Effects of Using Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus) Oil Containing Dominantly Methyl Salicylate in Maize Grown in Şanlıurfa on Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836)
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 425 - 435, 30.12.2024
Sultan Çoban
Emine Çıkman
Seval Zeybek
Methyl salicylate (MeSA) is a volatile compound secreted by various plants as a response to insect attack. However, studies on the effects of this compound on species belonging to the Chrysopidae (Neuroptera) family of beneficial insects are limited in the literature. In this study conducted in Şanlıurfa in 2017 and 2018, Pioneer (P0937) variety maize was directly applied with wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus) oil extract containing predominantly MeSA as trap and seed applications and the attractive effects of MeSA on the beneficial insect Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) were investigated. According to the study results, it was determined that both trap and seed applications of MeSA were effective in attracting significantly more individuals in both years.
- Anonim (2018) Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. https:www.mgm.gov.tr. (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2018).
- Bozsik, A. (1995) Effect of some zoocides on Chrysoperla carnea adults (Planipennia, Chrysopidae) in the laboratory. Anz. Schadlingskde., Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz, 68:58-59.
- Çakmakçı, S., Çakmakçı, R. (2023). Quality and nutritional parameters of food in agri-food production systems. Foods 12:351.
- García, M. G., Sánchez, J. I. L., Bravo, K. A. S., Cabal, M. D. C., Pérez-Santín, E. (2022) Review: Presence, distribution and current pesticides used in Spanish agricultural practices. Science of The Total Environment 845:157291.
- Gençer, N. S., Gür, F. (2018) Metil salisilatın fasulye bitkisindeki yaprak bitleri (Homoptera: Aphididae) ve predatörleri üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15(3):25-35.
- Gershenzon, J., Dudareva, N. (2007) The function of terpene natural products in the natural world. Nat Chem Biol 3:408-414.
- Gregory, P. J., George, T. S. (2011) Feeding nine billion: The challenge to sustainable crop production. Journal of Experimantal Botany 62:5233-5239.
- Gu, B., Zhang, X., Bai, X., Fu, B., Chen, D. (2019) Four steps to food security for swelling cities. Nature 566:31-33.
James, D. G. (2003a) Field evaluation of herbivore-induced plant volatiles as attractants for beneficial insects: Methyl Salicylate and the green lacewing, Chrysopa nigricornis. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29(7):1601-1609.
- James, D. G. (2003b) Synthetic herbivore-induced plant volatiles as field attractants for beneficial insects. Environmental Entomology 32:977-982.
- James, D. G., Price, T. S. (2004) Field-testing of methyl salicylate for recruitment and retention of beneficial insects in grapes and hops. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30:1613-1628.
- James, D. G. (2006) Methyl salicylate is a field attractant for the goldeneyed lacewing, Chrysopa oculata. Biocontrol Science and Technology 16:107-110
- Kannaste, A., Vongvanich, N., Borg-Karlson, A. K. (2008) Infestation by a Nalepella species induces emissions of α- and β-farnesenes, (-)-linalool and aromatic compounds in Norway spruce clones of different susceptibility to the large pineweevil. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2:31-41.
- Kaplan, I. (2012) Attracting carnivorous arthropods with plant volatiles: The future of biocontrol or playing with fire?. Biological Control 60:77-89.
- Lee, J. C. (2010) Effect of methyl salicylate-based lures on beneficial and pest arthropods in strawberry. Environmental Entomology 39(2):653-660.
- Liu, W. R., Qiao, W. L., Liu, Z. Z., Wang, X. H., Jiang, R., Li, S. Y., Shi, R. B., She, G. M. (2013) Gaultheria: Phytochemical and pharmacological characteristics. Molecules 18:12071-12108.
- Luo, B., Gu, R., Kennelly, E. J., Long, C. (2017) Gaultheria ethnobotany and bioactivity: Blueberry relatives with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer constituents. Curr Med Chem 25:5168-5176.
- Magiera, A., Sienkiewicz, M., Olszewska, M. A., Kicel, A., Michel, P. (2019) Chemical profile and antibacterial activity of essential oils from leaves and fruits of Gaultheria procumbens L. cultivated in Poland. Acta Pol Pharm Drug Res 76:93-102.
