Sürdürülebilir Ürün Tasarımında Tanım Ve Yöntemler
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 458 - 480, 01.09.2009
Arş.Gör. Deniz Zeren
Arş.Gör.Dr. Gülsün Nakıboğlu
- AMMENBERG, J.; SUNDIN, E. (2005). “Products in Environmental Management Systems: Drivers, Barriers and Experiences”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.13: 405-415.
- BAUMANN, H.; BOONS, F.; BRAGD, A. (2002). “Mapping the Green Product Development Field: Engineering, Policy and Business Perspectives”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.10: 409-425. BRICK, K. (2008). “Barriers for Implementation of the Environmental Load Profile and Other LCA-Based Tools”. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4786 (18.05.2008)
- BYGGETH, S.; BROMAN, G.; ROBERT, K.H. (2007). “A Method for sustainable Product Development Based on a Modular System of Guiding Questions”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 1-11. CERIN P.; LAESTADIUS, S. (2003), “The Efficiency of Becoming Eco-efficient”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 14 (2): 221-241.
- CHAVAN, M. (2005). “An Appraisal of Environment Managing Systems”. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. Vol.16 (5): 444-463.
- DARNALL, N.; JOLLEY, G.J.; HANDFIELD, R. (2008). "Environmental Management Systems and Green Supply Chain Management: Complements for Sustainability?". Business Strategy and the Environment, 18: 30–45.
- DeMENDONÇA, M.; BAXTER, T. E. (2001), “Design for the Environment (DFE)”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.20 (2): 267-291.
- DOGRU A.H.; DONALD H. SEBASTIAN, D.H. (1998). "Regional Process Modeling for Design for Environment". Journal of Systems Integration, 8: 159–181.
- DONNELLY, K.; BECKETT-FURNELL, Z.; TRAEGER, S.; OKRASINSKI, T.; HOLMAN, S. (2006). “Eco-design Implemented through a Product-based Environmental Management System”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 14: 1357-1367.
- DOWLATSHAHI, S. (2000). “Developing a Theory of Reverse Logistics”. Interfaces, 30 (3): 143-155. EKVALL, T.; FINNVEDEN, G. (2001). “Allocation in ISO 14041-A Critical Review”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.9: 197-208.
- EQD - Environment Quality Division (2001), “Product Innovation the Green Advantage. An Introduction to Design for Environment for Australian Business”. Environment Australia. Department of the Environment and Heritage. Australia. ISBN: 0642547238
- FRANKL, P. (2002). “Life Cycle Assessment as a Management Tool”. (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
- GADENNE, D.L.; KENNEDY, J.; McKEIVER, C. (2009). "An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs". Journal of Business Ethics, 84: 45–63.
- GLUCKMAN, J. (2007). "Encouraging Sustainable Product Design – an Update on Practical New Zealand Activity". The New Zealand Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science. 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science. 20-23 February 2007, New Zealand.
- HAES, H.A. (2002), "Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment". (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
- HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; DREYER, L.C.; JORGNSEN, A. (2008). "Assessing Social Impacts in a Life Cycle Perspective-Lessons Learned". CIRP Annals, Manufacturing Technology, 57: 21-24
- HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2004). “Design for Environment – Do We Get the Focus Right?”. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol.53 (1): 1-4.
- HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2005). "From Life Cycle Assessment to Sustainable Production: Status and Perspectives" CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol.54 (2):1-21.
- JESWIET, J.; HAUSCHILD, M. (2005). “EcoDesign and Future Environmental Impacts”. Materials and Design, Vol.26: 629-634.
- JOHANSSON, G. (2006). “Incorporating Environmental Concern in Product Development: A Study of Project Characteristics”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 17 (4): 421-436.
- JONES, P., CLARKE-HILL, C., COMFORT, D.; HILLIER, D. (2007). “Marketing and Sustainability”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 (2): 123-130.
- KAEBERNICK, H.; KARA, S.; SUN, M. (2003). “Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing by Considering Environmental Requirements”. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Vol.19: 461-468.
