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İşletmelerin Uluslararası Pazarlara Giriş Biçiminin Seçiminde Yerel Pazar Faktörlerinin Etkisi Üzerine Adana İlinde Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 1 - 20, 01.03.2012


Choosing the entry mode effects the level of the performance of firms while their entrances to the international markets is a strategic decision In this study we examined the effects of local markets factors that have effects on choosing the entry mode of firms during their entrances to the international markets on firms located around the city of Adana Datas were obtained by qustionnaire method that applied on 95 manufacturing firms which have entered to the any international markets and located around the city of Adana and datas were analyzed by statistical software program The main findings of study were found by using the probit regresssion method All in all we concluded that the firms that are located around the city of Adana and have entered to the any international markets have not been considering the local market factors during their entrances to the international markets Key Words: Entry Mode Local Market Factors Process of Internationalization Resource Commitment


  • Agarwal, S., (1994). Socio-Cultural Distance and the Choice of Joint Ventures: A Contingency Perspective, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 2, s. 63-80
  • Agarwal, S. ve S.N. Ramaswami (1992). Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode: Impact of Ownership, Location and Internalizatıon Factors, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.23, No.1, s.1-27
  • Anderson, E. ve A.T. Coughlan (1987). International Market Entry and Expansion via Independent or Integrated Channels of Distribution, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, s.71-82
  • Aulakh, P.S. ve M. Kotabe (1997). Antecedents and Performance Implications of Channel Integration in Foreign Markets, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.28, No.1, s.145-175
  • Ayal, I. ve J. Zif (1979). Market Expansion Strategies in Multinational Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol.43 (Spring), s.84-94
  • Bass, B. M., D.W. McGregor ve J.L. Walters (1977). Selecting Foreign Plant Sites: Economic, Social and Political Considerations, Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, s.535-551
  • Academy of Management
  • Brouthers, K.D. (2002). Institutional, Cultural and Transaction Cost Influences on Entry Mode Choice and Performance, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.33, No.2, s.203-221
  • Brouthers, L.E., K.D. Brouthers ve S. Werner (2000). Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Entry Mode Choice and Satisfaction with EC-MNC Performance, British Journal of Management, 11, s.183-195
  • Brouthers, K.D. ve L.E. Brouthers (2003). Why Service and Manufacturing Entry Mode Choices Differ: The Influence of Transaction Cost Factors, Risk and Trust, Journal of Management Studies, Vol.40, No.5, s.1179-1204
  • Buckley, P.J. ve M.C. Casson (1998). Analysing Foreign Market Entry Strategies: Extending the Internalization Approach, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.29, No.3, s.539-561
  • Campa, J. M. ve M.F. Guille´n (1999). The Internalization of Exports: Firm- and Location-Specific Factors in a Middle-Income Country, Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 11, s.1463-1478
  • Carazo, P.C.M. ve R. Lumiste (2010). Foreign Entry Modes of Colombian Small and Medium Enterprises, International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives, Vol.5, No.1, s.16-41
  • Casson, M. (1995). The Organization of International Business,” Aldershot, U.K. ve Brookfield, U.S., Edward Elgar
  • Chung, H.F.L. ve P. Enderwick (2001). An Investigation of Market Entry Strategy Selection: Export vs. Foreign Direct Investment Modes: A home-host Country Scenario, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 18(4), s.443–460
  • Couturier, J. ve D. Sola (2010). International Market Entry Decisions: The Role Of Local Market Factors, Journal of General Management, Vol. 35 No. 4 s.45-63
  • Cristina, L.D. ve G.C. Esteban (2002). The Effect of Firm and Host Country Characteristics on the Choice of Entry Mode: Empirical Evidence from Spanish Firms, Journal of Management and Governance, 6, s.153- 168
  • Davidson, W.H. ve D.G. McFetridge (1985). Key Characteristics in the Choice of International Technology Transfer Mode, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, s. 5-21
