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Optimality Approach and Evidence-Based Practices in Perinatal Care

Yıl 2022, , 219 - 226, 15.04.2022


The term of optimality is focuses on the best possible results and is used in the sense of the most appropriate. It aims to achieve optimal healthcare services and to reach the best / most appropriate in health outcomes. The term of perinatal optimality is to achieve maximum results with minimum intervention for the pregnant, fetus / newborn and the woman's family during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum period. Every woman has the right to receive optimal care throughout the perinatal period. The use of evidence-based practices by perinatology nurses while providing care to the woman during the perinatal period has a key role in the healthy and comfortable life of the mother, fetus / newborn and woman's family, and the best health of the mother and baby. In addition, nurses support the philosophy that advocates the least intervention to the woman's physiology and natural process in perinatal care practices. The optimality approach is also based on this philosophy. The use of evidence-based practices is also the most basic way to ensure optimal health care. This review aims at examining the optimal approach and evidence-based care practices in perinatal care practices and to reveal its contribution to the nursing profession and literature.


  • 1. Murphy PA, Fullerton JT. Measuring outcomes of midwifery care: development of an instrument to assess optimality. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 2001;46(5):274–284.
  • 2. Thompson SM, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, Budé L, de Vries R, Low LK. (2018). Creating an Optimality Index – Netherlands: a validation study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018;18:100.
  • 3. Yıldırım AD, Oskay Ü. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de optimal perinatal bakıma yönelik programlar. EGE HFD 2020;36(1):45-52.
  • 4. Merih YD, Potur DC. Perinatolojide hemşirenin gelişen ve değişen rolleri. Turkiye Klinikleri J Obstet Womens Health Dis Nurs-Special Topics 2018;4(2):61-9.
  • 5. Yücel Ç, Taşkın L, Low LK. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Optimality Index-US (OI-US) to assess maternity care outcomes. Midwifery 2015;31(12):1135-1142.
  • 6. Yılmaz FA, Başer M. Normal doğumda öğrenci hemşireler ve klinik hemşireler tarafından verilen bakımın anne memnuniyetine etkisi, ACU Sağlık Bil Derg 2017;8(1):24-28.
  • 7. International Council of Nursing, Closing the gap: from evidence to action, 2012. URL: 30 Mart 2021
  • 8. Başgöl Ş, Oskay Ü. Prekonsepsiyonel dönemde ve gebelikte kanıt temelli yaklaşımlar. International Journal of Human Sciences [online] 2012;9(2):1524-1534.
  • 9. Kennedy HP. A concept analysis of optimality in perinatal health. JOGNN 2006;35:763-769.
  • 10. Low LK, Miller J. A clinical evaluation of evidence-based maternity care using the optimality index. JOGNN 2006;35:786-793.
  • 11. Declercq ER, Sakala C, Corry MP, Applebaum S, Risher P. Listening to mothers: Report of the first national U.S. survey of women’s childbearing experiences, 2002. URL: 30 Mart 2021
  • 12. Öztürk D, Yılmaz-Sezer N, Eroğlu K. Perinatolojide kanıta dayalı uygulamalar. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2014;3(1):13-28.
  • 13. Başgöl Ş, Beji NK. Doğum eyleminin birinci evresinde sık yapılan uygulamalar ve kanıta dayalı yaklaşım. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg 2015;5(2):32-39.
  • 14. Yeşilçiçek KÇ, Karabulutlu Ö, Yavuz C. First do no harm - interventions during labor and maternal satisfaction: a descriptive cross-sectional study, BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2018;18(1):415.
  • 15. Chalmers B, Mangiaterra V, Porter R. WHO principles of perinatal care: the essential antenatal, perinatal, and postpartum care course. Birth 2001;28(3):202-207.
  • 16. World Health Organization, World Health Organization recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. 2016. URL: reproductivehealth/publications/maternal_perinatal_health/anc-positive-pregnancyexperience/en/ 30 Mart 2021
  • 17. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Doğum öncesi bakım yönetim rehberi. Ankara, 2014. URL: 30 Mart 2021
  • 18. Dowswell T, Carroli G, Duley L, Gates S, Gülmezoglu AM, Khan-Neelofur D et al. Alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; Issue (7): Art. No: CD000934.
  • 19. Downe S, Finlayson K, Tunçalp Ö, Gülmezoglu AM. Provision and uptake of routine antenatal services: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019; Issue (6): Art. No: CD01239.
  • 20. Whitworth M, Bricker L, Mullan C. Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database of SystematicReviews 2015; Issue (7): Art. No: CD0070.
  • 21. Bricker L, Medley N, Pratt JJ. Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks' gestation). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; Issue (6): Art. No: CD00145.