- KAMARA, M.; COFF, C.; WYNNE, B. (2006). “GMO‟s and Sustainability”, http://itsma.blogs.com/verge/corporate_responsibility/index.html
- KARLSSON, R.; LUTTROPP, C. (2006). “EcoDesign: What‟s Happening? An Overview of the Subject Area of EcoDesign and of the Papers in this Special Issue”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1291-1298.
- KNIGHT, P.; JENKINS, J. (2008). “Eco-Design: A Practitioner‟s Perspective”. IEMA Conference. "Aligning Environmental and Economic Priorities". Bournemouth International Centre, 5 June 2008.
- KOU, T.; HUANG, S.H.; ZHANG, H. (2001). “Design for Manufacture and Design for “X”: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives”. Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol.41: 241- 260.
- KURK, F.; EAGAN, P. (2007). “The Value of Adding Design-for-the-Environment to Pollution Prevention Assistance Options”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.XX: 1-5.
- LAESTADIUS, S.; KARLSON, L. (2001). “ Eco-efficient Products and Services Through LCA in R&D/Design”, Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 12 (2): 181-190.
- LUTTROPP, C.; LAGERSTEDT, J. (2006). “EcoDesign and Ten Golden Rules: Generic Advice for Merging Environmental Aspects into Product Development”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1396-1408.
- MASCLE, C.; ZHAO, H.P. (2008). “Integrating Environmental Consciousness in Product/Process Development Based on Life-Cycle Thinking”. International Journal of Production Economics, 112: 5-17.
- MASUI, K.; SAKAO, T.; KOBAYASHI, M.; INABA, A. (2003). “Applying Quality Function Deployment to Environmentally Conscious Design”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol.20 (1): 90-106.
- MAXWELL, D.; VAN DER VORST, R. (2003). “Developing Sustainable Products and Services”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.11: 883-895.
- MIRVIS, P. H. (1994), “Environmentalism in Progressive Businesses”, Journal of Organizational Change Management”, 7/4, 82-100.
- NAKIBOĞLU, G.; ZEREN, D. (2008). “Çevreci Ürün Tasarımı”. 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi, “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Pazarlama”. 30 Ekim-1 Kasım 2008, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana.
- NIELSEN, P.H.; WENZER, H. (2002) “Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Development: A Stepwise Procedure Based on Quantitative Life Cycle Assessment”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.10: 247-257.
- ORTIZ, I.M. (2006). "Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Green Chemistry: Application to Different Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment". Doktora Tezi. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
- ÖLUNDH-SANDSTRÖM, G.; TİNGDTÖM, J. (2008). “Management of Radical Innovation and Environmental Challenges: Development of the DryQ Capacitor at ABB”, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11 (2): 182- 198.
- PARK, P.; TAHARA, K. (2008). “Quantifying Producer and Consumer-based Eco-efficiencies for the Identification of Key Ecodesign Issues”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.16: 95-104.
- PERRINGS, C.; ANSUATEGI, A. (2000). “Sustainability, Growth and Development”. Journal of Economic Studies. Vol.27 (1-2): 19-54.
- PICKETT-BAKER, J.; OZAKİ, R. (2008), “Pro-environmental Products: Marketing Influence on Consumer Purchase Decision”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25/5: 281-293.
- PUJARI, D.; PEATTIE, K.; WRIGHT, G. (2004). “Organizational Antecedents of Environmental Responsiveness in Industrial New Product Development”. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.33: 381-391.
- PUJARI, D. (2006). “Eco-Innovation and New Product Development: Understanding the Influences on Market Performance”. Technovation. Vol.26: 76-85.
- RITZEN, S.; BESKOW, C. (2001). “Actions for Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Development”, The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, 1: 91-102.
- SAKAO, T. (2007). "A QFD-centred Design Methodology for Environmentally Conscious Product Design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol.45 (18–19): 4143–4162.
- SANTOS-REYES, D.E.; LAWLOR-WRIGHT, T. (2001). “A Design for the Environment Methodology to Support an Environmental Management System”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12 (5): 323-332.
