political events narrating, mostly, they are transferred within the framework
of cause-and-effect relationship. Nevertheless, the sides who are affected from
the power struggle are people people and cities where they are resident.
Results of every struggle even if they were lost or won affects cities in
positive or negative directions. At the same time cities have significant
contributes to their governors with their history, tradition and culture which
they have.
Eleventh century is a reshaped period of the stage of history, in
which the new states gained power by changing the balance of power. During this
period, on the one hand, some states have lost their territorial dominance, on
the other hand some other states have expanded their control of the region. The
most affected places by the changing balance are the cities which have
political, economic and geographical significance. Statesmen who aware
establishing dominance contribute their sovereignty had developed their
strategy over the dominate the major cities of this time. The city of Balkh,
was a gateway for the Ghaznavids and Karakhanids to Khorasan and, was in a key
position for the Seljuks to the defense of Khorasan. Therefore during the this
period Balkh was counted between the cities which will be capture the first.
also, in our study, will try to analyze political status of Balkh, one of the
most important cities of Khorasan region during the medieval age, how people
react against Seljuks rule, relationships established between people and
Seljuks and political, religious/sectarian and economic reasons behind the
reaction against to the Seljuk rule, in the light of main sources.
olaylar kaleme alınırken, çoğunlukla, sebep-sonuç ilişkisi çerçevesinde
olayların tarafları üzerinden bir aktarıma gidilir. Bununla birlikte iki
tarafın güç mücadelesinden etkilenen bir diğer taraf da yönetilen konumundaki
halk ve onların ikamet ettikleri şehirlerdir. Kaybedilen veya kazanılan her
mücadele olumlu veya olumsuz yönden şehirleri etkilemektedir. Aynı zamanda
şehirler de, sahip oldukları tarih, gelenek ve kültürle hâkimlerine önemli
katkılarda bulunurlar.
Biz de bu çalışmamızda
ortaçağ boyunca Horasan bölgesinin en önemli şehirlerinden biri olan Belh’in
Büyük Selçuklu Dönemi’ndeki siyasi durumunu, Selçuklu hâkimiyetinin şehirlerde
nasıl karşılandığını, Selçuklular ile halk arasında kurulan ilişkileri ve
Selçuklu hâkimiyetine gösterilen tepkilerin arkasında yatan siyasî,
dinî/mezhebî ve iktisadî gerekçeleri ana kaynaklar ışığında incelemeye
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 19 Aralık 2016 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2016 |