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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 31, 48 - 67, 01.12.2011


Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin (BİT) öğrenme-öğretme süreçlerine entegrasyonu, çok boyutlu bir süreçtir. Sürecin çok boyutluluğu, alan yazında BİT entegrasyonu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda da çeşitliliği beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu çalışmaların bazıları süreci sistem açısından ele alırken bazıları da bireysel bağlamda ele almışlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrenme ve öğretme süreçlerinde BİT entegrasyonu konusunda yapılmış araştırmalarda, süreci açıklayan faktörleri ortaya koymak ve bu faktörlerden yola çıkılarak BİT entegrasyon sürecini genişletilmiş ve bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla irdeleyebilmektir. Bu amaçla son 10 yıl içerisinde eğitsel bağlamda BİT entegrasyonu konusunda yayınlanmış araştırma makaleleri, ISI Web of Knowledge ve ERIC veri tabanlarında taranmıştır. Tam metin olarak ulaşılabilen 130‟dan fazla çalışma incelenmiştir. Entegrasyon sürecini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlandığı için verilerin analizinde Yapısal eşitlik modeli veya regresyon analizi kullanarak faktör analizi yapan makaleler çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Ölçütlere uyan 40 çalışma içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir Analiz sonucunda entegrasyon sürecinin açıklanabilmesine katkı sağlayan faktörler altyapı, erişim, pedagojik inanç, özgüven, beceri, BİT kullanımı, mesleki gelişim, kurumsal faktörler ve diğer olmak üzere yedi başlık altında sınıflandırılmıştır.


  • Ajjan, H., & Hartshorne, R. (2008). Investigating faculty decisions to adopt Web 2.0 technologies: Theory and empirical tests. The Internet and Higher Education, 11(2), 71-80.
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • Altun, S. A., Kalayci, E., & Avci, U. (2011). INTEGRATING ICT AT THE FACULTY LEVEL: A CASE STUDY. [Article]. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 230-240.
  • Askar, P., & Usluel, Y. K. (2003). Bilgisayarların benimsenme hızına ilişkin boylamsal bir çalışma: Üç okulun karşılaştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 15-25.
  • Askar, P., Usluel, Y. K., & Mumcu, F. K. (2006). Logistic Regression Modeling for Predicting Task-Related ICT Use in Teaching. Educational Technology & Society, 9(2), 141-151.
  • Baek, Y., Jung, J., & Kim, B. (2008). What makes teachers use technology in the classroom? Exploring the factors affecting facilitation of technology with a Korean sample. Comput. Educ., 50(1), 224-234. doi:
  • Balanskat, A., Blamire, R., & Kefala, S. (2006). The ICT impact report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe. Accessed at
  • Baylor, A. L., & Ritchie, D. (2002). What Factors Facilitate Teacher Skill, Teacher Morale, and Perceived Student Learning in Technology-Using Classrooms? Computers & Education, 39(4), 395-414.
  • Binghimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning: A Review of literature. Eurosia Journal of Matematics, Science and Technology Education, 5(3), 235-245.
  • Birch, A., & Irvine, V. (2009). Preservice Teachers' Acceptance of ICT Integration in the Classroom: Applying the UTAUT Model. Educational Media International, 46(4), 295-315.
  • Bussey, J. M., Dormody, T. J., & VanLeeuwen, D. (2000). Some Factors Predicting the Adoption of Technology Education in New Mexico Public Schools. Journal of Technology Education, 12(1), 4-17.
  • Chen, R.-J. (2010). Investigating Models for Preservice Teachers' Use of Technology to Support Student-Centered Learning. Computers & Education, 55(1), 32-42.
  • Chen, Y. L. (2008). Modeling the Determinants of Internet Use. Computers & Education, 51(2), 545-558.
  • Collis, B., Peters, O., & Pals, N. (2001). A Model For Predicting the Educational Use of Information and Communication Technologies. Instructional Science, 29(2), 95- 125.
  • Drent, M., & Meelissen, M. (2008). Which Factors Obstruct or Stimulate Teacher Educators to Use ICT Innovatively? Computers & Education, 51(1), 187-199.
  • Eteokleous, N. (2008). Evaluating Computer Technology Integration in a Centralized School System. Computers & Education, 51(2), 669-686.
