Pentekostalizm, 20. yüzyılın ilk
yıllarında Amerika’da ortaya çıkan dini bir harekettir. Kutsal Ruh vaftizi ve
Ruhsal Bağışlara vurgu yapan bu hareketin temel teolojik unsurları 19. yüzyılda
Amerika’nın dini anlayışında değişim ve gelişime büyük etkileri olan uyanış
hareketleri içinde filizlenmiştir: Metodist Akım, Kutsallık Hareketi, Irving Hareketi,
Keswick Yüce Yaşam Hareketi ve Şifa Hareketi. Kurucusu Charles Fox Parham
tarafından sistematik hale getirilen Pentekostalizm, 1906 yılında öğrencisi William
Joseph Seymour’un önderliğinde Azusa Street Uyanışı ile büyük bir kitle
hareketine dönüşmüştür.
Pentekost Pentekostalizm İhtida Nihai Kutsama Kutsal Ruh Vaftizi Şifa Hareketi Ruhsal Bağışlar Dillerde Konuşma
is a religious movement originated in America at the dawn of 20th century. The
movement takes its name from the events on the day of Pentecost described in
the second chapter of Book of Acts, where it portrays the events of the descent
of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles of Jesus Christ, “they were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as Spirit gave them
utterance”. Pentecostals claim that the same experience should be present
main theological foundations of Pentecostalism germinated from American revival
movements in 19th century: Methodism, Holiness Movement, Irving Movement,
Keswick movement and Healing movement. Pentecostals seek to receive salvation
based on baptism in the Holy Spirit and gifts of the spirit (charismata) such
as speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy, exorcism and preparation for the
imminent second coming of Christ.
the modern sense the first Pentecostals appeared in Charles Fox Parham’s Bible
School. One of his students, Agnes Ozman was the first person to be baptised in
the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking in tongues in 1901. Parham, who considered
being the founder of the movement, formulated the foundational doctrines and practices,
which characterise the movement. In 1906, Pentecostalism achieved worldwide
attention through the Azusa Street Revival is commonly regarded as the
beginning of the modern Pentecostal movement led by African American preacher
William Joseph Seymour. At the end of twentieth century it grew to be the
second largest family of Christians in the World.
Pentecost Pentecostalism Conversion Entire Sanctification Baptism in the Holy Spirit Healing Movement Charismata Glossolalia
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Yayımlanma Tarihi | 19 Aralık 2016 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2016 |