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Determining Critical Thinking Dispositions of Nursing: A Comperative Study

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 52 - 58, 01.02.2014


Introduction: Breast cancer is a desease which affects a woman's life during the diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment periods both physically and psychosocially, resulting in reduction in quality of life. In the literature, there are a limited number of intervention studies conducted during the post-treatment period; they have been mostly carried out during the diagnosis and treatment periods. Therefore, there is great need to develop sample assessment and care planning models in order to improve the quality of life during the post-treatment period, to evaluate the psychosocial needs of survivors with a holistic approach and to plan effective interventions. The aim of this study is to present a psycho-education program to be applied to breast cancer survivors at home with a sample case. The program was developed within the scope of a doctoral thesis and based on the Neuman systems model


  • Alataş G, Kurt E, Alataş ET, Bilgiç V., & Karatepe H.T. (2007). Duygudurum bozukluklarında psikoeğitim. Düşünen Adam, 20(4): 196-205.
  • American Cancer Society. (2010). Cancer Facts & Figures 2010. American Cancer Society, Atlanta.
  • Amir, M., & Ramati, A. (2002). Post traumatik symptoms, emotional distress and quality of life in long-term survivors of breast cancer: a preliminary research. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 16, 191-206.
  • Barsevick, A.M., Sweeney, C., Haney, E., & Chung, E. (2002). A systematic qualitative analysis of psychoeducational interventions for Depression in patients with Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29 (1), 73-84.
  • Bloom, J.R., Stewart, S.L., Chang, S., & Banks, P.J. (2004). Then and now: quality of life of young breast cancer survivors. Psychooncology, 13, 147-160.
  • Bock, G.H., Bonnema, J., Zwaan, R.E., Van de Velde, C.J.H., Kievit, J., & Stiqqelbout, A.M. (2004). Patient’s needs and preferences in routine follow-up after treatment for breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 90, 1144 – 1150.
  • Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Desmond, K.A., Bernaards, C., Rowland, J.H., Meyerowitz, B.E., et al. (2006). Fatigue in long-term breast carcinoma survivors: a longitudinal investigation. Cancer, 106, 751-8.
  • Budin, W.C., Hoskins, C.N., Haber, J., Sherman, D.W., Maisllin, G., Cater, C.A., et al. (2008). Breast cancer: education, counseling, and adjustment among patients and partners: a randomized clinical trial. Nursing Research, 57(3), 199-213.
  • Bultz, B.D., Speca, M., Brasher, P.M., Geggie, P.H.S., & Page, SA. (2000). A randomized controlled trial of a briefpsychoeducational support for partners of early stage breast cancer patients. Psychooncology, 9 (4), 303-313.
  • Cappiello, M., Cunningham, R.S., Knobf, M.T., & Erdos, D. (2007). Breast cancer survivors: information and support after treatment. Clinical Nursing Research, 16, 278-293.
  • Dale, H.L., Adair, P.M., & Humphris, G.M. (2010). Systematic review of post-treatment psychosocial and behaviour change interventions for men with cancer. Psychooncology, 19 (3), 227-237.
  • De Boer, A.G., Taskila, T., Ojajärvi, A., van Dijk, F.J., & Verbeek, unemployment: a meta-analysis and meta-regression. The Journal of American Medical Association, 301, 753-62. Cancer survivors and
  • Devine, E.C., & Westlake, S.K. (1995). The effects of psychoeducational care provided to adults with cancer: Meta-analysis of 116 studies. Oncology Nursing Forum, 22 (9), 1369-1381.
  • Dirksen, S.R., Belyea, M.J., & Epstein, D.R. (2009). Fatigue- based subgroups of breast cancer survivors with insomnia. Cancer Nursing, 32, 404-411.
  • Edelman, S., Craig, A., Kidman, A.D. (2000). Group interventions with cancer patients: Efficacy of psychoeducational versus supportive groups. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 18 (3), 67-85.
  • Fawzy, N.W. (2007). Psychoeducational interventions rationale, structure, and nursing-sensitive patient outcomes. Eonsnewsletter Spring, 16-17.