  • Hermans, R., Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). The Impact of Primary School Teachers' Educational Beliefs on the Classroom Use of Computers. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1499-1509.
  • Hung, Y.-W., & Hsu, Y.-S. (2007). Examining Teachers' CBT Use in the Classroom: A Study in Secondary schools in Taiwan. Educational Technology & Society, 10(3), 233-246.
  • Knezek, G., Christensen, R., & Fluke, R. (2003). Testing a Will, Skill, Tool Model of Technology Integration.
  • Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Hancock, R., Shoho, A. (2000). Toward a structural model of technology integration. Paper presented at the Annual Hawaii Education Research Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Koo, A.-C. (2008). Factors Affecting Teachers' Perceived Readiness for Online Collaborative Learning: A Case Study in Malaysia. Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 266-278.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology (2nd ed. ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage.
  • Lee, J., Cerreto, F. A., & Lee, J. (2010). Theory of Planned Behavior and Teachers' Decisions regarding Use of Educational Technology. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 152-164.
  • Lloyd, M. (2005, 27 Kasım - 1 Aralık). Towards a definition of the integration of ICT in the classroom. Paper presented at the AARE '05 Education Research - Creative Dissent: Constructive Solutions, Parramatta, New South Wales.
  • Ma, W. W.-k., Andersson, R., & Streith, K.-O. (2005). Examining User Acceptance of Computer Technology: An Empirical Study of Student Teachers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(6), 387-395.
  • Mahdizadeh, H., Biemans, H., & Mulder, M. (2008). Determining Factors of the Use of E- Learning Environments by University Teachers. Computers & Education, 51(1), 142-154.
  • Negishi, M., Elder, A. D., Hamil, J. B., & Mzoughi, T. (2003). Predicting Elementary Education Candidates' Technology Integration during Their Field Placement Instruction.
  • Nikolopoulou, K., & Gialamas, V. (2009). Investigating Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers' Views and Intentions about Integrating and Using Computers in Early Childhood Settings: Compilation of an Instrument. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 18(2), 201-219.
  • Papanastasiou, E. C., & Angeli, C. (2008). Evaluating the Use of ICT in Education: Psychometric Properties of the Survey of Factors Affecting Teachers Teaching with Technology (SFA-T[superscript 3]). Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 69- 86.
  • Redmann, D. H., Kotrlik, J. W., & Douglas, B. B. (2003). Factors Related to Technology Integration in Instruction by Marketing Education Teachers. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 19(2), 29-46.
  • Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (2nd Edition). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.
  • Sahin, I., & Thompson, A. (2007). Analysis of Predictive Factors that Influence Faculty Members Technology Adoption Level. Journal of Technology and Teacher
  • Sang, G., Valcke, M., van Braak, J., & Tondeur, J. (2010). Student Teachers' Thinking Processes and ICT Integration: Predictors of Prospective Teaching Behaviors with Educational Technology. Computers & Education, 54(1), 103-112.
  • Schoepp, K. W. (2004). Technology Integration Barriers in a Technology-Rich Environment: A CBAM Perspective. Retrieved from o=ED490211
  • Shiue, Y.-M. (2007). Investigating the Sources of Teachers' Instructional Technology Use through the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36(4), 425-453.
  • Smarkola, C. (2007). Technology Acceptance Predictors among Student Teachers and Experienced Classroom Teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 37(1), 65-82.
  • Stemler, S. (2001). An Overview of Content Analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(17).
  • Teo, T. (2009a). Examining the Relationship between Student Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Their Intended Uses of Technology for Teaching: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, 8(4), 7-15.
  • Teo, T. (2009b). Modelling Technology Acceptance in Education: A Study of Pre-Service Teachers. Computers & Education, 52(2), 302-312.
  • Teo, T., Lee, C. B., Chai, C. S., & Wong, S. L. (2009). Assessing the Intention to Use Technology among Pre-Service Teachers in Singapore and Malaysia: A Multigroup Invariance Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Computers & Education, 53(3), 1000-1009.
  • Tondeur, J., van Keer, H., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). ICT Integration in the Classroom: Challenging the Potential of a School Policy. Computers & Education, 51(1), 212-223.
  • Usluel, Y. K., Askar, P., & Bas, T. (2008). A Structural Equation Model for ICT Usage in Higher Education. Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 262-273.
