Farklı Üretim Yöntemlerinin Üretici Gelirine Katkısı: Türkiye'de Çilek Üretimi
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 201 - 210, 31.12.2021
Burak Öztornacı
Arzu Seçer
Faruk Emeksiz
Bu çalışmanın amacı iki farklı çilek üretim yönteminin karlılığını karşılaştırarak üretici gelirine katkısını ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma kapsamında Mersin ilinde açıkta ve örtüaltında çilek üretimi yapan 100 adet üretici ile yüz yüze görüşülmüştür. Bu üreticilerin 62’si açıkta, 38’i örtüaltında (yüksek tünel) çilek üretimi yapmaktadır. Üreticilerin karlılıkları hesaplanmış ve üretim yöntemlerine göre t-testi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre açıkta ve örtüaltında yetiştiricilik yapmak arasında masraf unsurları (değişken, sabit ve toplam masraf), brüt ürün değeri (brüt ve net kar) ve başabaş noktası bakımından istatistiki olarak önemli farklar bulunmaktadır. Örtüaltında çilek yetiştiriciliği daha yüksek brüt kar, net kar ve başabaş noktasına sahiptir. Araştırma sonucunda örtüaltında çilek üretimi yapmanın açıkta üretim yapmaya göre daha karlı olduğu söylenebilir.
Destekleyen Kurum
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Proje Numarası
- Agir H.B., Saner G., Adanacioglu H. (2014) Risk sources encountered by farmers in the open field production of strawberry and risk management strategies: A case of Menemen-Emiralem District of Izmir. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21: 13–25.
- Akbulut, M., Yazici, K. and Şavşatli, Y. (2016) Berry Fruits Report. Eastern Black Sea Development Agency n. 7. http://expokent.com/files/b3c0730cf3f50613e40561e67c871fdb92820cf91.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Akın, A. (2008) A Research on Diffusion and Adoption of Organic Strawberry Growing in Aksehir. Ph.D. Thesis. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics.
- Aygören, E., Sancak, A. Z., Akdağ, E., Demirtaş, M., Dönmez, D., Sancak, K. and Demir, A. (2014) Juice Production Sector in Turkey. XI. National Agricultural Economics Congress, September 3-5. 2014.
- CKA, (2014) Rakamlarla Mersin. Çukurova Development Agency http://www.cka.org.tr/dosyalar/cka_Rakamlarla_mersin.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Dickerson G. W. (2004) Home Garden Strawberry Production in New Mexico. http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_h/h324.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Ertürk, Y. E., Geçer, M. K. and Karadaş, K. (2016) Strawberry Production and Marketing in Turkey. Bahçe v. 46, n. 1: 13-20.
- FAO, (2017) Food supply – Crops primary equivalent. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/CC Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Gecer, M. K., Gündoğdu, M. and Ertürk, Y. E. (2016) Phenolic Compounds in Berry Fruits and Their Importance in Nutrition. J. of Sci. and Technol. 7(11): 18-26.
- Güneş, N. T., Horzum, Ö. and Güneş, E. (2017) Economic and Technical Evaluation of Fruit Sector in Turkey. Balkan and Near Eastern J. of Soc. Sci. 3(2):37-49.
- İnan, İ. H. (2006) Agricultural Economics and Management, Avcı Ofset, İstanbul.
- Kafkas, E. (2017) Strawberry growing in Turkey: Current Status and Future Prospects. VIII International Strawberry Symposium, 2017. https://www.actahort.org/books/1156/1156_133.htm Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Kaya, H. D., Akın, S., Bulut, E., Doğan, M. and Bulut, S. (2016). An Example of Local Development: Sason Strawberry Producers Association (SACUB). XII. National Agricultural Economics Congress. May 25-27. 2016.
- Kıral, T., Kasnakoğlu, H., Tatlidil, F. F., Fidan, H. and Gündoğmuş, E. (1999). Cost Calculation Methodology and Database Guide for Agricultural Products. Agricultural Economics Research Institute, n. 37. Ankara.
- Nacar, Ç. (2012) Strawberry Cultivation. Republic Of Turkey Ministry Of Agriculture and Forestry. https://arastirma.tarimorman.gov.tr/alata/Belgeler/brosurler/%C3%87ilekYeti%C5%9Ftiricili%C4%9Fi%C3%87Nacar.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Njavro, M. and Duralija, B. (2006) Economics of Out-of-Season Strawberry Production in Croatia. Proc. Vth Int. Strawberry Symposium. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/231538129_Economics_of_OutofSeason_Strawberry_Production_in_Croatia Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Polat, M. (2005) Organic Strawberry Growing in Ankara (Ayaş). Ph.D. Thesis. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics.
- REGA, (2016) Communiqué on Supporting Agriculture-Based Investments within the Scope of Rural Development Supports, n, 2016/37. 2016.
- Sarılı, M. (2010) Mechanization Related Inputs and Their Costs in Open-Field Strawberry Production in Silifke Region. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=TR2012000068 Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Serçe, S. and Özgen, M. (2018) Turkish soft fruit production. Chronica Horticultural 55(3):16-20.
- Tok N., Cankurt M., Seçer A. and Kantar Davran M. (2014) An Analysis on Affecting Factors to Farmers' Strawberry Production Decisions in Aydın Province, XI. National Agricultural Economics Congress, September 3-5. 2014.
- TURKSTAT, (2017) Crop Production Data. http://tuik.gov.tr. Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Türemiş, N. (2002) All Seasons Strawberry Growing with Day Neutral Cultivars. Acta Hort. 567:199-202.
