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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 2, 938 - 953, 20.10.2024


The impact of the interaction between taxpayers and tax administration on tax compliance is discussed within the framework of the Slippery Slope Framework developed by Kirchler, Hoelzl and Wahl (2008). The fundamental assumption of the Slippery Slope Approach is that the balance between the power of the tax authority and the trust placed in the authority is the main determinant of tax compliance levels. This study analyses whether the impact of trust on tax compliance within the framework of the Slippery Slope Framework is regulated by the power. The data were obtained from 148 income and corporate taxpayers operating in Gümüşhane through a survey method. The findings obtained through PROCESS Macro Model 1 have shown that power does not have a moderating effect on the influence of trust on tax compliance. However, in individuals with a low perception of power, the effect of the difference between low and high levels of trust perception on tax compliance is statistically significant. In this context, tax authorities aiming to increase tax compliance should focus on other factors rather than sanctions related to power. As a matter of fact, according to the Slippery Slope Approach, minimising tax evasion and increasing the tax revenues to meet public needs also depend on raising taxpayers' perceptions of trust and fairness.


  • Adini, R., Subroto, B. ve Baridwan, Z. (2021). Tax compliance: Slippery slope framework and theory of reasoned action approach. The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society, 29 (2), 19 – 33.
  • Alshira’h, A. F., Alsqour. M., Lutfi, A., Alsyouf, A. ve Alshirah, M. (2020). A socio-economic model of sales tax compliance. Economies, 8 (4),
  • Batrancea, L. M., Nichita, A., Agostini, R., Narcizo, F. B., Forte, D., Mamede, S., Roux‑Cesar, A. M., Nedev, B., Vitek, L., Pantya, J., Salamzadeh, A., Nduka, E. K., Kudła, J., Kopyt, M., Pacheco, L., Maldonado, I., Isaga, N., Benk, S. ve Budak, T. (2022). A self‑employed taxpayer experimental study on trust, power, and tax compliance in eleven countries. Financial Innovation, 8 (96), 1 – 23.
  • Batrancea,, L., Nichitaa, A., Olsenc, J., Kogler, C., Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Weissf, A., Torgler, B., Fooken, J., Fuller, J., Schaffner, M., Banurim, S., Hassaneinn, M., Alarcón-Garcíao, G., Aldemir, C., Apostol, O., Weinberg, D., Batrancea, J., Belianinu, A., Gómez, F., Briguglio, M., Dermol, V., Doyle, E., Gcabo, R., Gong, B., Ennya,S., Essel-Anderson, A., Frecknall-Hughes, J., Hizen, Y., Huber, O., Kaplanoglou, G., Kudła, J., Lemoine, J., Leurcharusmee,S., Matthiasson, T., Mehta, S., Min, S., Naufalh, G., Niskanen, M., Nordblom, K., Öztürk, B. E., Pacheco, L., Pántya, J., Rapanos, V., Roland-Lévy, C., Roux-Cesar, A. M., Salamzadeh, A., Savadori, L., Schei, V., Sharma, M., Summers, B., Suriya, K., Tran, Q., Villegas-Palacio, C., Visser, M., Xia, C., Yi, S., ve Zukauskas, S. (2019). Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance across 44 nations. Journal of Economic Psychology, 74.
  • Benk, S. ve Budak, T. (2012). Power and trust as determinants of voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: Empirical evidence for the slippery slope framework from Türkiye. African Journal of Business Management, 6(4), 1499 - 1505.
  • Bobek, D. R., Roberts, W. ve Sweeney, J. T. (2007). The social norms of tax compliance: Evidence from Australia, Singapore and the United States. Journal of Business Ethics 74, 49 – 64.
  • Bozkurt, S. (2023). PROCESS macro ile aracılık, düzenleyicilik ve durumsal etki analizleri. Ekin Yayınevi.
  • Didinmez, İ., (2018). Davranışsal iktisat perspektifinden vergi uyum analizi. 1.Baskı, Savaş Kitapevi.
  • Djajanti, A. (2020). Developing the voluntary taxpayer compliance: The scale of the tax authority’s power, trust and the fairness of the tax system. Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 6 (1), 86 – 96.
  • Faizal, S., Palil, M. R., Maelah, R. ve Ramlı, R. (2019). The mediating effect of power and trust in the relationship between procedural justice and tax compliance. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, 11, 1 – 11.
  • Feld, L. P. ve Frey, B. S. (2002). Trust breeds trust: how taxpayers are treated. Economics of Governence, 3 (2), 87-99.
  • Gangl, K., Hofmann, E., Hartl, B. ve Berkics, M. (2020). The impact of powerful authorities and trustful taxpayers: Evidence for the extended slippery slope framework from Austria, Finland, and Hungary. Policy Studies, 41 (1), 98 – 111.