  • Usluel, Y. K., Kalaycı, E., Bilgiç, H. G., & Uslu, N. (2011, 25 –27, Mayıs). Öğrenme- öğretme süreçlerine BİT entegrasyonu ve mesleki gelişim: FATİH projesi örneği. Paper presented at the 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Usluel, Y. K., & Mazman, S. G. (2010). Eğitimde Yeniliklerin Yayılımı, Kabulü ve Benimsenmesi Sürecinde Yer Alan Öğeler: Bir içerik Analizi Çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(39), 60-74.
  • van Braak, J. (2001). Factors Influencing the Use of Computer Mediated Communication by Teachers in Secondary Schools. Computers & Education, 36(1), 41-57.
  • van Braak, J., Tondeur, J., & Valcke, M. (2004). Explaining Different Types of Computer Use among Primary School Teachers. European Journal of Psychology of
  • Vanderlinde, R., & van Braak, J. (2010). The e-capacity of primary schools: Development of a conceptual model and scale construction from a school improvement perspective. Computers & Education, 55(2), 541-553.
  • Vannatta, R. A., & Fordham, N. (2004). Teacher Dispositions as Predictors of Classroom Technology Use. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(3), 253-271.
  • Velazquez, C. M. (2008). Testing Predictive Models of Technology Integration in Mexico and the United States. Computers in the Schools, 24(3), 153-173.
  • Wang, Q., & Woo, H. L. (2007). Systematic Planning for ICT Integration in Topic Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 10(1), 148-156.
  • Ward, L., & Parr, J. M. (2010). Revisiting and Reframing Use: Implications for the Integration of ICT. Computers & Education, 54(1), 113-122.
  • Wozney, L., Venkatesh, V., & Abrami, P. (2006). Implementing Computer Technologies: Teachers' Perceptions and Practices. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 173-207.
  • Xu, Y., & Meyer, K. A. (2007). Factors Explaining Faculty Technology Use and Productivity. Internet and Higher Education, 10(1), 41-52.
  • Yucel, C., Acun, I., Tarman, B., & Mete, T. (2010). A MODEL TO EXPLORE TURKISH TEACHERS' ICT INTEGRATION STAGES. [Article]. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(4), 1-9.


Yıl 2011, Sayı: 31, 48 - 67, 01.12.2011


Integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning is a multidimensional process. Because the process is multidimensional, related researches in literature are appeared in a wide range. Some of these researches handle the process from a system view; some of them handle in an individualistic context. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting ICT integration and use process in integration research literature and by using these factors to examine ICT integration process from an extended point of view. For this purpose, research articles published in last decade in educational context are searched in ISI Web of Knowledge and ERIC databases. Full text of more than 130 articles are retrieved and examined. As the main purpose of this study is to investigate effective factors in integration process, a second elimination is applied to articles. Articles using factor analysis with structural equation model or regression analysis are included in this research. As a result, 40 articles are analyzed with content analysis. At the end of the analysis, a model proposal is produced with the factors that are determined to have effect on explanation of integration process.


  • Ajjan, H., & Hartshorne, R. (2008). Investigating faculty decisions to adopt Web 2.0 technologies: Theory and empirical tests. The Internet and Higher Education, 11(2), 71-80.
  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • Altun, S. A., Kalayci, E., & Avci, U. (2011). INTEGRATING ICT AT THE FACULTY LEVEL: A CASE STUDY. [Article]. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 230-240.
  • Askar, P., & Usluel, Y. K. (2003). Bilgisayarların benimsenme hızına ilişkin boylamsal bir çalışma: Üç okulun karşılaştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 15-25.
  • Askar, P., Usluel, Y. K., & Mumcu, F. K. (2006). Logistic Regression Modeling for Predicting Task-Related ICT Use in Teaching. Educational Technology & Society, 9(2), 141-151.
  • Baek, Y., Jung, J., & Kim, B. (2008). What makes teachers use technology in the classroom? Exploring the factors affecting facilitation of technology with a Korean sample. Comput. Educ., 50(1), 224-234. doi:
  • Balanskat, A., Blamire, R., & Kefala, S. (2006). The ICT impact report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe. Accessed at
  • Baylor, A. L., & Ritchie, D. (2002). What Factors Facilitate Teacher Skill, Teacher Morale, and Perceived Student Learning in Technology-Using Classrooms? Computers & Education, 39(4), 395-414.
  • Binghimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning: A Review of literature. Eurosia Journal of Matematics, Science and Technology Education, 5(3), 235-245.
  • Birch, A., & Irvine, V. (2009). Preservice Teachers' Acceptance of ICT Integration in the Classroom: Applying the UTAUT Model. Educational Media International, 46(4), 295-315.
  • Bussey, J. M., Dormody, T. J., & VanLeeuwen, D. (2000). Some Factors Predicting the Adoption of Technology Education in New Mexico Public Schools. Journal of Technology Education, 12(1), 4-17.
  • Chen, R.-J. (2010). Investigating Models for Preservice Teachers' Use of Technology to Support Student-Centered Learning. Computers & Education, 55(1), 32-42.
  • Chen, Y. L. (2008). Modeling the Determinants of Internet Use. Computers & Education, 51(2), 545-558.
  • Collis, B., Peters, O., & Pals, N. (2001). A Model For Predicting the Educational Use of Information and Communication Technologies. Instructional Science, 29(2), 95- 125.
  • Drent, M., & Meelissen, M. (2008). Which Factors Obstruct or Stimulate Teacher Educators to Use ICT Innovatively? Computers & Education, 51(1), 187-199.
  • Eteokleous, N. (2008). Evaluating Computer Technology Integration in a Centralized School System. Computers & Education, 51(2), 669-686.
  • Hermans, R., Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). The Impact of Primary School Teachers' Educational Beliefs on the Classroom Use of Computers. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1499-1509.
  • Hung, Y.-W., & Hsu, Y.-S. (2007). Examining Teachers' CBT Use in the Classroom: A Study in Secondary schools in Taiwan. Educational Technology & Society, 10(3), 233-246.
  • Knezek, G., Christensen, R., & Fluke, R. (2003). Testing a Will, Skill, Tool Model of Technology Integration.
  • Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Hancock, R., Shoho, A. (2000). Toward a structural model of technology integration. Paper presented at the Annual Hawaii Education Research Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Koo, A.-C. (2008). Factors Affecting Teachers' Perceived Readiness for Online Collaborative Learning: A Case Study in Malaysia. Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 266-278.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology (2nd ed. ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage.
  • Lee, J., Cerreto, F. A., & Lee, J. (2010). Theory of Planned Behavior and Teachers' Decisions regarding Use of Educational Technology. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 152-164.
  • Lloyd, M. (2005, 27 Kasım - 1 Aralık). Towards a definition of the integration of ICT in the classroom. Paper presented at the AARE '05 Education Research - Creative Dissent: Constructive Solutions, Parramatta, New South Wales.
  • Ma, W. W.-k., Andersson, R., & Streith, K.-O. (2005). Examining User Acceptance of Computer Technology: An Empirical Study of Student Teachers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(6), 387-395.
  • Mahdizadeh, H., Biemans, H., & Mulder, M. (2008). Determining Factors of the Use of E- Learning Environments by University Teachers. Computers & Education, 51(1), 142-154.
  • Negishi, M., Elder, A. D., Hamil, J. B., & Mzoughi, T. (2003). Predicting Elementary Education Candidates' Technology Integration during Their Field Placement Instruction.
  • Nikolopoulou, K., & Gialamas, V. (2009). Investigating Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers' Views and Intentions about Integrating and Using Computers in Early Childhood Settings: Compilation of an Instrument. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 18(2), 201-219.
  • Papanastasiou, E. C., & Angeli, C. (2008). Evaluating the Use of ICT in Education: Psychometric Properties of the Survey of Factors Affecting Teachers Teaching with Technology (SFA-T[superscript 3]). Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 69- 86.
  • Redmann, D. H., Kotrlik, J. W., & Douglas, B. B. (2003). Factors Related to Technology Integration in Instruction by Marketing Education Teachers. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 19(2), 29-46.
  • Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (2nd Edition). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.
