Aim of this study is to measure of mentoring activities’ impact on the perception of organizational trust For this purpose survey conducted on 110 workers in a public bank operating in the province of Gaziantep According to data obtained from statistical findings significant and positive relationships were found between sub dimensions of mentoring activities career and psycho social and sub dimensions of organizational trust commitment integrity reliability Keywords: Mentoring Organizational Trust
Allen, T.D., Poteet, M.L. ve Russell, J.A E. (2000), ‗Protégé Selection by Mentors: What Makes The Difference?‘, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21:271– 282.
Allen, T.D., Eby, L.T., Poteet M.L., Lentz E., LŞma L. (2004), ‗Career Benefits Associated with Mentoring For Protégés: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (1): 127-136.
Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E. (2005), ‗Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri‘, Sakarya: Sakarya Kitabevi.
Altuntaş, A. ve Baykal, U. (2010), ―Relationship Between Nurses‘ Organizational Trust Levels and Between Their Organizational Citizenship Behaviors‖, Journal of Nursing Scholarship‘, 42 (2):186-194.
Arabacı, İ.B. ve Ersözlü, A. (2010), ‗Postgraduate Students‘Perceptions of Their Supervisors‘ Mentoring Skills (Gaziosmanpaşa University Example)‘, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2:4234–4238.
Baranik, L.E., Rolling, E.A. ve Eby, L.T. (2010), ‗Why Does Mentoring Work? The Role of Perceived Organizational Support‘, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76:366-373.
Burk, H.G. ve Eby, L.T. (2010), ‗What Keeps People in Mentoring Relationships When Bad Things Happen? A Field Study From The Protégé's Perspective‘, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77:437-466.
Butler, J. K. (1991), Toward Understanding and Measuring Trust: Evoluation of a
Conditions of Trust Inventory, Journal of Management, 17:643-663.
Chathoth, P.K., Mak, B., Sim, J., Jauhari, V. ve Manaktola, K. (2011), ‗Assessing Dimensions of Organizational Trust Across Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of U.S. and Indian Full Service Hotels‘, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30:233–242.
Chew, Y. T., Wong, S. K. (2008), Effects of Career Mentoring Experience and erceived Organizational Support on Employee Commitment and Intentions to Leave: A Study among Hotel Workers in Malaysia, International Journal of Management Vol. 25 No. 4 December .
Duberley, J. P. ve Burns, N. D. (1993), ‗Organizational Configurations: Implications For The Human Resource-Personnel Management Debate‘, Personnel Review, 22 (4): 26-34.
Eby, L., Butts M., Lockwood A., SŞmon S. (2004), ‗Protégés Negative Mentoring Experiences‘, Personnel Psychology, 57 (2): 411-447.
Ensher, E.A. ve Murphy, S. E. (2010), ‗The Mentoring Relationship Challenges Scale: The Impact of Mentoring Stage, Type, and Gender‘, Journal of Vocational Behavior, doi:10,1016/j.jvb.2010.11.008.
Erdem, F. ve Aytemur, J.Ö. (2008), ‗Mentoring - A Relationship Based on Trust: Qualitative Research‘, Public Personnel Management, 37 (1): 55-65.
Erden, A. ve Erden, H. (2009), ‗Predicting Organizational Trust Level of School Managers and Teachers at Elementary Schools‘, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 1: 2180–2190.
Fowler, J.L. ve O‘Gorman, J.G. (2005), ‗Mentoring Functions: A Contemporary View of the Perceptions of Mentees and Mentors‘, British Journal of Management, 16: 51–57.
Ganesan, S. ve H. Ross. (1997), ‗Dimensions and Levels of Trust: Implications for Commitment to a Relationship2, Marketing Letters, 8 (4): 439–448.
Gelfand, M.J., Erez, M. ve Aycan Z. (2007), ‗Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior, Annual Review Psychology, 58: 479–514.
Gibson, S. K. (2004), ‗Mentoring in Business and Industry: The Need for A Phenomenological Perspective‘, Mentoring and Tutoring, 12 (2):259-275.
Higgins, M.C. ve Kram K.E. (2001), ‗Reconceptualizing Mentoring at Work: A Developmental Network Perspective‘, Academy of Management Review, 26 (2): 264-288.
Hu, C., Pellegrini, E.K. ve Scandura, T. A. (2011), ‗Measurement Invariance in Mentoring Research: A Cross-Cultural Examination Across Taiwan and the U.S.‘, Journal of Vocational Behaivor, 78: 274-282.
Kath, L.M., Magley, V.J. ve Marmet, M. (2010), ‗The Role of Organizational Trust in Safety Climate‘s Influence on Organizational Outcomes‘, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42: 1488–1497.
