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Yeni Eğitim Paradigması Olarak E öğrenme 2 0 Ve Satış Elemanlarının Eğitiminde Kullanımı

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 45 - 61, 01.03.2010


: By combining learning with Web 2 0 infrastructure E learning 2 0 describes the use of Web for social learning purposes Nowadays ‘e learning 2 0’ can be applied as an alternative for the training of salespeople There are two main goals of this study First this study is aimed to explain e learning 2 0 as the new education paradigm Second it is aimed to present how e learning 2 0 as the new education paradigm can be used in the training of salespeople By considering these aims the basic features of Web 2 0 have been handled in the context of e learning Also e learning 2 0 applications have been integrated into the training of salespeople within the scope of this study In conclusion it can be stated that e learning 2 0 will gain importance in the near future with developing computer and internet technologies and the role and affect of e learning 2 0 in the training of salespeople will increase Keywords: Training of Salespeople; E learning; E learning 2 0 JELClassification: M30; M39; M53


  • Akar, E. (2006). Blogla Pazarlama, Tiem Yayıncılık: İstanbul.
  • Anderson, C. (2008). Long Tail, Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, Hyperion Ebook, Revised and Updated Edition.
  • Bessenyei, I. (2007). “Learning and Teaching in the Information Society. eLearning 2.0 and Connectivism”,, (14.09.2009).
  • Blees, I. ve Rittberger, M. (2009). “Web 2.0 Learning Environment: Concept, Implementation, Evaluation”, eLearning Papers, No:15, June, ss. 1-18.
  • Brown, J. S. ve Adler, R. P. (2008). “Minds on Fire Open Education, The Long Tail and Learning 2.0”, Educause Review, January/February, ss. 17-32. 03.09.2009.
  • Bull G. ve Hammond, T. (2008). “The Future of E-learning in Schools”, Eds. Heimo H. Adelsberger, Kinshuk, Jan Martin Pawlowski, Demetrios Sampson. Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training, ss. 345-362, Second Edition, Springer: Verlag Heidelberg.
  • Caladine, R. (2008). Enhancing E-Learning with Media-Rich Content and Interactions, Information Science Publishing: Hershey.
  • Chonco, L. B., Dubinsky, A.J., Jones, E., Roberts, J.A. (2003). “Organizational and ındividual learning in the sales force: An agenda for sales research”, Journal Of Business Research, 56, s. 935-946.
  • Collis, B. ve Moonen, J. (2008). “Web 2.0 tools and processes in higher education: quality perspectives”, Educational Media International, 1469-5790, Volume 45, Issue 2, ss. 93-106.
  • Cui, X., Wang, H. ve Cao, Z. (2008). “An Ajax-Based Terminology System for E- learning 2.0”,Eds. Zhingeng Pan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Abdennour El Rhalibi, Woontack Woo, Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, ss. 135- 146, Third International Conference, Edutainment, China, June, Proceedings.
  • Ebner, M. (2007). “E-Learning 2.0 = e-Learning 1.0 + Web 2.0?”, Reliability and Security ARES’07, IEEE Computer Society, s. 1235-1239.
  • Ehlers, U. D. (2009) “Web 2.0 - e-learning 2.0 – quality 2.0? Quality for new learning cultures”, Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 17 No. 3, ss. 296-314.
  • Franklin, T. ve Harmelen, M. (2007). “Web 2.0 for Content for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”, content-learning-and-teaching.pdf , (14.09.2009).
  • Grodecka, K., Wild, F. ve Kieslinger, B. (2008). How to Use Social Software in Higher Education, iCamp: Poland.
