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Din Eğitiminin Bireysel ve Sosyal Hayata Etkileri

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 195 - 211, 01.06.2010


Religious education (RE), deals with religion showing up belief instinct of human being, surveys the person from birth to death in the particular system. The religious emotions of children evolve gradually, within specified periods. Within this process, RE provides the lead for individuals in all dimensions. Naturally, at this stage of children’s lives, some improvements and transformations are observed in the individuals. In accordance with the goals of education, RE aims to form and transmit appropriate values to people, contributes to personal development, and ensures their socialization.


  • Akseki, Ahmet Hamdi, İslam Dini, Ankara 1963.
  • Al-Ghazali, Ebu Hamid, “Bidayetu’l-Hidaye”, Mecmuatu Resaili İmam Gazali, (thk. Mu- hammed Emin Muhammed), Mektebetu’t-Tevfikiyye, Kahire.
  • _____ İhya-u Ulûmi’d-Din (thk. Abdul Muti’ Emin Kalaci), Daru’s-Sadr, Beyrut 2004, III.
  • Ayhan, Halis, “Din Eğitimi ve Öğretimi; 21. yy.’dan Beklentiler”, 21. yy.’da Eğitim ve Türk Eğitim Sistemi, Dem Yay., İstanbul 2004.
  • _____ Eğitime Giriş, Damla Yay., İstanbul 1986.
  • Bartlett, Stave; Burton, Diana; Peim Nick, Introduction to Education Studies, Paul Chapman Publishhing, London 2001.
  • Başgil, Ali Fuad, Din ve Laiklik, Yağmur Yay., İstanbul 1991.
  • Başkurt, İrfan, Din Eğitiminde Adalet Ölçü Denge, İşaret Yay., İst., 2000.
  • Bayraklı, Bayraktar, Kur’an Tefsiri, Bayraklı Yay., İstanbul 2003, I.
  • Berryman, Jerome W., “Faith Development and the Language of Faith”, Handbook of Children’s Religious Education (ed. Donald Ratcliff), Religious Education Press, Birmingham, Alabama 1992.
  • Bilgin, Beyza, Eğitim Bilimi ve Din Eğitimi, Gün Yay., Ankara 1998.
  • Boyatzis, Chris J., “Religious and Spiritual Development in Children” Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ed. Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park), The Guilford Press, New York 2005.
  • Chaube, S.P., Foundations of Education, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2002.
  • Colman, Henry, What is Religion? The Question Answered, Printed by C. Green, London 1846.
  • Çam, Ömer, “Din, Dil, Kültür ve Eğitim”, Din Eğitimi Araştırmalar Dergisi, İst., 1994.
  • Decenso, James J., “Religion and the Psycho-Cultural Formation of Ideals”, What is Religion? Origins,
  • Definitions, and Explanations, edited by Thomas A. Idinopulos and Brian C. Wilson, Brill 2006.
  • Dewey, John, Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education, The Macmillan Company, Hyslop-Margison, New York 1968.
  • Ertürk, Selahattin, Eğitimde Program Geliştirme, Ankara 1997.
  • Fay, Martha, Do Children Need Religion?-How Parents Today Are Thinking About the Big Question, Pantheon Books of Random House Inc., New York 1993
  • Geyer, Anne L. & Baumeister, Roy F., “Religion, Morality, and Self-Control (Values, Virtues, and Vices)”, Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ed. Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park), The Guilford Press, New York 2005, P186
  • Gökalp, Ziya, Terbiyenin Sosyal ve Kültürel Temelleri, Meb. Yay., İst., 1974.
  • Güngör, Erol, Ahlak Psikolojisi ve Sosyal Ahlak, Ötüken Yay., İstanbul 2000.
  • Hood, Ralph W. & Hill, Peter C. & Spilka, Bernard, The Psychology of Religion-An Empirical Approach, The Guilford Press, New York 2009.
  • Hökelekli, “Fıtrat” DİA, İstanbul 1996, XIII.
  • Kant, Imanuel, Pedagoji Üzerine (çev. M. Rahmi), İstanbul 2005.
  • Lawson E. Thomas, “Defining Religion… Going the Theoretical Way”, What is Religion? Origins, Definitions, and Explanations, edited by Thomas A. Idinopulos and Brian C. Wilson, Brill 2006.
  • Mahoney, Annette & Tarakeshwar, Nalini, “Religion’s Role in Marriage and Parenting in Daily Life and During Family Crises”, Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ed. Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park), The Guilford Press, New York 2005, P186.
  • Nur Doğan, Muhammed, “Din Eğitimi ve Öğretiminin Vazgeçilmezliği”, Türk Milli Eğitim Sisteminde Din Eğitimi ve Öğretimi Sempozyumu, Yarınlar İçin Düşünce Platfor- mu, Ankara 2-3 Mart 2005.
  • Ogden, Robert Morris, Psychology and Education, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, New York 1999.
  • Özcan Köknel, Ailede ve Toplumda Ruh Sağlığı, İstanbul 1981.
  • Özkalp, Enver, Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yay., Eskişehir 2004.
  • Sabuni M. Ali, Safvetu’t-Tefasir, Dersaadet Yay., İstanbul trs., I-II.
  • Sloan, P. Richard, Religion Medical Science and the Rise of Subjectivity, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Vol. 1, 2009.
  • Subaşı, Necdet, Gündelik Hayat ve Dinsellik, İz Yay., İstanbul 2004.
  • Taneja, V. R., Educational Thought And Practice, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Thorndike, Edward L., Education-A First Book, Read Country Books, 2007.
  • Thwing, Charles Franklin, Education and Religion: the Bedell Lectures for 1926-27, Ayer Company Publisher, 1929.
  • Tosun, Cemal, Din Eğitimi Bilimine Giriş, Pegama Yay., Ankara 2005.
  • Tümer, Günay, “Din” Mad., DİA, İstanbul 1994, IX.
  • Ural, Ayhan, “Good Elementary Education”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 1, Issue 1, World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4- 7 February 2009 -New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, 2009, Pages 1249-1254.
  • Wright, Andrew, Religion Education and Post-Modernity, Routledgefalmer, London 2004.
  • Schreiner, Peter, Different Approaches-Common Aims?, Current Developments in Religious Education in Europe, Extracts of a Paper Delivered in Oslo, November 2001. ×××