- SCHALTEGGER, S. (1997). “Economics of Life Cycle Assessment: Inefficiency of the Present Approach”, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 6 (1): 1-8.
- THOMPSON, B.S. (1999). "Environmentally-sensitive Design: Leonardo Was Right ". Materials and Design, 20: 23-30.
- TINGSTROM, J. (2007). “Product Development with a Focus on Integration of Environmental Aspects” Doktora Tezi. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
- VON PAUMGARTTEN, P. (2003). “The Business Case for High-performance Green Buildings: Sustainability and its Financial Impact”. Journal of Facilities Management. Vol.2 (1): 26-34.
- WAAGE, S.A. (2007). "Re-considering Product Design: A Practical „„Road-map‟‟ for Integration of Sustainability Issues". Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 638-649.
- YARWOOD, J.M.; EAGAN, P.D. (1998). “Design for Environment Toolkit: A Competitive Edge for the Future”. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. Minnesota Technical Assistance Program. Minnesota, USA.
Sürdürülebilir Ürün Tasarımında Tanım Ve Yöntemler
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 458 - 480, 01.09.2009
Arş.Gör. Deniz Zeren
Arş.Gör.Dr. Gülsün Nakıboğlu
Dünya Çevre ve Kalkınma Komisyonu 8223;nun Brundtland Raporu ile çevre açısından sürdürülebilir geli 290;meye ili 290;kin temel tehditler ortaya konmu 290;tur Sürdürülebilir ürünler tasarlamak bu tehditlerin üstesinden gelebilmek için izlenecek adımların en kritik olanlarından biridir Sürdürülebilir ürünler üretebilmek için ürün tasarım ve geli 290;tirme süreçlerine sürdürülebilir yakla 290;ımlar adapte edebilmek 21 yüzyılın en önemli konularındandır Bu nedenle sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımına ili 290;kin oldukça fazla çalı 290;ma gerçekle 290;tirilmi 290;tir Yapılan ara 290;tırmalar sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımı için yöntem ve araçlar geli 290;tirmek sürdürülebilir tasarımı ürün geli 290;tirme sürecine entegre edebilmek ve sürdürülebilir tasarımla çevreci yönetim sistemlerini bir araya getirmek gibi alanları kapsamaktadır Bu çalı 290;ma farklı bakı 290; açılarından ve uygulama sistemlerinden yararlanarak sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımına yönelik kavram yöntem ve araçları bir araya getiren bir literatür taraması sunmayı ve gelecek çalı 290;malar için yol gösterici bir kavramsal altyapı olu 290;turmayı amaçlamaktadır Anahtar Sözcükler: sürdürülebilir ürün tasarımı; sürdürülebilirlik; çevreci yönetim stratejileri; çevreci ürün
- AMMENBERG, J.; SUNDIN, E. (2005). “Products in Environmental Management Systems: Drivers, Barriers and Experiences”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.13: 405-415.
- BAUMANN, H.; BOONS, F.; BRAGD, A. (2002). “Mapping the Green Product Development Field: Engineering, Policy and Business Perspectives”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.10: 409-425. BRICK, K. (2008). “Barriers for Implementation of the Environmental Load Profile and Other LCA-Based Tools”. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-4786 (18.05.2008)
- BYGGETH, S.; BROMAN, G.; ROBERT, K.H. (2007). “A Method for sustainable Product Development Based on a Modular System of Guiding Questions”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 1-11. CERIN P.; LAESTADIUS, S. (2003), “The Efficiency of Becoming Eco-efficient”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 14 (2): 221-241.
- CHAVAN, M. (2005). “An Appraisal of Environment Managing Systems”. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. Vol.16 (5): 444-463.
- DARNALL, N.; JOLLEY, G.J.; HANDFIELD, R. (2008). "Environmental Management Systems and Green Supply Chain Management: Complements for Sustainability?". Business Strategy and the Environment, 18: 30–45.
