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Protetik Diş Tedavisi Uygulamalarında Adezyonun Önemi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3, 216 - 223, 28.07.2024


Diş hekimliğinde kullanılan materyaller gün geçtikçe değişmekte ve çeşitlilik kazanmaktadır. Bu gelişmelere rağmen klinikte görülen başarısızlıkların büyük bir kısmı siman bağlantısındaki problemlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Günümüzde yüksek sıkışma ve gerilme dayanıklılığına sahip rezin simanlar bu olumlu özelliklerinden ötürü retansiyon gereksinimi olan ve estetik beklentinin fazla olduğu vakalarda sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir.
Farklı materyaller arasındaki bağlanma ''adezyon'' olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Yüzey geriliminin artmasıyla, yüzey enerjisi artar, yüzey enerjisinin artmasıyla da adezyon kuvveti artar. Simantasyon işleminde kullanılan rezin simanlar, restorasyonun uzun süre başarı gösterebilmesi için diş ve restoratif materyalin her ikisine de kuvvetli bir şekilde bağlanmalıdır.
Materyallerin diş ile olan bağlantısını güçlü hale getirmek için yüzeyin ıslanabilirliği, kimyasal bağlanma ve mikromekanik kilitlenme oluşturmak önemlidir. Uygulanacak bir takım yüzey modifikasyon yöntemleriyle de bağlantıyı artırmak mümkündür. Yüzey işlemleri, materyallerin genel özelliklerini değiştirmeden, yüzey özelliklerini etkileyerek, biyolojik ve mekanik özelliklerinin güçlendirilmesi işlemidir. Materyallerin olumlu özellikleri, bu işlemler esnasında korunmaktadır. Bu amaçla simantasyon işlemi öncesi, restorasyonlara bir takım yüzey işlemleri uygulanarak adezyon kuvveti artırılmaya çalışılmaktadır.
Bu derlemenin amacı protetik diş tedavisi uygulamalarında büyük önem arz eden adezyon kavramları, adeziv sistemler ve rezin içerikli simanlar hakkında detaylı bilgi sunmaktır.


  • 1. Sakaguchi RL, Powers JM. Craig's restorative dental materials-e-book: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2012.
  • 2. O'Brien WJ. Dental materials and their selection, 2002. Quintessence 2002.
  • 3. Roberson T, Heymann H, Swift E. Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry MosbyInc. St. Louis, Missouri 2002;4:244-246.
  • 4. Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Yoshida Y, et al. Buonocore Memorial Lecture. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: Current status and future challenges. Operative dentistry 2003;28(3):215.
  • 5. Miyazaki M, Tsujimoto A, Tsubota K, et al. Important compositional characteristics in the clinical use of adhesive systems. Journal of Oral Science 2014;56(1):1-9.
  • 6. Manisalı Y, Koray F. Ağız-diş embriyolojisi ve histolojisi. İstanbul: Yenilik Basımevi 1982:73-98.
  • 7. Bozok Y. Amorf kalsiyum fosfat içerikli verniğin dentin hassasiyeti üzerine etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. 2010.
  • 8. Dik Ç. Surfaktanlı Edta Solüsyonlarının Genç ve Yaşlı Dentinin Adeziv Özellikleri Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. 2017.
  • 9. Yang S-E, Bae K-S. Scanning electron microscopy study of the adhesion of Prevotella nigrescens to the dentin of prepared root canals. Journal of Endodontics 2002;28(6):433-437.
  • 10. Olley R, Sehmi H. The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population. British Dental Journal 2017;223(4):293-297.
  • 11. Oliveira SS, Pugach MK, Hilton JF, et al. The influence of the dentin smear layer on adhesion: a self-etching primer vs. a total-etch system. Dental materials 2003;19(8):758-767.
  • 12. Summitt JB. Fundamentals of operative dentistry: a contemporary approach: Quintessence Publishing Company; 2006.
  • 13. Ren L, Li M, Pan Y, Meng X. Influence of polishing methods on the bonding effectiveness and durability of different resin cements to dentin. BioMed research international 2018;2018.
  • 14. Swift EJ, Perdigão J, Heymann HO. Bonding to enamel and dentin: a brief history and state of the art, 1995. QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL-ENGLISH EDITION- 1995;26:95-95.
  • 15. Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: a review of the literature. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2003;89(3):268-274.
  • 16. Ouyang L, Zhao Y, Jin G, et al. Influence of sulfur content on bone formation and antibacterial ability of sulfonated PEEK. Biomaterials 2016;83:115-126.