  • Gobena, L. B. ve Dijke, M. (2016). Power, justice, and trust: A moderated mediation analysis of tax compliance among Ethiopian business owners. Journal of Economic Psychology, 52, 24 – 37.
  • Gobena L. B. (2023). Justice, power and voluntary tax compliance: A moderation analysis among taxpayers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Asian Review of Accounting,
  • Guliyev, H., Akbelen, Z. ve Aydın, Z. B. (2023). Vergi uyumunda kaygan zemin yaklaşımı. Vergi Raporu, 285, 75 - 89.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2021). Sosyal bilimlerde aracı, düzenleyici ve durumsal etki analizleri. Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Kastlunger, B., Lozza, E., Kirchler, E. ve Schabmann, A. (2013). Powerful authorities and trusting citizens: The slippery slope framework and tax compliance in Italy. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, 36 – 45.
  • Kitapçı, İ. (2015). Vergi etiği vergi psikolojisi verginin sosyo - psikolojik teorisi. Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. ve Wahl, I. (2008). Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance: The slippery slope framework. Journal of Economic Psycholgy, 29: 210 – 225.
  • Kirchler, E. ve Wahl, I. (2010). Tax compliance inventory TAX-I: Designing an inventory for surveys of tax compliance. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31 (3), 331 – 346.
  • Kogler, C., Batrancea, L., Nichita, A., Pantya, J., Belianin, A. ve Kirchler, E. (2013). Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance: Testing the assumptions of the slippery slope framwork in Austria, Hungry, Romania and Russia. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, 169 - 180.
  • Lewis, A., Sonia, C., Cullis, J. ve Jones, P. (2009). Individual, cognitive and cultural differences in tax compliance: UK and Italy compared. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, 431 - 345.
  • Luttmer, E. F. P. ve Singhal, M. (2004). Tax morale. NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No: 20458,
  • Mangoting, Y., Sumarno, V. A., Gloria, T. ve Indriani, S. D. (2019). Does coercive power influence the relationship of tax morale on tax evasion. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 144, 60 – 68.
  • Mardhiah, M., Miranti, R. ve Tanton, R. (2019). The slippery slope framework: Extending the analysis by investigating factors affecting trust and power. CESifo Working Paper No. 7494.
  • Mas’ud, A., Manaf, N. A. ve Saad, N. (2014, 18 – 19 August). Do trust and power moderate each other in relation to tax compliance?. International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E. ve Schwarzenberger, H. (2011). Voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: Empirical evidence for the ‘‘slippery slope’’ framework. European Journal of Law and Economics, 32, 89 – 97.
  • Rashid., S. F. A., Ramli, R., Palil, M. R. ve Amir, A. M. (2021). Improving voluntary compliance using power of tax administrators: The mediating role of trust. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 14 (2), 101 – 136.
  • Saad, N. (2014). Tax Knowledge, tax complexity and tax compliance: Taxpayers’ view. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109, 1069 – 1075.
  • Santoro, F. (2021). To file or not to file? Another dimension of tax compliance - The Eswatini Taxpayers’ survey. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 95,
  • Sigle, M., Goslinga, S., Speklea, R., Hela, L. ve Veldhuizen, R. (2018). Corporate tax compliance: Is a change towards trust-based tax strategies justified?. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 32, 3 – 16.
  • Silva, F. P., Guerreiro, R. ve Flores, E. (2019). Voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: The slippery slope framework in the Brazilian context. International Review of Economics, 66, 147 – 180.
  • Sinulingga, N. (2022). Peran kepercayaan dalam memediasi pengaruh keadilan pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak (The role of trust in mediating the effect of tax justice on taxpayer compliance). COMSERVA Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2 (5), 277 – 288.
  • Turner, J. C. (2005). Explaning and nature of power: a three process theory. European Journal of Social Psycholgy, 35 (1): 1 - 22.
  • Wahl, I., Kastlunger, B. ve Kirchler, E. (2010). Trust in authorities and power to enforce tax compliance: An empirical analysis of the “slippery slope framework”. Law & Policy, 32 (4), 383 – 406.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 2, 938 - 953, 20.10.2024