  • 22. Williams J, Mai CT, Mulinare J, Isenburg J, Flood TJ, Ethen M et al. Updated estimates of neural tube defects prevented by mandatory folic acid fortification – United States, 1995–2011. Morb. Mortal. Wkly Rep 2015;64(1):1–5.
  • 23. ACOG. Multifetal gestations: twin, triplet, and high-order multifetal pregnancies. ACOG Practice Bulletin No 144. Obstet Gynecol 2014;123:1118-28.
  • 24. Silva Lopes K, Takemoto Y, Ota E, Tanigaki S, Mori R. Bed rest with and without hospitalisation in multiple pregnancy for improving perinatal outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (3): Art. No: CD012031.
  • 25. Miller D, Miller LA. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring: applying principles of patient safety. ACOG 2012;206(4):278-83.
  • 26. Alfirevic Z, Gyte GML, Cuthbert A, Devane D. Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (2): Art. No: CD006066.
  • 27. Downe S, Gyte GML, Dahlen HG, Singata M. Routine vaginal examinations for assessing progress of labour to improve outcomes for women and babies at term. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (7): Art. No: CD010088.
  • 28. Uzel HG, Yanıkkerem E. İntrapartum dönemde kanıta dayalı uygulamalar: doğum yapan kadınların tercihleri. DEUHFED [online] 2018;11(1):26-34.
  • 29. Bugg GJ, Siddiqui F, Thornton JG. Oxytocin versus no treatment or delayed treatment for slow progress in the first stage of spontaneous labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (6): Art. No: CD007123.
  • 30. Karakoç H, Horasanlı JE, Uçu AK. Amniyotominin eylem süresi ve maternal-fetal sonuçlar üzerine etkisi: retrospektif analiz. Acta Medica Nicomedia 2020;3(1):10-14.
  • 31. Smyth RMD, Markham C, Dowswell T. Amniotomy for shortening spontaneous labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (6): Art. No: CD006167.
  • 32. Reveiz L, Gaitán HG, Cuervo LG. Enemas during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (7): Art. No: CD000330.
  • 33. Karaçam Z, Kurnaz DA, Öztürk GG. Doğum Eyleminde Lavman Uygulamasının Anne-Bebek Sağlığına Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışma. EGE HFD 2020;36(1):23-33.
  • 34. Lawrence A, Lewis L, Hofmeyr GJ, Styles C. Maternal positions and mobility during first stage labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (10): Art. No: CD003934.
  • 35. Singata M, Tranmer J, Gyte GM. Restricting oral fluid and food ıntake during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (8): Art. No: CD003930.
  • 36. Çobanoğlu A, Şendir M. Epizyotomi Bakımında Kanıta Dayalı Uygulamalar. FNJN Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2019;27(1):48-62.
  • 37. Jiang H, Qian X, Carroli G, Garner P. Selective versus routine use of episiotomy for vaginal birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (2): Art. No: CD00008.
  • 38. The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). Continuous labor support for every woman. JOGNN 2018;47(1):73-4. URL: 30 Mart 2021.
  • 39. Bohren MA, Hofmeyr GJ, Sakala C, Fukuzawa RK, Cuthbert A. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (7): Art. No: CD003766.
  • 40. Uludağ E, Mete S. Doğum eyleminde destekleyici bakım. Cumhuriyet Hemşirelik Dergisi 2014;3(2):22-9.
  • 41. Güneri SE. Postpartum erken dönem kanıta dayalı uygulamalar. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;4(3):482-496.
  • 42. International Confederation of Midwives, International Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians. Joint statement: management of the third stage of labour to prevent post-partum haemorrhage. J Midwifery Womens Health 2004;49(1):76-7.
  • 43. Hofmeyr GJ, Abdel-Aleem H, Abdel-Aleem MA. Uterine massage for preventing postpartum haemorrhage. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (7): Art. No: CD006431.
  • 44. Moore ER, Bergman N, Anderson GC, Medley N. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016; Issue (11): Art. No: CD00351.
  • 45. Çetinkaya E, Ertem G. Ten tene temasın anne-preterm bebek üzerine etkileri: sistematik inceleme. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 2017;14(2):167-175.
  • 46. East CE, Dorward EDF, Whale RE, Liu J. Local cooling for relieving pain from perineal trauma sustained during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020; Issue (10): Art. No: CD0063.
  • 47. Wiegers TA, Keirse MJ, Berghs GA, Van Der Zee J. An approach to measuring quality of midwifery care. Journal Of Clinical Epidemiology 1996;49(3):319-325.
  • 48. Fullerton JT, Low LK, Shaw-Battista J, Murphy PA. Measurement of perinatal outcomes: a decade of experience and a future vision for the Optimality Index-US. International Journal of Childbirth 2011;1(3):171-178.
  • 49. Macpherson I, Roqué-Sánchez MV, Legget Bn FO, Fuertes F, Segarra I. A systematic review of the relationship factor between women and health professionals within the multivariant analysis of maternal satisfaction. Midwifery 2016;41:68-78.
  • 50. Yılmaz E, Nazik F. Annelerin doğumu algılayışı ile hemşirelik bakımını algılayışı arasındaki ilişki. Jinekoloji - Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi 2018;15(2):52-56.