  • Fawzy, F.I., Fawzy, N.W., Hyun, C.S., & Wheeler J.G. (1997). Brief coping-oriented therapy for patients with malignant melanoma. In J. L. Spira (Ed), Group therapy for medically ill patients (pp: 145-150). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Ganz, P.A., & Hahn, E.E. (2008). Implementing a survivorship care plan for patients with breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 759-767.
  • Gray, R.E., Fitch, M., Greenberg, M., Hampson, A., Doherty, M., & Labrecque, M. (1998). The information needs of well, longer-term survivors of breast cancer. Patient Education and Counseling, 33, 245–255.
  • Gümüş, A.B. (2006). Şizofrenide hasta ve ailelerin yaşadığı güçlükler, psikoeğitim ve hemşirelik. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 2 (2), 23-34.
  • Hamilton, J.B., Moore, C.E., Powe, B.D., Agarwal, M., & Martin, P. (2010). Perceptions of support among older african american cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37, 484-493.
  • Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G.E., Pendlebury, S., Hobbs, K.M., & Wain, G. (2007). Breast cancer survivor’s supportive care needs 2-10 years after diagnosis. Support Care Cancer, 15, 515-523.
  • Kornblith, A.B., Herndon, J.E.2nd., Weiss, R.B., Zhang, C., Zuckerman, E.L., Rosenberg, S., et al. (2003). Long- term adjustment of survivors of early stage breast carcinoma, 20 years after adjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer, 98, 679-689.
  • Lauver, D.R., Connolly-Nelson, K., & Vang, P. (2007). Stressors and coping strategies among female cancer survivors after treatments. Cancer Nursing, 30, 101-111.
  • Leining, M.G., Gelber, S., Rosenberg, R., Przypyszny, M., Winer, E.P., & Partridge, A.H. (2006). Menopausal- type symptoms in young breast cancer survivors. Annals of Oncology, 17, 1777-1782.
  • Luker, K.A., Beaver, K., Leinster, S., & Owens R.G. (1996). Information needs and sources of information for women with breast cancer : A follow-up study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 487-495.
  • Meeske, K., Smith, A.W., Alfano, C.M., McGregor, B.A., McTiernan, A., Baumgartner, K.B., et al. (2007). Fatigue in breast cancer survivors two to five years post diagnosis: a HEAL study report. Quality of Life Research, 16, 947–960.
  • Meneses, K., McNees, P., Azuero, A., Loerzel, V.W., Su, X., Hassey, L.A. (2009). Preliminary evaluation of psychoeducational support interventions on quality of life in rural breast cancer survivors after primary treatment. Cancer Nursing, 32(5): 385-397.
  • Meneses, K.D., McNees, P., Loerzel, V.W., Su, X., Zhang, Y., Hassey, L.A. (2007). Transition from treatment to survivorship: intervention on quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34 (5): 1007- 1016. a psychoeducational
  • Neuman, B. (2002). The Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 3-33). Upper Saddler River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Oncology Nursing Society. ONS 2009−2013. Research Agenda and onsresearchagendaexecutivesmmary.pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2011. Priorities.
  • Polinsky, M.L. (1994). Functional status of long-term breast cancer survivors: demonstrating chronicity. Health and Social Work, 19, 165-73.
  • Rees, C.E., & Bath, P.A. (2000). The Information needs and source preferences of women with breast cancer and
  • their family members: Review of the literature published between 1988 and 1998. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31, 881–841.
  • Rosedale, M., & Fu, M.R. (2010). Confronting the unexpected: temporal, situational and attributive dimensions of distressing symptom experience for breast cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37, E28-33.
  • Rosedale, M. (2009). Survivor loneliness of women following breast cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36, 175-183.
  • Russell, K.M., Von Ah, D.M., Giesler, R.B., Storniolo, A.M., & Haase, J.E. (2008). Quality of life of african american breast cancer survivors: how much do we know? Cancer Nursing, 31, E36-45.
