Yazım Kuralları

Article Submission

Articles submitted to the journal should be works that possess the following characteristics:

Research studies containing original scientific findings.
Studies that present application examples with a scientific approach.
Review studies comprehensively evaluating significant developments on a specific topic.
Articles should be submitted electronically through the Dergipark system.

Font and Page Layout

Works submitted to the Journal of Maritime and Logistics Studies should be written in Microsoft Word using the Times New Roman font. The main text should be written in 11-point font size with single line spacing. Papers that do not comply with these formatting requirements will be returned to the authors without being sent to reviewers.

Works should be written on A4 paper, single-sided, with a margin of 5 cm top, 5 cm left, 5 cm bottom, and 4.5 cm right.


Length and Page Numbers

The length of the submitted papers, including appendices and references, should not exceed 30 pages for publication. However, longer papers may be considered for the review process if deemed appropriate by the Editor and/or Publication Committee. The submitted papers are expected to have a minimum length of 10 pages. Page numbers should not be included in the manuscript.


The article file that does not include author information consists of the following sections in the specified order: article title, abstract, keywords, introduction, main text, conclusion, references, and appendices. The submitted articles to the journal should follow the following sequence:

The article file, without author information, consists of the following sections in the specified order: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, main text, conclusion, explanatory notes (if any), references, and appendices.

Title of the Article

The title should be written in uppercase letters, bold, Times New Roman font, size 12, centered, and should not exceed two lines. For Turkish articles, the English translation of the title should be provided, and for English articles, the Turkish translation of the title should be included.

Underneath the title, the name(s) of the author(s) should be provided. If there are multiple authors, they should be numbered in the header. Example: first author's name (1), second author's name (2), and so on.

Author(s) information, including their affiliated institutions and email addresses, should be provided as footnotes. In case of multiple authors, the author who will be the contact person for communication with the Journal should be specified. If no specific contact author is mentioned, communication will be established with the author who submitted the article to the journal.

Abstract and Keywords

At the beginning of the article, Turkish and English abstracts should be included, consisting of a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 180 words. The abstracts should include the objective, methodology, findings, and conclusion. References and abbreviations should not be included in the abstracts.

Title of the Abstract: The title should be written in uppercase letters, bold, Times New Roman font, size 10, centered, and in italics.

Text of the Abstract: The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, and in italics.

Following the abstracts, a blank line should be left, and five (5) keywords that best represent the subject should be provided in both Turkish and English.

Articles can be written in Turkish and English. However, all articles should include the title, abstract, and keywords in both Turkish and English.

Main Text and Section Headings

The main text should be written using Microsoft Times New Roman font, size 11, justified alignment. The paragraph spacing should be set to single (0 pt) before and after the paragraphs. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1 cm. The main headings and subheadings of the article should be numbered in a decimal format (e.g., 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.) starting from the Introduction (excluding the References section). Subdivisions up to the third level (e.g., 1.2.4.) can be used, and if needed, lower-level headings should be written in italics and bold without numbering.

The entire sentence forming the main heading should be written in "UPPERCASE and BOLD." The second-level subheadings should be written in "Title Case and Bold." The main and subheadings should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, etc.) and placed in the text where they are referred to. The title of a table should be placed above the table, and the title of a figure should be placed below the figure. The initial letters of table or figure titles should be capitalized. The references for tables or figures should be provided below the table or figure. Tables and figures, along with their titles, should be centered within the text. A blank line should be left between tables, figures, and the text. The text within a table or figure should be in the range of 9-


Citations should be made within the text using the author's last name, year of publication, and page numbers, rather than using footnotes.
Example: ... was obtained as a result (Saçaklıoğlu, 2008: 18-22).

When citing works with two authors, both authors' last names should be included. When citing works with three or more authors, only the last name of the first author should be followed by "et al." In cases where multiple works by the same author(s) were published in the same year, symbols (a, b, c, etc.) should be added after the publication year to differentiate the sources. If multiple works are cited at the end of a sentence, they should be listed in parentheses in chronological order, separated by semicolons (;).

In-text Citation Format

For citing books, articles, conference papers, book chapters in edited books:

For a single author:
(Stopford, 1997: 67)

For two authors:
(Bryman and Teevan, 2005: 13)

For more than two authors:
(Rodrigue et al., 2006: 54) - For English works
(Rodrigue vd., 2006: 54) - For Turkish works


Endnotes, which provide additional explanations within the text, should be placed at the end of the article, before the bibliography, and numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3, etc.) according to their occurrence in the text.


The bibliography should start on a new page after the end of the article, and the works should be listed alphabetically by the authors' last names. All sources cited in the text should be included in the bibliography, while sources not cited should be excluded. If the same author(s) has multiple works cited, they should be arranged starting from the oldest publication year. If the same author(s) has multiple works published in the same year, the sources should be listed in the bibliography using letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the publication year. When citing both single-author and multiple-author works by the same author, single-author works should come before multiple-author works. Page numbers should be included for journal articles and chapters in edited books.

Abbreviations used in the bibliography should be in accordance with the language of the article. For example, if the article is in Turkish and the referenced source is in English, "and" should be replaced with "ve."

Here are some examples of how to cite sources in the bibliography for different types of works:


Stopford, M. (1997). Maritime Economics. New York: Routledge.

Bryman, A. and Teevan, J. (2005). Social Research Methods. Canada: Oxford University Press. 

Rodrigue, J., Comtois, C., and Slack, B. (2006). The Geography of Transport Systems. New York: Routledge.

Alpugan, O., Demir, H., Oktav, M., and Üner, N. (1995). İşletme Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları. 


Mangan, J., Lalwani, C., and Gardner, B. (2001). Identifying relevant variables and modelling the choice process in freight transportation. International Journal of Maritime Economics, 3(3), 278-297. 

Anderson, E.W., Fornell, C., and Lehmann, D.R. (1994). Customer satisfaction

                                                          Mersin University Journal of Maritime and Logistics Research