 22. Bakardjiev A, Pechalova P. Maxillofacial fractures in Southern Bulgar- ia - A retrospective study of 1706 cases. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2007;35(3):147-150. [Crossref]
  • 23. Thor A, Andersson L. Interdental wiring in jaw fractures: Effects on teeth and surrounding tissues after a one-year follow-up. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001;39(5):398-401. [Crossref

Demographic Analysis, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Maxillofacial Trauma Cases in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey: Retrospective and Comparative Analysis

Yıl 2023, , 103 - 107, 14.07.2023


Objective: The aim of this study was to make a retrospective analysis of cases treated with a diagnosis of maxillofacial fracture in southeast Turkey and to compare the frequency and etiology of maxillofacial fractures and evaluate them in the light of current literature.
Methods: Distribution of maxillofacial fractures according to etiology, gender and age, fracture localization, distribution of isolated mandible fractures according to mandible parts, treatment methods, and anesthesia type were evaluated in clinical records.
Results: A total of 488 patients diagnosed with maxillofacial fracture were included in the study. Of these patients, 74% are male and 26% are female. Regardless of age and gender, the most common cause of trauma is motor vehi- cle accidents with 29.3%. In fractures resulting from maxillofacial traumas, isolated mandible fractures take the first place with 79.1%. Condyle (24%) and angle (23%) fractures are the most common fractures of the mandible. About 75.61% of the patients were treated with closed reduction and 84% were operated under local anesthesia.
Conclusion: The most common etiological cause of maxillofacial fractures is motor vehicle accidents. Most fractures can be treated with closed reduction without complications, but there are cases where open reduc- tion internal fixation methods are also absolutely necessary.
Keywords mandible fractures, maxillofacial fractures, maxillofacial trauma
Amaç: Türkiye’nin güneydoğusunda maksillofasiyal fraktür teşhisiyle tedavileri yapılmış hastaların retrospektif analizlerinin yapılması ve maksillofasiyal kırıkların etiyolojisi ve sıklığını karşılaştırarak güncel literatürler ışığın- da değerlendirmektir.
Yöntem: Maksillofasiyal fraktürlerin yaş ve cinsiyete göre dağılımları, etiyolojisi, fraktür lokalizasyonu, izole man- dibula fraktürlerinin mandibula bölümlerine göre dağılımları, tedavi yöntemleri ve anestezi türü değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Maksillofasiyal fraktür tanısı alan 488 hastanın %74’ü erkek %26’sı kadındır. Yaş ve cinsiyetten bağım- sız olarak en sık travma nedeni %29.3 ile motorlu taşıt kazalarıdır. Maksillofasiyal travmalarda dağılım yönün- den ilk sırayı %79.1 ile izole mandibula fraktürleri almaktadır. Mandibula fraktürleri arasında en sık %24 ile kondil,
%23 ile angulus kırıkları görülmektedir. Hastaların %75.61’i kapalı redüksiyon ile tedavi edilmiş olup %84’ü lokal anestezi altında opere edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Maksillofasiyal fraktürlerin en sık görülen etiyolojik nedeni motorlu taşıt kazalarıdır. Çoğu fraktür kapalı redüksiyon ile komplikasyonsuz tedavi edilebilir ancak açık redüksiyon ve internal fiksasyon yöntemlerinin de mutlaka gerekli olduğu durumlar vardır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Maksillofasiyal travma, maksillofasiyal fraktürler, mandibula fraktürleri