Kram, E.K. (1983), ‗Phases of the Mentor Relationship, Academy of Management
Journal, 26 (4): 608–625.
Kramer, M. (1996), ‗Divergent Realities and Convergent Disappointments in the Hierarhic Relation. In R. M. Kramer, & T. R. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research‘, Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage, 216-245.
Kurşunoğlu, A. (2009), ‗An Investigation of Organizational Trust Level of Teachers According To Some Variables‘, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 1: 915–920.
Kwan, H. K., Liu, J. ve Yim, F. H. (2011), ‗Effects of Mentoring Functions on Receivers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Chinese Context: A Two- Study Investigation‘, Journal of Business Research , 64: 363–370.
Mayer, R., Davis, J. ve Schoorman, F. (1995), ‗An Invegrative Model of Organizational Trust‘, Academy of Management Review, 20 (3): 703-734.
Mishra, A.K. (1996), ‗Organizational Responses To Crisis: The Centrality of Trust. in R.M. Kramer & T.R. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research‘, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 261-287.
Niu, K-H. (2010), ‗Organizational Trust and Knowledge Obtaining in Industrial Clusters‘, Journal of Knowledge Management, 14 (1): 141-155.
Noe, R. (1988), ‗An Investigation of Determinants Successful Assigned Mentoring Relationships, Personnel Psychology, 41: 457-479.
O‘Neill, R. ve Sankowsky D. (2001), ‗The Caligula Phenomenon Mentoring Relationships and Theoretical Abuse‘, Journal of Management Inquiry, 10 (3): 206–21.
Özdamar, K. (1999), ‗Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi 2‘, Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
Özdaşlı, K. Kanten, S., Kanten, P. (2009), ‗Yöneticilerin Kariyer İlerleme Arzusu İle Örgütsel Baglılıklarının, akıl hocalığı Eğilimlerine Etkisini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Arastırma, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt:14, sayı:3, s.229-243.
Paine, K.D. (2003), ‗Guidelines for Measuring Trust In Organizations. 01.04.2011.
Payne, S. C., Huffman, A. H. (2005), A Longıtudınal Examınatıon of The Influence of Mentorıng on Organizational Commitment and Turnover, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1, 158–168.
Ragins, B.R. ve Scandura, T.A. (1997), ‗The Way We Were: Gender and The Termination of Mentoring Relationships‘, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82 (6): 945–953.
Reid, M. F., Allen, M. W., Armstrong, D. J., Riemenschneider, C. K.(2008), The Role of Mentoring and Supervisor Support for State IT Employees, Review of Public Personnel Administration Volume 28 Number 1 60-78
Seppanen, R., Blomqvist, K. ve Sundqvist, S.(2007), ‗Measuring Inter-Organizational Trust—A Critical Review of the Empirical Research in 1990–2003‘, Industrial Marketing Management, 36: 249 – 265.
Shockley-Zalabak, P., Ellis, K. ve Winograd, G. (2000), ‗Organizational Trust: What It Means, Why It Matters‘, Organization Development Journal, 18 (4): 35-47.
Siegel, P. H., Reinstein A., Miller, C. L.(2001), Mentoring and Organizational Justice
Among Audit Professionals, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 16:1 ISSN 0148-558X.
Sitkin, B. ve Stickel, D.(1996), ‗The Dynamics of Distrust in An Era of Quality. In R. M. Kramer, ve T. R. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory And Research‘. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage, 196-215.
Şimşek, S. ve Taşçı, A.(2004). ‗Örgütlerde "Güven" Konsepti ve Emniyet Örgütü‘nde Güven Modellerinin Değerlendirilmesi‘. Polis Dergisi, 34: 1-8.
Vidotto, G., Vicentini, M., Argentero, P. ve Bromiley, P. (2008), ‗Assessment of Organizational Trust: Italian Adaptation and Factorial Validity of the Organizational Trust Inventory‘, Social Indicators Research, 88: 563–575.
Young, A. M. ve Perrewe, P. L.(2000), ‗What Did You Expect? An Examination of Career-Reiated Support and Social Support Among Mentors and Proteges‘, Joumal of Management, 26 (4): 611-632.
Yüksel, Ö. (2007), ‗İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi‘, 6. Baskı, Gazi kitabevi: Ankara.