- Mallinger, R. E., Hogg, D. B., Gratton, C. (2011) Methyl salicylate attracts natural enemies and reduces populations of soybean aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in soybean agroecosystems. Journal of Economic Entomology 104(1):115-124.
- Métraux, J. (2002) Recent breakthroughs in the study of salicylic acid biosynthesis. Trends Plant Sci 7:332-334.
Michel, P., Olszewska, M. A. (2024) Phytochemistry and biological profile of Gaultheria procumbens L. and wintergreen essential oil: From traditional application to molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Int J Mol Sci 25:565.
- Mithöfer, A., Boland, W. (2012) Plant defense against herbivores: Chemical aspects. Annu Rev Plant Biol 63:431-450.
- Nguyen-Viet, H., Tuyet-Hanh, T. T., Unger, F., Dang-Xuan, S., Grace, D. (2017) Food safety in Vietnam: Where we are at and what we can learn from international experiences. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 6(1):39.
- Ozawa, R., Shiojiri, K., Sabelis, M. W., Arimura, G. I., Nishioka, T., Takabayashi, J. (2004) Corn plants treated with jasmonic acid attract more specialist parasitoids, thereby increasing parasitization of the common armyworm. J Chem Ecol 30:1797-1808.
- Pare´, P. W., Tumlinson, J. H. (1997) De novo biosynthesis of volatiles induced by insect herbivory in cotton plants. Plant Physiology 114:1161-1167.
- Poveda, J., Abril-Urias, P., Escobar C. (2020) Biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes by filamentous fungi inducers of resistance: Trichoderma, mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi. Front Microbiol 11:992.
- Puente, M. E., Kennedy, G. G., Gould, F. (2008) The impact of herbivore-induced plant volatiles on parasitoid foraging success: a general deterministic model. J Chem Ecol 34:945-958.
- Rodriguez-Saona, C., Kaplan, I., Braasch, J., Chinnasamy, D., Williams, L. (2011) Field responses of predaceous arthropods to methyl salicylate: a meta-analysis and case study in cranberries. Biol Control 59:294-303.
- Silva, V., Mol, H. G., Zomer, P., Tienstra, M., Ritsema, C. J., Geissen, V. (2019) Pesticide residues in European agricultural soils-A hidden reality unfolded. Science of the Total Environment 653:1532-1545.
- Sobhy, I. S., Erb, M., Lou, Y., Turlings, T. C. J. (2014) The prospect of applying chemical elicitors and plant strengtheners to enhance the biological control of crop pests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369(1639).
- Stark, S. B., Whitford, F. (1987) Functional response of Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) larvae feeding on Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs on cotton in field cages. Entomophaga 12(5):521-527.
- Suzuki, N., Rivero, R. M., Shulaev, V., Blumwald, E., Mittler, R. (2014) Abiotic and biotic stress combinations. New Phytol 203:32-43.
- Wang, L., Huang, X., Wang, C., Tian, X., Chang, X., Ren, Y., Yu, S. (2021) Applications of surface functionalized Fe3O4 NPs-based detection methods in food safety. Food Chemistry 342:128343.
- Yang, Z. K., Qu, C., Pan, S. X., Liu, Y., Shi, Z., Luo, C., Qin, Y. G., Yang, X. L. (2022) Aphid-repellent, ladybug-attraction activities, and binding mechanism of methyl salicylate derivatives containing geraniol moiety. Pest Management Science 79(2):760-770.
- Zarkani, A., Turanli, F. (2021) Impact of methyl salicylate lures on the mint aphid, Eucarazzia elegans (Hemiptera: Aphididae) density and natural enemy abundances in common sage fields. Advances in Biological Sciences Research 8(17). doi: 10.2991/absr.k.210609.002.
