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The Discursive Construction of War and Peace in the Books of Three Turkish Commanders on the “1974 Cyprus Peace Operation”

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 44, 19 - 46, 20.03.2020


 The article analyses the construction of war and peace in three books, so-called ego-documents, written by soldiers who themselves fought in the Cypriot 1974 war. In order to better understand these constructions, we first develop a theoretical model on war and peace discourses, supported by Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory, which has been cross-fertilized with the empirical analysis. War discourses are seen to have five nodal points: 1/An Enemy-Self dichotomy; 2/The Army as war assemblage; 3/Destruction and death (of the Enemy); 4/Legitimations and aims of war; 5/A spatially and temporally restricted arena of intensified reality. Peace discourses have two variations: The photo-negativistic articulation of peace (with these nodal points: 1/The absence of the Enemy, 2/The non-combatant or non-existent Army; 3/The absence of death and destruction, with the emphasis on life, 4/The absence of legitimations (and aims) of war; 5/Continuity of space and time, as everyday life) and the more autonomous articulation of peace (with two nodal points: 1/Social harmony, economic equity and social justice; 2/Desire for, and the desirability of, peace). Our discourse-theoretical analysis demonstrates how these three books mostly articulate war discourses, but the books are also seen to contain two important characteristics from a democratic-humanist perspective: They still contain articulations of the peace discourses, and they demonstrate the dislocations of the war discourses.

Destekleyen Kurum

Swedish Institute


This publication was made possible by a research stay at Uppsala University (Sweden), financed by a Swedish Institute scholarship.