  • 17. Dérand P, Dérand T. Bond strength of luting cements to zirconium oxide ceramics. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2000;13(2).
  • 18. Bruce J, Hewlett R, Jo Y, Hobo H, Sumiya HD. Comtemporary esthetic dentistry practice fundamentals. Tokyo: Quintessence 1994:60-99.
  • 19. Kim B-K, Bae HE-K, Shim J-S, Lee K-W. The influence of ceramic surface treatments on the tensile bond strength of composite resin to all-ceramic coping materials. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2005;94(4):357-362.
  • 20. Hallmann L, Mehl A, Sereno N, Hämmerle CH. The improvement of adhesive properties of PEEK through different pre-treatments. Applied Surface Science 2012;258(18):7213-7218.
  • 21. Schmidlin PR, Stawarczyk B, Wieland M, et al. Effect of different surface pre-treatments and luting materials on shear bond strength to PEEK. Dental materials 2010;26(6):553-559.
  • 22. Della Bona A, Shen C, Anusavice KJ. Work of adhesion of resin on treated lithia disilicate-based ceramic. Dental Materials 2004;20(4):338-344.
  • 23. Bona AD, Anusavice KJ. Microstructure, composition, and etching topography of dental ceramics. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2002;15(2).
  • 24. Özcan M, Niedermeier W. Clinical study on the reasons for and location of failures of metal-ceramic restorations and survival of repairs. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2002;15(3).
  • 25. Hummel M, Kern M. Durability of the resin bond strength to the alumina ceramic Procera. Dental Materials 2004;20(5):498-508.
  • 26. Della-Bona A. Characterizing ceramics and the interfacial adhesion to resin: II-the relationship of surface treatment, bond strength, interfacial toughness and fractography. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2005;13(2):101-109.
  • 27. Özcan M, Vallittu PK. Effect of surface conditioning methods on the bond strength of luting cement to ceramics. Dental Materials 2003;19(8):725-731.
  • 28. Oh W-s, Shen C. Effect of surface topography on the bond strength of a composite to three different types of ceramic. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2003;90(3):241-246.
  • 29. Asadzadeh N, Ghorbanian F, Ahrary F, et al. Bond strength of resin cement and glass ionomer to Nd: YAG laser‐treated zirconia ceramics. Journal of Prosthodontics 2019;28(4):e881-e885.
  • 30. Khan AA, Al Kheraif A, Jamaluddin S, Elsharawy M, Divakar DD. Recent trends in surface treatment methods for bonding composite cement to zirconia: a review. J Adhes Dent 2017;19(1):7-19.
  • 31. Coluzzi DJ. Fundamentals of dental lasers: science and instruments. Dental Clinics of North America 2004;48(4):751-770, v.
  • 32. Prause A. Dis hekimligi ve laser sistemleri. Dishekimliginde Klinik Derg 2000;13:44-47.
  • 33. Ural Ç, KalyoncuoĞlu E, Balkaya V. The effect of different power outputs of carbon dioxide laser on bonding between zirconia ceramic surface and resin cement. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2012;70(6):541-546.
  • 34. Chen M, Zhang Y, Yao X, et al. Effect of a non-thermal, atmospheric-pressure, plasma brush on conversion of model self-etch adhesive formulations compared to conventional photo-polymerization. Dental materials 2012;28(12):1232-1239.
  • 35. Han GJ, Kim JH, Cho BH, Oh KH, Jeong JJ. Promotion of resin bonding to dental zirconia ceramic using plasma deposition of tetramethylsilane and benzene. European journal of oral sciences 2017;125(1):81-87.
  • 36. Tzanakakis E-GC, Tzoutzas IG, Koidis PT. Is there a potential for durable adhesion to zirconia restorations? A systematic review. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2016;115(1):9-19.
  • 37. Manso AP, Silva NR, Bonfante EA, et al. Cements and adhesives for all-ceramic restorations. Dental Clinics 2011;55(2):311-332.
  • 38. Alex G. CE 1-Preparing Porcelain Surfaces for Optimal Bonding. Compendium 2008;29(6):324.
  • 39. Pereira CNdB. Influência do padrão de evaporação do silano sobre a resistência de união entre uma cerâmica à base de dissilicato de lítio e um cimento resinoso quimicamente ativado: avaliação in vitro através de um ensaio mecânico de microtração. 2006.