Örgütlerde Mentorlüğün Örgütsel Güven Algısına Etkisine İlişkin Bir Araştırma
Bu araştırma mentorlük faaliyetlerinin örgütsel güven algısı üzerindeki etkisini ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır Bu bağlamda Gaziantep ilinde faaliyette bulunan bir kamu bankasının çalışanlarının tamamıyla N=110 anket yapılmıştır Elde edilen istatistiksel bulgulara göre mentorlük faaliyetlerinin alt boyutları kariyer psiko sosyal ile örgütsel güvenin alt boyutları bağlılık dürüstlük ve güvenilirlik arasında anlamlı ve pozitif ilişkiler bulunmuştur Anahtar Kelimeler: Mentorlük Örgütsel Güven
Allen, T.D., Poteet, M.L. ve Russell, J.A E. (2000), ‗Protégé Selection by Mentors: What Makes The Difference?‘, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21:271– 282.
Allen, T.D., Eby, L.T., Poteet M.L., Lentz E., LŞma L. (2004), ‗Career Benefits Associated with Mentoring For Protégés: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (1): 127-136.
Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E. (2005), ‗Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri‘, Sakarya: Sakarya Kitabevi.
Altuntaş, A. ve Baykal, U. (2010), ―Relationship Between Nurses‘ Organizational Trust Levels and Between Their Organizational Citizenship Behaviors‖, Journal of Nursing Scholarship‘, 42 (2):186-194.
Arabacı, İ.B. ve Ersözlü, A. (2010), ‗Postgraduate Students‘Perceptions of Their Supervisors‘ Mentoring Skills (Gaziosmanpaşa University Example)‘, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2:4234–4238.
Baranik, L.E., Rolling, E.A. ve Eby, L.T. (2010), ‗Why Does Mentoring Work? The Role of Perceived Organizational Support‘, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76:366-373.
Burk, H.G. ve Eby, L.T. (2010), ‗What Keeps People in Mentoring Relationships When Bad Things Happen? A Field Study From The Protégé's Perspective‘, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77:437-466.
Butler, J. K. (1991), Toward Understanding and Measuring Trust: Evoluation of a
Conditions of Trust Inventory, Journal of Management, 17:643-663.
Chathoth, P.K., Mak, B., Sim, J., Jauhari, V. ve Manaktola, K. (2011), ‗Assessing Dimensions of Organizational Trust Across Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of U.S. and Indian Full Service Hotels‘, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30:233–242.
Chew, Y. T., Wong, S. K. (2008), Effects of Career Mentoring Experience and erceived Organizational Support on Employee Commitment and Intentions to Leave: A Study among Hotel Workers in Malaysia, International Journal of Management Vol. 25 No. 4 December .
Duberley, J. P. ve Burns, N. D. (1993), ‗Organizational Configurations: Implications For The Human Resource-Personnel Management Debate‘, Personnel Review, 22 (4): 26-34.
Eby, L., Butts M., Lockwood A., SŞmon S. (2004), ‗Protégés Negative Mentoring Experiences‘, Personnel Psychology, 57 (2): 411-447.
Ensher, E.A. ve Murphy, S. E. (2010), ‗The Mentoring Relationship Challenges Scale: The Impact of Mentoring Stage, Type, and Gender‘, Journal of Vocational Behavior, doi:10,1016/j.jvb.2010.11.008.
Erdem, F. ve Aytemur, J.Ö. (2008), ‗Mentoring - A Relationship Based on Trust: Qualitative Research‘, Public Personnel Management, 37 (1): 55-65.
Erden, A. ve Erden, H. (2009), ‗Predicting Organizational Trust Level of School Managers and Teachers at Elementary Schools‘, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 1: 2180–2190.
Fowler, J.L. ve O‘Gorman, J.G. (2005), ‗Mentoring Functions: A Contemporary View of the Perceptions of Mentees and Mentors‘, British Journal of Management, 16: 51–57.
Ganesan, S. ve H. Ross. (1997), ‗Dimensions and Levels of Trust: Implications for Commitment to a Relationship2, Marketing Letters, 8 (4): 439–448.
Gelfand, M.J., Erez, M. ve Aycan Z. (2007), ‗Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior, Annual Review Psychology, 58: 479–514.
Gibson, S. K. (2004), ‗Mentoring in Business and Industry: The Need for A Phenomenological Perspective‘, Mentoring and Tutoring, 12 (2):259-275.
Higgins, M.C. ve Kram K.E. (2001), ‗Reconceptualizing Mentoring at Work: A Developmental Network Perspective‘, Academy of Management Review, 26 (2): 264-288.
Hu, C., Pellegrini, E.K. ve Scandura, T. A. (2011), ‗Measurement Invariance in Mentoring Research: A Cross-Cultural Examination Across Taiwan and the U.S.‘, Journal of Vocational Behaivor, 78: 274-282.
Kath, L.M., Magley, V.J. ve Marmet, M. (2010), ‗The Role of Organizational Trust in Safety Climate‘s Influence on Organizational Outcomes‘, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42: 1488–1497.
