Quality and trust are the most important elements for improving the e loyalty The aim of study is to indicate e services quality elements in e service marketing and to research the effect of e service quality on loyalty via e trust and e satisfaction Research data is acquired by the way of conducting survey to customers of an electronic website face to face Because of the increasingly adaptation of the Y generation to the internet sample of research is determined as 400 undergraduates While the reliability of research scale is tested by approach of Cronbach Alpha Coefficient its validity is tested by method of Factor Analysis After defined of the reliability and validity of scale Multiple Regression Analysis is used to test research hypothesis and it is concluded that the above mentioned variables are effective on loyalty Keywords: Service Marketing Electronic Marketing Trust Satisfaction Customer Loyalty
ANDERSON, R. E. ve S.S. Srinivasan (2003), “E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol.20 (2): 123-138.
ASUBONTENG, P., K.J. McClearly ve J. E. Swan (1996), “SERVQUAL Revisited: A Critical Review of Service Quality”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.10 (6): 62-81.
AYDIN, S. ve G. Özer (2005), “National Customer Satisfaction Indices: An Implementation in the Turkish Mobile Telephone Market”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.23 (5): 486-504.
AYDIN, Ö. (2007), “E-Perakendede Şaşırtan Büyüme”, www.capital. com.tr/haber.aspx?HBR_KOD=4032, Erişim Tarihi; 02 Mart 2008.
BARUTÇU, S. (2008), “Perakendecilik Sektöründe Teknolojik Değişim: EPerakendecilik, E-Mağaza Bağlılığı ve E-Mağaza Bağlılığını Etkileyen Faktörler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Vol.13 (1): 317- 334.
BEERLI, A., J.D. Martin ve A. Quintana (2004), “A Model of Customer Loyalty in the Retail Banking Market”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.38 (1/2): 253-275.
CAI, S. ve M. Fun (2003), “Internet Users’ Perceptions of Online Service Quality: A Comparison of Online Buyers and Information Searchers”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.13 (6): 504-519.
CHO, Y., R. Hiltz ve J. Fjermestad (2002), “The Effects of Post-Purchase Evaluation Factors on Online vs Offline Customer Complaining Behaviour: Implications for Customer Loyalty”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.29 (1): 318-326.
CHUMPITAZ, R. ve N.G. Paparoidamis (2004), “Service Quality and Marketing Performance in Business-to-Business Markets: Exploring the Mediating Role of Client Satisfaction”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.14 (2/3): 235-248.
CORRIROTE, C.L., B. Kracher ve S. Wiedenbeck (2003), “On-Line Trust: Concepts, Evolving Themes, A Model”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol.58 (6): 737-758.
EHIGIE, B. O. (2006), “Correlates of Customer Loyalty to Their Bank: A Case Study in Nigeria”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol.24 (7): 494-508.
GEFEN, D. (2000), “E-Commerce: The Role of Familiarity and Trust”, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol.28 (6): 725-737.
GOMMANS, M., K.S. Krishnan ve K.B. Scheffold (2001), “From Brand Loyalty to ELoyalty: A Conceptual Framework”, Journal of Economic and Social Research, Vol.3 (1): 43-58.
GRÖNROOS, C., F. Heinonen, K. Isoniemi ve M. Lindholm (2000), “The NetOffer Model: A Case Example from the Virtual Marketspace”, Management Decision, Vol. 38 (4): 243-252.
IBANEZ V. A., P. Hartman ve P. Z. Calvo (2006), “Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Residential Energy Markets: Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Switching Costs”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol.26 (6): 633-650.
KALAYCI, Ş. (2006), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, 2.Baskı, Asil Yayıncılık, Ankara.
KRAUTER-GRABNER, S. ve E.A. Kalusha (2003), “Empirical Research in On-Line Trust: A Review and Critical Assessment”, International Journal of HumanComputer Studies, Vol.58 (6): 783-812.
NAGATA, H., Y. Satoh, S. GERRARD ve P. Kytömaki (2004), “The Dimensions that Construct the Evaluation of Service Quality in Academic Libraries”, Performance Measurement and Metrics, Vol.5 (2): 53-65.
NUNNALLY, J. C. ve I. H. Bernstein (1994), Psychometric Theory, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
PALUMBO, F. ve P. HERBIG (2000), “The Multicultural Context of Brand Loyalty” European Journal of Innovation, Vol.3 (3): 116-124.
