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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 29, 36 - 49, 01.12.2011


Bu çalışmadaki amaç; anorganik kimya dersinde koordinasyon kimyası konusunun öğretiminde web destekli işbirlikli öğrenmeye (WDİÖ) yönelik öğrencilerin görüşlerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla, araştırmada nitel bir araştırma modeli olan durum çalışması yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi 2. sınıf kimya öğretmen adayları oluşturmuştur (n=18). Öğrencilerin öğrenme sürecine yönelik görüşlerini belirlemek için Web Destekli İşbirlikli Öğrenmeye Yönelik Görüş Anketi (WDİÖG), Görüşme Formu (GF), Web Sayfası Forum Etkinliği (WFE) kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler içerik analizi ve betimsel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Öğrenciler genel olarak öğrenme sürecine yönelik olumlu görüş belirtmişlerdir. Derslerin tamamen web üzerinden yapılmamasını, mutlaka bir öğretmenin öğretim sürecinde yer almasını, işbirlikli çalışmalarda bazı grup üyelerinin pasif olabildiğini, öğretmenin web ortamında daha fazla geri bildirim vermesi gerektiğini ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular web destekli işbirlikli öğrenme ortamlarının tasarlanmasında önemli bir yol gösterici olacaktır.


  • Andres, H. P. (2002). A Comparison of Face to Face and Virtual Software Development Teams. Team Performance Management, 8(1/2), 39-48.
  • Aycock, A., Garnham, C. & Kaleta, R. 2002. Lessons Learned from the Hybrid Course Project. Teaching with Technology Today, Volume 8, Number 6: March 20, 2002. (son erişim:10.10.2010)
  • Bandiera M. & Bruno C. (2006). Active/Cooperative Learning in Schools. JBE, Volume 40 Number 3, Summer 2006.
  • Barke, H. D., Hazari, A. Yitbarek, S. (2009) Misconceptions in Chemistry : Addressing Perceptions in Chemical Education Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
  • Blas, T. M. & Fernández, A. S. (2009), The Role of New Technologies in The Learning Process: Moodle as a Teaching Tool in Physics. Computers & Education 52 (2009) 35– 44.
  • Brunner, D. (2006). The Potential of the Hybrid Course Vis-à-Vis Online and Traditional Courses. Teaching Theology and Religion, ISSN 1368-4868, 2006, vol. 9 no. 4, pp 229–235.
  • Delialioglu, Ö. & Yildirim, Z. (2008). Design And Development Of A Technology Enhanced Hybrid Instruction Based On Molta Model: Its Effectiveness In Comparison To Traditional Instruction. Computers & Education 51 (2008) 474–483.
  • Dziuban, C., Hartman, J. L. & Moskal, P. (2004). Blended Learning. Educase Center for Applied Researh, Researh Bulletin, Volume 2004, Issue 7, March 30, 2004.
  • El-Daghaidy, H. & Nouby, A. (2008). Effectiveness of a Blended e-learning Cooperative Approach in a Egyptian Teacher Educatin Programme. Computers&Education 51 (2008) 988-1006
  • Ferguson, J. M. & DeFelice, A. E. (2010). Length of Online Course and Student Satisfaction, Perceived Learning, and Academic Performance. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol 11, No 2 (2010), ISSN: 1492-3831
  • Fraenkel, J.R. & Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education. (6th Ed.) New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  • Fung, Y. Y. H. (2004). Collaborative Online Learning: Interaction Patterns And Limiting Factors, Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 19: 2, 135 — 149.
  • Hofstein, A. & Lunetta, V. N. (2003). The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty first century. Science Education, 88:28 – 54.
  • Huang, C. J., Chen, X-H. & Chen, C-H. (2008). Developing Argumentation Processing Agents For Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Expert Systems with Applications (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2008.01.036.
  • Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (2002). Learning Together and Alone: Overview and Meta- Analysis. AsiaPaciŞc Journal of Education, 22(1), 95–105.
  • Karaman, S., Özen, Ü., Yıldırım, S. & Kaban, A. (2009). Açık kaynak Kodlu Öğretim Yönetim Sistemi Üzerinden İnternet Destekli (Harmanlanmış) Öğrenim Deneyimi. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı 2009, 11-13 Şubat 2009, Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa.
  • King, K. (2002). Identifying Success in Online Teacher Education and Professional Development. Internet and Higher Education 5 (2002) 231–246.
  • Korkmaz, A. & Harwood, W. S. (2004). Web-Supported Chemistry Education: Design of an Online Tutorial for Learning Molecular Symmetry. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2004.
  • Leedy, D. (2002). Effects of Two- And Three-Dimensional Animations on Coordination Chemistry Conceptions. Arizona State University, December.
  • Liaw, S., S., Chen, G.D. & Huang, H.M. (2008). Users’ Attitudes Toward Web-Based Collaborative Learning Systems For Knowledge Management. Computers & Education 50 (2008) 950–961.
  • Morgil, İ., Erökten, S., Yavuz, S. & Oskay, Ö., Ö. (2004). Computerızed Applıcatıons On Complexation In Chemical Education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET October 2004 ISSN: 1303-6521 Volume 3, Issue 4, Article 1.
  • Moskal, P. (2001). Findings: UCF Online Faculty, Segment 1. Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness Website, University of Central Florida, video presentation, (son erişim: 09.07.2010).
  • Moore, M.G. (1989) Editorial: Three Types of Interaction. The American Journal of Distance Education 3, no. 2. 1989. (son erişim: 12.12.2010)
  • Seung H. Jin, Ed.D. (2005). Analyzing Student-Student and Student-Instructor Interaction Through Multiple Communication Tools in Web-Based Learning. Int'l J of Instructional Media Vol. 32(1).
  • Singer, S.R. (Ed), Hilton, M.L. (Ed) & Schweingruber, H.A. (Ed) (2006). America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science. Committee on High School Science Laboratories: Role and Vision, National Research Council, National Academies Press, Washington D.C. 2006, p:32–106.
  • Suthers, D. D., Hundhausen, C. D. & Girardeau, L. E. (2003). Comparing The Roles Of Representations İn Face-To-Face And Online Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Computers & Education 41 (2003) 335–351.
  • Swan, K. (2002). Building Learning Communities in Online Courses: The Importance of Interaction. Education, Communication & Information, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2002.
  • Toth, M. J., Beardsley, A. A. & Foulger, T.S. (2010). Changing Delivery Methods, Changing Practices: Exploring Instructional Practices in Face-to-Face and Hybrid Courses. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2010.
  • Vighnarajah, Luan, W. S. & Bakar, K. A. (2009). Qualitative Findings Of Students’ Perception On Practice Of Self-Regulated Strategies in Online Community Discussion. Computers & Education 53 (2009) 94–103.
  • Williams, N., Bland, W. ve Christie, G. (2008) Improving Student Achievement And Satisfaction By Adopting A Blended Learning Approach to Inorganic Chemistry. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2008, 9, 43–50.
  • Wu, T.H. (2003) The Application of Collaborative Learning Theory on the Inorganic Chemistry Web Site. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Applied Chemistry Department, 2003-09-05. Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan,
  • Ziegler, M.A., Paulus, T.M.,Woodside, M.(2006). This Course Is Helping Us All Arrive At New Viewpoints, Isn’t It? Making Meaning Through Dialogue in a Blended Enviroment. Journal Of Transformative Education vol.4 no.4, october 2006, pp: 302-319.


