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Ortopedi Hastalarında Nörovasküler İzlem Sıklığı Ne Olmalı?

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 176 - 183, 01.08.2015


Giriş: Ortopedi hastaları için nörovasküler tanılama (NVT) önemli olmasına rağmen, ne sıklıkta yapılması gerektiğine ilişkin yeterli bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Amaç: Ortopedi hastalarının nörovasküler tanılama sıklığını saptamaktır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve retrospektif çalışmada, Aralık 2010-Mart 2011’de klinikte yatan 70 hastanın DEÜ Hemşirelik Hizmetleri Müdürlüğü’nün geliştirdiği NVT formundaki verileri sayı, yüzde, ortalama ve bağımlı gruplarda tekrarlı ölçümlerde varyans analizi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 50.81±22.05 olan hastaların %54.3’ü kadındır, %71.4’ünde kronik hastalık yoktur. Sıklıkla artroskopik girişim (%28, 6) ve kırık nedeniyle ameliyat (%21.4) uygulanan hastaların ameliyat sonrası 0. günde %94,3’ü yatak içi hareketlidir. Ameliyat sonrası saat başı ilk 8 saatlik NVT’de renk, ısı ve ağrı değerlendirmeleri arasında anlamlı fark olduğu (F=2.250, p=.041; F=4.528, p=.000; F=3.436, p=.004); his, hareket, kapiller dolum, nabız ve ödem ölçümlerinde anlamlı fark olmadığı saptanmıştır (p>.05). İlk 8 saatten sonraki NVT’nın istatistiksel değerlendirmesinde renk, ısı, ağrı, his, kapiller dolum, nabız ve ödem açısından anlamlı fark olmadığı belirlenmiştir (p>.05).Sonuç: Hemşirelerin iş planını ve standardizasyonu sağlamak amacıyla NVT’nın ameliyat sonrası ilk 4 saatte saat başı, sonra sistem tanılama içinde günde 2 kez olabileceği; hastanın durumuna ve kurum politikalarına göre izlem sıklığının belirlenebileceği söylenebilir.