  • Delios, A. ve P.W. Beamish (1999). Ownership Strategy of Japanese Firms: Transactional, Institutional, and Experience Influences, Strategic Management Journal, 20, s.915-933
  • Dunning, J.H. (1973). The Determinants of International Production, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol.25, No.3, s.289-336
  • Hair, J.F., W.C. Black, B.J. Babin, R.E. Anderson ve R.L. Tatham (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis (6th Edi.), New Jersey, Prentice Hall
  • Harrigan, K.R. (1985a). Vertical Integration and Corporate Strategy, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.28, No.2, s.397-425
  • Harrigan, K.R. (1985b). Strategies for Intrafirm Transfers and Outside Sourcing, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.28, No.4, 914-925
  • Hennart, J-F. (1991). The Transaction Costs Theory of Joint Ventures: An Empirical Study of Japanese Subsidiaries In The United States, Management Science, Vol.37, No.4, s.483-497
  • Hill, C.W.L, P. Hwang, ve W.C. Kim (1990). An Eclectic Theory of the Choice of International Entry Mode, Strategic Management Journal 11(2) s.117-128
  • Kim, W.C. ve P. Hwang (1992). Global Strategy and Multinationals’ Entry Mode Selection, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.23, No.1, s.29-53
  • Klein, S., G. L. Frazier ve V.J. Roth (1990). A Transaction Cost Analysis Model of Channel Integration in International Markets, Journal of Marketing Research ,Vol. XXVII, s.196-208
  • Kogut, B. ve H. Singh (1988). The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode, Journal of International Business Studies 19, s.411 – 432
  • McClave, J.T., P.G. Benson ve T. Sincich (2005). Statistics for Business and Economics (9th Edi.), New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall
  • Morschett, D., H.S. Klein ve S. Bernhard (2009). Decades of Research on Market Entry Modes: What Do We Really Know about External Antecedents of Entry Mode Choice?, Journal of International Management, 16 (2010) s.60–77
  • Oswald, S.L. ve J.S. Jahera (1991). Research Notes and Communications the Influence of Ownership on Performance: An Emprical Studies, Strategic Management Studies, Vol.12 (4), s.321-326
  • Pan, Y. (1996). Influences on Foreign Equity Ownership Level in Joint Ventures in China, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.27, No.1, s.1-26
  • Pan, Y. ve D.K. Tse (1996). Cooperative Strategies between Foreign Firms in an Overseas Country, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.27, No.5 Global Perspectives on Cooperative Strategies (1996), s.929-946
  • Pan, Y., ve P.S.K. Chi (1999). Financial Performance and Survival of Multinational Corporations in China, Strategic Management Journal, 20, s.359-374
  • Porter, M.E. (1979). The Structure within Industries and Companies Performance, Review of Economics and Statistics, 61, Issue 2, s.214-219
  • Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: The Free Press
  • Ronen, S. (1986). Comparative and Multinational Management, New York, John Wiley ve Sons.
  • Root, F.R., R.L. Kramer ve M.Y. D’arlin (1966). International Trade and Finance (2.Edi.), Cincinati, Ohio, South-Western Publishing Company
  • Sanchez-Peinado, E. ve J. Pla-Barber (2006). A Multidimensional Concept of Uncertainty and its Influence on the Entry Mode Choice: An Emprical Analysis in the Service Sector, International Business Review, 15, s.215-232
  • Shrader, R.C. (2001). Collaboration and Performance in Foreign Markets: The Case of Young High-Technology Manufacturing Firms, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 44, No.1, s.45-60
  • Sternquist, B. (2007). International Retailing (2nd Edi.), New York, Fairchild Publications
  • Taylor, C.R., S. Zou ve G.E. Osland (1998). A Transaction Cost perspective on Foreign Market Entry Strategies of U.S. and Japanese Firms, Thunderbird International Business Review, 40(4), s.389-412
  • Vernon, R. ve L.T. Wells (1981). Manager in the International Economy, (4th Edi.), New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Woodcock, C.P., P.W. Beamish ve S. Makino (1994). Ownership-Based Entry Mode Strategies and International Performance, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.25, No.2, s.253-273
  • Zejan, M.C. (1990). New Ventures or Acquisitions: The Choice of Swedish Multinational Enterprises, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol.38 s.349–355