Yıl 2011, Sayı: 29, 36 - 49, 01.12.2011


Aim of this study is to define students‘ opinions related to web assisted collaborative learning (WACL) approach in coordination chemistry topic in anorganic chemistry course. In accordance with this aim, it was used case study which is a qualitative research method. Working group in the study are second class chemistry teacher candidates (n=18) in second semester of 2009-2010 educational year in Dokuz Eylül University. The Questionnaire About Students‘ Opinions Related the Learning Approach (QASO), Interview Form (IF), Web Page Forum Activity (WPA) as qualitative data collection tools were used in the study. The findings show that they have commonly positive opinions related to this learning approach. The students declaired that they wanted not to be delivered the courses completely via web, a lecturer to whom they would consult must be throughout learning process, they wanted to be gived more feedback by the lecturer. Also, they stated that if any member of group was sensitive and not experienced, it was not compatible with collaboration. The findings will be guide for researchers to design and plan web assisted learning approach.


  • Andres, H. P. (2002). A Comparison of Face to Face and Virtual Software Development Teams. Team Performance Management, 8(1/2), 39-48.
  • Aycock, A., Garnham, C. & Kaleta, R. 2002. Lessons Learned from the Hybrid Course Project. Teaching with Technology Today, Volume 8, Number 6: March 20, 2002. (son erişim:10.10.2010)
  • Bandiera M. & Bruno C. (2006). Active/Cooperative Learning in Schools. JBE, Volume 40 Number 3, Summer 2006.
  • Barke, H. D., Hazari, A. Yitbarek, S. (2009) Misconceptions in Chemistry : Addressing Perceptions in Chemical Education Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
  • Blas, T. M. & Fernández, A. S. (2009), The Role of New Technologies in The Learning Process: Moodle as a Teaching Tool in Physics. Computers & Education 52 (2009) 35– 44.
  • Brunner, D. (2006). The Potential of the Hybrid Course Vis-à-Vis Online and Traditional Courses. Teaching Theology and Religion, ISSN 1368-4868, 2006, vol. 9 no. 4, pp 229–235.
  • Delialioglu, Ö. & Yildirim, Z. (2008). Design And Development Of A Technology Enhanced Hybrid Instruction Based On Molta Model: Its Effectiveness In Comparison To Traditional Instruction. Computers & Education 51 (2008) 474–483.
  • Dziuban, C., Hartman, J. L. & Moskal, P. (2004). Blended Learning. Educase Center for Applied Researh, Researh Bulletin, Volume 2004, Issue 7, March 30, 2004.
  • El-Daghaidy, H. & Nouby, A. (2008). Effectiveness of a Blended e-learning Cooperative Approach in a Egyptian Teacher Educatin Programme. Computers&Education 51 (2008) 988-1006
  • Ferguson, J. M. & DeFelice, A. E. (2010). Length of Online Course and Student Satisfaction, Perceived Learning, and Academic Performance. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol 11, No 2 (2010), ISSN: 1492-3831
  • Fraenkel, J.R. & Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education. (6th Ed.) New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  • Fung, Y. Y. H. (2004). Collaborative Online Learning: Interaction Patterns And Limiting Factors, Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 19: 2, 135 — 149.
  • Hofstein, A. & Lunetta, V. N. (2003). The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty first century. Science Education, 88:28 – 54.
  • Huang, C. J., Chen, X-H. & Chen, C-H. (2008). Developing Argumentation Processing Agents For Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Expert Systems with Applications (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2008.01.036.
  • Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (2002). Learning Together and Alone: Overview and Meta- Analysis. AsiaPaciŞc Journal of Education, 22(1), 95–105.