  • ARISTOTLE. Nicomachean Ethics, Book 10, trans. W. D. Ross.
  • BENJAMIN, WALTER (1979). “Theories of German Fascism: On the Collection of Essays War and Warrior, Edited by Ernst Jünger,” trans., J. Wikoff, New German Critique, 17 (Spring): 120-128.
  • BILETZKI, ANAT (2007). “The Language-Games of Peace,” in CHARLES WEBEL and JOHAN GALTUNG (eds.) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 345-354.
  • BONN, KEITH E., BAKER, ANTHONY E. (2000). Guide to military operations other than war: tactics, techniques, and procedures for stability and support operations: domestic and international. Mechanicsburg: Stackpole.
  • CARPENTIER, NICO (2011). “The Ideological Model of War. Discursive Mediations of the Self and the Enemy,” in NANCY BILLIAS & LEONHARD PRAEG (eds.), Creating Destruction: Constructing Images of Violence and Genocide. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 13-38.
  • CARPENTIER, NICO (2015). “Introduction: Strengthening Cultural War Studies,” in NICO CARPENTIER (ed.), Culture, Trauma, and Conflict: Cultural Studies Perspectives on War, 2nd ed. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 1–20.
  • CARPENTIER, NICO (2017). The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in conflict and community media participation. New York: Peter Lang.
  • DEMMERS, JOLLE (2012). Theories of Violent Conflict: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
  • ECEVİT, BÜLENT (1974). “20 Temmuz 1974 Cumartesi günü Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı Münasebetiyle Yaptığı Konuşma (Speech in the Parliament on the Cyprus Peace Operation of Turkish Armed Forces on 20th July 1974, Saturday),” TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Cilt 13, Birleşim 3: 9-10.
  • FELSKI, RITA (1999/2000). “The Invention of Everyday Life,” New Formations, 39: 15–31.
  • FOUCAULT, MICHEL (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge, trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Pantheon.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN (1964). “An Editorial,” Journal of Peace Research, 1(1): 1-4.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN (1969). “Violence, Peace and Peace Research,” Journal of Peace Research, 6(3): 167-191.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN (2009). Theories of Conflict. Definitions, Dimensions, Negations, Formations. Oslo: Transcend.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN, VINCENT, RICHARD C. (1992). Global Glastnost: Toward a New World Information and Communication Order? Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.
  • GÜRCAN, ALİ İHSAN (2013). Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı ve Ötesi (The Cyprus Peace Operation and Beyond). İstanbul: Kastaş yay.
  • HOWARD, MICHAEL (2001). The invention of peace. Reflections on war and international order. Hatton garden: Profile books.
  • ISHIDA, TAKESHI (1969). “Beyond the Traditional Concepts of Peace in Different Cultures,” Journal of Peace Research, 6(2): 133-145.
  • JABRI, VIVIENNE (1996). Discourses on Violence: Conflict Analysis Reconsidered. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • KEEN, SAM (1986). Faces of the Enemy. New York: Harper and Row.
  • KENDE, ISTVAN (1989). “The History of Peace: Concept and Organizations from the Late Middle Ages to the 1870s,” Journal of Peace Research 26(3): 233-247.
  • KIZILYÜREK, NİYAZİ (2002). Milliyetçilik Kıskacında Kıbrıs (Cyprus in the Stranglehold of Nationalism). İstanbul: iletişim.
  • KRISTEVA, JULIA (2007). “Can We Make Peace?” S. Hoff. (trans.), in ALICE JARDINE, et al. (eds.) Living Attention: On Teresa Brennan. New York: State University of New York press, pp. 117-126.
  • LACLAU, ERNESTO, MOUFFE, CHANTAL (1985). Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso.
  • MANSFIELD, NICK (2008). Theorizing War from Hobbes to Badiou. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • MATSUO, MASATSUGU (2007). “Concept of Peace in Peace Studies: A Short Historical Sketch,” IPSHU (Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University) English Research Report Series, 20: 13-26.
  • McGREGOR, SUE (2014). “Prospective Philosophical Foundations of Peace Education,” Factis Pax, 8(2): 150-166.
  • MOUFFE, CHANTAL (2005). On the Political. London: Routledge.
  • NEGRI, ANTONIO, HARDT, MICHAEL (2004). Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire. New York: Penguin Books.
  • OKTAY, CEMİL (2014). Modern Toplumlarda Savaş ve Barış (War and Peace in Modern Societies). 2nd ed. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • PICK, DANIEL (1993). War Machine. The Rationalisation of Slaughter in the Modern Age. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
  • SEVER, MUZAFFER (2012). 20 Temmuz 1974 Kıbrıs. Bitmeyen Gece (20th July 1974 Cyprus. Unending Night). 2nd ed. İstanbul: Kastaş yay.
  • SHAPIRO, IAN (1996). Democracy’s Place. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • SHIELDS, PATRICIA M. (2017). “Limits of Negative Peace, Faces of Positive Peace,” Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly 47(3): 1-12.
  • STELYA, NIKOLAOS (2013). İstenmeyen Bebek Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti (The Republic of Cyprus, Unwanted Baby). İstanbul: Kalkedon.
  • ÜSTÜGEN, HALUK (2015). 1’inci Komando Taburu 1974 Kıbrıs. Beşparmak Dağlarında Yarma Harekatı (The 1st Commando Battalion, 1974 Cyprus: Break-out on Beşparmak/Kyrenia Mountains). 2nd ed. İstanbul: Kastaş yay.
  • VAN CREVELD, MARTIN (1991). The Transformation of War. New York: The Free Press.
  • WALLENSTEEN, PETER (1991). “The resolution and transformation of international conflicts: A structural perspective,” in Raimo Väyrynen (ed.) New directions in conflict theory: Conflict resolution and conflict transformation. London: Sage, pp. 129-152.
  • WEBEL, CHARLES (2007). “Introduction: Toward a Philosophy and Metapsychology of Peace,” in CHARLES WEBEL and JOHAN GALTUNG (eds.) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. London and New York: Routledge, 3-13.
  • WODICZKO, KRZYSZTOF (2012). The Abolition of War. London: Black Dog.
  • ŽIŽEK, SLAVOJ (2008). Violence. Six Sideways Reflections. New York: Picador.

Üç Türk Komutanın “1974 Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı” üzerine Yazdıkları Kitaplarda Savaş ve Barışın Söylemsel İnşası