Perinatal Bakım Uygulamalarında Optimalite Yaklaşımı

Yıl 2022, , 219 - 226, 15.04.2022


Optimalite, olabilecek en iyi sonuçlara odaklanan, en uygun anlamında kullanılan bir kavramdır. Sağlık hizmetlerinde optimalite, sağlık sonuçlarında en iyiye/en uyguna ulaşmayı hedefler. Perinatal optimalite kavramı ise, gebelik, doğum ve doğum sonu dönemde gebe, fetüs/yenidoğan ve kadının ailesi için en az müdahale ile en iyi sonuç elde edilmesidir. Her kadının perinatal süreç boyunca optimal bakım alma hakkı vardır. Perinatoloji hemşirelerinin perinatal süreçte kadına bakım verirken kanıta dayalı uygulamaları kullanmaları, anne, fetüs/yenidoğan ve kadının ailesinin bu süreci sağlıklı ve rahat geçirmesinde, annenin ve bebeğin sağlığının geliştirilmesinde anahtar role sahiptir. Ayrıca hemşireler perinatal bakım uygulamalarında, kadının fizyolojisine ve doğal sürece en az müdahaleyi savunan felsefeyi desteklemektedirler. Optimalite yaklaşımı da, bu felsefeye dayanmaktadır. Kanıta dayalı uygulamaların kullanılması da sağlık bakımında optimalitenin sağlanmasının en temel yoludur. Bu derlemenin amacı, perinatal bakım uygulamalarında optimalite yaklaşımının ve kanıta dayalı bakım uygulamalarının incelenerek hemşirelik mesleğine ve literatüre katkısını ortaya koymaktır.