- Zhu, J., Park, K. (2005) Methyl salicylate, a soybean aphid-induced plant volatile attractive to the predator, Coccinella septempunctata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31(8):1733-1746
Şanlıurfa’da Yetiştirilen Mısırda Baskın Olarak Metil Salisilat İçeren Keklik Üzümü (Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus) Yağı Kullanımının Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) Üzerine Etkileri
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 425 - 435, 30.12.2024
Sultan Çoban
Emine Çıkman
Seval Zeybek
Metil salisilat (MeSA), zararlı bir böcek saldırısına uğranıldığında, bu duruma bir tepki olarak, çeşitli bitkiler tarafından salgılanan uçucu bir bileşiktir. Ancak, bu bileşiğin, Chrysopidae yararlı böcek familyasına ait türler üzerindeki etkisiyle ilgili yapılan araştırmalar literatürde sınırlıdır. 2017 ve 2018’de, Şanlıurfa’da yürütülen bu çalışmada, Pioneer çeşidi mısır, baskın olarak MeSA içeren keklik üzümü (Gaultheria procumbens Linnaeus) yağı ekstraktıyla doğrudan tuzak ve tohum uygulamaları şeklinde muamele edilmiştir. Buna göre, farklı şekillerde uygulanan MeSA’nın, yararlı böcek Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) üzerindeki çekici etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada, sonuç olarak, tüm yıllarda, MeSA’ya ait doğrudan tuzak ve tohum uygulamasının her ikisinde de önemli ölçüde daha fazla sayıda birey gözlenmiştir.
18163 Nolu proje kapsamında desteklenen çalışmada, Harran Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi’ne teşekkür ederiz.
- Anonim (2018) Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. https:www.mgm.gov.tr. (Erişim tarihi: 01.11.2018).
- Bozsik, A. (1995) Effect of some zoocides on Chrysoperla carnea adults (Planipennia, Chrysopidae) in the laboratory. Anz. Schadlingskde., Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz, 68:58-59.
- Çakmakçı, S., Çakmakçı, R. (2023). Quality and nutritional parameters of food in agri-food production systems. Foods 12:351.
- García, M. G., Sánchez, J. I. L., Bravo, K. A. S., Cabal, M. D. C., Pérez-Santín, E. (2022) Review: Presence, distribution and current pesticides used in Spanish agricultural practices. Science of The Total Environment 845:157291.
- Gençer, N. S., Gür, F. (2018) Metil salisilatın fasulye bitkisindeki yaprak bitleri (Homoptera: Aphididae) ve predatörleri üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15(3):25-35.
- Gershenzon, J., Dudareva, N. (2007) The function of terpene natural products in the natural world. Nat Chem Biol 3:408-414.
- Gregory, P. J., George, T. S. (2011) Feeding nine billion: The challenge to sustainable crop production. Journal of Experimantal Botany 62:5233-5239.
- Gu, B., Zhang, X., Bai, X., Fu, B., Chen, D. (2019) Four steps to food security for swelling cities. Nature 566:31-33.
James, D. G. (2003a) Field evaluation of herbivore-induced plant volatiles as attractants for beneficial insects: Methyl Salicylate and the green lacewing, Chrysopa nigricornis. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29(7):1601-1609.
- James, D. G. (2003b) Synthetic herbivore-induced plant volatiles as field attractants for beneficial insects. Environmental Entomology 32:977-982.
- James, D. G., Price, T. S. (2004) Field-testing of methyl salicylate for recruitment and retention of beneficial insects in grapes and hops. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30:1613-1628.
- James, D. G. (2006) Methyl salicylate is a field attractant for the goldeneyed lacewing, Chrysopa oculata. Biocontrol Science and Technology 16:107-110
- Kannaste, A., Vongvanich, N., Borg-Karlson, A. K. (2008) Infestation by a Nalepella species induces emissions of α- and β-farnesenes, (-)-linalool and aromatic compounds in Norway spruce clones of different susceptibility to the large pineweevil. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2:31-41.
- Kaplan, I. (2012) Attracting carnivorous arthropods with plant volatiles: The future of biocontrol or playing with fire?. Biological Control 60:77-89.
- Lee, J. C. (2010) Effect of methyl salicylate-based lures on beneficial and pest arthropods in strawberry. Environmental Entomology 39(2):653-660.
- Liu, W. R., Qiao, W. L., Liu, Z. Z., Wang, X. H., Jiang, R., Li, S. Y., Shi, R. B., She, G. M. (2013) Gaultheria: Phytochemical and pharmacological characteristics. Molecules 18:12071-12108.
- Luo, B., Gu, R., Kennelly, E. J., Long, C. (2017) Gaultheria ethnobotany and bioactivity: Blueberry relatives with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer constituents. Curr Med Chem 25:5168-5176.