  • Grosseck, G. (2009). “To use or not to use web 2.0 in higher education?”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, ss. 478-482.
  • Hoglund, T. (2009). “Learning 2.0 Driving High Performance with New Strategies, Tools and a Broader Mission”, Accenture, White Paper, E16C70D0FC24/0/ACC_4165_learning_010609_2.pdf , (14.09.2009).
  • Honeycutt, E.D., Ford, J.B., Antonis C. S. (2003). Sales management: A global perspective, Londan: Routledge Taylor&Francis Group.
  • Jokisalo, E. ve Riu, A. (2009). “Informal learning in the era of Web 2.0”, 9 Jun, , (27.08.2009)
  • Murugesan, S. (2007). “Understanding Web 2.0”. IT Pro, IEEE Computer Society, July- August, s. 34-41.
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005), “What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software”, O'Reilly Network, %200.pdf (11.09.2009).
  • Osavandi, C. (2006). E-learning and the corporate world. Institute for Interactive Technologies, Department of Instructional Technology, E-Learning Concepts and Techniques e-book. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA,, 02.04.2009.
  • Rapp, A., Agnihotri, R., Forbes, L. P. (2008). “The sales force technology-performance chain: The role of adaptive selling and effort”, Journal Of Personel Selling &Sales Management, XXVIII, 4, (fall), s. 335-350.
  • Redecker, C. (2009). Review of Learning 2.0 Practices: Study on the Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe, EuropeanCommunities, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Seville.
  • Regueras, L. M., Verdu, E., Perez, M. A., Castro, J. P. ve Verdu, M. J. (2008). “E- Learning 2.0: The Learning Community”, Ed. Francisco J. Garcia Penalvo, Advances in E-Learning: Experiences and Methodologies, ss. 213-231. Information Science Reference: Hershey.
  • Rosen, A. (2009). E-learning 2.0 Proven Practices And Emerging Technologies To Achieve Results, Amacom: NewYork.
  • Rosenberg, M. J. (2000). E-learning: strategies for delivering knowledge in the digital age, OH, USA: McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Shaohua, H. ve Peilin, W. (2008). “Web 2.0 And Social Learning in a Digital Economy”, Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Workshop, KAM Workshop, IEEE International Symposium, s. 1121-1124.
  • Sun, P., Tsai, R.J., Finger, G., Chen, Y., Yeh, D. (2008). What drives a successful e- learning? an empirical ınvestigation of the critical factors ınfluencing learner satisfaction, Computers& Education 50, ss. 1183-1202.
  • Tai, L. (2008). Corporate e-learning. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Thalheimer, W. (2008). “Evaluation e-Learning 2.0: Getting Our Heads Around the Complexity”, Learning Solutions, August 18, ss. 1-13.
  • Ullrich, C., Borau, K., Luo, H., Tan, X., Shen, L. ve Shen, R. (2008). “Why Web 2.0 is Good for Learning and for Research: Principles and Prototypes”, WWW , April 21– 25, Beijing, China, ss. 705-714.
  • Usluel, Y. K. ve Mazman, S. G. (2009). “Adoption of Web 2.0 tools in distance education”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , s. 818–823.
  • Vipond, S. A. ve Dunn, P. T. (2008). Sales 2.0 Exploring Paradigm Shifts in Web Technologies, Sales Performance, and Learning, Intrepid Learning Solutions Executive White Paper, August.
  • Zoltners, A.A. (2001). Complete guide to accelerating sales force performance: Haw to get more sales from your sales force, NY, USA: AMACOM.
  • Weller, M. ve Dalziel, J. (2007). “Bridging the gap between web 2.0 and higher education”, Proceedings of the 2nd International LAMS Conference:Practical Benefits of Learning Design, s. 76-82.