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 44, 19 - 46, 20.03.2020


Makale, 1974 Kıbrıs savaşında savaşmış askerlerin yazdığı, kişisel yaşantı belgeleri de denilen, üç kitapta savaş ve barışın inşasını analiz etmektedir. Bu inşayı daha iyi anlamak için öncelikle savaş ve barış söylemleri üzerine Laclau ve Mouffe’un söylem teorisince desteklenen teorik bir model geliştirdik. Bu model, ampirik analizle karşılıklı olarak beslendi. Savaş söylemlerinin beş düğüm noktası olduğu görüldü: 1/Bir Kendi (Self)-Düşman ikiliği; 2/ Savaş bileşimi olarak Ordu; 3/ İmha ve (Düşmanın) ölüm(ü); 4/ Savaşın meşrulaştırılması ve amaçları; 5/ Zamansal ve uzamsal olarak sınırlı alanda yoğunlaşmış gerçeklik. Barış söylemlerinin ise, iki çeşitlemesi var: Savaşın negatif imgesi olarak eklemlenmesi (şu düğüm noktalarına sahip: 1/ Düşmanın yokluğu, 2/ Savaşkan olmayan ya da var olmayan Ordu, 3/ Yaşam üzerindeki vurgu ile imha ve ölümün yokluğu, 4/ Savaşın meşrulaştırılmasının ve (amaçlarının) yokluğu, 5/ Gündelik hayattaki gibi zaman ve uzamda süreklilik) ve barışın daha özerk eklemlenmesi (iki düğüm noktası mevcut: 1/ Toplumsal uyum, ekonomik eşitlik ve toplumsal adalet; 2/ Barış arzusu ve barışın arzu edilirliği). Söylem-teorik analizimiz, bu üç kitabın çoklukla savaş söylemlerini eklemlediklerini göstermektedir. Ancak kitapların demokratik-hümanist perspektiften iki önemli nitelik taşıdıkları da görülmektedir: Halen barış söylemlerini de eklemlemeleri ve savaş söylemlerinin yerlerinden oynatılmalarını göstermeleri.