- UİB, (2017) Strawberry Report. General Secretary of Uludag Exporters Association. http://www.uib.org.tr/tr/kbfile/cilek-raporu-2017 Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Zhang, Y., Seeram, N. P., Lee, R., Feng, L. and Heber, D. (2008) Isolation and identification of strawberry phenolics with antioxidant and human cancer cell antiproliferative properties. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56(3):670-675.
Contribution of Different Production Methods to Producer Income: Strawberries Production in Turkey
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 201 - 210, 31.12.2021
Burak Öztornacı
Arzu Seçer
Faruk Emeksiz
The aim of this study is to compare the profitability of two different strawberry production methods
and reveal their contribution to producer income. In this study, face-to-face interviews were made
with 100 producers producing strawberries in open-field and greenhouse in Mersin province. 62 of
these producers produce strawberries open-field, 38 of them greenhouses (high tunnel). The
profitability of the producers has been calculated and compared with the t-test according to their
production methods. Results show that there are statistically significant differences between openfield and greenhouses according to cost element (variable, fixed and total cost), gross product value,
profit elements (gross profit and net profit) and breakeven point. Strawberry production in
greenhouses has resulted in higher gross profit, net profit and breakeven point. According to results,
it can be said that strawberry production in greenhouses was more profitable than open-field
Proje Numarası
- Agir H.B., Saner G., Adanacioglu H. (2014) Risk sources encountered by farmers in the open field production of strawberry and risk management strategies: A case of Menemen-Emiralem District of Izmir. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21: 13–25.
- Akbulut, M., Yazici, K. and Şavşatli, Y. (2016) Berry Fruits Report. Eastern Black Sea Development Agency n. 7. http://expokent.com/files/b3c0730cf3f50613e40561e67c871fdb92820cf91.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Akın, A. (2008) A Research on Diffusion and Adoption of Organic Strawberry Growing in Aksehir. Ph.D. Thesis. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics.
- Aygören, E., Sancak, A. Z., Akdağ, E., Demirtaş, M., Dönmez, D., Sancak, K. and Demir, A. (2014) Juice Production Sector in Turkey. XI. National Agricultural Economics Congress, September 3-5. 2014.
- CKA, (2014) Rakamlarla Mersin. Çukurova Development Agency http://www.cka.org.tr/dosyalar/cka_Rakamlarla_mersin.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Dickerson G. W. (2004) Home Garden Strawberry Production in New Mexico. http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_h/h324.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Ertürk, Y. E., Geçer, M. K. and Karadaş, K. (2016) Strawberry Production and Marketing in Turkey. Bahçe v. 46, n. 1: 13-20.
- FAO, (2017) Food supply – Crops primary equivalent. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/CC Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Gecer, M. K., Gündoğdu, M. and Ertürk, Y. E. (2016) Phenolic Compounds in Berry Fruits and Their Importance in Nutrition. J. of Sci. and Technol. 7(11): 18-26.
- Güneş, N. T., Horzum, Ö. and Güneş, E. (2017) Economic and Technical Evaluation of Fruit Sector in Turkey. Balkan and Near Eastern J. of Soc. Sci. 3(2):37-49.
- İnan, İ. H. (2006) Agricultural Economics and Management, Avcı Ofset, İstanbul.
- Kafkas, E. (2017) Strawberry growing in Turkey: Current Status and Future Prospects. VIII International Strawberry Symposium, 2017. https://www.actahort.org/books/1156/1156_133.htm Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Kaya, H. D., Akın, S., Bulut, E., Doğan, M. and Bulut, S. (2016). An Example of Local Development: Sason Strawberry Producers Association (SACUB). XII. National Agricultural Economics Congress. May 25-27. 2016.
- Kıral, T., Kasnakoğlu, H., Tatlidil, F. F., Fidan, H. and Gündoğmuş, E. (1999). Cost Calculation Methodology and Database Guide for Agricultural Products. Agricultural Economics Research Institute, n. 37. Ankara.
- Nacar, Ç. (2012) Strawberry Cultivation. Republic Of Turkey Ministry Of Agriculture and Forestry. https://arastirma.tarimorman.gov.tr/alata/Belgeler/brosurler/%C3%87ilekYeti%C5%9Ftiricili%C4%9Fi%C3%87Nacar.pdf Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Njavro, M. and Duralija, B. (2006) Economics of Out-of-Season Strawberry Production in Croatia. Proc. Vth Int. Strawberry Symposium. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/231538129_Economics_of_OutofSeason_Strawberry_Production_in_Croatia Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Polat, M. (2005) Organic Strawberry Growing in Ankara (Ayaş). Ph.D. Thesis. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics.
- REGA, (2016) Communiqué on Supporting Agriculture-Based Investments within the Scope of Rural Development Supports, n, 2016/37. 2016.
- Sarılı, M. (2010) Mechanization Related Inputs and Their Costs in Open-Field Strawberry Production in Silifke Region. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=TR2012000068 Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Serçe, S. and Özgen, M. (2018) Turkish soft fruit production. Chronica Horticultural 55(3):16-20.
- Tok N., Cankurt M., Seçer A. and Kantar Davran M. (2014) An Analysis on Affecting Factors to Farmers' Strawberry Production Decisions in Aydın Province, XI. National Agricultural Economics Congress, September 3-5. 2014.
- TURKSTAT, (2017) Crop Production Data. http://tuik.gov.tr. Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Türemiş, N. (2002) All Seasons Strawberry Growing with Day Neutral Cultivars. Acta Hort. 567:199-202.
- UİB, (2017) Strawberry Report. General Secretary of Uludag Exporters Association. http://www.uib.org.tr/tr/kbfile/cilek-raporu-2017 Accessed 12 Nov 2019.
- Zhang, Y., Seeram, N. P., Lee, R., Feng, L. and Heber, D. (2008) Isolation and identification of strawberry phenolics with antioxidant and human cancer cell antiproliferative properties. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56(3):670-675.