Vergi mükellefleri ile vergi idaresi arasındaki etkileşimin vergi uyumu üzerindeki etkisi Kirchler, Hoelzl ve Wahl (2008) tarafından geliştirilen Kaygan Zemin Yaklaşımı (Slippery Slope Framework) çerçevesinde tartışılmaktadır. Kaygan Zemin Yaklaşımı’nın temel varsayımı, idarenin gücü ve idareye duyulan güven arasındaki dengenin vergi uyum düzeyinin temel belirleyicisi olduğudur. Bu araştırmada Kaygan Zemin Yaklaşımı çerçevesinde güven duygusunun vergi uyumu üzerindeki etkisinin güç tarafından düzenlenip düzenlenmediği incelenmiştir. Veriler anket yöntemi aracılığıyla Gümüşhane’de faaliyet gösteren 148 gelir ve kurumlar vergisi mükelleflerinden elde edilmiştir. PROCESS Makro Model 1 aracılığıyla ulaşılan analiz sonuçları, güvenin vergi uyumu üzerindeki etkisinde gücün düzenleyicilik etkisinin olmadığını göstermiştir. Ancak güç algısının düşük olduğu bireylerde; düşük düzey güven algısı ile yüksek düzey güven algısı arasındaki farkın vergi uyumu üzerindeki etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Bu bağlamda vergi uyumluluğunu artırmak isteyen vergi otoritelerinin güç ile ilgili yaptırımlarından ziyade, diğer faktörlere odaklanması gerekmektedir. Nitekim Kaygan Zemin Yaklaşımı’nda vergi kayıp ve kaçaklarının en aza indirilmesi ve kamusal ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması için vergi gelirlerinin artırılması, mükelleflerin güven ve adalet algılarının yükseltilmesine de bağlıdır.

Etik Beyan

Çalışmada Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Etik Kuruldan izin alınmıştır. Buna ilişkin belge ek belge olarak yüklenmiştir.