The Impacts of Religious Education on Individual and Social Life

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 195 - 211, 01.06.2010


Religious education (RE), deals with religion showing up belief instinct of human being, surveys the person from birth to death in the particular system. The religious emotions of children evolve gradually, within specified periods. Within this process, RE provides the lead for individuals in all dimensions. Naturally, at this stage of children’s lives, some improvements and transformations are observed in the individuals. In accordance with the goals of education, RE aims to form and transmit appropriate values to people, contributes to personal development, and ensures their socialization.


  • Akseki, Ahmet Hamdi, İslam Dini, Ankara 1963.
  • Al-Ghazali, Ebu Hamid, “Bidayetu’l-Hidaye”, Mecmuatu Resaili İmam Gazali, (thk. Mu- hammed Emin Muhammed), Mektebetu’t-Tevfikiyye, Kahire.
  • _____ İhya-u Ulûmi’d-Din (thk. Abdul Muti’ Emin Kalaci), Daru’s-Sadr, Beyrut 2004, III.
  • Ayhan, Halis, “Din Eğitimi ve Öğretimi; 21. yy.’dan Beklentiler”, 21. yy.’da Eğitim ve Türk Eğitim Sistemi, Dem Yay., İstanbul 2004.
  • _____ Eğitime Giriş, Damla Yay., İstanbul 1986.
  • Bartlett, Stave; Burton, Diana; Peim Nick, Introduction to Education Studies, Paul Chapman Publishhing, London 2001.
  • Başgil, Ali Fuad, Din ve Laiklik, Yağmur Yay., İstanbul 1991.
  • Başkurt, İrfan, Din Eğitiminde Adalet Ölçü Denge, İşaret Yay., İst., 2000.
  • Bayraklı, Bayraktar, Kur’an Tefsiri, Bayraklı Yay., İstanbul 2003, I.
  • Berryman, Jerome W., “Faith Development and the Language of Faith”, Handbook of Children’s Religious Education (ed. Donald Ratcliff), Religious Education Press, Birmingham, Alabama 1992.
  • Bilgin, Beyza, Eğitim Bilimi ve Din Eğitimi, Gün Yay., Ankara 1998.
  • Boyatzis, Chris J., “Religious and Spiritual Development in Children” Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ed. Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park), The Guilford Press, New York 2005.
  • Chaube, S.P., Foundations of Education, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2002.
  • Colman, Henry, What is Religion? The Question Answered, Printed by C. Green, London 1846.
  • Çam, Ömer, “Din, Dil, Kültür ve Eğitim”, Din Eğitimi Araştırmalar Dergisi, İst., 1994.
  • Decenso, James J., “Religion and the Psycho-Cultural Formation of Ideals”, What is Religion? Origins,
  • Definitions, and Explanations, edited by Thomas A. Idinopulos and Brian C. Wilson, Brill 2006.
  • Dewey, John, Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education, The Macmillan Company, Hyslop-Margison, New York 1968.
  • Ertürk, Selahattin, Eğitimde Program Geliştirme, Ankara 1997.
  • Fay, Martha, Do Children Need Religion?-How Parents Today Are Thinking About the Big Question, Pantheon Books of Random House Inc., New York 1993
  • Geyer, Anne L. & Baumeister, Roy F., “Religion, Morality, and Self-Control (Values, Virtues, and Vices)”, Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ed. Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park), The Guilford Press, New York 2005, P186
