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Çatışma Yönetim Tarzlarının Müzakere Sürecine Ve Sonuçlarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 163 - 176, 01.06.2008


One of the variables affecting the negotiation process and its outcomes is individuals’ conflict management styles In this context to examine the effects of conflict management styles on the negotiation process and its outcomes a study was conducted in public and private sector 209 employees participated in the study According to the results of the study cooperative approaches affects the negotiation process and its outcomes positively and significantly Moreover it was found that establishing cooperation and good relations between people during negotiations increased the negotiation satisfaction Keywords: Conflict Management Styles Negotiation Negotiation Process Negotiation Outcomes


  • Allred, K.A., Malozzi, J.S., Matsui, F. and Raia, C.P. (1997), “Influence of Anger and Compassion on Negotiation Performance”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 70(3): 175-187.
  • Beersma, B. and De Dreu, C.K.W. (1999), “Negotiation Processes and Outcomes in Prosocially and Egoistically Motivated Groups”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, 4: 385.
  • Calhoun, P.S. and Smith, W.P. (1999), “Integrative Bargaining: Does Gender Make a Difference?”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, 3: 203.
  • Carnevale, P.J. and Isen, A. M. (1986), “The Influence of Positive Affect and Visual Access on the Discovery of Integrative Solutions in Bilateral Negotiation”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37: 1-13.
  • Craver, C.B. (2003), “Negotiation Styles: The Impact on Bargaining Transactions”, Dispute Resolution Journal, Feb-Apr, 58, 1: 48.
  • De Dreu, C.K., Weingart, L.R. and Kwon, S. (2000), “Influence of Social Motives on Integrative Negotiation: A Meta-analytic, Review and Test of Two Theories”, Journal of Personality and Social Pyhschology, 78: 889-905.
  • Foo, M.D., Elfenbein, H.A., Tan, H.H. and Aik, V.C. (2004), “Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation: The Tension Between Creating and Claiming Value”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 15, 4: 411.
  • George, J.M., Jones, G.R. and Gonzalez, J.A. (1998), “The Role of Affect in Cross- Cultural Negotiations”, Journal of International Business Studies, Fourth Quarter, 29, 4: 749.
  • Gross, M.A. and Guerrero, L.K. (2000), “Managing Conflict Appropriately and Effectively: An Application of the Competence Model’s to Rahim Organizational Conflict Styles”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11, 3: 200.
  • Harwood, T. (2002), “Business Negotiations in The Context of Strategic Relationship Development”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 20, 6: 336.
  • Karakowsky, L. and Miller, D.L. (2006), “Negotiator Style and Influence in Multi-Party Negotiations: Exploring The Role of Gender”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27, 1/2: 50.
  • Krause, D.R., Terpend, R. and Petersen, K.J. (2006), “Bargaining Stances and Outcomes in Buyer-Seller Negotiations: Experimental Results”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Summer, 42, 3: 4.
  • Kozan, M. K. and İlter, S. (1994), “Third Party Roles Played By Turkish Managers in Subordinates' Conflicts”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 15: 453-466.
  • Kozan, M.K. and Ergin, C. (1999), “The Influence of Intra-cultural Value Differences on Conflict Management Practices”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol 10, No. 3: 249-267.
  • Kozan, M.K. (2002), “Subcultures and Conflict Management Style”, Management International Review, First Quarter, 42, 1: 89.
  • Lin, X. and Miller, S.J. (2003), “Negotiation Approaches: Direct and Indirect Effect of National Culture”, International Marketing Review, 20, 3: 286.
  • Lituchy, T.R. (1997), “Negotiations Between Japanese and Americans: The Effects of Collectivism on Integrative Outcomes”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Dec, 14, 4: 386.
  • Ma, Z. (2005), “Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in Conflict Management Styles: A Sino-Canadian Comparison”, Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto: 174-191.
  • Ma, Z., (2007), “Competing or Accommodating? An Empirical Test of Chinese Conflict Management Styles”, Contemporary Management Research, March, Vol.3, No.1: 3-22.
  • Ma, Z., Wang, X., Jaeger, A., Anderson, A., Wang, Y. and Saunders, D. (2002), "Individual Perception, Bargaining Behavior, and Negotiation Outcomes: A Comparison Across Two Countries", International Journal of Cross-cultural Management, Vol. 2: 171-184.
  • Mintu-Wimsatt, A. and Graham, J.L. (2004), “Testing a Negotiation Model on Canadian Anglophone and Mexican Exporters”, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Summer, 32, 3: 345.
  • Moberg, P.J. (2001), “Linking Conflict Strategy to the Five-Factor Model: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 12, 1: 47-68.
  • Nauta, A. and Sanders, K. (2000), “Interdepartmental Negotiation Behavior in Manufacturing Organizations”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11, 2: 135.
  • O'Connor, K.M. (1997), “Motives and Cognitions in Negotiation: A Theoretical Integration and an Empirical Test”, International Journal of Conflict Management, Apr, 8, 2: 114.
  • Oliver, R. L. and Balakrishnan, P. V. (1994), "Outcome Satisfaction in Negotiation: A Test of Expectancy Disconfirmation.", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 60: 252-274.
  • Rahim, M A., (1983), “A Measure of Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict”, Academy of Management Journal (pre-1986), 26, 2: 368.
  • Rahim, M.A. and Magner, N. (1995), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict: First-Order Factor Model and its Invariance Across Groups”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80: 122-132.
  • Rahim, M. A., Buntzman, G. F. and White, D. (1999), “An Empirical Study of the Stages of Moral Development and Conflict Management Styles”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10: 154-171.
  • Schei, V. and Rognes, J.K. (2003), “Knowing Me, Knowing You: Own Orientation and Information About The Oppenent’s Orientation in Negotiation”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 14, 1: 43.
  • Stuhlmacher, A.F. and Walters, A.E. (1999), “Gender Differences in Negotiation Outcome: A Meta-Analysis”, Personnel Psychology, 52, 3: 653.
  • Van de Vliert, E. and Kabanoff, B. (1990), Toward Theory-Based Measures Of Conflict Management, Academy of Management Journal, Mar, 33, 1:199.
  • Walters, A.E., Stuhlmacher, A.F. and Meyer, L.L. (1998), “Gender and Negotiator Competitiveness: A Meta Analysis”, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes Personnel, 76: 1-29.
  • Wolfe, R.J. and Mcginn, K.L. (2005), “Perceived Relative Power and its Influence on Negotiations”, Group Decision and Negotiation, 14: 3–20.