  • Suominen, T., Leino- Kipli, H., Laippala. P. (1994). Nurse’ role in informing breast cancer patients: A comparison between patients’ and nurses’ opinions. Journal of Advanced Nurses, 19, 6-11.
  • Şengün İnan F., & Üstün B. (2013). Meme kanserinde tedavi sonrası dönemde biyopsikososyal değişimler. Meme Sağlığı Dergisi, 2013; 9: 48-51.
  • Şengün, F., Öner Altıok, H., & Üstün, B. (2011). Kanıta Dayalı uygulama: Psikoeğitim. Ege üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 27, 3: 66-74.
  • Thewes, B., Butow, P., Girgis, A., & Pendlebury, S. (2004). The Psychosocial needs of breast cancer survivors: a qualitative study of the shared and unique needs younger versus older survivors. Psychooncology, 13, 177-189.
  • Vickberg, S.M.J. (2001). Fears about breast cancer recurrence: interviews with a diverse sample. Cancer Practice, 9, 237–243.
  • Vivar, C.G., & McQueen, A. (2005). Informational and emotional needs of long-term survivors of breast cancer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51, 520-528.
  • Wonghongkul, T., Dechaprom, N., Phumivichuvate, L., & Losawatkul, S. (2006). Uncertainty appraisal coping and quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing, 29, 250–257.
  • Wonghongkul, T., Moore, S.M., Musil, C., Schneider, S. & Deimling, G. (2000). The influence of uncertainty in illness, stress appraisal, and hope on coping in survivors of breast cancer. Cancer Nursing, 23, 422– 429.

Evde Psikososyal Bakım Örneği: Meme Kanserinde Tedavisi Sonrası Dönemde Psikoeğitim Uygulaması

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 52 - 58, 01.02.2014


Giriş: Meme kanseri tanı, tedavi ve tedavi sonrası dönemde kadının yaşantısını fiziksel ve psikososyal boyutlarda çok yönlü olarak etkileyenve yaşam kalitesinde azalmayla sonuçlanan bir hastalıktır. Literatürde müdahale çalışmaları çoğunlukla tanı ve tedavi döneminde yürütülmüşolup, tedavi sonrası dönemle ilgili müdahale çalışmaları sınırlıdır. Bu noktada tedavi sonrası dönemde yaşam kalitesini arttırmada,sağkalanların psikososyal gereksinimlerini bütüncül bir yaklaşımla değerlendirmede ve etkili müdahaleleri planlamada örnek bakımmodellerinin geliştirilmesine gereksinim vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı doktora tezi kapsamında geliştirilen ve meme kanseri sağ kalanlarınaevde uygulanan Neuman sistemler modeline göre hazırlanan psikoeğitim programını bir vaka örneği üzerinden sunmak ve süreçle ilgilideneyimleri paylaşmaktır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Meme Kanseri, Sağ Kalanlar, Psikoeğitim, Hemşirelik.


  • Alataş G, Kurt E, Alataş ET, Bilgiç V., & Karatepe H.T. (2007). Duygudurum bozukluklarında psikoeğitim. Düşünen Adam, 20(4): 196-205.
  • American Cancer Society. (2010). Cancer Facts & Figures 2010. American Cancer Society, Atlanta.
  • Amir, M., & Ramati, A. (2002). Post traumatik symptoms, emotional distress and quality of life in long-term survivors of breast cancer: a preliminary research. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 16, 191-206.
  • Barsevick, A.M., Sweeney, C., Haney, E., & Chung, E. (2002). A systematic qualitative analysis of psychoeducational interventions for Depression in patients with Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 29 (1), 73-84.
  • Bloom, J.R., Stewart, S.L., Chang, S., & Banks, P.J. (2004). Then and now: quality of life of young breast cancer survivors. Psychooncology, 13, 147-160.
  • Bock, G.H., Bonnema, J., Zwaan, R.E., Van de Velde, C.J.H., Kievit, J., & Stiqqelbout, A.M. (2004). Patient’s needs and preferences in routine follow-up after treatment for breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 90, 1144 – 1150.