  • Gökalp, Ziya, Terbiyenin Sosyal ve Kültürel Temelleri, Meb. Yay., İst., 1974.
  • Güngör, Erol, Ahlak Psikolojisi ve Sosyal Ahlak, Ötüken Yay., İstanbul 2000.
  • Hood, Ralph W. & Hill, Peter C. & Spilka, Bernard, The Psychology of Religion-An Empirical Approach, The Guilford Press, New York 2009.
  • Hökelekli, “Fıtrat” DİA, İstanbul 1996, XIII.
  • Kant, Imanuel, Pedagoji Üzerine (çev. M. Rahmi), İstanbul 2005.
  • Lawson E. Thomas, “Defining Religion… Going the Theoretical Way”, What is Religion? Origins, Definitions, and Explanations, edited by Thomas A. Idinopulos and Brian C. Wilson, Brill 2006.
  • Mahoney, Annette & Tarakeshwar, Nalini, “Religion’s Role in Marriage and Parenting in Daily Life and During Family Crises”, Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ed. Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park), The Guilford Press, New York 2005, P186.
  • Nur Doğan, Muhammed, “Din Eğitimi ve Öğretiminin Vazgeçilmezliği”, Türk Milli Eğitim Sisteminde Din Eğitimi ve Öğretimi Sempozyumu, Yarınlar İçin Düşünce Platfor- mu, Ankara 2-3 Mart 2005.
  • Ogden, Robert Morris, Psychology and Education, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, New York 1999.
  • Özcan Köknel, Ailede ve Toplumda Ruh Sağlığı, İstanbul 1981.
  • Özkalp, Enver, Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yay., Eskişehir 2004.
  • Sabuni M. Ali, Safvetu’t-Tefasir, Dersaadet Yay., İstanbul trs., I-II.
  • Sloan, P. Richard, Religion Medical Science and the Rise of Subjectivity, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Vol. 1, 2009.
  • Subaşı, Necdet, Gündelik Hayat ve Dinsellik, İz Yay., İstanbul 2004.
  • Taneja, V. R., Educational Thought And Practice, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Thorndike, Edward L., Education-A First Book, Read Country Books, 2007.
  • Thwing, Charles Franklin, Education and Religion: the Bedell Lectures for 1926-27, Ayer Company Publisher, 1929.
  • Tosun, Cemal, Din Eğitimi Bilimine Giriş, Pegama Yay., Ankara 2005.
  • Tümer, Günay, “Din” Mad., DİA, İstanbul 1994, IX.
  • Ural, Ayhan, “Good Elementary Education”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 1, Issue 1, World Conference on Educational Sciences, Nicosia, North Cyprus, 4- 7 February 2009 -New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, 2009, Pages 1249-1254.
  • Wright, Andrew, Religion Education and Post-Modernity, Routledgefalmer, London 2004.
  • Schreiner, Peter, Different Approaches-Common Aims?, Current Developments in Religious Education in Europe, Extracts of a Paper Delivered in Oslo, November 2001. ×××
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Cemil Oruç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Oruç, Cemil. “The Impacts of Religious Education on Individual and Social Life”. Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi 10/3 (Haziran 2010), 195-211.