  • Sahin, I., & Thompson, A. (2007). Analysis of Predictive Factors that Influence Faculty Members Technology Adoption Level. Journal of Technology and Teacher
  • Sang, G., Valcke, M., van Braak, J., & Tondeur, J. (2010). Student Teachers' Thinking Processes and ICT Integration: Predictors of Prospective Teaching Behaviors with Educational Technology. Computers & Education, 54(1), 103-112.
  • Schoepp, K. W. (2004). Technology Integration Barriers in a Technology-Rich Environment: A CBAM Perspective. Retrieved from o=ED490211
  • Shiue, Y.-M. (2007). Investigating the Sources of Teachers' Instructional Technology Use through the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36(4), 425-453.
  • Smarkola, C. (2007). Technology Acceptance Predictors among Student Teachers and Experienced Classroom Teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 37(1), 65-82.
  • Stemler, S. (2001). An Overview of Content Analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(17).
  • Teo, T. (2009a). Examining the Relationship between Student Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Their Intended Uses of Technology for Teaching: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, 8(4), 7-15.
  • Teo, T. (2009b). Modelling Technology Acceptance in Education: A Study of Pre-Service Teachers. Computers & Education, 52(2), 302-312.
  • Teo, T., Lee, C. B., Chai, C. S., & Wong, S. L. (2009). Assessing the Intention to Use Technology among Pre-Service Teachers in Singapore and Malaysia: A Multigroup Invariance Analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Computers & Education, 53(3), 1000-1009.
  • Tondeur, J., van Keer, H., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). ICT Integration in the Classroom: Challenging the Potential of a School Policy. Computers & Education, 51(1), 212-223.
  • Usluel, Y. K., Askar, P., & Bas, T. (2008). A Structural Equation Model for ICT Usage in Higher Education. Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 262-273.
  • Usluel, Y. K., Kalaycı, E., Bilgiç, H. G., & Uslu, N. (2011, 25 –27, Mayıs). Öğrenme- öğretme süreçlerine BİT entegrasyonu ve mesleki gelişim: FATİH projesi örneği. Paper presented at the 10th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Usluel, Y. K., & Mazman, S. G. (2010). Eğitimde Yeniliklerin Yayılımı, Kabulü ve Benimsenmesi Sürecinde Yer Alan Öğeler: Bir içerik Analizi Çalışması. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(39), 60-74.
  • van Braak, J. (2001). Factors Influencing the Use of Computer Mediated Communication by Teachers in Secondary Schools. Computers & Education, 36(1), 41-57.
  • van Braak, J., Tondeur, J., & Valcke, M. (2004). Explaining Different Types of Computer Use among Primary School Teachers. European Journal of Psychology of
  • Vanderlinde, R., & van Braak, J. (2010). The e-capacity of primary schools: Development of a conceptual model and scale construction from a school improvement perspective. Computers & Education, 55(2), 541-553.
  • Vannatta, R. A., & Fordham, N. (2004). Teacher Dispositions as Predictors of Classroom Technology Use. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(3), 253-271.
  • Velazquez, C. M. (2008). Testing Predictive Models of Technology Integration in Mexico and the United States. Computers in the Schools, 24(3), 153-173.
  • Wang, Q., & Woo, H. L. (2007). Systematic Planning for ICT Integration in Topic Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 10(1), 148-156.
  • Ward, L., & Parr, J. M. (2010). Revisiting and Reframing Use: Implications for the Integration of ICT. Computers & Education, 54(1), 113-122.
  • Wozney, L., Venkatesh, V., & Abrami, P. (2006). Implementing Computer Technologies: Teachers' Perceptions and Practices. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 173-207.
  • Xu, Y., & Meyer, K. A. (2007). Factors Explaining Faculty Technology Use and Productivity. Internet and Higher Education, 10(1), 41-52.
  • Yucel, C., Acun, I., Tarman, B., & Mete, T. (2010). A MODEL TO EXPLORE TURKISH TEACHERS' ICT INTEGRATION STAGES. [Article]. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(4), 1-9.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA44ZJ76BZ
Bölüm Makaleler

Galip Kaya Bu kişi benim

Yasemin Koçak Usluel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 31

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaya, G., & Usluel, Y. K. (2011). ÖĞRENME-ÖĞRETME SÜREÇLERİNDE BİT ENTEGRASYONUNU ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERE YÖNELİK İÇERİK ANALİZİ. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(31), 48-67.