  • 40. Awad MM, Alqahtani H, Al-Mudahi A, et al. Adhesive bonding to computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing esthetic dental materials: an overview. The journal of contemporary dental practice 2017;18(7):622-626.
  • 41. Liebermann A, Wimmer T, Schmidlin PR, et al. Physicomechanical characterization of polyetheretherketone and current esthetic dental CAD/CAM polymers after aging in different storage media. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2016;115(3):321-328. e2.
  • 42. Uhrenbacher J, Schmidlin PR, Keul C, et al. The effect of surface modification on the retention strength of polyetheretherketone crowns adhesively bonded to dentin abutments. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2014;112(6):1489-1497.
  • 43. Van Meerbeek B, Perdigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. The clinical performance of adhesives. Journal of dentistry 1998;26(1):1-20.
  • 44. Douglas WH. Clinical status of dentine bonding agents. Journal of Dentistry 1989;17(5):209-215.
  • 45. Duke ES. Adhesion and its application with restorative materials. Dent Clin North Am 1993;37(3):329-340.
  • 46. Sofan E, Sofan A, Palaia G, et al. Classification review of dental adhesive systems: from the IV generation to the universal type. Annali di stomatologia 2017;8(1):1.
  • 47. da Rosa WLdO, Piva E, da Silva AF. Bond strength of universal adhesives: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of dentistry 2015;43(7):765-776.
  • 48. Pashley DH, Tay FR, Breschi L, et al. State of the art etch-and-rinse adhesives. Dental materials 2011;27(1):1-16.
  • 49. Li F, Liu X-Y, Zhang L, Kang J-J, Chen J-H. Ethanol-wet bonding technique may enhance the bonding performance of contemporary etch-and-rinse dental adhesives. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2012;14(2):113.
  • 50. Masarwa N, Mohamed A, Abou-Rabii I, Zaghlan RA, Steier L. Longevity of self-etch dentin bonding adhesives compared to etch-and-rinse dentin bonding adhesives: a systematic review. Journal of Evidence based dental practice 2016;16(2):96-106.
  • 51.
  • 52. Hill EE. Dental cements for definitive luting: a review and practical clinical considerations. Dental Clinics of North America 2007;51(3):643-658.
  • 53. Freedman GA. Contemporary esthetic dentistry/[edited by] George Freedman: St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby; 2012.
  • 54. Lad PP, Kamath M, Tarale K, Kusugal PB. Practical clinical considerations of luting cements: A review. Journal of international oral health: JIOH 2014;6(1):116.
  • 55. Pegoraro TA, da Silva NR, Carvalho RM. Cements for use in esthetic dentistry. Dental Clinics of North America 2007;51(2):453-471.
  • 56. Dikicier S. Diş Hekimliğinde Adezyon Ve Adeziv Rezin Simanlarda Güncel Yaklaşimlar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 2016;26(4):152-158.
  • 57. Addison O, Marquis P, Fleming G. Quantifying the strength of a resin-coated dental ceramic. Journal of dental research 2008;87(6):542-547.
  • 58. Peumans M, Voet M, De Munck J, et al. Four-year clinical evaluation of a self-adhesive luting agent for ceramic inlays. Clinical oral investigations 2013;17(3):739-750.
  • 59. Suh BI, Feng L, Pashley DH, Tay FR. Factors contributing to the incompatibility between simplified-step adhesives and chemically-cured or dual-cured composites. Part III. Effect of acidic resin monomers. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2003;5(4).
  • 60. Cheong C, King N, Pashley DH, et al. Incompatibility of self-etch adhesives with chemical/dual-cured composites: two-step vs one-step systems. Operative Dentistry 2003;28(6):747-755.
  • 61. Craig R, Powers J. Restorative dental materials, Mosby, St. Louis, Missouri, USA 2002:672-675.
  • 62. Moon HJ, Lee YK, Lim BS, Kim CW. Effects of various light curing methods on the leachability of uncured substances and hardness of a composite resin. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2004;31(3):258-264.
  • 63. Matinlinna JP, Lassila LV, Özcan M, Yli-Urpo A, Vallittu PK. An introduction to silanes and their clinical applications in dentistry. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2004;17(2).
  • 64. Manicone PF, Iommetti PR, Raffaelli L. An overview of zirconia ceramics: basic properties and clinical applications. Journal of dentistry 2007;35(11):819-826.
  • 65. Burgess JO, Ghuman T, Cakir D, Swift J, Edward J. Self‐adhesive resin cements. Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry 2010;22(6):412-419.