  • ARISTOTLE. Nicomachean Ethics, Book 10, trans. W. D. Ross.
  • BENJAMIN, WALTER (1979). “Theories of German Fascism: On the Collection of Essays War and Warrior, Edited by Ernst Jünger,” trans., J. Wikoff, New German Critique, 17 (Spring): 120-128.
  • BILETZKI, ANAT (2007). “The Language-Games of Peace,” in CHARLES WEBEL and JOHAN GALTUNG (eds.) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 345-354.
  • BONN, KEITH E., BAKER, ANTHONY E. (2000). Guide to military operations other than war: tactics, techniques, and procedures for stability and support operations: domestic and international. Mechanicsburg: Stackpole.
  • CARPENTIER, NICO (2011). “The Ideological Model of War. Discursive Mediations of the Self and the Enemy,” in NANCY BILLIAS & LEONHARD PRAEG (eds.), Creating Destruction: Constructing Images of Violence and Genocide. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 13-38.
  • CARPENTIER, NICO (2015). “Introduction: Strengthening Cultural War Studies,” in NICO CARPENTIER (ed.), Culture, Trauma, and Conflict: Cultural Studies Perspectives on War, 2nd ed. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 1–20.
  • CARPENTIER, NICO (2017). The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in conflict and community media participation. New York: Peter Lang.
  • DEMMERS, JOLLE (2012). Theories of Violent Conflict: An Introduction. London: Routledge.
  • ECEVİT, BÜLENT (1974). “20 Temmuz 1974 Cumartesi günü Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı Münasebetiyle Yaptığı Konuşma (Speech in the Parliament on the Cyprus Peace Operation of Turkish Armed Forces on 20th July 1974, Saturday),” TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Cilt 13, Birleşim 3: 9-10.
  • FELSKI, RITA (1999/2000). “The Invention of Everyday Life,” New Formations, 39: 15–31.
  • FOUCAULT, MICHEL (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge, trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Pantheon.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN (1964). “An Editorial,” Journal of Peace Research, 1(1): 1-4.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN (1969). “Violence, Peace and Peace Research,” Journal of Peace Research, 6(3): 167-191.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN (2009). Theories of Conflict. Definitions, Dimensions, Negations, Formations. Oslo: Transcend.
  • GALTUNG, JOHAN, VINCENT, RICHARD C. (1992). Global Glastnost: Toward a New World Information and Communication Order? Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.
  • GÜRCAN, ALİ İHSAN (2013). Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı ve Ötesi (The Cyprus Peace Operation and Beyond). İstanbul: Kastaş yay.
  • HOWARD, MICHAEL (2001). The invention of peace. Reflections on war and international order. Hatton garden: Profile books.
  • ISHIDA, TAKESHI (1969). “Beyond the Traditional Concepts of Peace in Different Cultures,” Journal of Peace Research, 6(2): 133-145.
  • JABRI, VIVIENNE (1996). Discourses on Violence: Conflict Analysis Reconsidered. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • KEEN, SAM (1986). Faces of the Enemy. New York: Harper and Row.
  • KENDE, ISTVAN (1989). “The History of Peace: Concept and Organizations from the Late Middle Ages to the 1870s,” Journal of Peace Research 26(3): 233-247.
  • KIZILYÜREK, NİYAZİ (2002). Milliyetçilik Kıskacında Kıbrıs (Cyprus in the Stranglehold of Nationalism). İstanbul: iletişim.
  • KRISTEVA, JULIA (2007). “Can We Make Peace?” S. Hoff. (trans.), in ALICE JARDINE, et al. (eds.) Living Attention: On Teresa Brennan. New York: State University of New York press, pp. 117-126.
  • LACLAU, ERNESTO, MOUFFE, CHANTAL (1985). Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: Verso.
  • MANSFIELD, NICK (2008). Theorizing War from Hobbes to Badiou. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • MATSUO, MASATSUGU (2007). “Concept of Peace in Peace Studies: A Short Historical Sketch,” IPSHU (Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University) English Research Report Series, 20: 13-26.
  • McGREGOR, SUE (2014). “Prospective Philosophical Foundations of Peace Education,” Factis Pax, 8(2): 150-166.
  • MOUFFE, CHANTAL (2005). On the Political. London: Routledge.
  • NEGRI, ANTONIO, HARDT, MICHAEL (2004). Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire. New York: Penguin Books.
  • OKTAY, CEMİL (2014). Modern Toplumlarda Savaş ve Barış (War and Peace in Modern Societies). 2nd ed. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • PICK, DANIEL (1993). War Machine. The Rationalisation of Slaughter in the Modern Age. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
  • SEVER, MUZAFFER (2012). 20 Temmuz 1974 Kıbrıs. Bitmeyen Gece (20th July 1974 Cyprus. Unending Night). 2nd ed. İstanbul: Kastaş yay.
  • SHAPIRO, IAN (1996). Democracy’s Place. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • SHIELDS, PATRICIA M. (2017). “Limits of Negative Peace, Faces of Positive Peace,” Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly 47(3): 1-12.
  • STELYA, NIKOLAOS (2013). İstenmeyen Bebek Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti (The Republic of Cyprus, Unwanted Baby). İstanbul: Kalkedon.
  • ÜSTÜGEN, HALUK (2015). 1’inci Komando Taburu 1974 Kıbrıs. Beşparmak Dağlarında Yarma Harekatı (The 1st Commando Battalion, 1974 Cyprus: Break-out on Beşparmak/Kyrenia Mountains). 2nd ed. İstanbul: Kastaş yay.
  • VAN CREVELD, MARTIN (1991). The Transformation of War. New York: The Free Press.
  • WALLENSTEEN, PETER (1991). “The resolution and transformation of international conflicts: A structural perspective,” in Raimo Väyrynen (ed.) New directions in conflict theory: Conflict resolution and conflict transformation. London: Sage, pp. 129-152.
  • WEBEL, CHARLES (2007). “Introduction: Toward a Philosophy and Metapsychology of Peace,” in CHARLES WEBEL and JOHAN GALTUNG (eds.) Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies. London and New York: Routledge, 3-13.
  • WODICZKO, KRZYSZTOF (2012). The Abolition of War. London: Black Dog.
  • ŽIŽEK, SLAVOJ (2008). Violence. Six Sideways Reflections. New York: Picador.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Kitap Tanıtımı

D. Beybin Kejanlıoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0534-6399

Nico Carpentıer 0000-0002-8996-4636

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Haziran 2019
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 44

Kaynak Göster

APA Kejanlıoğlu, D. B., & Carpentıer, N. (2020). The Discursive Construction of War and Peace in the Books of Three Turkish Commanders on the “1974 Cyprus Peace Operation”. Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, 20(44), 19-46.

Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi

Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Merkezi

Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi

Gazimağusa, Kuzey Kıbrıs, Mersin 10, Turkey