  • 1. Murphy PA, Fullerton JT. Measuring outcomes of midwifery care: development of an instrument to assess optimality. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 2001;46(5):274–284.
  • 2. Thompson SM, Nieuwenhuijze MJ, Budé L, de Vries R, Low LK. (2018). Creating an Optimality Index – Netherlands: a validation study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018;18:100.
  • 3. Yıldırım AD, Oskay Ü. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de optimal perinatal bakıma yönelik programlar. EGE HFD 2020;36(1):45-52.
  • 4. Merih YD, Potur DC. Perinatolojide hemşirenin gelişen ve değişen rolleri. Turkiye Klinikleri J Obstet Womens Health Dis Nurs-Special Topics 2018;4(2):61-9.
  • 5. Yücel Ç, Taşkın L, Low LK. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Optimality Index-US (OI-US) to assess maternity care outcomes. Midwifery 2015;31(12):1135-1142.
  • 6. Yılmaz FA, Başer M. Normal doğumda öğrenci hemşireler ve klinik hemşireler tarafından verilen bakımın anne memnuniyetine etkisi, ACU Sağlık Bil Derg 2017;8(1):24-28.
  • 7. International Council of Nursing, Closing the gap: from evidence to action, 2012. URL: 30 Mart 2021
  • 8. Başgöl Ş, Oskay Ü. Prekonsepsiyonel dönemde ve gebelikte kanıt temelli yaklaşımlar. International Journal of Human Sciences [online] 2012;9(2):1524-1534.
  • 9. Kennedy HP. A concept analysis of optimality in perinatal health. JOGNN 2006;35:763-769.
  • 10. Low LK, Miller J. A clinical evaluation of evidence-based maternity care using the optimality index. JOGNN 2006;35:786-793.
  • 11. Declercq ER, Sakala C, Corry MP, Applebaum S, Risher P. Listening to mothers: Report of the first national U.S. survey of women’s childbearing experiences, 2002. URL: 30 Mart 2021
  • 12. Öztürk D, Yılmaz-Sezer N, Eroğlu K. Perinatolojide kanıta dayalı uygulamalar. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2014;3(1):13-28.
  • 13. Başgöl Ş, Beji NK. Doğum eyleminin birinci evresinde sık yapılan uygulamalar ve kanıta dayalı yaklaşım. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg 2015;5(2):32-39.
  • 14. Yeşilçiçek KÇ, Karabulutlu Ö, Yavuz C. First do no harm - interventions during labor and maternal satisfaction: a descriptive cross-sectional study, BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2018;18(1):415.
  • 15. Chalmers B, Mangiaterra V, Porter R. WHO principles of perinatal care: the essential antenatal, perinatal, and postpartum care course. Birth 2001;28(3):202-207.
  • 16. World Health Organization, World Health Organization recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. 2016. URL: reproductivehealth/publications/maternal_perinatal_health/anc-positive-pregnancyexperience/en/ 30 Mart 2021
  • 17. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Doğum öncesi bakım yönetim rehberi. Ankara, 2014. URL: 30 Mart 2021
  • 18. Dowswell T, Carroli G, Duley L, Gates S, Gülmezoglu AM, Khan-Neelofur D et al. Alternative versus standard packages of antenatal care for low-risk pregnancy. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; Issue (7): Art. No: CD000934.
  • 19. Downe S, Finlayson K, Tunçalp Ö, Gülmezoglu AM. Provision and uptake of routine antenatal services: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019; Issue (6): Art. No: CD01239.
  • 20. Whitworth M, Bricker L, Mullan C. Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy. Cochrane Database of SystematicReviews 2015; Issue (7): Art. No: CD0070.
  • 21. Bricker L, Medley N, Pratt JJ. Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks' gestation). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; Issue (6): Art. No: CD00145.
  • 22. Williams J, Mai CT, Mulinare J, Isenburg J, Flood TJ, Ethen M et al. Updated estimates of neural tube defects prevented by mandatory folic acid fortification – United States, 1995–2011. Morb. Mortal. Wkly Rep 2015;64(1):1–5.
  • 23. ACOG. Multifetal gestations: twin, triplet, and high-order multifetal pregnancies. ACOG Practice Bulletin No 144. Obstet Gynecol 2014;123:1118-28.
  • 24. Silva Lopes K, Takemoto Y, Ota E, Tanigaki S, Mori R. Bed rest with and without hospitalisation in multiple pregnancy for improving perinatal outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (3): Art. No: CD012031.
  • 25. Miller D, Miller LA. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring: applying principles of patient safety. ACOG 2012;206(4):278-83.
  • 26. Alfirevic Z, Gyte GML, Cuthbert A, Devane D. Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (2): Art. No: CD006066.
  • 27. Downe S, Gyte GML, Dahlen HG, Singata M. Routine vaginal examinations for assessing progress of labour to improve outcomes for women and babies at term. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (7): Art. No: CD010088.