  • Altizer, L. (2002). Neurovascular assessment. Orthopaedic Nursing, 21 (4), 48
  • Aydoğdu, S. (2010). Osteoartritte cerrahi tedavi; kime? Ne zaman? Hangi cerrahi yaklaşım? Ulusal Yaşlı Sağlığı Kongresi (Kongre Kitabı). 1-4 Nisan, 239-241.
  • Brunner, L. C., Eshilian-Oates, L., & Kuo T. Y. (2003). Hip Fractures in Adults. A peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians, 67 (3), 537-542
  • Büyükyılmaz, F. E., & Aştı T. (2010). Postoperative pain characteristics in Turkish orthopedic patients. Pain Mangement Nursing. 11(2), 76-84.
  • Dahlen, L., Zimmerman, L., & Baron, C. (2006). Pain perception and its relation to functional status post total knee arthroplasty:A pilot study. Orthopaedic Nursing. 25(4), 264-270.
  • Eid, T. & Bucknall. T., (2008). Documenting and implementing evidence-based post-operative pain management in older patients with hip fractures. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. 12, 90–98
  • Ergin, S. (2010). Yaşlılarda Nöropatik Ağrı. Ulusal Yaşlı Sağlığı Kongresi (Kongre Kitabı). İzmir. 1-4 Nisan, 170-173.
  • Feldt, K. S., & Gunderson, J. (2002). Treatment of pain for older hip fracture patients across settings. Orthopedic Nursing, 21(5), 63-71.
  • Girdhari, S., & Smith S.K. (2006). Assisting older adults with orthopaedic outpatient acute-pain management. Orthopaedic Nursing, 25 (3), 188-195.
  • Johnston-Walker, E., & Hardcastle, J. (2011).
  • Neurovascular assessment in the critically ill patient. British Association of Critical Care Nurses, 16(4), 170-177.
  • Judge, N. L. (2007). Neurovascular assessment, Nursing Standard, 21 (45), 39.
  • Kayhan, Z. (2004). Metabolik/endokrin sistem ve anestezi. İçinde Klinik Anestezi (Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, sy.413-415). Ankara: Logos Yayıcılık.
  • Korkmaz, F. D. (2010). Vasküler Hastalıklar ve Periferik Dolaşım Bozuklukları. İçinde Karadakovan, A., & Eti Aslan, F. (Editörler). Dahiliye ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarda Bakım Adana, Nobel Kitapevi. Ünite27, Sayfa:577-608.
  • Kumar, V., Abbas, A. K., Fausto, N., & Mithchell, R. N. (2008). Basic Pathology. Çevikbaş U. (Çev. Ed.). Robbins Temel Patoloji (8. Basım, sy. 74-751 ; 784- 7852
  • ). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri. Kunkler, C. E. (1999). Neurovascular assessment. Orthopaedic Nursing, 18(3), 63-71.
  • McCance, K. L., Hueter, S. E. (2006). Pathopysiology. The Biologic Basic for Disease in Adults and Children. (5th ed., pp. 1592-1600). St. Louis, Missouri. McConnell, E. A. (2002). Assessing neurovascular status in casted limb. Nursing. 32 (9), 20.
  • Middleton, C., (2003). Compartment syndrome: the importance of early diagnosis. Nursing Times., 99 (21), 30-2.
  • Miller, N. C., & Askew, A. E. (2007). Tibia fractures an Overview of evaluation and treatment. Orthopaedic Nursing. 26 (4), 216-223.
  • Morrison, R. S., Magaziner, J., McLaughlin, M. A., Orosz, G., Silberzweig, S. B., Koval, K. J., & Siu, A. L. (2003). The impact of post-operative pain on outcomes following hip fracture. Pain, 103, 303–311
  • Murphy, S., Conway, C., McGrath, N. B., O’Sullivan, M. P., & Powell, A. (2009). A journey taken when developing a new neurovascular assessment tool. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, 13, 5-10.
  • Olgun, N., Eti Aslan, F., Coşansu, G., ve Çelik, S. (2010). Diyebetes Mellitüs, İçinde Karadakovan, A., & Eti Aslan, F. (Editörler). Dahiliye ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarda Bakım (1. Baskı, sy. 829-864). Adana: Nobel Kitapevi.
  • Olson, S. A., & Glasgow, R. R. (2005). Acute compartment syndrome in lower extremity musculoskeletal trauma, Journal of American Academy Orthopaedic Surgeons, 13, 436-444.
  • Özyalçın, S., & Dinçer, S. (2007). Yaşlılarda Ağrı. Klinik Gelişim. 20 (3), 128-135.
  • Pasero, C., & McCaffery, M. (2007). Orthopaedic postoperatif pain management. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 22 (3), 160-174.
  • Patton, R. B. (2006). Intervention for Postoperative Clients. In: Ignativicius D.D, & Workman, M. L. Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care. (5th ed., pp. 351-354). Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.
  • Prkachin, K. M. (2009). Assessing pain by facial expression: Facial expression as nexus, Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society, 14(1), 53-58.
  • Stegman, M. B. (2001). Control of pain: Every person's right, Orthopaedic Nursing,20(2), 31.
  • Tumbarello, C. (2000). Acute Extremity Compartment Syndrome. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 7 (2), 30-36. Wright, E. (2009). Neurovascular impairment and compartment syndrome. Pediatric Nursing, 21(3), 26- 29.
  • Wall, C. J., Lynch, J., Haris, I. A., Richardson, M.D., Brand, C., Lowe, A. J., & Sugrue M. (2010). Clinical practice guidelines fort he management of acute limb compartment syndrome following trauma. Australian New Zealand Journal of Surgery 80, 151-156.

How Frequency Neurovascular Assessment Should be Performed for the Orthopedic Patients?