  • Bower, J.E., Ganz, P.A., Desmond, K.A., Bernaards, C., Rowland, J.H., Meyerowitz, B.E., et al. (2006). Fatigue in long-term breast carcinoma survivors: a longitudinal investigation. Cancer, 106, 751-8.
  • Budin, W.C., Hoskins, C.N., Haber, J., Sherman, D.W., Maisllin, G., Cater, C.A., et al. (2008). Breast cancer: education, counseling, and adjustment among patients and partners: a randomized clinical trial. Nursing Research, 57(3), 199-213.
  • Bultz, B.D., Speca, M., Brasher, P.M., Geggie, P.H.S., & Page, SA. (2000). A randomized controlled trial of a briefpsychoeducational support for partners of early stage breast cancer patients. Psychooncology, 9 (4), 303-313.
  • Cappiello, M., Cunningham, R.S., Knobf, M.T., & Erdos, D. (2007). Breast cancer survivors: information and support after treatment. Clinical Nursing Research, 16, 278-293.
  • Dale, H.L., Adair, P.M., & Humphris, G.M. (2010). Systematic review of post-treatment psychosocial and behaviour change interventions for men with cancer. Psychooncology, 19 (3), 227-237.
  • De Boer, A.G., Taskila, T., Ojajärvi, A., van Dijk, F.J., & Verbeek, unemployment: a meta-analysis and meta-regression. The Journal of American Medical Association, 301, 753-62. Cancer survivors and
  • Devine, E.C., & Westlake, S.K. (1995). The effects of psychoeducational care provided to adults with cancer: Meta-analysis of 116 studies. Oncology Nursing Forum, 22 (9), 1369-1381.
  • Dirksen, S.R., Belyea, M.J., & Epstein, D.R. (2009). Fatigue- based subgroups of breast cancer survivors with insomnia. Cancer Nursing, 32, 404-411.
  • Edelman, S., Craig, A., Kidman, A.D. (2000). Group interventions with cancer patients: Efficacy of psychoeducational versus supportive groups. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 18 (3), 67-85.
  • Fawzy, N.W. (2007). Psychoeducational interventions rationale, structure, and nursing-sensitive patient outcomes. Eonsnewsletter Spring, 16-17.
  • Fawzy, F.I., Fawzy, N.W., Hyun, C.S., & Wheeler J.G. (1997). Brief coping-oriented therapy for patients with malignant melanoma. In J. L. Spira (Ed), Group therapy for medically ill patients (pp: 145-150). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Ganz, P.A., & Hahn, E.E. (2008). Implementing a survivorship care plan for patients with breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 759-767.
  • Gray, R.E., Fitch, M., Greenberg, M., Hampson, A., Doherty, M., & Labrecque, M. (1998). The information needs of well, longer-term survivors of breast cancer. Patient Education and Counseling, 33, 245–255.
  • Gümüş, A.B. (2006). Şizofrenide hasta ve ailelerin yaşadığı güçlükler, psikoeğitim ve hemşirelik. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 2 (2), 23-34.
  • Hamilton, J.B., Moore, C.E., Powe, B.D., Agarwal, M., & Martin, P. (2010). Perceptions of support among older african american cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37, 484-493.
  • Hodgkinson, K., Butow, P., Hunt, G.E., Pendlebury, S., Hobbs, K.M., & Wain, G. (2007). Breast cancer survivor’s supportive care needs 2-10 years after diagnosis. Support Care Cancer, 15, 515-523.
  • Kornblith, A.B., Herndon, J.E.2nd., Weiss, R.B., Zhang, C., Zuckerman, E.L., Rosenberg, S., et al. (2003). Long- term adjustment of survivors of early stage breast carcinoma, 20 years after adjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer, 98, 679-689.
  • Lauver, D.R., Connolly-Nelson, K., & Vang, P. (2007). Stressors and coping strategies among female cancer survivors after treatments. Cancer Nursing, 30, 101-111.