Kram, E.K. (1983), ‗Phases of the Mentor Relationship, Academy of Management
Journal, 26 (4): 608–625.
Kramer, M. (1996), ‗Divergent Realities and Convergent Disappointments in the Hierarhic Relation. In R. M. Kramer, & T. R. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research‘, Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage, 216-245.
Kurşunoğlu, A. (2009), ‗An Investigation of Organizational Trust Level of Teachers According To Some Variables‘, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 1: 915–920.
Kwan, H. K., Liu, J. ve Yim, F. H. (2011), ‗Effects of Mentoring Functions on Receivers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Chinese Context: A Two- Study Investigation‘, Journal of Business Research , 64: 363–370.
Mayer, R., Davis, J. ve Schoorman, F. (1995), ‗An Invegrative Model of Organizational Trust‘, Academy of Management Review, 20 (3): 703-734.
Mishra, A.K. (1996), ‗Organizational Responses To Crisis: The Centrality of Trust. in R.M. Kramer & T.R. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research‘, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 261-287.
Niu, K-H. (2010), ‗Organizational Trust and Knowledge Obtaining in Industrial Clusters‘, Journal of Knowledge Management, 14 (1): 141-155.
Noe, R. (1988), ‗An Investigation of Determinants Successful Assigned Mentoring Relationships, Personnel Psychology, 41: 457-479.
O‘Neill, R. ve Sankowsky D. (2001), ‗The Caligula Phenomenon Mentoring Relationships and Theoretical Abuse‘, Journal of Management Inquiry, 10 (3): 206–21.
Özdamar, K. (1999), ‗Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi 2‘, Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi.
Özdaşlı, K. Kanten, S., Kanten, P. (2009), ‗Yöneticilerin Kariyer İlerleme Arzusu İle Örgütsel Baglılıklarının, akıl hocalığı Eğilimlerine Etkisini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Arastırma, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt:14, sayı:3, s.229-243.
Paine, K.D. (2003), ‗Guidelines for Measuring Trust In Organizations. 01.04.2011.
Payne, S. C., Huffman, A. H. (2005), A Longıtudınal Examınatıon of The Influence of Mentorıng on Organizational Commitment and Turnover, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1, 158–168.
Ragins, B.R. ve Scandura, T.A. (1997), ‗The Way We Were: Gender and The Termination of Mentoring Relationships‘, Journal of Applied Psychology, 82 (6): 945–953.
Reid, M. F., Allen, M. W., Armstrong, D. J., Riemenschneider, C. K.(2008), The Role of Mentoring and Supervisor Support for State IT Employees, Review of Public Personnel Administration Volume 28 Number 1 60-78
Seppanen, R., Blomqvist, K. ve Sundqvist, S.(2007), ‗Measuring Inter-Organizational Trust—A Critical Review of the Empirical Research in 1990–2003‘, Industrial Marketing Management, 36: 249 – 265.
Shockley-Zalabak, P., Ellis, K. ve Winograd, G. (2000), ‗Organizational Trust: What It Means, Why It Matters‘, Organization Development Journal, 18 (4): 35-47.
Siegel, P. H., Reinstein A., Miller, C. L.(2001), Mentoring and Organizational Justice
Among Audit Professionals, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 16:1 ISSN 0148-558X.
Sitkin, B. ve Stickel, D.(1996), ‗The Dynamics of Distrust in An Era of Quality. In R. M. Kramer, ve T. R. Tyler (Eds.), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory And Research‘. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage, 196-215.
Şimşek, S. ve Taşçı, A.(2004). ‗Örgütlerde "Güven" Konsepti ve Emniyet Örgütü‘nde Güven Modellerinin Değerlendirilmesi‘. Polis Dergisi, 34: 1-8.
Vidotto, G., Vicentini, M., Argentero, P. ve Bromiley, P. (2008), ‗Assessment of Organizational Trust: Italian Adaptation and Factorial Validity of the Organizational Trust Inventory‘, Social Indicators Research, 88: 563–575.
Young, A. M. ve Perrewe, P. L.(2000), ‗What Did You Expect? An Examination of Career-Reiated Support and Social Support Among Mentors and Proteges‘, Joumal of Management, 26 (4): 611-632.
Yüksel, Ö. (2007), ‗İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi‘, 6. Baskı, Gazi kitabevi: Ankara.
İbrahimoğlu, Y., Uğurlu, Y. D. D. Y., & Kızıloğlu, Ö. (2011). Örgütlerde Mentorlüğün Örgütsel Güven Algısına Etkisine İlişkin Bir Araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(3), 297-318.