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 176 - 183, 01.08.2015


Introduction: The neurovascular assessment (NVA) is very importmant for orthopaedic patients. But there wasn’t evidence
related frequency of NVA in the literature. Aim: The purpose of the study to determine the frequency of NVA for the
orthopedic patients. Methods: The desciriptive and retrospective study received approval from the institution where the study
was conducted. The NVA data was obtained from the sample included 70 orthopedic patients hospitalized December 2010 and
March 2011. The data was evaluated using descriptive analysis, mean, and variance analysis by repeated measurements in
dependent groups. Results: The mean age of the patients was 50.81±22.05, 54.3% of the patients were female, 71.4% has no
chronical disease. The patients were frequently operated on for arthroscopic intervention (28.6%) and fracture reduction
(21.4%). 94.3% of the patients were moved in bed on postoperative day 0. It was determined that there was significant
difference between hourly color, temperature and pain values for the first 8 hours NVA postoperatively (F=2.250, p=.041;
F=4.528, p=.000; F=3.436, p=.004). There was no significiant differences for the assessments of sensation, movement,
capillary refill, pulse and edema (p>.05). After the first 8 hours NVA postoperatively there wasn’t significant difference
between for all parametres (p>.05). Conclusion: We changed NVA protocol in DEU Hospital as postoperatively first 24 hours
following the first four hours per hourly, the second four hours per 2 hours, during 16 hours per 4 hours, after completed the
first 24 hours per 12 hours. If occurs differences of NVA, the assessment conducted per 1-2 hours depend on the patients. If
there was no differences of NVA, nurses stop the assessment on the fifth day, if occurs any problem of NVA, nurses continues
the assessment.