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 1 - 20, 01.03.2012


İşletmelerin uluslararası pazarlara giriş biçiminin seçimi performanslarını
etkileyen stratejik bir karardır. Bu çalışmada, işletmelerin uluslararası pazarlara giriş
biçiminin seçiminde etkili olan yerel pazar faktörlerinin, Adana ilinde yerleşik
işletmeler üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Veriler Adana ilinde yerleşik uluslararası
pazarlara giriş yapmış, 95 imalat işletmesi üzerinde yapılan anket yöntemiyle elde
edilmiştir, anket verileri, istatistik programı kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Araştırmanın
esas bulgularına, probit regresyon yöntemi kullanılarak ulaşılmıştır. Buna göre, Adana
ilinde yerleşik uluslararası pazarlara giriş yapmış işletmelerin, uluslararası pazarlara
girişte, yerel pazar faktörlerini dikkate almadıkları sonucuna varılmıştır


  • Agarwal, S., (1994). Socio-Cultural Distance and the Choice of Joint Ventures: A Contingency Perspective, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 2, s. 63-80
  • Agarwal, S. ve S.N. Ramaswami (1992). Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode: Impact of Ownership, Location and Internalizatıon Factors, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.23, No.1, s.1-27
  • Anderson, E. ve A.T. Coughlan (1987). International Market Entry and Expansion via Independent or Integrated Channels of Distribution, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, s.71-82
  • Aulakh, P.S. ve M. Kotabe (1997). Antecedents and Performance Implications of Channel Integration in Foreign Markets, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.28, No.1, s.145-175
  • Ayal, I. ve J. Zif (1979). Market Expansion Strategies in Multinational Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol.43 (Spring), s.84-94
  • Bass, B. M., D.W. McGregor ve J.L. Walters (1977). Selecting Foreign Plant Sites: Economic, Social and Political Considerations, Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, s.535-551
  • Academy of Management
  • Brouthers, K.D. (2002). Institutional, Cultural and Transaction Cost Influences on Entry Mode Choice and Performance, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.33, No.2, s.203-221
  • Brouthers, L.E., K.D. Brouthers ve S. Werner (2000). Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Entry Mode Choice and Satisfaction with EC-MNC Performance, British Journal of Management, 11, s.183-195
  • Brouthers, K.D. ve L.E. Brouthers (2003). Why Service and Manufacturing Entry Mode Choices Differ: The Influence of Transaction Cost Factors, Risk and Trust, Journal of Management Studies, Vol.40, No.5, s.1179-1204
  • Buckley, P.J. ve M.C. Casson (1998). Analysing Foreign Market Entry Strategies: Extending the Internalization Approach, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.29, No.3, s.539-561
  • Campa, J. M. ve M.F. Guille´n (1999). The Internalization of Exports: Firm- and Location-Specific Factors in a Middle-Income Country, Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 11, s.1463-1478
  • Carazo, P.C.M. ve R. Lumiste (2010). Foreign Entry Modes of Colombian Small and Medium Enterprises, International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives, Vol.5, No.1, s.16-41
  • Casson, M. (1995). The Organization of International Business,” Aldershot, U.K. ve Brookfield, U.S., Edward Elgar
  • Chung, H.F.L. ve P. Enderwick (2001). An Investigation of Market Entry Strategy Selection: Export vs. Foreign Direct Investment Modes: A home-host Country Scenario, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 18(4), s.443–460
  • Couturier, J. ve D. Sola (2010). International Market Entry Decisions: The Role Of Local Market Factors, Journal of General Management, Vol. 35 No. 4 s.45-63
  • Cristina, L.D. ve G.C. Esteban (2002). The Effect of Firm and Host Country Characteristics on the Choice of Entry Mode: Empirical Evidence from Spanish Firms, Journal of Management and Governance, 6, s.153- 168
  • Davidson, W.H. ve D.G. McFetridge (1985). Key Characteristics in the Choice of International Technology Transfer Mode, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, s. 5-21
  • Delios, A. ve P.W. Beamish (1999). Ownership Strategy of Japanese Firms: Transactional, Institutional, and Experience Influences, Strategic Management Journal, 20, s.915-933