- DeMENDONÇA, M.; BAXTER, T. E. (2001), “Design for the Environment (DFE)”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.20 (2): 267-291.
- DOGRU A.H.; DONALD H. SEBASTIAN, D.H. (1998). "Regional Process Modeling for Design for Environment". Journal of Systems Integration, 8: 159–181.
- DONNELLY, K.; BECKETT-FURNELL, Z.; TRAEGER, S.; OKRASINSKI, T.; HOLMAN, S. (2006). “Eco-design Implemented through a Product-based Environmental Management System”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 14: 1357-1367.
- DOWLATSHAHI, S. (2000). “Developing a Theory of Reverse Logistics”. Interfaces, 30 (3): 143-155. EKVALL, T.; FINNVEDEN, G. (2001). “Allocation in ISO 14041-A Critical Review”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.9: 197-208.
- EQD - Environment Quality Division (2001), “Product Innovation the Green Advantage. An Introduction to Design for Environment for Australian Business”. Environment Australia. Department of the Environment and Heritage. Australia. ISBN: 0642547238
- FRANKL, P. (2002). “Life Cycle Assessment as a Management Tool”. (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
- GADENNE, D.L.; KENNEDY, J.; McKEIVER, C. (2009). "An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs". Journal of Business Ethics, 84: 45–63.
- GLUCKMAN, J. (2007). "Encouraging Sustainable Product Design – an Update on Practical New Zealand Activity". The New Zealand Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science. 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Engineering and Science. 20-23 February 2007, New Zealand.
- HAES, H.A. (2002), "Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment". (Ed: Ayres, R.U.; Ayres, L.W.), A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (138-149), Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., USA.
- HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; DREYER, L.C.; JORGNSEN, A. (2008). "Assessing Social Impacts in a Life Cycle Perspective-Lessons Learned". CIRP Annals, Manufacturing Technology, 57: 21-24
- HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2004). “Design for Environment – Do We Get the Focus Right?”. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol.53 (1): 1-4.
- HAUSCHILD, M.Z.; JESWIET, J.; ALTING, L. (2005). "From Life Cycle Assessment to Sustainable Production: Status and Perspectives" CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Vol.54 (2):1-21.
- JESWIET, J.; HAUSCHILD, M. (2005). “EcoDesign and Future Environmental Impacts”. Materials and Design, Vol.26: 629-634.
- JOHANSSON, G. (2006). “Incorporating Environmental Concern in Product Development: A Study of Project Characteristics”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 17 (4): 421-436.
- JONES, P., CLARKE-HILL, C., COMFORT, D.; HILLIER, D. (2007). “Marketing and Sustainability”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 (2): 123-130.
- KAEBERNICK, H.; KARA, S.; SUN, M. (2003). “Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing by Considering Environmental Requirements”. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Vol.19: 461-468.
- KAMARA, M.; COFF, C.; WYNNE, B. (2006). “GMO‟s and Sustainability”, http://itsma.blogs.com/verge/corporate_responsibility/index.html
- KARLSSON, R.; LUTTROPP, C. (2006). “EcoDesign: What‟s Happening? An Overview of the Subject Area of EcoDesign and of the Papers in this Special Issue”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1291-1298.
- KNIGHT, P.; JENKINS, J. (2008). “Eco-Design: A Practitioner‟s Perspective”. IEMA Conference. "Aligning Environmental and Economic Priorities". Bournemouth International Centre, 5 June 2008.
- KOU, T.; HUANG, S.H.; ZHANG, H. (2001). “Design for Manufacture and Design for “X”: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives”. Computers and Industrial Engineering. Vol.41: 241- 260.
- KURK, F.; EAGAN, P. (2007). “The Value of Adding Design-for-the-Environment to Pollution Prevention Assistance Options”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.XX: 1-5.
- LAESTADIUS, S.; KARLSON, L. (2001). “ Eco-efficient Products and Services Through LCA in R&D/Design”, Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 12 (2): 181-190.