  • Altizer, L. (2002). Neurovascular assessment. Orthopaedic Nursing, 21 (4), 48
  • Aydoğdu, S. (2010). Osteoartritte cerrahi tedavi; kime? Ne zaman? Hangi cerrahi yaklaşım? Ulusal Yaşlı Sağlığı Kongresi (Kongre Kitabı). 1-4 Nisan, 239-241.
  • Brunner, L. C., Eshilian-Oates, L., & Kuo T. Y. (2003). Hip Fractures in Adults. A peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians, 67 (3), 537-542
  • Büyükyılmaz, F. E., & Aştı T. (2010). Postoperative pain characteristics in Turkish orthopedic patients. Pain Mangement Nursing. 11(2), 76-84.
  • Dahlen, L., Zimmerman, L., & Baron, C. (2006). Pain perception and its relation to functional status post total knee arthroplasty:A pilot study. Orthopaedic Nursing. 25(4), 264-270.
  • Eid, T. & Bucknall. T., (2008). Documenting and implementing evidence-based post-operative pain management in older patients with hip fractures. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. 12, 90–98
  • Ergin, S. (2010). Yaşlılarda Nöropatik Ağrı. Ulusal Yaşlı Sağlığı Kongresi (Kongre Kitabı). İzmir. 1-4 Nisan, 170-173.
  • Feldt, K. S., & Gunderson, J. (2002). Treatment of pain for older hip fracture patients across settings. Orthopedic Nursing, 21(5), 63-71.
  • Girdhari, S., & Smith S.K. (2006). Assisting older adults with orthopaedic outpatient acute-pain management. Orthopaedic Nursing, 25 (3), 188-195.
  • Johnston-Walker, E., & Hardcastle, J. (2011).
  • Neurovascular assessment in the critically ill patient. British Association of Critical Care Nurses, 16(4), 170-177.
  • Judge, N. L. (2007). Neurovascular assessment, Nursing Standard, 21 (45), 39.
  • Kayhan, Z. (2004). Metabolik/endokrin sistem ve anestezi. İçinde Klinik Anestezi (Genişletilmiş 3. Baskı, sy.413-415). Ankara: Logos Yayıcılık.
  • Korkmaz, F. D. (2010). Vasküler Hastalıklar ve Periferik Dolaşım Bozuklukları. İçinde Karadakovan, A., & Eti Aslan, F. (Editörler). Dahiliye ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarda Bakım Adana, Nobel Kitapevi. Ünite27, Sayfa:577-608.
  • Kumar, V., Abbas, A. K., Fausto, N., & Mithchell, R. N. (2008). Basic Pathology. Çevikbaş U. (Çev. Ed.). Robbins Temel Patoloji (8. Basım, sy. 74-751 ; 784- 7852
  • ). İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri. Kunkler, C. E. (1999). Neurovascular assessment. Orthopaedic Nursing, 18(3), 63-71.
  • McCance, K. L., Hueter, S. E. (2006). Pathopysiology. The Biologic Basic for Disease in Adults and Children. (5th ed., pp. 1592-1600). St. Louis, Missouri. McConnell, E. A. (2002). Assessing neurovascular status in casted limb. Nursing. 32 (9), 20.
  • Middleton, C., (2003). Compartment syndrome: the importance of early diagnosis. Nursing Times., 99 (21), 30-2.
  • Miller, N. C., & Askew, A. E. (2007). Tibia fractures an Overview of evaluation and treatment. Orthopaedic Nursing. 26 (4), 216-223.
  • Morrison, R. S., Magaziner, J., McLaughlin, M. A., Orosz, G., Silberzweig, S. B., Koval, K. J., & Siu, A. L. (2003). The impact of post-operative pain on outcomes following hip fracture. Pain, 103, 303–311
  • Murphy, S., Conway, C., McGrath, N. B., O’Sullivan, M. P., & Powell, A. (2009). A journey taken when developing a new neurovascular assessment tool. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, 13, 5-10.
  • Olgun, N., Eti Aslan, F., Coşansu, G., ve Çelik, S. (2010). Diyebetes Mellitüs, İçinde Karadakovan, A., & Eti Aslan, F. (Editörler). Dahiliye ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarda Bakım (1. Baskı, sy. 829-864). Adana: Nobel Kitapevi.
  • Olson, S. A., & Glasgow, R. R. (2005). Acute compartment syndrome in lower extremity musculoskeletal trauma, Journal of American Academy Orthopaedic Surgeons, 13, 436-444.
  • Özyalçın, S., & Dinçer, S. (2007). Yaşlılarda Ağrı. Klinik Gelişim. 20 (3), 128-135.
  • Pasero, C., & McCaffery, M. (2007). Orthopaedic postoperatif pain management. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 22 (3), 160-174.
  • Patton, R. B. (2006). Intervention for Postoperative Clients. In: Ignativicius D.D, & Workman, M. L. Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care. (5th ed., pp. 351-354). Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.
  • Prkachin, K. M. (2009). Assessing pain by facial expression: Facial expression as nexus, Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society, 14(1), 53-58.
  • Stegman, M. B. (2001). Control of pain: Every person's right, Orthopaedic Nursing,20(2), 31.
  • Tumbarello, C. (2000). Acute Extremity Compartment Syndrome. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 7 (2), 30-36. Wright, E. (2009). Neurovascular impairment and compartment syndrome. Pediatric Nursing, 21(3), 26- 29.
  • Wall, C. J., Lynch, J., Haris, I. A., Richardson, M.D., Brand, C., Lowe, A. J., & Sugrue M. (2010). Clinical practice guidelines fort he management of acute limb compartment syndrome following trauma. Australian New Zealand Journal of Surgery 80, 151-156.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Önal, N., Bilik, Ö., Savcı, A., Altıparmak, Ö., vd. (2015). Ortopedi Hastalarında Nörovasküler İzlem Sıklığı Ne Olmalı?. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 8(3), 176-183.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi ULAKBİM Türk Tıp Dizini, Türk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Şubat 2021 tarihinden beri EBSCO Host ve 26 Ekim 2021 tarihinden itibaren DOAJ ve 18 Ocak 2022 tarihinden beri Index Copernicus tarafından indekslenmektedir.

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