PAPADOPOULOU, P., A. Andreou, P. Kanellis ve D. Martakos (2001), “Trust and Relationship Building in Electronic Commerce”, Internet Research: Electronic Networking and Policy, Vol.11 (4): 322-332.
RIBBINK, D., A.C.R Riel, V. Liljander ve S. Streukens (2004), “Comfort Your Customer: Quality, Trust and Loyalty on the Internet”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.14 (6): 446-456.
SOHAIL, S. M. ve N. M. Skaikh (2008), “Internet Banking and Quality of Service: Perspectives from a Developing Nation in the Middle East”, Online Information Review, Vol. 32 (1): 58-72.
SRINVASAN, S., R.E. Anderson ve K. Ponnavolu (2002), “Customer Loyalty in ECommerce: An Exploration of its Antecedents and Consequences”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.78 (1): 41-51.
STANK, T. P., T.J. Goldsby ve S.K. Vickery (1999), “Effect of Service Supplier Performance on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Store Managers in the Fast Food Industry”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.17: 429-447.
SZYMANSKI, D. M. ve R.T. Hise (2000), “E-Satisfaction: An Initial Examination”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.76 (3): 309-322.
TEPECİ, M. (1999), “Increasing Brand Loyalty in Hospitality Industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, Vol. 11 (5): 223-229.
TSOUKATOS, E. ve G.K. Rand (2006), “Path Analysis of Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty in Greek Insurance”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.16 (5): 501-519.
WONG, A. (2004), “The Role of Emotional Satisfaction in Service Encounters”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.14 (5): 365-376
Elektronik Pazarlamada Müşteri Sadakatinin Geliştirilmesi: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma
E sadakatin geliştirilmesinde kalite ve güven en önemli unsurlardır Bu çalışmanın amacı e hizmet pazarlamasında kalite unsurlarını belirleyerek e hizmet kalitesinin e tatmin ve e güven aracı etkisiyle e sadakat üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılmasıdır Araştırma verileri bir elektronik hizmet sitesinin müşterileri üzerinde yüz yüze anket yöntemiyle elde edilmiştir Y jenerasyonu internet kullanımına daha çabuk adapte olduğundan araştırmanın örneklemi 400 üniversite öğrencisi olarak belirlenmiştir Araştırmada kullanılan ölçeklerin güvenirlilikleri Cronbach Alfa Katsayısı yöntemi geçerlilikleri ise Faktör Analizi yöntemi kullanılarak test edilmiştir Ölçeklerin güvenirlilik ve geçerlilikleri belirlendikten sonra araştırma hipotezlerinin test edilmesi için Çoklu Regresyon Analizi kullanılmış olup; söz konusu değişkenlerin sadakat üzerinde etkili oldukları sonucuna varılmıştır Anahtar Kelimeler: Hizmet Pazarlaması Elektronik Pazarlama Güven Tatmin Müşteri Sadakati THE DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOMER LOYALTY ON ELECTRONIC MARKETING: AN APLICATION ON KARADENIZ TECNICAL UNIVERSITY’s STUDENTS
ANDERSON, R. E. ve S.S. Srinivasan (2003), “E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol.20 (2): 123-138.
ASUBONTENG, P., K.J. McClearly ve J. E. Swan (1996), “SERVQUAL Revisited: A Critical Review of Service Quality”, The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.10 (6): 62-81.
AYDIN, S. ve G. Özer (2005), “National Customer Satisfaction Indices: An Implementation in the Turkish Mobile Telephone Market”, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol.23 (5): 486-504.
AYDIN, Ö. (2007), “E-Perakendede Şaşırtan Büyüme”, www.capital. com.tr/haber.aspx?HBR_KOD=4032, Erişim Tarihi; 02 Mart 2008.
BARUTÇU, S. (2008), “Perakendecilik Sektöründe Teknolojik Değişim: EPerakendecilik, E-Mağaza Bağlılığı ve E-Mağaza Bağlılığını Etkileyen Faktörler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Vol.13 (1): 317- 334.
BEERLI, A., J.D. Martin ve A. Quintana (2004), “A Model of Customer Loyalty in the Retail Banking Market”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.38 (1/2): 253-275.