- LUTTROPP, C.; LAGERSTEDT, J. (2006). “EcoDesign and Ten Golden Rules: Generic Advice for Merging Environmental Aspects into Product Development”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.14: 1396-1408.
- MASCLE, C.; ZHAO, H.P. (2008). “Integrating Environmental Consciousness in Product/Process Development Based on Life-Cycle Thinking”. International Journal of Production Economics, 112: 5-17.
- MASUI, K.; SAKAO, T.; KOBAYASHI, M.; INABA, A. (2003). “Applying Quality Function Deployment to Environmentally Conscious Design”. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. Vol.20 (1): 90-106.
- MAXWELL, D.; VAN DER VORST, R. (2003). “Developing Sustainable Products and Services”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.11: 883-895.
- MIRVIS, P. H. (1994), “Environmentalism in Progressive Businesses”, Journal of Organizational Change Management”, 7/4, 82-100.
- NAKIBOĞLU, G.; ZEREN, D. (2008). “Çevreci Ürün Tasarımı”. 13. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi, “Sürdürülebilirlik ve Pazarlama”. 30 Ekim-1 Kasım 2008, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana.
- NIELSEN, P.H.; WENZER, H. (2002) “Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Development: A Stepwise Procedure Based on Quantitative Life Cycle Assessment”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.10: 247-257.
- ORTIZ, I.M. (2006). "Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Green Chemistry: Application to Different Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment". Doktora Tezi. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
- ÖLUNDH-SANDSTRÖM, G.; TİNGDTÖM, J. (2008). “Management of Radical Innovation and Environmental Challenges: Development of the DryQ Capacitor at ABB”, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11 (2): 182- 198.
- PARK, P.; TAHARA, K. (2008). “Quantifying Producer and Consumer-based Eco-efficiencies for the Identification of Key Ecodesign Issues”. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol.16: 95-104.
- PERRINGS, C.; ANSUATEGI, A. (2000). “Sustainability, Growth and Development”. Journal of Economic Studies. Vol.27 (1-2): 19-54.
- PICKETT-BAKER, J.; OZAKİ, R. (2008), “Pro-environmental Products: Marketing Influence on Consumer Purchase Decision”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25/5: 281-293.
- PUJARI, D.; PEATTIE, K.; WRIGHT, G. (2004). “Organizational Antecedents of Environmental Responsiveness in Industrial New Product Development”. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.33: 381-391.
- PUJARI, D. (2006). “Eco-Innovation and New Product Development: Understanding the Influences on Market Performance”. Technovation. Vol.26: 76-85.
- RITZEN, S.; BESKOW, C. (2001). “Actions for Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Development”, The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, 1: 91-102.
- SAKAO, T. (2007). "A QFD-centred Design Methodology for Environmentally Conscious Product Design". International Journal of Production Research, Vol.45 (18–19): 4143–4162.
- SANTOS-REYES, D.E.; LAWLOR-WRIGHT, T. (2001). “A Design for the Environment Methodology to Support an Environmental Management System”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 12 (5): 323-332.
- SCHALTEGGER, S. (1997). “Economics of Life Cycle Assessment: Inefficiency of the Present Approach”, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 6 (1): 1-8.
- THOMPSON, B.S. (1999). "Environmentally-sensitive Design: Leonardo Was Right ". Materials and Design, 20: 23-30.
- TINGSTROM, J. (2007). “Product Development with a Focus on Integration of Environmental Aspects” Doktora Tezi. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
- VON PAUMGARTTEN, P. (2003). “The Business Case for High-performance Green Buildings: Sustainability and its Financial Impact”. Journal of Facilities Management. Vol.2 (1): 26-34.
- WAAGE, S.A. (2007). "Re-considering Product Design: A Practical „„Road-map‟‟ for Integration of Sustainability Issues". Journal of Cleaner Production, 15: 638-649.
- YARWOOD, J.M.; EAGAN, P.D. (1998). “Design for Environment Toolkit: A Competitive Edge for the Future”. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. Minnesota Technical Assistance Program. Minnesota, USA.