  • 1. Naveen Shankar A, Naveen Shankar V, Hegde N, Sharma, Prasad R. The pattern of the maxillofacial fractures - A multicentre ret- rospective study. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2012;40(8):675-679. [Crossref]
  • 2. Agarwal M, Mohammad S, Singh RK, Singh V. Prospective Random- ized Clinical Trial Comparing Bite Force in 2-mm Locking Plates Ver- sus 2-mm Standard Plates in Treatment of Mandibular Fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(7):1995-2000. [Crossref]
  • 3. Mijiti A, Ling W, Tuerdi M, et al. Epidemiological analysis of maxillofa- cial fractures treated at a university hospital, Xinjiang, China: A 5-year retrospective study. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2014;42(3):227-233. [Crossref] 4. Boffano P, Roccia F, Zavattero E, et al. European Maxillofacial Trau- ma (EURMAT) project: A multicentre and prospective study. J Cra- nio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2015;43(1):62-70. [Crossref]
  • 5. Yamamoto K, Matsusue Y, Horita S, Murakami K, Sugiura T, Kirita T. Trend and Characteristics of 2,636 Maxillofacial Fracture Cases over 32 Years in Suburban City of Japan. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Recon- str. 2015;8(4):281-288. [Crossref]
  • 6. Cabalag MS, Wasiak J, Andrew NE, Tang J, Kirby JC, Morgan DJ. Epidemi- ology and management of maxillofacial fractures in an Australian trauma centre. J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2014;67(2):183-189. [Crossref]
  • 7. Yamamoto K, Matsusue Y, Horita S, Murakami K, Sugiura T, Kirita T. Maxillofacial fractures associated with interpersonal violence. J Cra- niofac Surg. 2019;30(4):E312-E315. [Crossref]
  • 8. Lee K. Global Trends in Maxillofacial Fractures. Craniomaxillofac Trau- ma Reconstr. 2012;5(4):213-222. [Crossref]
  • 9. Carlin CB, Ruff G, Mansfeld CP, Clinton MS. Facial fractures and relat- ed injuries: a ten-year retrospective analysis. J Craniomaxillofac Trau- ma. 1998;4(2):44-48.
  • 10. Alharbi FAN, Makrami AM, Ali FM, Maghdi AA. Patterns and etiology of maxillofacial fractures: A 5-Year retrospective study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2020;21(4):445-452. [Crossref]
  • 11. Bonavolontà P, Dell’aversana Orabona G, Abbate V, et al. The epide- miological analysis of maxillofacial fractures in Italy: The experience of a single tertiary center with 1720 patients. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2017;45(8):1319-1326. [Crossref]
  • 12. Kamath RAD, Bharani S, Hammannavar R, Ingle SP, Shah AG. Maxillo- facial Trauma in Central Karnataka, India: An Outcome of 95 Cases in a Regional Trauma Care Centre. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr. 2012;5(4):197-204. [Crossref]
  • 13. Motamedi MHK, Dadgar E, Ebrahimi A, Shirani G, Haghighat A, Jamal- pour MR. Pattern of maxillofacial fractures: A 5-year analysis of 8,818 patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2014;77(4):630-634. [Crossref]
  • 14. Moore H, Donald P. Facial Fractures. In: Ballenger JJ, Ed. Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head and Neck. 14th ed. P.; 1991.
  • 15. Atilgan S, Erol B, Yaman F, Yilmaz N, Ucan MC. Mandibular fractures: A comparative analysis between young and adult patients in the south- east region of Turkey. J Appl Oral Sci. 2010;18(1):17-22. [Crossref]
  • 16. Viozzi CF. Maxillofacial and Mandibular Fractures in Sports. Clin Sports Med. 2017;36(2):355-368. [Crossref]
  • 17. Morris C, Bebeau NP, Brockhoff H, Tandon R, Tiwana P. Mandibular fractures: An analysis of the epidemiology and patterns of injury in 4,143 fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015;73(5):951.e1-951.e12. [Crossref]
  • 18. Norozy A, Kalantar Motamedi MH, Ebrahimi A, Khoshmohabat H. Maxillofacial Fracture Patterns in Military Casualties. J Oral Maxillo- fac Surg. 2020;78(4):611.e1-611.e6. [Crossref]
  • 19. Bali RK, Sharma P, Garg A, Dhillon G. A comprehensive study on max- illofacial trauma conducted in Yamunanagar, India. J Inj Violence Res. 2013;5(2):108-116. [Crossref]
  • 20. Wusiman P, Maimaitituerxun B, Guli, Saimaiti A, Moming A. Epidemi- ology and Pattern of Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma. J Craniofac Surg. 2020;31(5):e517-e520. [Crossref]
  • 21. Erol B, Tanrıkulu R, Görgün B. Maxillofacial Fractures. Analysis of de- mographic distribution and treatment in 2901patients (25-year ex- perience). J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2004;32(5):308-313.
  • 22. Bakardjiev A, Pechalova P. Maxillofacial fractures in Southern Bulgar- ia - A retrospective study of 1706 cases. J Cranio-Maxillofacial Surg. 2007;35(3):147-150. [Crossref]
  • 23. Thor A, Andersson L. Interdental wiring in jaw fractures: Effects on teeth and surrounding tissues after a one-year follow-up. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001;39(5):398-401. [Crossref
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Fatma Erış Derkuş Bu kişi benim

Utku Nezih Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

AMA Erış Derkuş F, Yılmaz UN. Demographic Analysis, Diagnosis, and Treatment Methods of Maxillofacial Trauma Cases in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey: Retrospective and Comparative Analysis. Curr Res Dent Sci. Temmuz 2023;33(2):103-107. doi:10.5152/CRDS.2023.222752

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