  • 28. Uzel HG, Yanıkkerem E. İntrapartum dönemde kanıta dayalı uygulamalar: doğum yapan kadınların tercihleri. DEUHFED [online] 2018;11(1):26-34.
  • 29. Bugg GJ, Siddiqui F, Thornton JG. Oxytocin versus no treatment or delayed treatment for slow progress in the first stage of spontaneous labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (6): Art. No: CD007123.
  • 30. Karakoç H, Horasanlı JE, Uçu AK. Amniyotominin eylem süresi ve maternal-fetal sonuçlar üzerine etkisi: retrospektif analiz. Acta Medica Nicomedia 2020;3(1):10-14.
  • 31. Smyth RMD, Markham C, Dowswell T. Amniotomy for shortening spontaneous labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (6): Art. No: CD006167.
  • 32. Reveiz L, Gaitán HG, Cuervo LG. Enemas during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (7): Art. No: CD000330.
  • 33. Karaçam Z, Kurnaz DA, Öztürk GG. Doğum Eyleminde Lavman Uygulamasının Anne-Bebek Sağlığına Etkisi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışma. EGE HFD 2020;36(1):23-33.
  • 34. Lawrence A, Lewis L, Hofmeyr GJ, Styles C. Maternal positions and mobility during first stage labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (10): Art. No: CD003934.
  • 35. Singata M, Tranmer J, Gyte GM. Restricting oral fluid and food ıntake during labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (8): Art. No: CD003930.
  • 36. Çobanoğlu A, Şendir M. Epizyotomi Bakımında Kanıta Dayalı Uygulamalar. FNJN Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2019;27(1):48-62.
  • 37. Jiang H, Qian X, Carroli G, Garner P. Selective versus routine use of episiotomy for vaginal birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (2): Art. No: CD00008.
  • 38. The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). Continuous labor support for every woman. JOGNN 2018;47(1):73-4. URL: 30 Mart 2021.
  • 39. Bohren MA, Hofmeyr GJ, Sakala C, Fukuzawa RK, Cuthbert A. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue (7): Art. No: CD003766.
  • 40. Uludağ E, Mete S. Doğum eyleminde destekleyici bakım. Cumhuriyet Hemşirelik Dergisi 2014;3(2):22-9.
  • 41. Güneri SE. Postpartum erken dönem kanıta dayalı uygulamalar. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;4(3):482-496.
  • 42. International Confederation of Midwives, International Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians. Joint statement: management of the third stage of labour to prevent post-partum haemorrhage. J Midwifery Womens Health 2004;49(1):76-7.
  • 43. Hofmeyr GJ, Abdel-Aleem H, Abdel-Aleem MA. Uterine massage for preventing postpartum haemorrhage. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; Issue (7): Art. No: CD006431.
  • 44. Moore ER, Bergman N, Anderson GC, Medley N. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016; Issue (11): Art. No: CD00351.
  • 45. Çetinkaya E, Ertem G. Ten tene temasın anne-preterm bebek üzerine etkileri: sistematik inceleme. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 2017;14(2):167-175.
  • 46. East CE, Dorward EDF, Whale RE, Liu J. Local cooling for relieving pain from perineal trauma sustained during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020; Issue (10): Art. No: CD0063.
  • 47. Wiegers TA, Keirse MJ, Berghs GA, Van Der Zee J. An approach to measuring quality of midwifery care. Journal Of Clinical Epidemiology 1996;49(3):319-325.
  • 48. Fullerton JT, Low LK, Shaw-Battista J, Murphy PA. Measurement of perinatal outcomes: a decade of experience and a future vision for the Optimality Index-US. International Journal of Childbirth 2011;1(3):171-178.
  • 49. Macpherson I, Roqué-Sánchez MV, Legget Bn FO, Fuertes F, Segarra I. A systematic review of the relationship factor between women and health professionals within the multivariant analysis of maternal satisfaction. Midwifery 2016;41:68-78.
  • 50. Yılmaz E, Nazik F. Annelerin doğumu algılayışı ile hemşirelik bakımını algılayışı arasındaki ilişki. Jinekoloji - Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi 2018;15(2):52-56.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Derleme

Çisem Baştarcan 0000-0003-0101-0094

Nevin Hotun Şahin 0000-0002-6845-2690

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Baştarcan, Ç., & Hotun Şahin, N. (2022). Perinatal Bakım Uygulamalarında Optimalite Yaklaşımı. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 15(2), 219-226.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi ULAKBİM Türk Tıp Dizini, Türk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Şubat 2021 tarihinden beri EBSCO Host ve 26 Ekim 2021 tarihinden itibaren DOAJ ve 18 Ocak 2022 tarihinden beri Index Copernicus tarafından indekslenmektedir.

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Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License ile lisanslanmıştır.