  • Dunning, J.H. (1973). The Determinants of International Production, Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol.25, No.3, s.289-336
  • Hair, J.F., W.C. Black, B.J. Babin, R.E. Anderson ve R.L. Tatham (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis (6th Edi.), New Jersey, Prentice Hall
  • Harrigan, K.R. (1985a). Vertical Integration and Corporate Strategy, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.28, No.2, s.397-425
  • Harrigan, K.R. (1985b). Strategies for Intrafirm Transfers and Outside Sourcing, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.28, No.4, 914-925
  • Hennart, J-F. (1991). The Transaction Costs Theory of Joint Ventures: An Empirical Study of Japanese Subsidiaries In The United States, Management Science, Vol.37, No.4, s.483-497
  • Hill, C.W.L, P. Hwang, ve W.C. Kim (1990). An Eclectic Theory of the Choice of International Entry Mode, Strategic Management Journal 11(2) s.117-128
  • Kim, W.C. ve P. Hwang (1992). Global Strategy and Multinationals’ Entry Mode Selection, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.23, No.1, s.29-53
  • Klein, S., G. L. Frazier ve V.J. Roth (1990). A Transaction Cost Analysis Model of Channel Integration in International Markets, Journal of Marketing Research ,Vol. XXVII, s.196-208
  • Kogut, B. ve H. Singh (1988). The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode, Journal of International Business Studies 19, s.411 – 432
  • McClave, J.T., P.G. Benson ve T. Sincich (2005). Statistics for Business and Economics (9th Edi.), New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall
  • Morschett, D., H.S. Klein ve S. Bernhard (2009). Decades of Research on Market Entry Modes: What Do We Really Know about External Antecedents of Entry Mode Choice?, Journal of International Management, 16 (2010) s.60–77
  • Oswald, S.L. ve J.S. Jahera (1991). Research Notes and Communications the Influence of Ownership on Performance: An Emprical Studies, Strategic Management Studies, Vol.12 (4), s.321-326
  • Pan, Y. (1996). Influences on Foreign Equity Ownership Level in Joint Ventures in China, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.27, No.1, s.1-26
  • Pan, Y. ve D.K. Tse (1996). Cooperative Strategies between Foreign Firms in an Overseas Country, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.27, No.5 Global Perspectives on Cooperative Strategies (1996), s.929-946
  • Pan, Y., ve P.S.K. Chi (1999). Financial Performance and Survival of Multinational Corporations in China, Strategic Management Journal, 20, s.359-374
  • Porter, M.E. (1979). The Structure within Industries and Companies Performance, Review of Economics and Statistics, 61, Issue 2, s.214-219
  • Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York: The Free Press
  • Ronen, S. (1986). Comparative and Multinational Management, New York, John Wiley ve Sons.
  • Root, F.R., R.L. Kramer ve M.Y. D’arlin (1966). International Trade and Finance (2.Edi.), Cincinati, Ohio, South-Western Publishing Company
  • Sanchez-Peinado, E. ve J. Pla-Barber (2006). A Multidimensional Concept of Uncertainty and its Influence on the Entry Mode Choice: An Emprical Analysis in the Service Sector, International Business Review, 15, s.215-232
  • Shrader, R.C. (2001). Collaboration and Performance in Foreign Markets: The Case of Young High-Technology Manufacturing Firms, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 44, No.1, s.45-60
  • Sternquist, B. (2007). International Retailing (2nd Edi.), New York, Fairchild Publications
  • Taylor, C.R., S. Zou ve G.E. Osland (1998). A Transaction Cost perspective on Foreign Market Entry Strategies of U.S. and Japanese Firms, Thunderbird International Business Review, 40(4), s.389-412
  • Vernon, R. ve L.T. Wells (1981). Manager in the International Economy, (4th Edi.), New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Woodcock, C.P., P.W. Beamish ve S. Makino (1994). Ownership-Based Entry Mode Strategies and International Performance, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.25, No.2, s.253-273
  • Zejan, M.C. (1990). New Ventures or Acquisitions: The Choice of Swedish Multinational Enterprises, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol.38 s.349–355
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özgen Bu kişi benim

Arş.gör.mustafa Özseven Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

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