  • Karaman, S., Özen, Ü., Yıldırım, S. & Kaban, A. (2009). Açık kaynak Kodlu Öğretim Yönetim Sistemi Üzerinden İnternet Destekli (Harmanlanmış) Öğrenim Deneyimi. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı 2009, 11-13 Şubat 2009, Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa.
  • King, K. (2002). Identifying Success in Online Teacher Education and Professional Development. Internet and Higher Education 5 (2002) 231–246.
  • Korkmaz, A. & Harwood, W. S. (2004). Web-Supported Chemistry Education: Design of an Online Tutorial for Learning Molecular Symmetry. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2004.
  • Leedy, D. (2002). Effects of Two- And Three-Dimensional Animations on Coordination Chemistry Conceptions. Arizona State University, December.
  • Liaw, S., S., Chen, G.D. & Huang, H.M. (2008). Users’ Attitudes Toward Web-Based Collaborative Learning Systems For Knowledge Management. Computers & Education 50 (2008) 950–961.
  • Morgil, İ., Erökten, S., Yavuz, S. & Oskay, Ö., Ö. (2004). Computerızed Applıcatıons On Complexation In Chemical Education. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET October 2004 ISSN: 1303-6521 Volume 3, Issue 4, Article 1.
  • Moskal, P. (2001). Findings: UCF Online Faculty, Segment 1. Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness Website, University of Central Florida, video presentation, (son erişim: 09.07.2010).
  • Moore, M.G. (1989) Editorial: Three Types of Interaction. The American Journal of Distance Education 3, no. 2. 1989. (son erişim: 12.12.2010)
  • Seung H. Jin, Ed.D. (2005). Analyzing Student-Student and Student-Instructor Interaction Through Multiple Communication Tools in Web-Based Learning. Int'l J of Instructional Media Vol. 32(1).
  • Singer, S.R. (Ed), Hilton, M.L. (Ed) & Schweingruber, H.A. (Ed) (2006). America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science. Committee on High School Science Laboratories: Role and Vision, National Research Council, National Academies Press, Washington D.C. 2006, p:32–106.
  • Suthers, D. D., Hundhausen, C. D. & Girardeau, L. E. (2003). Comparing The Roles Of Representations İn Face-To-Face And Online Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Computers & Education 41 (2003) 335–351.
  • Swan, K. (2002). Building Learning Communities in Online Courses: The Importance of Interaction. Education, Communication & Information, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2002.
  • Toth, M. J., Beardsley, A. A. & Foulger, T.S. (2010). Changing Delivery Methods, Changing Practices: Exploring Instructional Practices in Face-to-Face and Hybrid Courses. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2010.
  • Vighnarajah, Luan, W. S. & Bakar, K. A. (2009). Qualitative Findings Of Students’ Perception On Practice Of Self-Regulated Strategies in Online Community Discussion. Computers & Education 53 (2009) 94–103.
  • Williams, N., Bland, W. ve Christie, G. (2008) Improving Student Achievement And Satisfaction By Adopting A Blended Learning Approach to Inorganic Chemistry. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 2008, 9, 43–50.
  • Wu, T.H. (2003) The Application of Collaborative Learning Theory on the Inorganic Chemistry Web Site. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Applied Chemistry Department, 2003-09-05. Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan,
  • Ziegler, M.A., Paulus, T.M.,Woodside, M.(2006). This Course Is Helping Us All Arrive At New Viewpoints, Isn’t It? Making Meaning Through Dialogue in a Blended Enviroment. Journal Of Transformative Education vol.4 no.4, october 2006, pp: 302-319.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA45CK63GA
Bölüm Makaleler

Barış Demirdağ Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Kartal Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirdağ, B., & Kartal, M. (2011). ANORGANİK KİMYA DERSİNDE WEB DESTEKLİ İŞBİRLİKLİ ÖĞRENMEYE YÖNELİK ÖĞRENCİ GÖRÜŞLERİ. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(29), 36-49.