Çatışma Yönetim Tarzlarının Müzakere Sürecine Ve Sonuçlarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 163 - 176, 01.06.2008


Müzakere sürecine ve sonuçlarına etki eden değişkenlerden birisi de bireylerin çatışma yönetim tarzlarıdır Bu kapsamda çatışma yönetim tarzlarının müzakere sürecine ve sonuçlarına etkilerini incelemek amacıyla kamu ve özel sektör çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır Araştırmaya 209 çalışan katılmıştır Araştırma sonuçlarına göre işbirlikçi yaklaşımların müzakere sürecini ve sonuçlarını pozitif ve anlamlı olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir Ayrıca müzakerede ilk teklifin yüksek olması müzakere kazancını müzakere sürecindeki işbirlikçilik seviyesinin ve iyi ilişkiler geliştirmenin de müzakere tatminini artırdığı belirlenmiştir Anahtar Kelimeler: Çatışma Yönetim Tarzları Müzakere Müzakere Süreci Müzakere Sonuçları A RESEARCH ON EFFECTS OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLES ON NEGOTIATION PROCESS AND OUTCOMES


  • Allred, K.A., Malozzi, J.S., Matsui, F. and Raia, C.P. (1997), “Influence of Anger and Compassion on Negotiation Performance”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 70(3): 175-187.
  • Beersma, B. and De Dreu, C.K.W. (1999), “Negotiation Processes and Outcomes in Prosocially and Egoistically Motivated Groups”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, 4: 385.
  • Calhoun, P.S. and Smith, W.P. (1999), “Integrative Bargaining: Does Gender Make a Difference?”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, 3: 203.
  • Carnevale, P.J. and Isen, A. M. (1986), “The Influence of Positive Affect and Visual Access on the Discovery of Integrative Solutions in Bilateral Negotiation”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37: 1-13.
  • Craver, C.B. (2003), “Negotiation Styles: The Impact on Bargaining Transactions”, Dispute Resolution Journal, Feb-Apr, 58, 1: 48.
  • De Dreu, C.K., Weingart, L.R. and Kwon, S. (2000), “Influence of Social Motives on Integrative Negotiation: A Meta-analytic, Review and Test of Two Theories”, Journal of Personality and Social Pyhschology, 78: 889-905.
  • Foo, M.D., Elfenbein, H.A., Tan, H.H. and Aik, V.C. (2004), “Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation: The Tension Between Creating and Claiming Value”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 15, 4: 411.
  • George, J.M., Jones, G.R. and Gonzalez, J.A. (1998), “The Role of Affect in Cross- Cultural Negotiations”, Journal of International Business Studies, Fourth Quarter, 29, 4: 749.
  • Gross, M.A. and Guerrero, L.K. (2000), “Managing Conflict Appropriately and Effectively: An Application of the Competence Model’s to Rahim Organizational Conflict Styles”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11, 3: 200.
  • Harwood, T. (2002), “Business Negotiations in The Context of Strategic Relationship Development”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 20, 6: 336.
  • Karakowsky, L. and Miller, D.L. (2006), “Negotiator Style and Influence in Multi-Party Negotiations: Exploring The Role of Gender”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27, 1/2: 50.
  • Krause, D.R., Terpend, R. and Petersen, K.J. (2006), “Bargaining Stances and Outcomes in Buyer-Seller Negotiations: Experimental Results”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Summer, 42, 3: 4.
  • Kozan, M. K. and İlter, S. (1994), “Third Party Roles Played By Turkish Managers in Subordinates' Conflicts”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 15: 453-466.
  • Kozan, M.K. and Ergin, C. (1999), “The Influence of Intra-cultural Value Differences on Conflict Management Practices”, The International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol 10, No. 3: 249-267.