  • 66. Ferracane JL, Stansbury J, Burke FJT. Self‐adhesive resin cements–chemistry, properties and clinical considerations. Journal of oral rehabilitation 2011;38(4):295-314.
  • 67. Carville R, Quinn F. The selection of adhesive systems for resin-based luting agents. Journal of the Irish Dental Association 2008;54(5).
  • 68. Salza U, Zimmermann J, Salzer T. Self-curing, self-etching adhesive cement systems. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2005;7(1).
  • 69. Sensat ML, Brackett WW, Meinberg TA, Beatty MW. Clinical evaluation of two adhesive composite cements for the suppression of dentinal cold sensitivity. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2002;88(1):50-53.
  • 70. De Munck Jd, Van Landuyt K, Peumans M, et al. A critical review of the durability of adhesion to tooth tissue: methods and results. Journal of dental research 2005;84(2):118-132.
  • 71. Zaimoğlu A, Can G. Sabit protezler. Ankara, AÜ Basımevi 2004:231-235.
  • 72. Albers HF. Tooth-colored restoratives: principles and techniques: PMPH-USA; 2002.
  • 73. KJ A. Phillip’s science of dental materials. 11th. Maryland Heights, MO, USA: Saunders: Elsevier Inc 2003.
  • 74. Gürdal P, Akdeniz BG, Hakan Sen B. The effects of mouthrinses on microhardness and colour stability of aesthetic restorative materials. Journal of oral rehabilitation 2002;29(9):895-901.
  • 75. Kim TH, Jivraj SA, Donovan TE. Selection of luting agents: part 2. methods 2006;13:15-17.
  • 76. Jung H, Friedl K-H, Hiller K-A, Haller A, Schmalz G. Curing efficiency of different polymerization methods through ceramic restorations. Clinical Oral Investigations 2001;5(3):156-161.
  • 77. Berrong JM, Weed RM, Schwartz IS. Color stability of selected dual‐cure composite resin cements. Journal of Prosthodontics 1993;2(1):24-27.

Protetik Diş Tedavisi Uygulamalarında Adezyonun Önemi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3, 216 - 223, 28.07.2024


Diş hekimliğinde kullanılan materyaller gün geçtikçe değişmekte ve çeşitlilik kazanmaktadır. Bu gelişmelere rağmen klinikte görülen başarısızlıkların büyük bir kısmı siman bağlantısındaki problemlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Günümüzde yüksek sıkışma ve gerilme dayanıklılığına sahip rezin simanlar bu olumlu özelliklerinden ötürü retansiyon gereksinimi olan ve estetik beklentinin fazla olduğu vakalarda sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir.
Farklı materyaller arasındaki bağlanma ''adezyon'' olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Yüzey geriliminin artmasıyla, yüzey enerjisi artar, yüzey enerjisinin artmasıyla da adezyon kuvveti artar. Simantasyon işleminde kullanılan rezin simanlar, restorasyonun uzun süre başarı gösterebilmesi için diş ve restoratif materyalin her ikisine de kuvvetli bir şekilde bağlanmalıdır.
Materyallerin diş ile olan bağlantısını güçlü hale getirmek için yüzeyin ıslanabilirliği, kimyasal bağlanma ve mikromekanik kilitlenme oluşturmak önemlidir. Uygulanacak bir takım yüzey modifikasyon yöntemleriyle de bağlantıyı artırmak mümkündür. Yüzey işlemleri, materyallerin genel özelliklerini değiştirmeden, yüzey özelliklerini etkileyerek, biyolojik ve mekanik özelliklerinin güçlendirilmesi işlemidir. Materyallerin olumlu özellikleri, bu işlemler esnasında korunmaktadır. Bu amaçla simantasyon işlemi öncesi, restorasyonlara bir takım yüzey işlemleri uygulanarak adezyon kuvveti artırılmaya çalışılmaktadır.
Bu derlemenin amacı protetik diş tedavisi uygulamalarında büyük önem arz eden adezyon kavramları, adeziv sistemler ve rezin içerikli simanlar hakkında detaylı bilgi sunmaktır.


  • 1. Sakaguchi RL, Powers JM. Craig's restorative dental materials-e-book: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2012.
  • 2. O'Brien WJ. Dental materials and their selection, 2002. Quintessence 2002.
  • 3. Roberson T, Heymann H, Swift E. Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry MosbyInc. St. Louis, Missouri 2002;4:244-246.