- Magiera, A., Sienkiewicz, M., Olszewska, M. A., Kicel, A., Michel, P. (2019) Chemical profile and antibacterial activity of essential oils from leaves and fruits of Gaultheria procumbens L. cultivated in Poland. Acta Pol Pharm Drug Res 76:93-102.
- Mallinger, R. E., Hogg, D. B., Gratton, C. (2011) Methyl salicylate attracts natural enemies and reduces populations of soybean aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in soybean agroecosystems. Journal of Economic Entomology 104(1):115-124.
- Métraux, J. (2002) Recent breakthroughs in the study of salicylic acid biosynthesis. Trends Plant Sci 7:332-334.
Michel, P., Olszewska, M. A. (2024) Phytochemistry and biological profile of Gaultheria procumbens L. and wintergreen essential oil: From traditional application to molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Int J Mol Sci 25:565.
- Mithöfer, A., Boland, W. (2012) Plant defense against herbivores: Chemical aspects. Annu Rev Plant Biol 63:431-450.
- Nguyen-Viet, H., Tuyet-Hanh, T. T., Unger, F., Dang-Xuan, S., Grace, D. (2017) Food safety in Vietnam: Where we are at and what we can learn from international experiences. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 6(1):39.
- Ozawa, R., Shiojiri, K., Sabelis, M. W., Arimura, G. I., Nishioka, T., Takabayashi, J. (2004) Corn plants treated with jasmonic acid attract more specialist parasitoids, thereby increasing parasitization of the common armyworm. J Chem Ecol 30:1797-1808.
- Pare´, P. W., Tumlinson, J. H. (1997) De novo biosynthesis of volatiles induced by insect herbivory in cotton plants. Plant Physiology 114:1161-1167.
- Poveda, J., Abril-Urias, P., Escobar C. (2020) Biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes by filamentous fungi inducers of resistance: Trichoderma, mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi. Front Microbiol 11:992.
- Puente, M. E., Kennedy, G. G., Gould, F. (2008) The impact of herbivore-induced plant volatiles on parasitoid foraging success: a general deterministic model. J Chem Ecol 34:945-958.
- Rodriguez-Saona, C., Kaplan, I., Braasch, J., Chinnasamy, D., Williams, L. (2011) Field responses of predaceous arthropods to methyl salicylate: a meta-analysis and case study in cranberries. Biol Control 59:294-303.
- Silva, V., Mol, H. G., Zomer, P., Tienstra, M., Ritsema, C. J., Geissen, V. (2019) Pesticide residues in European agricultural soils-A hidden reality unfolded. Science of the Total Environment 653:1532-1545.
- Sobhy, I. S., Erb, M., Lou, Y., Turlings, T. C. J. (2014) The prospect of applying chemical elicitors and plant strengtheners to enhance the biological control of crop pests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369(1639).
- Stark, S. B., Whitford, F. (1987) Functional response of Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) larvae feeding on Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs on cotton in field cages. Entomophaga 12(5):521-527.
- Suzuki, N., Rivero, R. M., Shulaev, V., Blumwald, E., Mittler, R. (2014) Abiotic and biotic stress combinations. New Phytol 203:32-43.
- Wang, L., Huang, X., Wang, C., Tian, X., Chang, X., Ren, Y., Yu, S. (2021) Applications of surface functionalized Fe3O4 NPs-based detection methods in food safety. Food Chemistry 342:128343.
- Yang, Z. K., Qu, C., Pan, S. X., Liu, Y., Shi, Z., Luo, C., Qin, Y. G., Yang, X. L. (2022) Aphid-repellent, ladybug-attraction activities, and binding mechanism of methyl salicylate derivatives containing geraniol moiety. Pest Management Science 79(2):760-770.
- Zarkani, A., Turanli, F. (2021) Impact of methyl salicylate lures on the mint aphid, Eucarazzia elegans (Hemiptera: Aphididae) density and natural enemy abundances in common sage fields. Advances in Biological Sciences Research 8(17). doi: 10.2991/absr.k.210609.002.
- Zhu, J., Park, K. (2005) Methyl salicylate, a soybean aphid-induced plant volatile attractive to the predator, Coccinella septempunctata. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31(8):1733-1746