  • Kozan, M.K. (2002), “Subcultures and Conflict Management Style”, Management International Review, First Quarter, 42, 1: 89.
  • Lin, X. and Miller, S.J. (2003), “Negotiation Approaches: Direct and Indirect Effect of National Culture”, International Marketing Review, 20, 3: 286.
  • Lituchy, T.R. (1997), “Negotiations Between Japanese and Americans: The Effects of Collectivism on Integrative Outcomes”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Dec, 14, 4: 386.
  • Ma, Z. (2005), “Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in Conflict Management Styles: A Sino-Canadian Comparison”, Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto: 174-191.
  • Ma, Z., (2007), “Competing or Accommodating? An Empirical Test of Chinese Conflict Management Styles”, Contemporary Management Research, March, Vol.3, No.1: 3-22.
  • Ma, Z., Wang, X., Jaeger, A., Anderson, A., Wang, Y. and Saunders, D. (2002), "Individual Perception, Bargaining Behavior, and Negotiation Outcomes: A Comparison Across Two Countries", International Journal of Cross-cultural Management, Vol. 2: 171-184.
  • Mintu-Wimsatt, A. and Graham, J.L. (2004), “Testing a Negotiation Model on Canadian Anglophone and Mexican Exporters”, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Summer, 32, 3: 345.
  • Moberg, P.J. (2001), “Linking Conflict Strategy to the Five-Factor Model: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 12, 1: 47-68.
  • Nauta, A. and Sanders, K. (2000), “Interdepartmental Negotiation Behavior in Manufacturing Organizations”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 11, 2: 135.
  • O'Connor, K.M. (1997), “Motives and Cognitions in Negotiation: A Theoretical Integration and an Empirical Test”, International Journal of Conflict Management, Apr, 8, 2: 114.
  • Oliver, R. L. and Balakrishnan, P. V. (1994), "Outcome Satisfaction in Negotiation: A Test of Expectancy Disconfirmation.", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 60: 252-274.
  • Rahim, M A., (1983), “A Measure of Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict”, Academy of Management Journal (pre-1986), 26, 2: 368.
  • Rahim, M.A. and Magner, N. (1995), “Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict: First-Order Factor Model and its Invariance Across Groups”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80: 122-132.
  • Rahim, M. A., Buntzman, G. F. and White, D. (1999), “An Empirical Study of the Stages of Moral Development and Conflict Management Styles”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10: 154-171.
  • Schei, V. and Rognes, J.K. (2003), “Knowing Me, Knowing You: Own Orientation and Information About The Oppenent’s Orientation in Negotiation”, International Journal of Conflict Management, 14, 1: 43.
  • Stuhlmacher, A.F. and Walters, A.E. (1999), “Gender Differences in Negotiation Outcome: A Meta-Analysis”, Personnel Psychology, 52, 3: 653.
  • Van de Vliert, E. and Kabanoff, B. (1990), Toward Theory-Based Measures Of Conflict Management, Academy of Management Journal, Mar, 33, 1:199.
  • Walters, A.E., Stuhlmacher, A.F. and Meyer, L.L. (1998), “Gender and Negotiator Competitiveness: A Meta Analysis”, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes Personnel, 76: 1-29.
  • Wolfe, R.J. and Mcginn, K.L. (2005), “Perceived Relative Power and its Influence on Negotiations”, Group Decision and Negotiation, 14: 3–20.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Dr. Ahmet Erkuş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Erkuş, D. A. (2008). Çatışma Yönetim Tarzlarının Müzakere Sürecine Ve Sonuçlarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(2), 163-176.