  • 4. Van Meerbeek B, De Munck J, Yoshida Y, et al. Buonocore Memorial Lecture. Adhesion to enamel and dentin: Current status and future challenges. Operative dentistry 2003;28(3):215.
  • 5. Miyazaki M, Tsujimoto A, Tsubota K, et al. Important compositional characteristics in the clinical use of adhesive systems. Journal of Oral Science 2014;56(1):1-9.
  • 6. Manisalı Y, Koray F. Ağız-diş embriyolojisi ve histolojisi. İstanbul: Yenilik Basımevi 1982:73-98.
  • 7. Bozok Y. Amorf kalsiyum fosfat içerikli verniğin dentin hassasiyeti üzerine etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. 2010.
  • 8. Dik Ç. Surfaktanlı Edta Solüsyonlarının Genç ve Yaşlı Dentinin Adeziv Özellikleri Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. 2017.
  • 9. Yang S-E, Bae K-S. Scanning electron microscopy study of the adhesion of Prevotella nigrescens to the dentin of prepared root canals. Journal of Endodontics 2002;28(6):433-437.
  • 10. Olley R, Sehmi H. The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population. British Dental Journal 2017;223(4):293-297.
  • 11. Oliveira SS, Pugach MK, Hilton JF, et al. The influence of the dentin smear layer on adhesion: a self-etching primer vs. a total-etch system. Dental materials 2003;19(8):758-767.
  • 12. Summitt JB. Fundamentals of operative dentistry: a contemporary approach: Quintessence Publishing Company; 2006.
  • 13. Ren L, Li M, Pan Y, Meng X. Influence of polishing methods on the bonding effectiveness and durability of different resin cements to dentin. BioMed research international 2018;2018.
  • 14. Swift EJ, Perdigão J, Heymann HO. Bonding to enamel and dentin: a brief history and state of the art, 1995. QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL-ENGLISH EDITION- 1995;26:95-95.
  • 15. Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resin-ceramic bonding: a review of the literature. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2003;89(3):268-274.
  • 16. Ouyang L, Zhao Y, Jin G, et al. Influence of sulfur content on bone formation and antibacterial ability of sulfonated PEEK. Biomaterials 2016;83:115-126.
  • 17. Dérand P, Dérand T. Bond strength of luting cements to zirconium oxide ceramics. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2000;13(2).
  • 18. Bruce J, Hewlett R, Jo Y, Hobo H, Sumiya HD. Comtemporary esthetic dentistry practice fundamentals. Tokyo: Quintessence 1994:60-99.
  • 19. Kim B-K, Bae HE-K, Shim J-S, Lee K-W. The influence of ceramic surface treatments on the tensile bond strength of composite resin to all-ceramic coping materials. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2005;94(4):357-362.
  • 20. Hallmann L, Mehl A, Sereno N, Hämmerle CH. The improvement of adhesive properties of PEEK through different pre-treatments. Applied Surface Science 2012;258(18):7213-7218.
  • 21. Schmidlin PR, Stawarczyk B, Wieland M, et al. Effect of different surface pre-treatments and luting materials on shear bond strength to PEEK. Dental materials 2010;26(6):553-559.
  • 22. Della Bona A, Shen C, Anusavice KJ. Work of adhesion of resin on treated lithia disilicate-based ceramic. Dental Materials 2004;20(4):338-344.
  • 23. Bona AD, Anusavice KJ. Microstructure, composition, and etching topography of dental ceramics. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2002;15(2).
  • 24. Özcan M, Niedermeier W. Clinical study on the reasons for and location of failures of metal-ceramic restorations and survival of repairs. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2002;15(3).
  • 25. Hummel M, Kern M. Durability of the resin bond strength to the alumina ceramic Procera. Dental Materials 2004;20(5):498-508.
  • 26. Della-Bona A. Characterizing ceramics and the interfacial adhesion to resin: II-the relationship of surface treatment, bond strength, interfacial toughness and fractography. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2005;13(2):101-109.
  • 27. Özcan M, Vallittu PK. Effect of surface conditioning methods on the bond strength of luting cement to ceramics. Dental Materials 2003;19(8):725-731.
  • 28. Oh W-s, Shen C. Effect of surface topography on the bond strength of a composite to three different types of ceramic. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2003;90(3):241-246.
  • 29. Asadzadeh N, Ghorbanian F, Ahrary F, et al. Bond strength of resin cement and glass ionomer to Nd: YAG laser‐treated zirconia ceramics. Journal of Prosthodontics 2019;28(4):e881-e885.