  • Leining, M.G., Gelber, S., Rosenberg, R., Przypyszny, M., Winer, E.P., & Partridge, A.H. (2006). Menopausal- type symptoms in young breast cancer survivors. Annals of Oncology, 17, 1777-1782.
  • Luker, K.A., Beaver, K., Leinster, S., & Owens R.G. (1996). Information needs and sources of information for women with breast cancer : A follow-up study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 487-495.
  • Meeske, K., Smith, A.W., Alfano, C.M., McGregor, B.A., McTiernan, A., Baumgartner, K.B., et al. (2007). Fatigue in breast cancer survivors two to five years post diagnosis: a HEAL study report. Quality of Life Research, 16, 947–960.
  • Meneses, K., McNees, P., Azuero, A., Loerzel, V.W., Su, X., Hassey, L.A. (2009). Preliminary evaluation of psychoeducational support interventions on quality of life in rural breast cancer survivors after primary treatment. Cancer Nursing, 32(5): 385-397.
  • Meneses, K.D., McNees, P., Loerzel, V.W., Su, X., Zhang, Y., Hassey, L.A. (2007). Transition from treatment to survivorship: intervention on quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34 (5): 1007- 1016. a psychoeducational
  • Neuman, B. (2002). The Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 3-33). Upper Saddler River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Oncology Nursing Society. ONS 2009−2013. Research Agenda and onsresearchagendaexecutivesmmary.pdf. Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2011. Priorities.
  • Polinsky, M.L. (1994). Functional status of long-term breast cancer survivors: demonstrating chronicity. Health and Social Work, 19, 165-73.
  • Rees, C.E., & Bath, P.A. (2000). The Information needs and source preferences of women with breast cancer and
  • their family members: Review of the literature published between 1988 and 1998. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31, 881–841.
  • Rosedale, M., & Fu, M.R. (2010). Confronting the unexpected: temporal, situational and attributive dimensions of distressing symptom experience for breast cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37, E28-33.
  • Rosedale, M. (2009). Survivor loneliness of women following breast cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36, 175-183.
  • Russell, K.M., Von Ah, D.M., Giesler, R.B., Storniolo, A.M., & Haase, J.E. (2008). Quality of life of african american breast cancer survivors: how much do we know? Cancer Nursing, 31, E36-45.
  • Suominen, T., Leino- Kipli, H., Laippala. P. (1994). Nurse’ role in informing breast cancer patients: A comparison between patients’ and nurses’ opinions. Journal of Advanced Nurses, 19, 6-11.
  • Şengün İnan F., & Üstün B. (2013). Meme kanserinde tedavi sonrası dönemde biyopsikososyal değişimler. Meme Sağlığı Dergisi, 2013; 9: 48-51.
  • Şengün, F., Öner Altıok, H., & Üstün, B. (2011). Kanıta Dayalı uygulama: Psikoeğitim. Ege üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 27, 3: 66-74.
  • Thewes, B., Butow, P., Girgis, A., & Pendlebury, S. (2004). The Psychosocial needs of breast cancer survivors: a qualitative study of the shared and unique needs younger versus older survivors. Psychooncology, 13, 177-189.
  • Vickberg, S.M.J. (2001). Fears about breast cancer recurrence: interviews with a diverse sample. Cancer Practice, 9, 237–243.
  • Vivar, C.G., & McQueen, A. (2005). Informational and emotional needs of long-term survivors of breast cancer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51, 520-528.
  • Wonghongkul, T., Dechaprom, N., Phumivichuvate, L., & Losawatkul, S. (2006). Uncertainty appraisal coping and quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing, 29, 250–257.
  • Wonghongkul, T., Moore, S.M., Musil, C., Schneider, S. & Deimling, G. (2000). The influence of uncertainty in illness, stress appraisal, and hope on coping in survivors of breast cancer. Cancer Nursing, 23, 422– 429.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İnan, F. Ş., & Üstün, B. (2014). Determining Critical Thinking Dispositions of Nursing: A Comperative Study. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 7(1), 52-58.

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