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  • Adini, R., Subroto, B. ve Baridwan, Z. (2021). Tax compliance: Slippery slope framework and theory of reasoned action approach. The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society, 29 (2), 19 – 33.
  • Alshira’h, A. F., Alsqour. M., Lutfi, A., Alsyouf, A. ve Alshirah, M. (2020). A socio-economic model of sales tax compliance. Economies, 8 (4),
  • Batrancea, L. M., Nichita, A., Agostini, R., Narcizo, F. B., Forte, D., Mamede, S., Roux‑Cesar, A. M., Nedev, B., Vitek, L., Pantya, J., Salamzadeh, A., Nduka, E. K., Kudła, J., Kopyt, M., Pacheco, L., Maldonado, I., Isaga, N., Benk, S. ve Budak, T. (2022). A self‑employed taxpayer experimental study on trust, power, and tax compliance in eleven countries. Financial Innovation, 8 (96), 1 – 23.
  • Batrancea,, L., Nichitaa, A., Olsenc, J., Kogler, C., Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E., Weissf, A., Torgler, B., Fooken, J., Fuller, J., Schaffner, M., Banurim, S., Hassaneinn, M., Alarcón-Garcíao, G., Aldemir, C., Apostol, O., Weinberg, D., Batrancea, J., Belianinu, A., Gómez, F., Briguglio, M., Dermol, V., Doyle, E., Gcabo, R., Gong, B., Ennya,S., Essel-Anderson, A., Frecknall-Hughes, J., Hizen, Y., Huber, O., Kaplanoglou, G., Kudła, J., Lemoine, J., Leurcharusmee,S., Matthiasson, T., Mehta, S., Min, S., Naufalh, G., Niskanen, M., Nordblom, K., Öztürk, B. E., Pacheco, L., Pántya, J., Rapanos, V., Roland-Lévy, C., Roux-Cesar, A. M., Salamzadeh, A., Savadori, L., Schei, V., Sharma, M., Summers, B., Suriya, K., Tran, Q., Villegas-Palacio, C., Visser, M., Xia, C., Yi, S., ve Zukauskas, S. (2019). Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance across 44 nations. Journal of Economic Psychology, 74.
  • Benk, S. ve Budak, T. (2012). Power and trust as determinants of voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: Empirical evidence for the slippery slope framework from Türkiye. African Journal of Business Management, 6(4), 1499 - 1505.
  • Bobek, D. R., Roberts, W. ve Sweeney, J. T. (2007). The social norms of tax compliance: Evidence from Australia, Singapore and the United States. Journal of Business Ethics 74, 49 – 64.
  • Bozkurt, S. (2023). PROCESS macro ile aracılık, düzenleyicilik ve durumsal etki analizleri. Ekin Yayınevi.
  • Didinmez, İ., (2018). Davranışsal iktisat perspektifinden vergi uyum analizi. 1.Baskı, Savaş Kitapevi.
  • Djajanti, A. (2020). Developing the voluntary taxpayer compliance: The scale of the tax authority’s power, trust and the fairness of the tax system. Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 6 (1), 86 – 96.
  • Faizal, S., Palil, M. R., Maelah, R. ve Ramlı, R. (2019). The mediating effect of power and trust in the relationship between procedural justice and tax compliance. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, 11, 1 – 11.
  • Feld, L. P. ve Frey, B. S. (2002). Trust breeds trust: how taxpayers are treated. Economics of Governence, 3 (2), 87-99.
  • Gangl, K., Hofmann, E., Hartl, B. ve Berkics, M. (2020). The impact of powerful authorities and trustful taxpayers: Evidence for the extended slippery slope framework from Austria, Finland, and Hungary. Policy Studies, 41 (1), 98 – 111.
  • Gobena, L. B. ve Dijke, M. (2016). Power, justice, and trust: A moderated mediation analysis of tax compliance among Ethiopian business owners. Journal of Economic Psychology, 52, 24 – 37.
  • Gobena L. B. (2023). Justice, power and voluntary tax compliance: A moderation analysis among taxpayers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Asian Review of Accounting,
  • Guliyev, H., Akbelen, Z. ve Aydın, Z. B. (2023). Vergi uyumunda kaygan zemin yaklaşımı. Vergi Raporu, 285, 75 - 89.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2021). Sosyal bilimlerde aracı, düzenleyici ve durumsal etki analizleri. Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Kastlunger, B., Lozza, E., Kirchler, E. ve Schabmann, A. (2013). Powerful authorities and trusting citizens: The slippery slope framework and tax compliance in Italy. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, 36 – 45.
  • Kitapçı, İ. (2015). Vergi etiği vergi psikolojisi verginin sosyo - psikolojik teorisi. Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Kirchler, E., Hoelzl, E. ve Wahl, I. (2008). Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance: The slippery slope framework. Journal of Economic Psycholgy, 29: 210 – 225.
  • Kirchler, E. ve Wahl, I. (2010). Tax compliance inventory TAX-I: Designing an inventory for surveys of tax compliance. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31 (3), 331 – 346.
  • Kogler, C., Batrancea, L., Nichita, A., Pantya, J., Belianin, A. ve Kirchler, E. (2013). Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance: Testing the assumptions of the slippery slope framwork in Austria, Hungry, Romania and Russia. Journal of Economic Psychology, 34, 169 - 180.
  • Lewis, A., Sonia, C., Cullis, J. ve Jones, P. (2009). Individual, cognitive and cultural differences in tax compliance: UK and Italy compared. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, 431 - 345.
  • Luttmer, E. F. P. ve Singhal, M. (2004). Tax morale. NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No: 20458,
  • Mangoting, Y., Sumarno, V. A., Gloria, T. ve Indriani, S. D. (2019). Does coercive power influence the relationship of tax morale on tax evasion. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 144, 60 – 68.
  • Mardhiah, M., Miranti, R. ve Tanton, R. (2019). The slippery slope framework: Extending the analysis by investigating factors affecting trust and power. CESifo Working Paper No. 7494.
  • Mas’ud, A., Manaf, N. A. ve Saad, N. (2014, 18 – 19 August). Do trust and power moderate each other in relation to tax compliance?. International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Muehlbacher, S., Kirchler, E. ve Schwarzenberger, H. (2011). Voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: Empirical evidence for the ‘‘slippery slope’’ framework. European Journal of Law and Economics, 32, 89 – 97.
  • Rashid., S. F. A., Ramli, R., Palil, M. R. ve Amir, A. M. (2021). Improving voluntary compliance using power of tax administrators: The mediating role of trust. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 14 (2), 101 – 136.
  • Saad, N. (2014). Tax Knowledge, tax complexity and tax compliance: Taxpayers’ view. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109, 1069 – 1075.
  • Santoro, F. (2021). To file or not to file? Another dimension of tax compliance - The Eswatini Taxpayers’ survey. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 95,
  • Sigle, M., Goslinga, S., Speklea, R., Hela, L. ve Veldhuizen, R. (2018). Corporate tax compliance: Is a change towards trust-based tax strategies justified?. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 32, 3 – 16.
  • Silva, F. P., Guerreiro, R. ve Flores, E. (2019). Voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: The slippery slope framework in the Brazilian context. International Review of Economics, 66, 147 – 180.
  • Sinulingga, N. (2022). Peran kepercayaan dalam memediasi pengaruh keadilan pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak (The role of trust in mediating the effect of tax justice on taxpayer compliance). COMSERVA Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2 (5), 277 – 288.
  • Turner, J. C. (2005). Explaning and nature of power: a three process theory. European Journal of Social Psycholgy, 35 (1): 1 - 22.
  • Wahl, I., Kastlunger, B. ve Kirchler, E. (2010). Trust in authorities and power to enforce tax compliance: An empirical analysis of the “slippery slope framework”. Law & Policy, 32 (4), 383 – 406.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası İktisat (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Candan Yılmaz Uğur 0000-0002-7915-8040

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 2

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