  • 30. Khan AA, Al Kheraif A, Jamaluddin S, Elsharawy M, Divakar DD. Recent trends in surface treatment methods for bonding composite cement to zirconia: a review. J Adhes Dent 2017;19(1):7-19.
  • 31. Coluzzi DJ. Fundamentals of dental lasers: science and instruments. Dental Clinics of North America 2004;48(4):751-770, v.
  • 32. Prause A. Dis hekimligi ve laser sistemleri. Dishekimliginde Klinik Derg 2000;13:44-47.
  • 33. Ural Ç, KalyoncuoĞlu E, Balkaya V. The effect of different power outputs of carbon dioxide laser on bonding between zirconia ceramic surface and resin cement. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2012;70(6):541-546.
  • 34. Chen M, Zhang Y, Yao X, et al. Effect of a non-thermal, atmospheric-pressure, plasma brush on conversion of model self-etch adhesive formulations compared to conventional photo-polymerization. Dental materials 2012;28(12):1232-1239.
  • 35. Han GJ, Kim JH, Cho BH, Oh KH, Jeong JJ. Promotion of resin bonding to dental zirconia ceramic using plasma deposition of tetramethylsilane and benzene. European journal of oral sciences 2017;125(1):81-87.
  • 36. Tzanakakis E-GC, Tzoutzas IG, Koidis PT. Is there a potential for durable adhesion to zirconia restorations? A systematic review. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2016;115(1):9-19.
  • 37. Manso AP, Silva NR, Bonfante EA, et al. Cements and adhesives for all-ceramic restorations. Dental Clinics 2011;55(2):311-332.
  • 38. Alex G. CE 1-Preparing Porcelain Surfaces for Optimal Bonding. Compendium 2008;29(6):324.
  • 39. Pereira CNdB. Influência do padrão de evaporação do silano sobre a resistência de união entre uma cerâmica à base de dissilicato de lítio e um cimento resinoso quimicamente ativado: avaliação in vitro através de um ensaio mecânico de microtração. 2006.
  • 40. Awad MM, Alqahtani H, Al-Mudahi A, et al. Adhesive bonding to computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing esthetic dental materials: an overview. The journal of contemporary dental practice 2017;18(7):622-626.
  • 41. Liebermann A, Wimmer T, Schmidlin PR, et al. Physicomechanical characterization of polyetheretherketone and current esthetic dental CAD/CAM polymers after aging in different storage media. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2016;115(3):321-328. e2.
  • 42. Uhrenbacher J, Schmidlin PR, Keul C, et al. The effect of surface modification on the retention strength of polyetheretherketone crowns adhesively bonded to dentin abutments. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2014;112(6):1489-1497.
  • 43. Van Meerbeek B, Perdigao J, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. The clinical performance of adhesives. Journal of dentistry 1998;26(1):1-20.
  • 44. Douglas WH. Clinical status of dentine bonding agents. Journal of Dentistry 1989;17(5):209-215.
  • 45. Duke ES. Adhesion and its application with restorative materials. Dent Clin North Am 1993;37(3):329-340.
  • 46. Sofan E, Sofan A, Palaia G, et al. Classification review of dental adhesive systems: from the IV generation to the universal type. Annali di stomatologia 2017;8(1):1.
  • 47. da Rosa WLdO, Piva E, da Silva AF. Bond strength of universal adhesives: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of dentistry 2015;43(7):765-776.
  • 48. Pashley DH, Tay FR, Breschi L, et al. State of the art etch-and-rinse adhesives. Dental materials 2011;27(1):1-16.
  • 49. Li F, Liu X-Y, Zhang L, Kang J-J, Chen J-H. Ethanol-wet bonding technique may enhance the bonding performance of contemporary etch-and-rinse dental adhesives. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2012;14(2):113.
  • 50. Masarwa N, Mohamed A, Abou-Rabii I, Zaghlan RA, Steier L. Longevity of self-etch dentin bonding adhesives compared to etch-and-rinse dentin bonding adhesives: a systematic review. Journal of Evidence based dental practice 2016;16(2):96-106.
  • 51.
  • 52. Hill EE. Dental cements for definitive luting: a review and practical clinical considerations. Dental Clinics of North America 2007;51(3):643-658.
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Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Nuran Yanıkoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Tosun B, Yanıkoğlu N. Protetik Diş Tedavisi Uygulamalarında Adezyonun Önemi. Curr Res Dent Sci. Temmuz 2024;34(3):216-223. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.946382

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