CAI, S. ve M. Fun (2003), “Internet Users’ Perceptions of Online Service Quality: A Comparison of Online Buyers and Information Searchers”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.13 (6): 504-519.
CHO, Y., R. Hiltz ve J. Fjermestad (2002), “The Effects of Post-Purchase Evaluation Factors on Online vs Offline Customer Complaining Behaviour: Implications for Customer Loyalty”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.29 (1): 318-326.
CHUMPITAZ, R. ve N.G. Paparoidamis (2004), “Service Quality and Marketing Performance in Business-to-Business Markets: Exploring the Mediating Role of Client Satisfaction”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.14 (2/3): 235-248.
CORRIROTE, C.L., B. Kracher ve S. Wiedenbeck (2003), “On-Line Trust: Concepts, Evolving Themes, A Model”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol.58 (6): 737-758.
EHIGIE, B. O. (2006), “Correlates of Customer Loyalty to Their Bank: A Case Study in Nigeria”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol.24 (7): 494-508.
GEFEN, D. (2000), “E-Commerce: The Role of Familiarity and Trust”, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol.28 (6): 725-737.
GOMMANS, M., K.S. Krishnan ve K.B. Scheffold (2001), “From Brand Loyalty to ELoyalty: A Conceptual Framework”, Journal of Economic and Social Research, Vol.3 (1): 43-58.
GRÖNROOS, C., F. Heinonen, K. Isoniemi ve M. Lindholm (2000), “The NetOffer Model: A Case Example from the Virtual Marketspace”, Management Decision, Vol. 38 (4): 243-252.
IBANEZ V. A., P. Hartman ve P. Z. Calvo (2006), “Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Residential Energy Markets: Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Switching Costs”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol.26 (6): 633-650.
KALAYCI, Ş. (2006), SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, 2.Baskı, Asil Yayıncılık, Ankara.
KRAUTER-GRABNER, S. ve E.A. Kalusha (2003), “Empirical Research in On-Line Trust: A Review and Critical Assessment”, International Journal of HumanComputer Studies, Vol.58 (6): 783-812.
NAGATA, H., Y. Satoh, S. GERRARD ve P. Kytömaki (2004), “The Dimensions that Construct the Evaluation of Service Quality in Academic Libraries”, Performance Measurement and Metrics, Vol.5 (2): 53-65.
NUNNALLY, J. C. ve I. H. Bernstein (1994), Psychometric Theory, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
PALUMBO, F. ve P. HERBIG (2000), “The Multicultural Context of Brand Loyalty” European Journal of Innovation, Vol.3 (3): 116-124.
PAPADOPOULOU, P., A. Andreou, P. Kanellis ve D. Martakos (2001), “Trust and Relationship Building in Electronic Commerce”, Internet Research: Electronic Networking and Policy, Vol.11 (4): 322-332.
RIBBINK, D., A.C.R Riel, V. Liljander ve S. Streukens (2004), “Comfort Your Customer: Quality, Trust and Loyalty on the Internet”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.14 (6): 446-456.
SOHAIL, S. M. ve N. M. Skaikh (2008), “Internet Banking and Quality of Service: Perspectives from a Developing Nation in the Middle East”, Online Information Review, Vol. 32 (1): 58-72.
SRINVASAN, S., R.E. Anderson ve K. Ponnavolu (2002), “Customer Loyalty in ECommerce: An Exploration of its Antecedents and Consequences”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.78 (1): 41-51.
STANK, T. P., T.J. Goldsby ve S.K. Vickery (1999), “Effect of Service Supplier Performance on Satisfaction and Loyalty of Store Managers in the Fast Food Industry”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.17: 429-447.
SZYMANSKI, D. M. ve R.T. Hise (2000), “E-Satisfaction: An Initial Examination”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.76 (3): 309-322.
TEPECİ, M. (1999), “Increasing Brand Loyalty in Hospitality Industry”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality, Vol. 11 (5): 223-229.
TSOUKATOS, E. ve G.K. Rand (2006), “Path Analysis of Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty in Greek Insurance”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.16 (5): 501-519.
WONG, A. (2004), “The Role of Emotional Satisfaction in Service Encounters”, Managing Service Quality, Vol.14 (5): 365-376
Yıldız, Ö. G. S., & Çilingir, A. G. Z. (2010). Elektronik Pazarlamada Müşteri Sadakatinin Geliştirilmesi: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(1), 412-428.