Yeni Eğitim Paradigması Olarak E öğrenme 2 0 Ve Satış Elemanlarının Eğitiminde Kullanımı

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 45 - 61, 01.03.2010


: E öğrenme 2 0 Web 2 0 alt yapısıyla öğrenmeyi birleştirerek Web’in sosyal öğrenme amaçlı kullanımını ifade etmektedir Günümüzde satış elemanlarının eğitiminde bir alternatif olarak “e öğrenme 2 0”a başvurulabilir Bu çalışmanın iki temel amacı vardır Birincisi yeni eğitim paradigması olarak e öğrenme 2 0’ı açıklamaktır Çalışmanın ikinci amacını bir eğitim yöntemi olarak e öğrenme 2 0’ın satış elemanlarının eğitiminde nasıl kullanılacağının ortaya konulması oluşturmaktadır Bu amaçla Web 2 0’ın temel özellikleri e öğrenme bağlamında ele alınmıştır Ayrıca e öğrenme 2 0 uygulamaları satış elemanlarının eğitimi içerisine entegre edilmiştir Sonuçta gelişen bilgisayar ve internet teknolojileriyle yakın gelecekte e öğrenme 2 0’ın önem kazanacağı ve satış elemanlarının eğitiminde e öğrenme 2 0’ın rolünün ve etkisinin artacağı söylenebilir Anahtar Kelimeler: Satış Elemanlarının Eğitimi; E Öğrenme; E Öğrenme 2 0 JEL Sınıflanması: M30; M39; M53 E LEARNING 2 0 AS A NEW EDUCATION PARADIGM AND ITS USE IN THE TRAINING OF SALESPEOPLE


