Customer profitability analysis CPA is a new method in managerial accounting that has been introduced for decision making CPA is an analysis that assigns revenues and costs to customers or groups of customers It is chiefly helpful when used with an activity based costing approach to help managers which customers they would like to attract keep and grow The aim of this paper is use of activity based costing to determine customer profitability analysis In this context a case study applied at a hotel property to understand how the activity based costing affects the result of the analysis Key Words: Activity Based Costing Customer Profitability Analysis ÖZET Müşteri karlılık analizi MKA kararlarda kullanılmak üzere ortaya çıkmış yeni bir yönetim muhasebesi metodudur MKA gelirleri ve giderleri müşteri veya müşteri gruplarına dağıtan bir analizdir Özellikle faaliyet tabanlı maliyet sistemi ile birlikte kullanıldığında işletme yöneticilerine müşterileriyle ilgili etkileme tutma ve büyüme kararlarında yardımcı olmaktadır Bu çalışmanın amacı faaliyet tabanlı maliyet sisteminin müşteri karlılık analizinde kullanılmasıdır Bu çerçevede bir otel işletmesinde olay çalışması metodu uygulanarak faaliyet tabanlı maliyet sisteminin analiz sonuçlarını ne şekilde etkilediği anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır Anahtar Kelimeler: Faaliyet Tabanlı Maliyet Sistemi Müşteri Karlılık Analizi
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Müşteri karlılık analizi (MKA) kararlarda kullanılmak üzere ortaya çıkmış yeni bir
yönetim muhasebesi metodudur. MKA gelirleri ve giderleri müşteri veya müşteri
gruplarına dağıtan bir analizdir. Özellikle faaliyet tabanlı maliyet sistemi ile birlikte
kullanıldığında işletme yöneticilerine müşterileriyle ilgili etkileme, tutma ve büyüme
kararlarında yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı faaliyet tabanlı maliyet
sisteminin müşteri karlılık analizinde kullanılmasıdır. Bu çerçevede bir otel
işletmesinde olay çalışması metodu uygulanarak faaliyet tabanlı maliyet sisteminin
analiz sonuçlarını ne şekilde etkilediği anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır
BABAD, Yair M., Bala V. Balachandran (1993), “Cost driver optimization in activity based costing”, The Accounting Review, Vol.68, No.3, ss. 563-575.
BARFIELD, J. T., C. A. Raiborn, M. R. Kinney, S. Person (2001), Cost Accounting: Traditions and Innovations (4th Edition), Salem, OR, U.S.A: Bookbyte / Norwest Textbooks.
EDEN, Yoram ve B. Ronen (2003), “Activity based costing and activity based management the same thing in a different guise ?”, Monthly Management Accountant, Vol 12.7, July, ss. 11-18.
FOSTER, G., M. Gupta, L. Sjoblom (1996), ”Customer profitability analysis: challenges and new directions", Journal of Cost Management, Vol. 10 ss. 5-17.
JACKMAN, S. M., Y. Shanahan (2002), “Customer profitability analysis: Frustration leads to evolution”, New Zealand Journal Of Applied Business Resarch, volume 1, number 1, ss. 125-135.
KAPLAN, Robert S., V. G. Narayanan (2001), “Customer profitability measurement and management”, Harvard Business School, May 1, ss.1-12.
KARADAĞ, İslam, Woo Gon Kim (2006), “Comparing market segment profitability analysis with department-profitability analysis as hotel marketin decisions tools”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol.47, No.2, ss. 155-173.
MORIN, J. H., C. Kobel, D. Konstantas (2000), “Active business objects (ABO): When agents meet ABC/ABM based management”, Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences -2000, ss. 1-9.
MORSE, W. J., J. R. Davis, A. L. Hartgraves (2003), Management Accounting: A Strategic Approach, Thomson/South-Western, Australia, Mason, OH.
NARAYANDAS, Das (2005), “Building loyalty in business markets”, Harvard Business Review, September, ss. 131-139.
NIELSEN, J. F., D. P. N. Bukh, N. P. Mols (2000), “Barriers to customer oriented management accounting in financial services”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol.11, No 3, ss. 269-286.
NIRAJ, R., M. Gupta, C. Narasimhan (2001), “Customer profitability in a supply chain”, Journal of Marketing, Vol 65, Iss 3, ss. 1-15.
NOONE, Breffni, Peter Griffin (1997), “Enhancing yield management with customer profitability analysis”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9 / 2, ss.75-79.
ÖZTÜRK, Sevgi Ayşe (2003), Hizmet Pazarlaması (4.Baskı), Bursa, Ekin Kitabevi.
PFEIFER, E.P., M.E. Haskins, R.M. Conroy (basılacak), “Customer lifetime value, customer profitability, and the treatment of acquisition spending”, Journal of Managerial Issues.
PLOWMAN, Brian (2001), Activity Based Management: Improving Processes and Profitability, Abingdon, Oxon: Gower Publishing Limited.
SHARMAN, Paul A. (1993), “Activity-based management: A growing practice”, CMA Magazine, Vol. 67, Issue 2.
SMITH, Malcolm (2005), Performance Measurement And Management :A Strategic Approach To Management Accounting, London: Sage Publications.
SODERLUND, Magnus, Jonas Gunnarsson (2000), “Customer familarity and its effects on satisfaction and dissatisfaction”, SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Business Administration No.2000:2, March 2000, ss. 1-7.
STORBACKA, K., T. Strandvik, C. Grönroos (1994), “Managing customer relationships for profit: The dynamics of relationship quality”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol.5, No 5, ss. 21-38.
TANIŞ, Veyis Naci (1997), “Theoretical background of some research methods applicable in cost and management accounting”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 12, Sayı 2, ss.184-196.
WHITE, Don (2005), “Using customer data to improve service and drive incrementalprofit”, r Data_ to_ Improve_Services_&_Drive _Profit.pdf, (z.t. 2006)
ZEITHAML, Valarie A. (2000), “Service quality, profitability, and the economic worth of customers: What we know and what we need to learn”, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.28, No 1, ss.67-85.
ZIMMERMAN, Jerold L. (2000), Accounting For Decision Making And Control (Third Edition), Malaysia, McGraw-Hill.
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