  • Akar, E. (2006). Blogla Pazarlama, Tiem Yayıncılık: İstanbul.
  • Anderson, C. (2008). Long Tail, Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More, Hyperion Ebook, Revised and Updated Edition.
  • Bessenyei, I. (2007). “Learning and Teaching in the Information Society. eLearning 2.0 and Connectivism”,, (14.09.2009).
  • Blees, I. ve Rittberger, M. (2009). “Web 2.0 Learning Environment: Concept, Implementation, Evaluation”, eLearning Papers, No:15, June, ss. 1-18.
  • Brown, J. S. ve Adler, R. P. (2008). “Minds on Fire Open Education, The Long Tail and Learning 2.0”, Educause Review, January/February, ss. 17-32. 03.09.2009.
  • Bull G. ve Hammond, T. (2008). “The Future of E-learning in Schools”, Eds. Heimo H. Adelsberger, Kinshuk, Jan Martin Pawlowski, Demetrios Sampson. Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training, ss. 345-362, Second Edition, Springer: Verlag Heidelberg.
  • Caladine, R. (2008). Enhancing E-Learning with Media-Rich Content and Interactions, Information Science Publishing: Hershey.
  • Chonco, L. B., Dubinsky, A.J., Jones, E., Roberts, J.A. (2003). “Organizational and ındividual learning in the sales force: An agenda for sales research”, Journal Of Business Research, 56, s. 935-946.
  • Collis, B. ve Moonen, J. (2008). “Web 2.0 tools and processes in higher education: quality perspectives”, Educational Media International, 1469-5790, Volume 45, Issue 2, ss. 93-106.
  • Cui, X., Wang, H. ve Cao, Z. (2008). “An Ajax-Based Terminology System for E- learning 2.0”,Eds. Zhingeng Pan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Abdennour El Rhalibi, Woontack Woo, Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, ss. 135- 146, Third International Conference, Edutainment, China, June, Proceedings.
  • Ebner, M. (2007). “E-Learning 2.0 = e-Learning 1.0 + Web 2.0?”, Reliability and Security ARES’07, IEEE Computer Society, s. 1235-1239.
  • Ehlers, U. D. (2009) “Web 2.0 - e-learning 2.0 – quality 2.0? Quality for new learning cultures”, Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 17 No. 3, ss. 296-314.
  • Franklin, T. ve Harmelen, M. (2007). “Web 2.0 for Content for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education”, content-learning-and-teaching.pdf , (14.09.2009).
  • Grodecka, K., Wild, F. ve Kieslinger, B. (2008). How to Use Social Software in Higher Education, iCamp: Poland.
  • Grosseck, G. (2009). “To use or not to use web 2.0 in higher education?”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1, ss. 478-482.
  • Hoglund, T. (2009). “Learning 2.0 Driving High Performance with New Strategies, Tools and a Broader Mission”, Accenture, White Paper, E16C70D0FC24/0/ACC_4165_learning_010609_2.pdf , (14.09.2009).
  • Honeycutt, E.D., Ford, J.B., Antonis C. S. (2003). Sales management: A global perspective, Londan: Routledge Taylor&Francis Group.
  • Jokisalo, E. ve Riu, A. (2009). “Informal learning in the era of Web 2.0”, 9 Jun, , (27.08.2009)
  • Murugesan, S. (2007). “Understanding Web 2.0”. IT Pro, IEEE Computer Society, July- August, s. 34-41.
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005), “What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software”, O'Reilly Network, %200.pdf (11.09.2009).
  • Osavandi, C. (2006). E-learning and the corporate world. Institute for Interactive Technologies, Department of Instructional Technology, E-Learning Concepts and Techniques e-book. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA,, 02.04.2009.
  • Rapp, A., Agnihotri, R., Forbes, L. P. (2008). “The sales force technology-performance chain: The role of adaptive selling and effort”, Journal Of Personel Selling &Sales Management, XXVIII, 4, (fall), s. 335-350.
  • Redecker, C. (2009). Review of Learning 2.0 Practices: Study on the Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe, EuropeanCommunities, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Seville.
  • Regueras, L. M., Verdu, E., Perez, M. A., Castro, J. P. ve Verdu, M. J. (2008). “E- Learning 2.0: The Learning Community”, Ed. Francisco J. Garcia Penalvo, Advances in E-Learning: Experiences and Methodologies, ss. 213-231. Information Science Reference: Hershey.
  • Rosen, A. (2009). E-learning 2.0 Proven Practices And Emerging Technologies To Achieve Results, Amacom: NewYork.
  • Rosenberg, M. J. (2000). E-learning: strategies for delivering knowledge in the digital age, OH, USA: McGraw-Hill Companies.
  • Shaohua, H. ve Peilin, W. (2008). “Web 2.0 And Social Learning in a Digital Economy”, Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling Workshop, KAM Workshop, IEEE International Symposium, s. 1121-1124.
  • Sun, P., Tsai, R.J., Finger, G., Chen, Y., Yeh, D. (2008). What drives a successful e- learning? an empirical ınvestigation of the critical factors ınfluencing learner satisfaction, Computers& Education 50, ss. 1183-1202.
  • Tai, L. (2008). Corporate e-learning. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Thalheimer, W. (2008). “Evaluation e-Learning 2.0: Getting Our Heads Around the Complexity”, Learning Solutions, August 18, ss. 1-13.
  • Ullrich, C., Borau, K., Luo, H., Tan, X., Shen, L. ve Shen, R. (2008). “Why Web 2.0 is Good for Learning and for Research: Principles and Prototypes”, WWW , April 21– 25, Beijing, China, ss. 705-714.
  • Usluel, Y. K. ve Mazman, S. G. (2009). “Adoption of Web 2.0 tools in distance education”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , s. 818–823.
  • Vipond, S. A. ve Dunn, P. T. (2008). Sales 2.0 Exploring Paradigm Shifts in Web Technologies, Sales Performance, and Learning, Intrepid Learning Solutions Executive White Paper, August.
  • Zoltners, A.A. (2001). Complete guide to accelerating sales force performance: Haw to get more sales from your sales force, NY, USA: AMACOM.
  • Weller, M. ve Dalziel, J. (2007). “Bridging the gap between web 2.0 and higher education”, Proceedings of the 2nd International LAMS Conference:Practical Benefits of Learning Design, s. 76-82.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Erkan Akar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akar, Y. D. D. E. (2010). Yeni Eğitim Paradigması Olarak E öğrenme 2 0 Ve Satış Elemanlarının Eğitiminde Kullanımı. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(1), 45-61.